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 On the Job Trainee  Practicum  Volunteer

Personal Information
Name: (Surname, First Name, Middle Name) Nickname: Position/Designation:

Address: Tel. No.: Mobile Phone:

Date of Birth: Place of Birth Email:

Sex: Height: Weight: Nationality: Civil Status:

Father’s Name: Occupation:

Mother’s Name: Occupation:

Address: Tel. No.:

Contact person in case of emergency:

Educational Background
Level Schools Attended Inclusive Dates Degree Earned Awards, Honors
Post Graduate


High School


Previous Volunteer Experience

Institution/Organization Inclusive Dates Tasks/Activities

Organizations/Clubs State whether Position Inclusive Dates
Religious, Socia-Civic,
Politica, etc.

File Code: Confidential 1


Medical History
Please specify if you suffer from any medical Medication
condition or allergies

Skills/Relevant Experience that you may Contribute to Haribon as Volunteer

Skills/Relevant Experience (e.g. Clerical skills, Diving skills, etc.) Rate Level of Expertise (1-5 with
5 as the highest)

Tasks/Activities that you want to do


Target Volunteer Schedule

Target Volunteer Date/s

Please provide names of two people Address Email Contact
who are not related to you Numbers

After filling out the form, please scan and email to Or, you can fax this form
at 434-4696, attention: Membership Department.

File Code: Confidential 2



I hereby certify that all information stated in this information sheet are true to the best of my knowledge.
I also consent to have my background checked with the references I provided.

During my volunteer work, I understand that I may be working with materials and documents that is not
public knowledge. I will ensure the confidentiality of these materials and documents.

Lastly, I commit to abide by Haribon Foundation's protocols and policies at all times during the period of
my volunteer work.

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Signature over printed name Date

Parent's Consent (if volunteer is below 18 years of age):

I allow my child to volunteer for Haribon Foundation and will not hold the organization responsible for
any accident or injuries that may happen during the period of volunteer work.

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Parent's Signature over printed Date

File Code: Confidential 3

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