Part III Tax 2 Study Guide

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Who May Appeal; Mode of Appeal;

INACTION, APPEAL TO CTA Effect of Appeal. - Any party adversely affected by a
decision, ruling or inaction of the Commissioner of
A. Internal Revenue, the Commissioner of Customs, the
B. Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and
Industry or the Secretary of Agriculture or the Central
C. Board of Assessment Appeals or the Regional Trial
Courts may file an appeal with the CTA within thirty
D. Period to Appeal/ Effect of Failure to Appeal (30) days after the receipt of such decision or ruling or
Sec.228 (2 last par. NIRC) after the expiration of the period fixed by law for action
as referred to in Section 7(a)(2) herein (180 days;
Such assessment may be protested inaction shall be deemed a denial).
administratively by filing a request for
reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty "Appeal shall be made by filing a petition for
(30) days from receipt of the assessment in such form review under a procedure analogous to that provided
and manner as may be prescribed by implementing rules for under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
and regulations. Within sixty (60) days from filing with the CTA within thirty (30) days from the
of the protest, all relevant supporting documents shall receipt of the decision or ruling or in the case of
have been submitted; otherwise, the assessment shall inaction as herein provided, from the expiration of the
become final. period fixed by law to act thereon. A Division of the
CTA shall hear the appeal: Provided, however, That
If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted with respect to decisions or rulings of the Central Board
upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from of Assessment Appeals and the Regional Trial Court in
submission of documents, the taxpayer adversely the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction appeal shall be
affected by the decision or inaction may appeal to the made by filing a petition for review under a procedure
Court of Tax Appeals within thirty (30) days analogous to that provided for under rule 43 of the 1997
from receipt of the said decision, or from the lapse Rules of Civil Procedure with the CTA, which shall
of one hundred eighty (180)-day period; hear the case en banc.
otherwise, the decision shall become final, executory and
demandable. "All other cases involving rulings, orders or decisions
filed with the CTA as provided for in Section 7 shall be
Sec. 11 R.A 1125 as amended by R.A. 9282 raffled to its Divisions. A party adversely affected by a
ruling, order or decision of a Division of the CTA may file
a motion for reconsideration of new trial before
1 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
the same Division of the CTA within fifteens (15) Whether the Bank was able to prove its entitlement to
days from notice thereof: Provide, however, That in the refund.
criminal cases, the general rule applicable in regular
Courts on matters of prosecution and appeal shall Whether the inaction of the Commissioner automatically
likewise apply. entitles the Bank to a refund.

