The Adjective 2

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I. Choose the right answer:

1. From these two photos, the smaller is …
A. the best
B. the better
2. A bigger dictionary is always… than a smaller one.
A. completer
B. more complete
3. Stradford-ipon-Avon is the birthplace of one of the … English poets.
A. best known
B. most well-known
4. He has retired and … friends visit him now.
A. few.
B. little
5. He needs a … chair.
A. most comfortable
B. more comfortable

II. Fill in with the proper degree of comparison:

1. It would be much ________________________ (bad) if they left you at home.
2. This girl gets ________________________ (pretty) every day.
3. He wanted to know the title of my _______________________ (late) novel.
4. She is _____________________________(interesting) person he’s ever met.
5. This road is much ______________________(long) than the other one.
6. We wanted to find out which ______________________ (old) library in town was.
7. ____________________ (long) the days are, ____________________ (warm) they become.
8. I found him much ______________________ (preoccupied) with his career than his wife.
9. Come _______________________ (early) next time!
10. His ______________________ (late) word was not heard well.
11. I want some _______________________ (much) milk.
12. He lives _______________________ (far) into town.

III. Translate into Romanian:

1. This pair of shoes though less expensive is of no worse quality than the one I’ve recently bought. 2. The new highway
is far better than the other one. 3.The higher the mountain, the deeper the valley. 4. Which is the furthest point north in
Europe? 5. Where is the nearest telephone booth?

IV. Translate into English:

1. Se poate vedea că este, de departe, mult mai tânăr decât ea, dar asta nu-i împiedică să fie mai fericiţi decât majoritatea
2. Ia să văd, care din noi este mai înalt, tu sau eu? Sunt cu 5 centimetri mai înalt.
3. Învăţăm din experienţa bătrânilor noştri, care sunt cu mult mai înţelepţi decât noi.
4. În această minunată regiune a ţării, munţii sunt mai înalţi, văile mai largi şi mai pline de vegetaţie, izvoarele mai reci,
vânatul mai bogat, aerul mult mai puţin poluat decât aiurea.

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