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If You Want To Be Healthy Don’t METAL With Your Teeth Me 2 Filia ii aii 11D) By Framk J. Jerome, ue Foreword by James P. Frackelton, TOOTH TRUTH A Patient's Guide to Metal-Free Dentistry © 1995, 2000 by Frank Jerome, D.D.S. Published by: New Century Press 1055 Bay Boulevard, Suite C Chula Vista, CA 91911 (800) 519-2465 (619) 476-7400 www.newcenturypress.com Library of Congress Card Number: 00-103323 ISBN 1-890035-13-0 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. This book is dedicated to: My wife Linda, for years of help, Dr. Hulda Clark for her never-ending search for the truth; Dr. Hal Huggins, who sounded the trumpet to begin the battle to end mercury fillings; and All the patients who have suffered from dentistry's toxic materials and treatments. DISCLAIMER Unless presented otherwise the opinions and conclusions expressed in this book are mine and mine alone. They are based upon observations that I have made while practicing my profession. Please understand that I cannot be responsible for any adverse effects believed due to the use of information in this book. You should be guided by your own dentist or physician, whom you may wish to educate by providing a copy of this book. FOREWORD The severe toxicity of mercury has been known for centuries. The dental profession still continues to promote mercury silver fillings and the use of other toxic therapies. The human body’s natural ability to heal itself and the immune system has been under attack by not only environmental pollution, but also by procedural pollution from dental and medical professions with the use of toxic drugs, chemicals, root-canal therapy, radiation and excessive surgeries, Rather than take leadership in protecting people from poisons, they actively support and condone the addition of chemicals, such as fluorides in the environment. Recent research has shown that in Idiopathic (no apparent cause) Cardiomyopathy (disease of heart muscle), mercury is 22,000 times higher than normal. Despite this shocking discovery, standard cardiology does not seem interested. To avert this double whammy from the dental and medical professions, a paradigm shift must be made to procedures which protect the body’s natural ability to heal and which naturally enhance the immune system. Perhaps in this litigious and economically pressurized world it is impossible for the average professional to admit, “If I am not part of the solution to disease, I may be part of the problem.” Patients must demand better treatment. If the patient’s mouths are “toxic dumps,” physicians cannot aid the patient in fighting degenerative diseases. Dr. Frank J. Jerome’s book, Tooth Truth, is a must read for patients and professionals. I certainly hope that this book will help raise awareness to the dangers of “modern” dentistry. As we enter the 21" century, it would be a good time to leave toxic dentistry behind. James P. Frackelton, M.D. Past-President, American College for Advancement in Medicine 24700 Center Ridge Road Cleveland, OH 44145 INTRODUCTION TO UPDATE I wish I could tell you things have gotten better since I first wrote this book, but the opposite is true. The economics is still driving the system, not health; this is to be expected, as economics drives everything. If the economics were based on biocompatibility first, there might be a chance for improvement. If people better understood what really is happening to them rather than blindly trusting their dentist, excuse me, their dental care provider, they would have a chance to protect themselves. With the state of dental materials being in a state of flux, it is difficult to make hard and fast recommendations. A few rules still apply: The more difficult the procedure the more likely there will be a bad result; natural tissues are better than manmade materials; biocompatibility should be a top consideration, and no tooth is worth damaging your immune system. If you use these four rules, you can save yourself much grief. To help people keep up with the changes requires applying the principles in this book with what is available at your dentists’ office. A new material may come along that satisfies all four principles the day after the book goes to print (highly unlikely). The answer to keep you current is the Internet. As a service to people who are seeking the most current information please check out our website at www.dentistry-toothtruth.com. If you are not on the Internet yet, it is available free at most libraries. Do not be afraid of it, as it is easy to learn, and you do not need to know about computers to use it. Please do not let any fear of technology stop you. Hundreds of people have asked us to refer them to a dentist near them who does the same thing we do. For years we tried using various lists of dentist who are mercury-free and have taken the same seminars we have. Later the people who went elsewhere called back with one complaint or another. It became clear that since we do not know specifically what any other dentist might