"No appeal taken to the CTA from the decision of Held: No to both.
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the The Bank’s 1994 Annual Income Tax Return shows that
Commissioner of Customs or the Regional Trial Court, the gross income was derived solely from sales of
provincial, city or municipal treasurer or the Secretary services. In fact, the phrase "NOT APPLICABLE" was
of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and Industry and printed on the schedules pertaining to rent, sale of real
Secretary of Agriculture, as the case may be shall property, and trust income. Thus, the income derived
suspend the payment, levy, distraint, and/or sale from rentals and sales of real property upon which the
of any property of the taxpayer for the satisfaction creditable taxes were withheld were not included in the
of his tax liability as provided by existing law: Provided, Bank’s gross income as reflected in its return.
however, That when in the opinion of the Court the
collection by the aforementioned government agencies
may jeopardize the interest of the Government
and/or the taxpayer the Court any stage of the Since no income was reported, it follows that no
proceeding may suspend the said collection and tax was withheld. It is incumbent upon the taxpayer
require the taxpayer either to deposit the amount to reflect in his return the income upon which any
claimed or to file a surety bond for not more than creditable tax is required to be withheld at the source.
double the amount with the Court. The Supreme Court added that the fact that the
"In criminal and collection cases covered respectively by Commissioner failed to present any evidence or
Section 7(b) and (c) of this Act, the Government may to refute the evidence presented by the Bank does
directly file the said cases with the CTA covering not automatically entitle the Bank to a tax
amounts within its exclusive and original jurisdiction." refund. It is not the duty of the government to
disprove a taxpayer’s claim for refund. Rather, the
burden of establishing the factual basis of a
claim for a refund rests on the taxpayer. And
Case: Commissioner of the Internal Revenue vs. while the petitioner has the power to make an
Far East Bank G.R. No. 173854 examination of the returns and to assess the correct
Issues: amount of tax, his failure to exercise such powers does
2 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
not create a presumption in favor of the correctness of Facts:
the returns. The taxpayer must still present
substantial evidence to prove his claim for On April 21, 1955, petitioners received a letter from the
refund. Collector dated April 6, 1955, denying the request
embodied in their letter of November 13, 1954, and
insisting that the assessment in question be paid.
Hence, the Court concluded, for failing to prove its On July 25, 1955, petitioners received the letter of the
entitlement to a tax refund, the Bank’s claim must be Collector dated July 11, 1955, again denying their request
denied. Since tax refunds partake of the nature of that the assessment in question be cancelled and
tax exemptions, which are construed strictissimi withdrawn, and stating in its last paragraph that:
juris against the taxpayer, evidence in support of
a claim must likewise be strictissimi scrutinized "This decision becomes final thirty days after
and duly proven. your receipt hereof unless an appeal is taken to the
Court of Tax Appeals within the same period, in
accordance with the provisions of Republic Act of 1125."
*Class Discussion: CTA case 8185 Issue: When did the period of 30 days begin to run?
Failure to submit relevant supporting documents within Held: The period for appeal to the respondent court in
60 days from petition for reinvestigation will not render this case must, therefore, be computed from the time
the assessment final and executory. The lack of petitioners received the decision of the respondent
documentation will only matter when the BIR evaluates Collector of Internal Revenue on the disputed
the merits of the said protest but does not result in the assessment, and not from the time they received
deficiency assessment being final. said assessment. Where a taxpayer questions an
assessment and asks the Collector to reconsider or
In such a case the 180 days will no longer apply, cancel the same because he (the taxpayer) believes he is
instead the taxpayer has to wait for the issuance not liable therefor, the assessment becomes a "disputed
of FDDA then appeal with 30 days of receipt. assessment" that the Collector must decide, and the
taxpayer can appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals
only upon receipt of the decision of the Collector
Case: St. Stephen’s Association vs. Collector of on the disputed assessment, in accordance with
Internal Revenue 104 Phil. 314 paragraph (1) of section 7, Republic Act No. 1125,
conferring appellate jurisdiction upon the Court of Tax
3 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Appeals to review "decisions of the Collector of Internal The petitioner has submitted not less than three (3)
Revenue in cases involving disputed assessment . . ." motions of requests for the reconsideration of his Tax
Assessments. By these successive motions for
The statement appearing in his letter of July 11, 1955, it reconsideration, the petitioner managed to delay the
is evident that the respondent Collector himself review of his case by the Tax Court for nearly two years.
considered said letter as his final decision in the Such delays are plainly inimical to the general interest,
case, hence his warning that the same would become ascertainment and collection of taxes being essential to
final in thirty days unless petitioners appealed to the the maintenance of the State. The decision by the
Court of Tax Appeals within the same period. Prior to his Collector of Internal Revenue dated November 5,
letter-decision of July 11, 1955, then, the Collector must 1957, denying the second request for reconsideration of
have held the matter under advisement and considered the assessment, was certainly reviewable by the Court
his preceding rulings as merely tentative in character, of Tax Appeals. Hence, the 30-day appeal period
pending his final determination and resolution of the should be counted from November 21, 1957,
merits of the arguments of fact and law submitted by when the taxpayer received copy of the
petitioners in support of their requests for the Collector's ruling. The running of the period was not
cancellation and withdrawal of the assessment. interrupted by the filing of the third request for
reconsideration, because the latter did not advance new
grounds not previously alleged, and was, therefore,
Case: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cebu vs merely pro forma. Therefore, petitioner's petition for
Collector 4 SCRA 279; G.R. No. L-16683  review should have been lodged with the Tax Court not
later than December 21, 1957, but it was actually filed
Facts: The petitioner requested for the reconsideration only on February 1, 1958.
and cancellation of the assessments three times; all of
which were denied. The denial on January 20, 1958, The dismissal of the petitioner's appeal by the Court of
came with a demand 'for the last time ... to pay the total Tax Appeals is hereby affirmed.
sum of P4,318.00 plus delinquency penalties incident to
late payment immediately upon receipt hereof in order
that no drastic action may be taken by this office on the Case: Pantranco vs. Blaquera 107 Phil. 975
Held: The dismissal of petitioner's appeal to be
substantially correct, for the reason that said appeal Whether or not Pantranco's failed to file its request
was not taken within the thirty (30) day period within the thirty-day period prescribed by law.
prescribed by section 11 of Republic Act No. 1125. 
4 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Ruling: The trial court in a decision dated April 20, 1976
affirmed the assessments and ordered Basa to pay
Yes. The letter of September 16, 1954 is the P16,353.12 plus 5% surcharge and one percent monthly
decision of the Collector which the taxpayer had interest from August 31, 1967 to August 31, 1970.
to contest within thirty days; otherwise, it would
have become final and unappealable to the Court Instead of appealing to this Court directly under
of Tax Appeals, or to any other court. It was a definite Republic Act No. 5440, in relation to Rules 41 and 45 of
determination of Pantranco's tax accountability. the Rules of Court, since no factual issues are involved,
Pantranco could ask for reconsideration, of course; if Basa tried to appeal to the Court of Appeals. He did
successful, well and good. If unsuccessful, it must not perfect his appeal within the reglementary period.
appeal within thirty days, discounting the time The trial court dismissed it in its order dated October 1,
within which its petition to reconsider had been 1976.
pending. This computation is nothing unusual: it is the
ordinary way the timeliness of appeals is determined. On December 23, 1976 Basa filed the instant special
civil action of certiorari wherein he assailed the trial
As to the ten-day period "for consultation", we court's decision.
discover no authority in support thereof. Counsel for
Pantranco had all the time from November 20, 1954 to We hold that the petition is devoid of merit. The
June 1955 within which to seek advice. Indeed, it was trial court acted within its jurisdiction in rendering its
unnecessary to consult: an attorney is ipso facto decision and dismissing Basa's appeal. He should
authorized to appeal for his client. have appealed to this Court. His failure to do so
rendered the decision final and executory. He
has no cause of action for certiorari.
Case: Basa vs. Republic 138 SCRA 34 The decision is correct. If he wanted to contest the
assessments, he should have appealed to the Tax
The taxpayer did not contest the assessments in the Tax Court. Not having done so, he could not contest
Court. The Commissioner's letter-decision on the case the same in the Court of First Instance.
was dated December 6, 1974. On the assumption that the
assessments had become final and incontestable, the The issue of prescription raised by him is baseless. The
Commissioner on September 3, 1975 sued the taxpayer assessments were predicated on the fact that his income
in the Manila Court of First Instance for the collection of tax returns, if not fraudulent, were false because he
said amount. under-declared his income. In such a case, the
deficiency assessments may be made within ten
years after the discovery of the falsity or
5 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
omission. The court action should be instituted within Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue  to
five years after the assessment but this period is petitioner Mambulao Lumber Company. It is this
suspended during the time that the Commission is demand or assessment that is appealable to the Court of
prohibited from instituting a court action.** Tax Appeals. The complaint for collection was filed
in the Court of First Instance of Manila on August 25,
As explained in the Solicitor General's memorandum, 1961, very much within the five-year period
Basa's requests for reinvestigation tolled the prescriptive prescribed by Section 332 (c) of the Tax Code.
period of five years within which court action may be Consequently, the right of the Commissioner of Internal
brought. Revenue to collect the forest charges and surcharges in
Case: Mambulao Lumber vs CIR 132 SCRA 1(1984) the amount of P15,443.55 has not prescribed.

