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Alfredo S.

Mandia III 09/28/2020

12 – Pascal

Assessment Activity:
BEHAVIOR observed in reality.

Obeying Basic Company Rules and Regulations

- Whenever one enters a workplace may it be of job wise or academically, he or she must
keep in mind the instructions and guidelines of the said company. They should be
informed on what goes on around the field, may it be through employee manner or self-
knowledge. In terms of unethical behavior, these employees, may it be new or old can
still tend to become tardy, lazy or inappropriate in some cases even if the regulations are
laid out in front of them.

Active and Effective Communication

- Be able to voice out one’s thoughts in the workplace in order for the exchange of ideas to
occur. Employees should not limit their ideas to a single person, they should open their
range and keep it amongst all members in order to enhance their choices. With that,
unethical behavior may still arise. Certain staff relay false information either purposefully
or accidentally, some also tend to close their ears and not bat an eye especially when
something negative happens. Proper communication should flow for the nourishment of
the company.

Development of Professional Ties and Bonds

- As stated above, in order to let one company flourish, every staff and/or member should
get along. Develop relationships that will help the corporation advance in a positive
manner. Though not all of these goes to plan, unethical behavior may still ascend for not
everyone has the effort and care to actually go out of their way to develop a bond
between a workmate or someone in authority.
Be Responsible of your Actions and Works
- It is important for employees to always take responsibility for decisions made both
individually and in a team. This is, in fact, a leadership trait that every employee who is
looking to take up a managerial position in the future should exhibit. Moving on to
unethical behavior corresponding to being responsible for one’s actions. The unethical
behavior in that happening would be that if something goes wrong, some put the blame
on others to maintain their reputation amongst the company especially with its members.
They tend to become selfish in a sense for their jobs.

Be Professional and have your Standards Set

- There are professional standards that everything an employee does in the workplace. The
use of informal words in a formal workplace is highly unprofessional. One’s standards
should be held high in these sort of places for it reflects on you on how you handle work
ethics and it is a place where you can get judged critically based on your actions and
performance. In terms of unethical behavior, others are often more laid back due to
multiple reasons, one of which is that their job is not of higher difficulty than others.
There are also instances where they take it for granted instead of tackling it with all

Uphold Trust and Be Reliable

- An individual should act with righteousness and should not commit an action that can
affect the trust of your fellow employee. As an employee of a company, your employee
and/or boss trusts you to get work done perfectly on time with proper execution. Though
not all can remain consistent in being trustworthy and being productive. They act
unethical in terms of outcomes, things like missing deadlines regularly or delivering work that
needs to be revised over and over again will deny you a promotion. It may even leave the
employer not giving you tasks to complete in the future.

Have Initiative over your Work

- A good employee has his tasks focused on when laid in front of them. He or she does not
need to be constantly reminded and monitored to ensure their work is done. A mode
employee should always have this mind to reap the best outcome in their jobs for it will
help both them and the company in the long run. But again, not all have the same outlook
on their work stations, some need to be called out just to work making them look so lazy
and affecting their overall image especially amongst those higher of them.
Work Smart and Diligent
- Don't just work hard, work smarter. This is another trait that a employee should possess
in order to maximize both their mindset and actions. You don’t simply need to be spoon
fed in order to act out your job for you’re in that position because you are capable of
doing so. Though some others literally want to be spoon fed and find the easiest way for
them even if it does not reap the best outcomes. They tend to act in the sense of, “as long
as I did something” which is not a thing to be practiced.

Give Respect to Everyone

- It doesn't matter whether you are dealing with the intern, a junior, janitor, etc. they should
all be treated with respect. As a manager, treating your team members with respect will
help improve their productivity. Giving constructive criticism and saying kind words to
them even when they are not able to deliver perfectly will help them strive to do better in
the future. Though not all treats everyone fairly and with equality for not everyone is in
the same state. That becomes the unethical behavior in it.

Use Resources Wisely

- Properly act and use all information and possible data given to you to its maximum
potential for it’ll represent you as one who knows how to deal with a certain thing. Hence
giving you an advantage whenever meetings and problems arise. In its unethical form,
taking things for granted is not a thing to do for it may lose you your spot in a company.

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