Smoking in Campus: Nama: Alfian Dwi Prayoga Noreg: 1502618012 Dosen: Imam Mahir, M.Pd. Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

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Smoking In Campus

Disusun Oleh:

Nama : Alfian Dwi Prayoga

NoReg : 1502618012

Dosen : Imam Mahir, M.Pd.

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris


Smoking In Campus
 In General View

smoking has become a mandatory daily activity for active smokers. Active
smokers we meet every day in various places, whenever and wherever. For
example in the campus environment, of course, a few students who have difficulty
with cigarettes.What should be smokers aware of the dangers arising from the
smoke they smoke, even passive smokers are more dangerous than active smokers

Indeed there are no rules that prohibit students from smoking, but in my opinion
it would be nice for the campus to establish a smoking-free area for students or
lecturers who are actively smoking. Or make a rule not to smoke in the building
or in the classroom. This is certainly to foster awareness of smoking in its place
in order to create a healthier environment. This course greatly appreciates other
students who want to be free from exposure to cigarette smoke.

Establishing a smoking-free area in addition to creating a safe and healthy

environment, also to respect the rights of people who do not want to be exposed to
cigarette smoke. Unconsciously, smokers recklessly rob people of the right to live
healthy lives without being exposed to cigarette smoke. Hopefully the campus will
pay more attention to smoking rules in public places.

 The Conclusion of my opinion

that's where I conclude that agreeing with smoking in campus, because by creating a
smoking area can make peace and comfort for the campus community environment,
so that active smokers do not interfere with anyone who does not smoke which will
have a more severe impact than the active smokers themselves.

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