The letter of demand of the Acting Commissioner of

Internal Revenue dated August 29, 1958 was the basis of E. Mode of Appeal and Effect of Appeal
respondent's complaint filed in this case and not the
demand letter of the Bureau of Forestry dated January 1. Appeal to a Division of CTA
15, 1949. This must be so because forest charges are
internal revenue taxes  and the sole power and Sec. 11 R.A 1125 as amended by R.A. 9282
duty to collect the same is lodged with the SEC. 11. Who May Appeal; Mode of Appeal;
Bureau of Internal Revenue  and not with the Effect of Appeal. - Any party adversely affected by a
Bureau of Forestry. The computation and/or decision, ruling or inaction of the Commissioner of
assessment of forest charges made by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Commissioner of Customs, the
Forestry may or may not be adopted by the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and
Commissioner of Internal Revenue and such Industry or the Secretary of Agriculture or the Central
computation made by the Bureau of Forestry is Board of Assessment Appeals or the Regional Trial
not appealable to the Court of Tax Courts may file an appeal with the CTA within thirty
Appeals.  Therefore, for the purpose of computing the (30) days after the receipt of such decision or ruling or
five-year period within which to file a complaint for after the expiration of the period fixed by law for action
collection, the demand or even the assessment made by as referred to in Section 7(a)(2) herein (180 days;
the Bureau of Forestry is immaterial. inaction shall be deemed a denial).
In the case at bar, the commencement of the five- "Appeal shall be made by filing a petition for
year period should be counted from August 29, review under a procedure analogous to that provided
1958, the date of the letter of demand of the for under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
6 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
with the CTA within thirty (30) days from the collection by the aforementioned government agencies
receipt of the decision or ruling or in the case of may jeopardize the interest of the Government
inaction as herein provided, from the expiration of the and/or the taxpayer the Court any stage of the
period fixed by law to act thereon. A Division of the proceeding may suspend the said collection and
CTA shall hear the appeal: Provided, however, That require the taxpayer either to deposit the amount
with respect to decisions or rulings of the Central Board claimed or to file a surety bond for not more than
of Assessment Appeals and the Regional Trial Court in double the amount with the Court.
the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction appeal shall be
made by filing a petition for review under a procedure "In criminal and collection cases covered respectively by
analogous to that provided for under rule 43 of the 1997 Section 7(b) and (c) of this Act, the Government may
Rules of Civil Procedure with the CTA, which shall directly file the said cases with the CTA covering
hear the case en banc. amounts within its exclusive and original jurisdiction."

"All other cases involving rulings, orders or decisions

filed with the CTA as provided for in Section 7 shall be a.m.05-11-07
raffled to its Divisions. A party adversely affected by a
ruling, order or decision of a Division of the CTA may file RULE 7
a motion for reconsideration of new trial before PROCEDURE IN THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS
the same Division of the CTA within fifteens (15)
days from notice thereof: Provide, however, That in SECTION 1. Applicability of the Rules of the
criminal cases, the general rule applicable in regular Court of Appeals, exception. – The procedure in the
Courts on matters of prosecution and appeal shall Court en banc or in Divisions in original and in appealed
likewise apply. cases shall be the same as those in petitions for review
and appeals before the Court of Appeals pursuant to the
"No appeal taken to the CTA from the decision of applicable provisions of Rules 42, 43, 44 and 46 of the
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the Rules of Court, except as otherwise provided for in these
Commissioner of Customs or the Regional Trial Court, Rules. (n)
provincial, city or municipal treasurer or the Secretary
of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and Industry and
Secretary of Agriculture, as the case may be shall
suspend the payment, levy, distraint, and/or sale RULE 15
of any property of the taxpayer for the satisfaction MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OR NEW
of his tax liability as provided by existing law: Provided, TRIAL
however, That when in the opinion of the Court the
7 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
SECTION 1. Who may and when to file motion. – its grounds, a written notice of which shall be served by
Any aggrieved party may seek a reconsideration or new the movant on the adverse party.
trial of any decision, resolution or order of the Court. He
shall file a motion for reconsideration or new trial A motion for new trial shall be proved in the manner
within fifteen days from the date he received provided for proof of motions. A motion for the cause
notice of the decision, resolution or order of the mentioned in subparagraph (a) of the preceding section
Court in question. (RCTA, Rule 13, sec. 1a) shall be supported by affidavits of merits which may be
rebutted by counter-affidavits. A motion for the cause
SEC. 4. Effect of filing the motion. – The filing of a mentioned in subparagraph (b) of the preceding section
motion for reconsideration or new trial shall suspend shall be supported by affidavits of the witnesses by
the running of the period within which an appeal whom such evidence is expected to be given, or by duly
may be perfected. (RCTA, Rule 13, sec. 4a) authenticated documents which are proposed to be
introduced in evidence.
SEC. 5. Grounds of motion for new trial. – A
motion for new trial may be based on one or more of the A motion for reconsideration or new trial that does not
following causes materially affecting the substantial comply with the foregoing provisions shall be deemed
rights of the movant: pro forma, which shall not toll the reglementary period
for appeal.
(a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence
which ordinary prudence could not have guarded against (Rules of Court, Rule 37, sec. 2a)
and by reason of which such aggrieved party has
probably been impaired in his rights; or SEC. 7. No second motion for reconsideration or
for new trial. – No party shall be allowed to file a
(b) Newly discovered evidence, which he could not, with second motion for reconsideration of a decision, final
reasonable diligence, have discovered and produced at resolution or order; or for new trial. (Rules of Court,
the trial and, which, if presented, would probably alter Rule 52, sec. 2a)
the result.
SEC. 8. Ruling. – The Court shall resolve the
A motion for new trial shall include all grounds then motion for reconsideration or new trial within three
available and those not included shall be deemed waived. months from the time it is deemed submitted for
resolution. (Rules of Court, Rule 52, sec. 3a)
(Rules of Court, Rule 37, sec. 1a)
SEC. 6. Contents of motion for reconsideration or new APPEAL
trial and notice. – The motion shall be in writing stating

