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Company Name: ExtensionERP

Project Name: Biometric Facial Recognition Attendance System.

Executive Summary

This Document outlines the requirements for the Biometric Facial

Recognition Attendance System. This document provides an
overview of the details and flow about the proposed process after
the Implementation of the product.

Product overview and objectives

Introduction: Biometric Facial Recognition System are part of facial

image processing application. They use biometric information i.e.
Images (Face Image instead of fingerprint). Face Recognition System
are pretty much used everywhere nowadays. These system have
proven helpful in case of crime, person verification, video
surveillance and for other security activities.

How does it Work:

Acquire Image Face Detection Face Recognition Person Identity

Above is a general flow diagram of how a Biometric Facial

Recognition System Work. First the camera clicks the photo of the
Student. Then it will look for the same characteristics in the photos
from the photo library that has already been defined in the server. If
it finds the similar characteristics in photo library, then it will identify
the image and will show the name of that person and it will mark the
attendance of that student along with his/her entry time. If the
person is not in the photo library then it will store the details in the
unknown library. When the Student leaves the class, it will again click
the photo of that person who is leaving the class and will look for the
characteristics in the library. When found it will mark the leaving
time of the student. If a student does leave class, then his/her
attendance for the next class will be marked automatically.


Hardware Requirement: 2 Biometric Cameras, 1 Computer, 1 Frame


Software Requirement: Cloud Server for storing the images.

Business Requirement

Priority Description Teams Impacted

Critical Camera-For clicking Hardware/Engineering
Critical Frame Grabber -For Hardware/Engineering
acquiring the images
from camera and
send it to the server
High Cloud Server- for Software Team
storing the images
High Development of Software Team
Algorithm for the
Project Scope:

In Scope:
 Detect the student and mark the attendance.
 Give the time of Student and Teachers who entering and exiting the class.
 Addition or deletion of and student of Faculty from the server.

Out of Scope:
 Maintenance of the computer and camera (No person from our side will
maintain the data).
 Product damage: if the system or camera is damaged then we will take extra
charge for setting the product again.
 If the data from server is deleted from your end, it is not our responsibility.

Time: 6 Months

Hardware: 2 Cameras 60,000

1 Computer 30,000

Software: 7 Lakh (Including cloud server)

Total: 7,90,000

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