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There is a knocking at the door. Mrs. White rushes to open it but has difficulty getting the
latch loose. Mr. White begs her to not to open the door, but she refuses to listen. The
RISING ACTION knocking grows louder and more urgent. In a moment of desperation, Mr. White scrambles
for the paw and makes one more wish.
Days after Herbert is buried, Mrs. White recalls that they still have two
wishes and realizes that they could wish Herbert back. Mr. White
initially refuses, thinking that the paw would again twist this wish. Mrs.
White continues to insist, and Mr. White, unsettled and afraid, makes PLOT
the wish.
Title: Monkey’s Paw
The following day, Herbert dies from an accident at his work. The
man that comes to bring the news to the bereaved couple also comes
Author: W. W. Jacobs
with an offer from the company to compensate for the accident. The
compensation comes in the form of 200 pounds.
Sergeant-Major Morris arrives and regales them with
tales of his time in India, including how he had come Immediately after Mr. White makes the
to possess a strange talisman—a monkey’s paw. The last wish, the knocking abruptly stops.
paw is said to have the power to grant three wishes.
The door is finally opened, and Mrs.
After a bout of negotiating, the Whites procure the
paw. That evening they wish for 200 pounds. White lets out a disappointed wail.
Character vs
Situation/Climate: The night is dark and cold. Mr. and Mrs. White Greed They see no one outside the
Mr. White and Herbert are playing chess while door. Mr. White runs to the
Mrs. White knits by the fire. They await the THEME gate and searches the streets,
arrival of Sergeant-Major Morris.
Greed is a dangerous thing—it has an allure that clouds rational thought only to find the streetlight
Characters: Mr. White, Mrs. White, Herbert with promises of great rewards, but really, greed provides no certainty and flickering, no one else in
White, Sergeant-Major Morris sight.
often takes more than gives.

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