8 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide

SECTION 1. Appeal to Supreme Court by trial, may file a petition for review with the CTA
petition for review on certiorari. – A party en banc." - one day upon receipt of decision
adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Court en
banc may appeal therefrom by filing with the Supreme
Court a verified petition for review on certiorari within IV. APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURT
fifteen days from receipt of a copy of the decision
or resolution, as provided in Rule 45 of the Rules of SEC. 19. R.A 1125 as amended by R.A. 9282
Court. If such party has filed a motion for
reconsideration or for new trial, the period herein fixed Review by Certiorari. - A party adversely affected by
shall run from the party’s receipt of a copy of the a decision or ruling of the CTA en banc may file with
resolution denying the motion for reconsideration or for the Supreme Court a verified petition for review
new trial. (n) on certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure.
SEC. 2. Effect of appeal. – The motion for
reconsideration or for new trial filed before the
Court shall be deemed abandoned if, during its V.REFUND AND/OR TAX CREDIT OF
pendency, the movant shall appeal to the Supreme ERROUNEOUSLY PAID TAXES
Court pursuant to Section 1 of this Rule. (2002 Internal
Rules of the Court of Appeals, Rule VI, sec. 15a) A. What Constitutes an Erroneous Payment
2. Appeal to CTA en Banc There is erroneous payment of taxes when a tax payer
pays under a mistake of fact, as where he was not
SEC. 18. R.A 1125 as amended by R.A. 9282 aware of an existing exemption in his favor at a time
Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc. - No payment was made.
civil proceeding involving matter arising under the Erroneous or illegal tax – one levied without statutory
National Internal Revenue Code, the Tariff and Customs authority or upon property not subject to taxation or by
Code or the Local Government Code shall be maintained, some person having no authority to levy the tax, or one
except as herein provided, until and unless an which in some similar respect is illegal.
appeal has been previously filed with the CTA
and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Penalty is collected without authority
Sum collected is excessive or in any manner
"A party adversely affected by a resolution of a Division wrongfully collected.
of the CTA on a motion for reconsideration or new
9 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Why pay erroneous taxes? SEC. 306. Recovery of tax erroneously or
illegally collected. — No suit or proceeding shall be
Excise tax for spirits, because the goods will not be
allowed to leave the premises for delivery. maintained in any court for the recovery of any national
internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have been
Case: CIR vs Central Azucarera Don Pedro 49 erroneously or illegally assessed or collected or of any
SCRA 474 penalty claimed to have been collected without authority,
Facts:  Central applied for tax exemption privileges or of any sum alleged to have been excessive or in any
under Rep. Act No. 3127 in connection with its manner wrongfully collected, until a claim for refund or
importations of machineries, spare parts and other credit has been duly filed with the Commissioner of
equipment to be used in its central. On November 3, Internal Revenue, but such suit or proceeding may be
1965 the Central informed the Commissioner of Internal
maintained, whether or not such tax penalty, or sum has
Revenue of the approval of its application for tax
exemption and claimed a tax credit for the entire amount been paid under protest of duress. In any case, no such
of P294,705.00. suit or proceeding shall be begun after the expiration of
two years from the date of payment of the tax or penalty.
CIR disallowed the sum of P48,302.00 on the ground
that the claim for tax credit with respect thereto was filed SEC. 309. Authority of Commissioner to make
only on July 22, 1965, or more than two (2) years after it compromises and to refund taxes. — The
was paid, and therefore under Sec. 309 of the Tax Code Commissioner of Internal Revenue may compromise any
the right to recover the same had already prescribed. civil or other case arising under this Code or other law or
part of law administered by the Bureau of Internal
Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Revenue, may credit or refund taxes erroneously or
Commissioner's ruling, it was elevated for review by the illegally received, or penalties imposed without
Court of Tax Appeals, which thereafter rendered a authority, and may remit before payment any tax that
judgment of reversal. appears to be unjustly assessed or excessive.
Issue: Whether the statutory period of prescription xxx xxx xxx
fixed in Sections 306 and 309 of the Internal Revenue
Code applies in this case. The authority of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
to credit or refund taxes or penalties under this section
Held: can only be exercised if the claim for credit or refund is
made to writing and filed with him within two years after
the payment of the tax or penalty.
10 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Both shall not apply, since they refer to taxes collected, the period of prescription starts from the
erroneously or illegally or in any manner wrongfully date the tax was paid; but when the tax is legally
collected, or penalties collected without authority. collected, the prescriptive period commences to run
from the date of occurrence of the supervening cause
That the period within which a claim for credit or which gave rise to the right of refund. 
refund should be filed with the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, or a suit or proceeding commenced in  in the present case the supervening cause from which
court for the same purpose, should start from the the right to the tax credit applied for arose was the
date of payment of the tax is logical in the cases issuance of the certificate of tax exemption by
covered by the said provisions, inasmuch as the the Board of Industries on October 5, 1965 and the
collection is tainted with illegality or error from Central filed its claim for tax credit with the
the beginning and therefore it is from that Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the following
moment that the basis for the claim or the cause November 3, or well within the two-year period, it is
of action in the suit may be said to have arisen. clear that the said claim had not yet prescribed.
The claim for tax credit filed by the respondent Central,
the basis thereof is the tax exemption granted by the
