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The phrase “where there is a will there is a way14” implies that human
will has the power to conquer all obstacles, no matter how
insurmountable they may be. Each one of us has the potential to do
things we dream of. We just have to make a beginning
with all our true and unswerving efforts and we will discover that
everything has fallen in its place. Patience, commitment to the objective
and perseverance combined with strong will, certainly yield the desired
results. One should have an aim in life and strive hard to achieve it.
Success is not restricted to a few. It can be achieved by anyone who
dares to go for it. One should have a positive approach towards life.
There are many who undergo desolation, breakdown and defeat, but
their fortitude to win and achieve takes them forward. No matter how
adverse the circumstances are, if one continues to have a strong will,
works diligently without losing conviction and optimism, then one’s
dedication and hard work will reap the benefits and sweet fruits of
success. The power of human will is astonishing. With a strong will one
can do wonders. At first sight, many tasks may appear unfeasible to
accomplish; and many people may get puzzled after seeing the level of
intricacy. Only few have necessary potency of will to pursue their goal
and to realize it. All of us possess willpower, but only some of us use it.
Those who do not use it put the blame for their enticement on others.
This is what we should never do. If we wish to attain our goal, then we
should always strive towards it irrespective of the inevitable failures on
the way. Without willpower no one could think of a complete and
accomplished life. Without it, life is boring and monotonous.
Great stories of success are always an outcome of great willpower.
Without it, life is not worth living. It is the only key to success, progress
and happiness. Willpower is the  greatest driving force in man. It helps
him get through all the difficulties in life. It enables a person to find a
way to  surmount obstacles in his path. It is the most essential  ingredient
of success. A man who loses heart at the sight of failure can never pull
off his goals. But a man who is resolute to achieve his goal is not
dismayed by failures and is never scared of obstacles in life. One should
not lose heart during adversities. The real quintessence of life lies in
struggle. Determination helps a person in his endeavour. It provides him
brainwave to achieve anything. One should have a firm determination to
strive and win.

The pleasant thing about willpower is that it is universal. It does not

matter  what business you are in. It can be used as a potent tool for
constructive and lasting results. It always pays off. The stronger the
willpower the more sweet fruits of accomplishments will fall within
your grasp, just as the deeper you dig, the more treasure and fortune
you can potentially find. With it, your life will reach the novel altitude of
prosperity and success. Everyone should strongly believe that only
strength from within can help one to overcome insurmountable
hardships and adversities. Nothing great is ever achieved without a
strong will. Willpower and success go hand in hand, but willpower
comes first.

Willpower inspires confidence and raises morale. It is what changes

mediocrity to excellence. Water turns into steam with a difference of
only one degree in temperature and steam can move some of the biggest
engines in the world. That is what willpower helps us to do in our lives.
People with strong will can overcome any limitations whatsoever to
realise their dreams. Their willpower gives them the strength to prevail
over their negatives, thus helping them to  read towards their designated
path. History is replete with examples of persons, who have proved the
adage time and again. Willpower building starts from infancy and goes
on until death.

Willpower does not need success, it is success. Just like a gardener who
has to keep weeding to prevent the weeds from eating the life of the
garden, we need to keep building strong willpower by weeding out our
fears and limitations. By strong willpower you make yourself more
valuable, regardless of what you are and where you work. It gives you a
lot more confidence. People start looking at you as a leader. Others start
trusting you. You turn out to be a source of inspiration for others. Even
your superiors start respecting you. And above all, it produces pride and
satisfaction. Such people are in demand everywhere regardless of age,
experience or academic qualification. Though it is not always true, that
strong willpower will  always reap success. Sometimes you may have to
face failures in spite of strong will and good work, but you should not
get deterred with failures, because failures and troubles are

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