do, we cannot give any referrals. Perhaps in the future we will have the ability to refer people to dentists with similar practice philosophies and skills. Instead of referring, we encourage people to learn how to know what is happening when they go to any other dentist. We are all a bit lazy and want to trust our care providers to know things so we will not have to think for ourselves; that is not in our best interest. So, as painful as it is, you must know what is going on. This book is a shield of information to prepare you to understand what a professional might advise you to do. If their opinion is different than ours, you need to tools to help judge what you hear. Do not be afraid to ask questions on anything you do not understand. It is your body and your money, so you have every right to choose what is in your best interest and no one else’s. INTRODUCTION We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences. Charles Seymour Statement made while president of Yale University [1937-1950]. This book will discuss disturbing information. Most people have accepted whatever treatment their dentist has recommended without question. No one wants to learn that what dentists have had implanted in their bodies is the source of growing levels of toxic substances that can wreck their immune system and destroy their most precious gift, good health. Most of us expect good health, even while doing almost everything we can to undermine it. We eat too much and rest too little. We actively seek vices that can slowly or quickly destroy us. We take unnecessary risks, as if we earn points for foolhardy behavior. The last thing any of us wants to know is that there is another major source of ill health that is to some degree affecting all of us right this minute and will probably worsen every day. It is easy to turn a deaf ear to this information, but ignorance does not make it safe. Many people fondly remember when we could smoke and drink without worrying because we were not fully aware of the devastation these habits cause. Somehow it seems that these habits only became dangerous once we knew they are dangerous. Maybe it is the recklessness of youth that blinds us to the consequences of our acts. Maturity carries a price, and that price is taking responsibility for our own health. We can no longer hide behind the assurances of those people who say they will save us from our follies. It does us little good to wait until we are a few months from death to get our habits of decades corrected. If we are to give ourselves the gift of a life of good health, we must find out the hidden daggers stuck in our backs by our health professionals. We all know of stories of misdiagnosis, the inaccurate prescription, or the wrong leg being amputated. While we wish to trust our fate to others, we really know it is our own responsibility to take care of ourselves and our families. Dentistry is not exempt from doing more harm than good. The history of the use of toxic mercury is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ills dentists have caused their patients. The list of other toxic materials is long, but it does not stop there. The actual procedures dentists use carry high risks of damage not only to the teeth that they are trying to help, but to the health of the whole body. While we may not want to know what these problems are, we must learn because there is no one else to do it for us. This book is a warning to every person that there is much danger every time they enter a dental office. If you do not learn how to stop this damage, the road back to good health may not be possible. Once you understand the risk you will be better able to protect yourself. So reluctant or not, read and learn. CONTENTS WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?. HOW TO FIND THE TRUTH... - HEARING THE TRUTH........:-:sssessssessssseeeieceseesieerieeseees 53 THE ROLE OF ORGANIZED DENTISTRY.......::00+ HOW THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY WORKS . MERCURY IN YOUR MOUTH. ......sccsceccseseeceeees ELECTRICITY IN YOUR MOUTH WHAT ARE THE RISKS? ......csscccssssessesceteessnsesnneeneserees HOW ARE TEETH DAMAGED? .........c00cee WHAT TO DO? WHAT MATERIALS TO USE?. CROWNING TEETH Wu... cescsssescecesessseeseesneesnecneesneeneens ROOT-CANALS1... vee PULLING TEETH CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS REPLACING MISSING TEETH. BRACES (ORTHODONTICS)... ae WHAT'S THE TRUTH ABOUT FLUORIDATION?......385 OTHER DANGERS ......seseseeseessteseesscsseeeseesnecaneeneesnenneets WHAT YOU CAN DO. THE SPECTRE OF HIV/AIDS.. THE FUTURE OF DENTISTRY .....scccssecesssesseseeeeeneenes 423 APPENDIX | - Patient's Consent Form ..........0s 431 1 TOOTH TRUTH APPENDIX II - DAMS ........cessssessessssesseenseseessensneennssesses 433 APPENDIX II] .....esseesssessesssessessnesssesneessesneeseesneeneeanecssesnes 435 SUGGESTED READING LIST.......cescesssessesseessesseeseene 437 INDEX... .scsssesseesseesseeseessecsseessessesssessecnessseessesseesesneceneenses 439

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