Board of Industries under Rep. Act No. 3127. Before B. Requirement of Filing Administrative Claim
the application for such exemption was Sec. 229 NIRC
approved there was absolutely no basis for the
Central to file a claim with the Commissioner or SEC. 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or
to commence a suit in court. Illegally Collected. - no suit or proceeding shall be
Under Rep. Act No. 3127, Sec. 7, the granting of a tax maintained in any court for the recovery of any national
exemption to an applicant engaged in a basic internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have been
industry retroacts to the date of the filing of erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or of any
application for exemption…. "since in those cases the penalty claimed to have been collected without authority,
tax sought to be refunded was collected legally, the of any sum alleged to have been excessively or in any
running of the two-year prescriptive period manner wrongfully collected without authority, or of any
provided for in Section 306 should commence, not sum alleged to have been excessively or in any manner
from the date the tax was paid, but from the wrongfully collected, until a claim for refund or credit
happening of the supervening cause which entitled has been duly filed with the Commissioner; but such suit
the tax payer to a tax refund. "In fine, when the tax or proceeding may be maintained, whether or not such
sought to be refunded is illegally or erroneously
11 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
tax, penalty, or sum has been paid under protest or allowed, subject to the provisions of Section 230 of this
duress. Code: Provided, That the original copy of the Tax Credit
Certificate showing a creditable balance is surrendered
In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after to the appropriate revenue officer for verification and
the expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment cancellation: Provided, further, That in no case shall a
of the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening cause tax refund be given resulting from availment of
that may arise after payment: Provided, however, That incentives granted pursuant to special laws for which no
the Commissioner may, even without a written claim actual payment was made.
therefor, refund or credit any tax, where on the face of
the return upon which payment was made, such The Commissioner shall submit to the Chairmen of the
payment appears clearly to have been erroneously paid. Committee on Ways and Means of both the Senate and
House of Representatives, every six (6) months, a report
Sec. 204(C) NIRC on the exercise of his powers under this Section, stating
therein the following facts and information, among
(C) Credit or refund taxes erroneously or illegally others: names and addresses of taxpayers whose cases
received or penalties imposed without authority, refund have been the subject of abatement or compromise;
the value of internal revenue stamps when they are amount involved; amount compromised or abated; and
returned in good condition by the purchaser, and, in his reasons for the exercise of power: Provided, That the
discretion, redeem or change unused stamps that have said report shall be presented to the Oversight
been rendered unfit for use and refund their value upon Committee in Congress that shall be constituted to
proof of destruction. No credit or refund of taxes or determine that said powers are reasonably exercised
penalties shall be allowed unless the taxpayer files in and that the Government is not unduly deprived of
writing with the Commissioner a claim for credit or refund revenues.
within two (2) years after the payment of the tax or
penalty: Provided, however, That a return filed showing Case: Bermejo vs. Collector, 87 Phil. 96 (1950)
an overpayment shall be considered as a written claim
for credit or refund. The law clearly stipulates that after paying the tax, the
citizen must submit a claim for refund before
A Tax Credit Certificate validly issued under the resorting to the courts. The idea probably is, first, to
provisions of this Code may be applied against any afford the collector an opportunity to correct the action
internal revenue tax, excluding withholding taxes, for of subordinate officers; and second, to notify the
which the taxpayer is directly liable. Any request for Government that such taxes have been questioned, and
conversion into refund of unutilized tax credits may be the notice should then be borne in mind in estimating
12 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
the revenue available for expenditure. Previous Case: Chemical Industries of the Phil. Inc. vs.
objections to the tax may not take place of that CIR, CTA Case 5887 August 8 200
claim for refund, because there may be reason to
believe that, in paying, the tax payer has finally come to - Cannot find in the CTA site
realize the validity of assessment. Anyway, strict
compliance with the conditions imposed for the C. Exception to Requirement of Filing
return of revenue collected is a doctrine Administrative Claim
consistently applied here and in the United States.
Sec.229 NIRC proviso (Last Paragraph)
Provided, however, That the Commissioner may, even
Case: Andrea Vda. De Aguinaldo vs CIR 13 SCRA without a written claim therefor, refund or credit any
269 (1965) tax, where on the face of the return upon which payment
Facts: The Collector of Internal Revenue, however, by was made, such payment appears clearly to have been
his letter dated October 28, 1957, assessed against erroneously paid.
Leopoldo R. Aguinaldo the amount of P3,840.00 as
deficiency income tax for 1952, without crediting in his
favor the overpayment in 1953. Sec.204 (c) NIRC – see above
Issue: WON petitioner is entitled to tax credit for the D. Effect of Supervening Event
year 1953 pursuant to Section 309 of the Tax Code.
Sec.229 NIRC – see above
Held: The third paragraph of Section 309, National
Internal Revenue Code, clearly requires the filing by
the taxpayer of a written claim for credit or
refund within two years after payment of the tax,
before the Commissioner of Internal Revenue can Case: MERALCO vs. CIR CTA 7107 October 16, 2006
exercise his authority to grant the credit or refund. Such
requirement is therefore a condition precedent Facts: MERALCO filed for a request to declare
and non- compliance therewith precludes the Nordeusche Bank as tax exempt. Two years later BIR
Commissioner of Internal Revenue from issued a ruling exempting NB from the final withholding
exercising the authority thereunder given. tax on interest payments. MERALCO filed a refund
based on the ruling.

