MC 02 LEC 06: Course Deadline Materials Passed Status Type

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MC 02 LEC 06
COURSE Governtment Risk

Deadline Sep 13, 2020 → Sep 18, 2020
Materials v=nG43HGvXbLU&


Status Complete

Type Lesson

We know too little about the world

Looking at creation is like reading a book, it has lessons to teach or tells us. The
systems and subsystems of this world are interrelated and interconnected to
each other. Even though their are differences in each species, harmony and order
still exists as if they are one body with many parts.
The little knowledge about the world, reveals in itself the character of the creator
wherein our creator provides in abundance. This is an expression of love since it
is like our father is providing for his family. Hence, creation therefore is an
expression of love.
Among all of the creation, the human being stands out since they are the most
conscious and gifted with intellect, freedom and freewill. This gifts gave us the
capability to co-create or change his or her reality
We all have the potential to be a professional, there are countless of possibilities
unlike the animals wherein they are already perfect as the way they are the
moment they are born, they don't undergo changes. Unlike, the human beings
who have the capacity to change and to become a someone that he or she

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chooses. This is inherent to him or her. This nature of human being is the
foundation of human development, as a person's calling or vocation.
The human person does not acquire his or her dignity, he is born with it. A person
is also not isolated, since he is a person in community. A person has a vocation or
calling, that he or she is called for development. In our lifetime here on earth, we
are called to develop our potentials, that we may be able to contribute to the well
being of the community. Education is vital for this development since it empower
a person to his or her role in the community so that person will be able to
progress or improve himself and at the same time participate in the mainstream
of exchanges in the society.
A human person is called for development. As a person who was gifted of
intellect and free will, he has the responsibility for his own self-fulfilment.
However, since a person is a person in community, this personal development,
implies not only his own development as well as his social body which is the
community. Hence, the total development of the person is his personal
development as well social/community development. In community development,
we also take into consideration the earth, hence we also talk about sustainable
development in this case.

A person is a person community hence it is essential to promote a common good.

This means that the world should be shared to all since we needs a minimum and
material goods in order for us to grow and develop.


Human Dignity

Common Good



Care for the Earth

Also, solidarity to its members is also in value. Solidarity means helping one

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Subsidiarity means respect and appreciation to a person or people's capability to
define development in their own terms, context or culture.
Caring for other and the community requires caring for the earth

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