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From: China

Sir in light of claims made by several countries, I propose to place the following points on the
platform of this committee:

1. The rights of religious freedom have already been guaranteed by not just the Chinese
constitution stipulates religious belief and its freedom as a fundamental right.
2. Specific provisions given in law on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, Criminal Law, General
Rules of Civil Law, Education law, Labour and Electoral law governing People’s
3. As far as inclusion of the Dalai Lama in the national political arrangement and asserting
his importance is concerned, he was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the National
People’s Congress, however it was him who chose to flee the country an never return
despite continued communications between him and his kins and associates from Beijing.
4. Unlike the supposed Tibetan government in exile who impose an “Independence Tax’ on
the Tibetans residing abroad, there has been no taxes levied on Tibetans by the Chinese
Central Government. Their produce is entirely theirs, their progress is entirely theirs,
their economy is entirely theirs, however it is only assisted by Chinese Government.
5. There needs to be recognition of China’s absolute sovereignty over Tibet to be able to
find a middle ground to satiate concerns of all member nations. The same has been
reiterated even by the Dalai Lama and thus no question of independence or sovereignty or
statehood for Tibet has any place to be discussed. China understands concerns of the
member nations caused by misinformation but there needs to be concerted effort and
intention to collaborate only then there can be any progress on any such matters.

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