13 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide

Issue: Did MERALCO’s claim for refund prescribe for November 3, or well within the two-year period, it is
being filed out of time? clear that the said claim had not yet prescribed.
Held: Yes. BIR ruling is not an operative act from
which an entitlement to refund is determined.
There is no requirement in law that the petitioner Case: Consolidated Cases of CIR vs. San Roque
must request first for a ruling from the BIR for Power Corp. G.R. No. 187485 ; Taganito Mining Corp.
exemption before it can file a claim for refund. It G.R. No. 196113 and Philex Mining Corp.
is the NIRC which provides for such exemptions as well ISSUE: Whether or not the judicial claims for tax
as the period to file not the BIR ruling. refund or credit were filed within the mandatory
The 2 year period found in Sec. 204 and 229 of NIRC period prescribed by law?
shall prevail over the principle of solution indebitii. It is
well settled that special law shall prevail over a general HELD: Records show that a mere 13 days after it filed
law. its amended administrative claim with the
Commissioner on 28 March 2003, San Roque filed a
Petition for Review with the CTA docketed as CTA Case
No. 6647.
Case: CIR vs Central Azucarera Don Pedro 49
SCRA 474 Clearly, San Roque failed to comply with the 120-
day waiting period, the time expressly given by
"In fine, when the tax sought to be refunded is law to the Commissioner to decide whether to
illegally or erroneously collected, the period of grant or deny San Roque's application for tax refund
prescription starts from the date the tax was paid; but or credit. It is indisputable that compliance with the
when the tax is legally collected, the prescriptive 120-day waiting period is mandatory and
period commences to run from the date of occurrence of jurisdictional. The waiting period, originally fixed at
the supervening cause which gave rise to the right of 60 days only, was part of the provisions of the first VAT
refund.  law, Executive Order No. 273, which took effect on 1
 in the present case the supervening cause from which January 1988. The waiting period was extended to 120
the right to the tax credit applied for arose was the days effective 1 January 1998 under RA 8424 or the Tax
issuance of the certificate of tax exemption by Reform Act of 1997.
the Board of Industries on October 5, 1965 and the Failure to comply with the 120-day waiting period
Central filed its claim for tax credit with the violates a mandatory provision of law. It violates the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue on the following doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
14 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
remedies and renders the petition premature and taxpayer-claimant need not wait for the lapse of the 120-
thus without a cause of action, with the effect that day period before it could seek judicial relief with the
the CTA does not acquire jurisdiction over the taxpayers CTA by way of Petition for Review. Thus, Taganito is
petition. deemed to have filed its judicial claim with the CTA on
San Roque's failure to comply with the 120-day
mandatory period renders its petition for review with the There are three compelling reasons why the 30-
CTA void. San Roque's void petition for review cannot be day period need not necessarily fall within the
legitimized by the CTA or this Court because Article 5 of two-year prescriptive period, as long as the
the Civil Code states that such void petition cannot administrative claim is filed within the two-year
be legitimized except when the law itself prescriptive period.
authorizes its validity. There is no law authorizing
the petitions validity. First, Section 112(A) clearly, plainly, and unequivocally
provides that the taxpayer may, within two (2) years
The taxpayer cannot simply file a petition with the CTA after the close of the taxable quarter when the sales were
without waiting for the Commissioners decision within made, apply for the issuance of a tax credit certificate or
the 120-day mandatory and jurisdictional period. The refund of the creditable input tax due or paid to such
CTA will have no jurisdiction because there will be no sales.
decision or deemed a denial decision of the
Commissioner for the CTA to review.  In short, the law states that the taxpayer may apply with
the Commissioner for a refund or credit within two (2)
years, which means at anytime within two years. Thus,
Section 112(C) also expressly grants the taxpayer a 30- the application for refund or credit may be filed by the
day period to appeal to the CTA the decision or inaction taxpayer with the Commissioner on the last day
of the Commissioner. As this law states, the taxpayer of the two-year prescriptive period and it will still
may, if he wishes, appeal the decision of the strictly comply with the law. The two-year prescriptive
Commissioner to the CTA within 30 days from receipt of period is a grace period in favor of the taxpayer and he
the Commissioners decision, or if the Commissioner can avail of the full period before his right to apply for a
does not act on the taxpayers claim within the 120-day tax refund or credit is barred by prescription.
period, the taxpayer may appeal to the CTA within 30
days from the expiration of the 120-day period. Second, Section 112(C) provides that the Commissioner
shall decide the application for refund or credit within
Taganito can invoke BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of
dated 10 December 2003, which expressly ruled that the submission of complete documents in support of the
15 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
application filed in accordance with Subsection (A). The This is not only the plain meaning but also the only
reference in Section 112(C) of the submission of logical interpretation of Section 112(A) and (C).
documents in support of the application filed in
accordance with Subsection A means that the application ---------------------------------------------------------------
in Section 112(A) is the administrative claim that the Under Section 229, the prescriptive period for filing a
Commissioner must decide within the 120-day period. judicial claim for REFUND is two years reckoned
Thus, the two-year prescriptive period does not from the date the person liable for the tax pays
refer to the filing of the judicial claim with the CTA but the tax. Thus, if the input VAT is in fact excessively
to the filing of the administrative claim with the collected, that is, the person liable for the tax actually
Commissioner. pays more than what is legally due, the taxpayer must
file a judicial claim for refund within two years from his
Third, if the 30-day period, or any part of it, is required date of payment. Only the person legally liable to
to fall within the two-year prescriptive period pay the tax can file the judicial claim for refund.
(equivalent to 730 days), then the taxpayer must file The person to whom the tax is passed on as part of the
his administrative claim for refund or credit purchase price has no personality to file the judicial
within the first 610 days of the two-year claim under Section 229.
prescriptive period. Otherwise, the filing of the
administrative claim beyond the first 610 days will result Under Section 110(B) and Section 112(A), the
in the appeal to the CTA being filed beyond the two-year prescriptive period for filing a judicial claim for
prescriptive period. EXCESS INPUT VAT is two years from the close
of the taxable quarter when the sale was made by the
Thus, section 112(A) and (C) must be interpreted person legally liable to pay the output VAT. This
according to its clear, plain, and unequivocal language. prescriptive period has no relation to the date of
The taxpayer can file his administrative claim for payment of the excess input VAT. The excess input VAT
refund or credit at anytime within the two-year may have been paid for more than two years but this
prescriptive period. If he files his claim on the last does not bar the filing of a judicial claim for excess VAT
day of the two-year prescriptive period, his claim is still under Section 112(A), which has a different reckoning
filed on time. The Commissioner will have 120 days period from Section 229. Moreover, the person
from such filing to decide the claim. If the claiming the refund or credit of the input VAT is
Commissioner decides the claim on the 120th day, or not the person who legally paid the input VAT. Such
does not decide it on that day, the taxpayer still has person seeking the VAT refund or credit does not claim
30 days to file his judicial claim with the CTA. that the input VAT was excessively collected from him,
or that he paid an input VAT that is more than what is
16 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
legally due. He is not the taxpayer who legally paid the *The argument that the assessment cannot as yet be
input VAT. enforced because it is still being contested loses sight of
the urgency of the need to collect taxes as "the
------------------------------------------------------------------ lifeblood of the government." If the payment of
Under Section 110(B), a taxpayer can apply his taxes could be postponed by simply questioning their
input VAT only against his output VAT. The only validity, the machinery of the state would grind
EXCEPTION is when the taxpayer is expressly to a halt and all government functions would be
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated under the paralyzed. That is the reason why, save for the
law, like companies generating power through exception already noted, the Tax Code provides:
renewable sources of energy. Thus, a non zerorated VAT- Sec. 291. Injunction not available to restrain
registered taxpayer who has no output VAT because he collection of tax. — No court shall have authority to
has no sales cannot claim a tax refund or credit of his grant an injunction to restrain the collection of any
unused input VAT under the VAT System. Even if the national internal revenue tax, fee or charge imposed by
taxpayer has sales but his input VAT exceeds his this Code.
output VAT, he cannot seek a tax refund or
credit of his excess input VAT under the VAT System. This injunction is available when the challenge to the
He can only carry-over and apply his excess input assessment is still-and only-on the administrative level.
VAT against his future output VAT. If such excess There is all the more reason to apply the rule here
input VAT is an excessively collected tax, the taxpayer because it appears that even after crediting of the refund
should be able to seek a refund or credit for such excess against the tax deficiency, a balance of more than P 4
input VAT whether or not he has output VAT. million is still due from the private respondent.
To require the petitioner to actually refund to the
private respondent the amount of the judgment
E. Offsetting Against Deficiency Tax Assessments debt, which he will later have the right to distrain
Case: CIR vs. Cebu Portland Cement 156 SCRA 535, for payment of its sales tax liability is in our view
541 (1987) an Idle ritual. We hold that the respondent Court of
Tax Appeals erred in ordering such a charade.
The sales tax was properly imposed upon the private
respondent for the reason that cement has always been
considered a manufactured product and not a mineral Case: BPI Securities Corp. vs CIR CTA Case No.
product.  6089 Aug.22 2002

17 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide

Section 69. Final Adjustment Return- Every not subject to set-off or legal compensation must
corporation liable to tax under Section 24 shall file a govern, especially in this case where the taxes and
final adjustment return covering the total net income for the taxpayer's claim are not fully liquidated, due
the preceding calendar or fiscal year. If the sum of the and demandable
quarterly tax payments made during the said taxable
year is not equal to the total tax due on the entire taxable
net income of that year the corporation shall either: Case: FNCB Finance vs. CIR, CTA Case No. 3717 May
a. Pay the excess tax due; or 10, 1993

