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1. A cubic meter of soil in its natural state weighs 17.75 kN. After being dried, its weight is 15.

08 kN. The
specific gravity of the soil is 2.70. Determine the water content in % of the original soil sample.

2. A soil has known water content of 18% and specific gravity of 2.68. Determine the degree of saturation
if it has a moist unit weight of 17.30 kN/m3.

3. A sample of uniform sand has a porosity of 43% and a water content of 12%. From the laboratory test,
emax=0.85 and emin=0.55. Assume Gs=2.65. Compute the value of density index.

4. The following data were obtained from a field density test on a compacted fill of sandy clay. Laboratory
moisture density test on the fill material indicated a maximum dry density of 120 pcf at optimum water
content of 11 percent.

Weight of moist soil removed from test hole = 1038g

Weight of soil after oven drying = 914g

Volume of test hole from rubber balloon apparatus = 0.0169 cu. ft

What was the percent compaction of the fill?

5. A shrinkage limit test on a clay soil gave the following data.

Weight of shrinkage dish and saturated soil cake = 38.78 g

Weight of shrinkage dish and oven dry soil cake = 30.46 g

Weight of shrinkage dish = 10.65 g

Volume of shrinkage dish = 16.29 cc

Total volume of oven dry soil cake = 10.00 cc

6. A sand layer of the cross-sectional area shown in the figure has been determined to exist for a 450 m
length of levee. The coefficient of permeability of the sand is 3 meters per day. k=0.03 m/min

6.1 Compute the hydraulic gradient.

6.2 Compute the quantity of water which flows into the ditch in

6.3 Compute the seepage velocity if the porosity of the sand is 0.22.

7. In a laboratory, a constant head permeability test was conducted on a brown sand with the trace of
mica. The following data were obtained, quantity of water discharged during the test = 250 cm 3, length of
specimen between manometer outlets = 11.43 cm. Time required for given quantity of water to be
discharged = 65 sec. Head difference between manometer levels = 5.5 cm. Diameter of specimen = 10.16
7.1 Compute the coefficient of permeability in cm/sec.

7.2 Compute the discharged velocity in m/sec.

7.3 If the viscosity of water is 0.0684x10-4 g-sec/cm2, compute for the absolute permeability in

8. From the results of sieve analysis shown on the table. (Add graph)

Sieve Number Diameter, mm Percent

Passing, %
4 4.760 100
8 2.380 99
10 2.000 98
20 0.850 92
40 0.425 70
60 0.250 46
100 0.150 25
200 0.074 0
8.1 Compute the value of uniformity coefficient, Cu.

8.2 Compute the coefficient of curvature, Cc.

8.3 Classify the soil using USCS method.

9. For a falling head permeability test, the following data were recorded.

Length of soil specimen = 500 mm

Area of soil specimen = 16 cm2

Area of stand pipe = 0.97 cm2

Head difference at time t = 0 is 760 mm

Head difference at time t = 6 min is 410 mm

The test was conducted at a temp. of 20֯ C with a unit weight of water equal to 9.789 kN/m 3 and the
viscosity of water at 20 ֯C is 1.005x10-3 N.s/m2.

9.1 Compute the hydraulic conductivity of the soil.

9.2 Compute the absolute permeability of the soil.

9.3 What is the head difference at time t=4 min?

10. A masonry dam having a sheet piling cut off at the upstream end is
located at a reservoir site. Compute the seepage through the foundation
using the flow net for the subsurface flow as shown: Assume coefficient of
permeability equal to 0.003 m/min.

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