b. Be refunded the excess amount paid, as Facts: They found due from petitioner alleged
the case may be. deficiency income tax which respondent automatically
set-off against the amount claimed as excess creditable
In case the corporation is entitled to a refund income tax. The result was that petitioner has no longer
of the excess estimated quarterly income taxes paid, the any excess Creditable income tax but a deficiency tax
refundable amount shown on its final adjustment due.
return may be credited against the estimated
quarterly income tax liabilities for the taxable Held: The act of respondent smacks of whim or caprice.
quarters of the succeeding taxable year. There was arbitrary disallowance of deductible expenses
to create a deficiency tax. No chance was even accorded
Petitioner is entitled to the refund. Petitioner filed its to petitioner to rebut the findings. The element of
1997 Annual Income Tax Return on April 15, 1998. substantial and procedural due process was sorely
Consequently, the allowable period to file its claim for lacking.
refund is until April 14, 2000. Thus, when it filed its
claim for refund with the BIR on April 13, 2000 and An assessment fixes and determines the liability of a tax
this Petition for Review on April 14, 2000, petitioner is payer. Accordingly, CIR cannot be allowed to apply
not yet barred by prescription. the tax credit claimed against the alleged
deficiency tax when no assessment has been
CIR’s claim that the petitioner has some deficiencies in In like manner that a tax payer cannot refuse to pay a
tax payments will not be an obstacle to the grant of the tax on the ground that the government owes him an
instant claim for refund because petitioner's alleged tax amount equal to or greater than the tax being collected,
deficiencies for the taxable year 1997 is not the issue the government cannot automatically set-off an
presented before the SC. The principle that *taxes are alleged deficiency tax against a claim for tax
18 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
credit. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the upon due consideration where there is room for two
gander. opinions, however much of it may be believed that an
erroneous conclusion was reached. Arbitrariness
In CLAIMS FOR REFUND/TAX CREDIT of excess presupposes inexcusable or obstinate disregard of legal
withholding taxes, petitioner-taxpayer needs only the provisions. None of the exceptions are presents in this
following: case. Respondent’s decision was based on an honest
(1) that it filed a claim for refund within the two interpretation of the law. We see no reason why there
year period as described under the Sec 230 of the should be payment of interest.”
(2) that the income upon which the taxes were G. Taxes Not Subject to Set Off
withheld were included in the return of the
recipient; and Case: Francia vs. IAC 162 SCRA 753
(3) the fact of withholding is established by a copy ISSUE: Whether or not the tax owed by Francia should
of statement (BIR Form 17431) duly issued by the be set-off by the “debt” owed him by the government.
payor (withholding agent) to the payee, showing
the amount paid and the amount withheld HELD: No. As a rule, set-off of taxes is not allowed.
therefrom. There is no legal basis for the contention. By legal
compensation, obligations of persons, who in their
However, the petitioner failed to show enough evidence own right are reciprocally debtors and creditors
to support its claim for refund and as such its claim must of each other, are extinguished (Art. 1278, Civil
be defeated. Code). This is not applicable in taxes. There can be
no off-setting of taxes against the claims that the
taxpayer may have against the government. A person
F. Whether the Government is Liable for cannot refuse to pay a tax on the ground that the
Interest, Attorney’s Fees, etc. government owes him an amount equal to or greater
than the tax being collected. The collection of a tax
Case: Philex Mining Corp. vs CIR 306 SCRA 126 cannot await the results of a lawsuit against the
“The rule is that no interest on refund of tax can be government.
awarded unless authorized by law or the
collection of the tax was attended by arbitrariness. The Supreme Court emphasized: A claim for taxes is
An action is not arbitrary when exercised honestly and not such a debt, demand, contract or judgment

19 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide

that is allowed to be set-off under the statutes of after the amount claimed as input taxes attributable to
set-off, which are construed uniformly, in the light of goods exported, or on sales which are zero-rated or
public policy, to exclude the remedy in an action or any effectively zero-rated or input tax paid on capital goods
indebtedness of the state or municipality to one who is imported or locally purchased, to the extent that such
liable to the state or municipality for taxes. Neither are input taxes have not been applied against output taxes,
they a proper subject of recoupment since they have been finally determined to be legally due to the
do not arise out of the contract or transaction taxpayer, and a tax credit certificate issued therefor, no
sued on. automatic offsetting of the amount claimed as
input tax against the tax liability of the taxpayer
can be allowed.
BIR Ruling 415-93 October 15 1993
However, a Tax Credit Certificate duly issued by this
CLAIM FOR TAX CREDIT/REFUND FOR ALLEGED Office shall, upon proper application, be allowed to be
EXCESS INPUT TAX BY VAT-REGISTERED FIRM used in payment of excise and other tax liabilities of
DENIED taxpayers, like the mining companies.
The Honorable
Undersecretary Tomas I. Alcantara
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Department of Trade and Industry
385 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue
Makati, Metro Manila
This refers to your request for confirmation and/or
issuance of guidelines for the automatic offsetting of A. CTA (Division and En Banc)
claims for VAT input tax by mining companies against
their excise tax liabilities. Sec. 4 Par. 2 NIRC
The power to decide disputed assessments, refunds of
I reply, I regret to inform you that the same cannot be
internal revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties
granted for lack of legal basis. Any claim for tax
imposed in relation thereto, or other matters arising
credit or refund of alleged excess input tax by a
under this Code or other laws or portions thereof
VAT registered taxpayer pursuant to Sections 104 and
106 both of the Tax Code, as amended by E.O. 273, shall administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue is
vested in the Commissioner, subject to the exclusive
be subject to verification by this Office pursuant
appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals.
to existing rules and regulations. Accordingly, until
20 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
Sec. 7 a(1)(2) of RA 1125 as amended by RA 9282 Courts may file an appeal with the CTA within thirty (30)
days after the receipt of such decision or ruling or after
Sec. 7. Jurisdiction. - The CTA shall exercise: the expiration of the period fixed by law for action as
"a. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by referred to in Section 7(a)(2) herein.
appeal, as herein provided: "Appeal shall be made by filing a petition for review
"1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in under a procedure analogous to that provided for under
cases involving disputed assessments, refunds of internal Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure with the
revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation CTA within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the
thereto, or other matters arising under the National decision or ruling or in the case of inaction as herein
Internal Revenue or other laws administered by the provided, from the expiration of the period fixed by law
Bureau of Internal Revenue; to act thereon. A Division of the CTA shall hear the
appeal: Provided, however, That with respect to
"2. Inaction by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in decisions or rulings of the Central Board of Assessment
cases involving disputed assessments, refunds of internal Appeals and the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of
revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in its appellate jurisdiction appeal shall be made by filing a
relations thereto, or other matters arising under the petition for review under a procedure analogous to that
National Internal Revenue Code or other laws provided for under rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, where Procedure with the CTA, which shall hear the case en
the National Internal Revenue Code provides a specific banc.
period of action, in which case the inaction shall be
deemed a denial; "All other cases involving rulings, orders or decisions
filed with the CTA as provided for in Section 7 shall be
raffled to its Divisions. A party adversely affected by a
ruling, order or decision of a Division of the CTA may file
Sec. 11 of RA 1125 as amended by RA 9282 a motion for reconsideration of new trial before the same
SEC. 11. Who May Appeal; Mode of Appeal; Division of the CTA within fifteens (15) days from notice
Effect of Appeal. - Any party adversely affected by a thereof: Provide, however, That in criminal cases, the
decision, ruling or inaction of the Commissioner of general rule applicable in regular Courts on matters of
Internal Revenue, the Commissioner of Customs, the prosecution and appeal shall likewise apply.
Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and "No appeal taken to the CTA from the decision of the
Industry or the Secretary of Agriculture or the Central Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the Commissioner
Board of Assessment Appeals or the Regional Trial of Customs or the Regional Trial Court, provincial, city
21 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
or municipal treasurer or the Secretary of Finance, the B. Supreme Court
Secretary of Trade and Industry and Secretary of
Agriculture, as the case may be shall suspend the Sec. 19 supra
payment, levy, distraint, and/or sale of any property of
the taxpayer for the satisfaction of his tax liability as "SEC. 19. Review by Certiorari. - A party adversely
provided by existing law: Provided, however, That when affected by a decision or ruling of the CTA en banc may
in the opinion of the Court the collection by the file with the Supreme Court a verified petition for review
aforementioned government agencies may jeopardize on certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of
the interest of the Government and/or the taxpayer the Civil Procedure."
Court any stage of the proceeding may suspend the said
collection and require the taxpayer either to deposit the
amount claimed or to file a surety bond for not more VII. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS
than double the amount with the Court.
A. Period to Assess
"In criminal and collection cases covered respectively by Sec. 203, 222, 223 NIRC
Section 7(b) and (c) of this Act, the Government may
directly file the said cases with the CTA covering SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon
amounts within its exclusive and original jurisdiction." Assessment and Collection. - Except as provided in
Section 222, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed
within three (3) years after the last day prescribed by
Sec.18 supra law for the filing of the return, and no proceeding in
court without assessment for the collection of such taxes
SEC. 18. Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals En shall be begun after the expiration of such
Banc. - No civil proceeding involving matter arising period: Provided, That in a case where a return is filed
under the National Internal Revenue Code, the Tariff beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year
and Customs Code or the Local Government Code shall period shall be counted from the day the return was
be maintained, except as herein provided, until and filed.
unless an appeal has been previously filed with the CTA
and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this For purposes of this Section, a return filed before the
Act. last day prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be
considered as filed on such last day.
"A party adversely affected by a resolution of a Division
of the CTA on a motion for reconsideration or new trial,
may file a petition for review with the CTA en banc."
22 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
SEC. 222. Exceptions as to Period of (d) Any internal revenue tax, which has been
Limitation of Assessment and Collection of assessed within the period agreed upon as
Taxes. – provided in paragraph (b) hereinabove, may be
collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in
(a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with court within the period agreed upon in writing
intent to evade tax or of failure to file a return, the before the expiration of the five (5) -year period.
tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for The period so agreed upon may be extended by
the collection of such tax may be filed without subsequent written agreements made before the
assessment, at any time within ten (10) years after expiration of the period previously agreed upon.
the discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission:
Provided, That in a fraud assessment which has (e) Provided, however, That nothing in the
become final and executory, the fact of fraud shall immediately preceding and paragraph (a) hereof
be judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or shall be construed to authorize the examination
criminal action for the collection thereof. and investigation or inquiry into any tax return
filed in accordance with the provisions of any tax
(b) If before the expiration of the time prescribed amnesty law or decree.
in Section 203 for the assessment of the tax, both
the Commissioner and the taxpayer have agreed in SEC. 223. Suspension of Running of
writing to its assessment after such time, the tax Statute of Limitations. –
may be assessed within the period agreed upon.
The running of the Statute of Limitations provided
The period so agreed upon may be extended by in Sections 203 and 222 on the making of
subsequent written agreement made before the assessment and the beginning of distraint or levy a
expiration of the period previously agreed upon. proceeding in court for collection, in respect of any
deficiency, shall be suspended for the period
(c) Any internal revenue tax which has been during which the Commissioner is prohibited from
assessed within the period of limitation as making the assessment or beginning distraint or
prescribed in paragraph (a) hereof may be levy or a proceeding in court and for sixty (60)
collected by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in days thereafter; when the taxpayer requests for a
court within five (5) years following the reinvestigation which is granted by the
assessment of the tax. Commissioner; when the taxpayer cannot be
located in the address given by him in the return
filed upon which a tax is being assessed or
23 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide
collected: Provided, that, if the taxpayer informs corporation had until April 15, 1984 within which to file its
the Commissioner of any change in address, the claim for refund. Considering that ACCRAIN filed its claim
running of the Statute of Limitations will not be for refund as early as December 29, 1983 with the respondent
suspended; when the warrant of distraint or levy is Commissioner who failed to take any action thereon and
duly served upon the taxpayer, his authorized considering further that the non-resolution of its claim for
representative, or a member of his household with refund with the said Commissioner prompted ACCRAIN to
sufficient discretion, and no property could be reiterate its claim before the Court of Tax Appeals through a
located; and when the taxpayer is out of the petition for review on April 13, 1984, the respondent
Philippines. appellate court manifestly committed a reversible error in
affirming the holding of the tax court that ACCRAIN's claim
1. When is an Assessment deemed made? for refund was barred by prescription.

2. Effect of Filing an Amended Return

3. Effect of Filing Wrong Return When does the two period commence?

ACRRA vs. CA The day of the payment of tax or penalty.

Clearly, there is the need to file a return first before a claim CIR VS TMX Sales
for refund can prosper inasmuch as the respondent
Commissioner by his own rules and regulations mandates
that the corporate taxpayer opting to ask for a refund must
show in its final adjustment return the income it received
from all sources and the amount of withholding taxes
remitted by its withholding agents to the Bureau of Internal

In our Resolution dated April 10, 1989 in the case

of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Asia Australia
Express, Ltd. (G. R. No. 85956), we ruled that the two-year
prescriptive period within which to claim a refund
commences to run, at the earliest, on the date of the filing of
the adjusted final tax return. Hence, the petitioner

24 |Solis Tax 2 Study Guide

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