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Sea, which has been attracting many geologists’ interest.

Trend analysis of sediment Although the sedimentary processes, material sources of
the fine-grained sediments have been studied, the sedi-
grain size and sedimentary mentary mechanism has been under debate[7ü12]. There-
process in the central South fore, we tried to use the method of grain size trend analy-
sis to study the transport trend of sediments in the central
Yellow Sea South Yellow Sea and gave a particular discussion to
utilization of this method in the region of continental
1,2 3 2
SHI Xuefa , CHEN Chunfeng , LIU Yanguang , shelf.
2 2
REN Hong & WANG Huiyan When carrying out trend analysis of sediment grain
size, several parameters must be selected carefully.
1. Key Lab of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling, State Oceanic
Administration, Qingdao 266061, China; Among them the distance eigenvalue (also is known as
2. First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qing- comparative distance) Der is most important. Generally, if
dao 266061, China; the value of Der is too large, noises will be introduced; but
3. College of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qing- if the value is too small, some effective information will
dao 266003, China
be lost. Another important parameter is sampling interval
Abstract With the method of trend analysis of sediment and scale. To lead the result of grain size trend analysis to
grain size, the sediment transport trend of the fine-grained be true, the interval between sampling sites for compari-
sediments area in the central South Yellow Sea was studied. sons must be as equal as possible. Moreover, the effects of
The results demonstrated that there is a sedimentation cen- the physical, chemical and biological processes of sedi-
ter around the point of 123.4eE, 35.1eN, and the sediments mentary media also need to be considered because there
outside the center are transported to it. The patterns of are complicated relationships between magnitude of com-
sediment transportation and deposition in the Yellow Sea
bined vector and sediment transportation rate.
should be controlled by cyclonic circulation (including the
Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass) and cold water gyre. The study 1 Sample and method
also showed that the method of trend analysis of sediment
grain size has prospective utilization in the fine-grained (ν) Sample collection and analysis. More than
sediment deposited area on large-scale continental shelf. 240 samples of surface sediments were retrieved by box
sampler or grab sampler in two cruises of R/V Xiang-
Keywords: grain size trend analysis, sediment transportation, the
central South Yellow Sea. yanghong 9 (the date is in May 1998 and from October to
November, 1998, respectively) which were carried out by
Grain size analysis is a classical sedimentological the First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Ad-
method which has been widely used in the studies of ministration. In laboratory, sediments were submerged in
sedimentary environment and sedimentary process. The distilled water and instilled into H2O2 and sodium hexa-
early studies relied mainly on compositions, various pa- meta phosphate (Na2PO3) to make organic material oxi-
rameters and diagrams of grain size to distinguish sedi- dized, then dilute hydrochloric acid (5% HCl) was added
mentary environments and identify transport means of to remove biogenic carbonate. After being scattered by
particles. In the recent 20 years, many geologists tried to supersonic oscillation, each sample about 50 mg was ana-
recover transport directions and paths of sediments ac- lyzed by GSL-101B laser particle sizer and the grain-size
cording to the spatial distributions of sediment grain size compositions were obtained. According to these data,
parameters. McLaren, McLaren and Bowles[1,2] demon- three parameters of x , V and Sk were calculated.
strated that there is a relationship between net transport (ξ) The method of grain size trend analysis. The
direction of sediments and certain spatial variation of concept of grain size trend refers to the variation trend of
grain size parameter, and three grain size parametersüü horizontal distribution of sediment grain size parameters;
average grain size (Mz or x ), sorting coefficient (V ), and the grain size trend between two contiguous sites can be
kurtosis (Sk) were commonly used to recover the transport expressed by a vector (trend vector). The mathematic
direction of sediments. Gradually, the method of grain size model of sediment transport trend is actually a model of
trend analysis has been set up[3,4]. At present, this method sediment dynamics. The basic hypothesis is that the vector
has been widely used in the study of coarse-grained sedi- anisotropy of grain size trend is lied on the net transport
mentary environments such as estuary, coastal zone and direction of sediments. In the common case, the changes
tidal channel, but it is relatively seldom applied to conti- of grain size parameters behave two tendencies: (1) sedi-
nental shelf[5, 6]. The central part of the South Yellow Sea ment grain sizes become finer while their sorting becomes
continental shelf has been considered as a typical better and the values of Sk tend to be negative; (2) sedi-
fine-grained sediment area. There is a large patch of ment grain sizes become coarser and their sorting be-
fine-grained muddy sediments in the central South Yellow comes better and the values of Sk tend to be positive[5].

1202 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 47 No. 14 July 2002

Therefore, it is possible to get the combined vector of the sediment transport from site a is
sediment transport direction, and further to get grain size ab  ac  ad .
trend of sediment transportation by introducing grain size Sampling sites should form equal interval grid in
parameters ( x , V and Sk) into this model and by compar- grain size trend analysis. In this case the combined vector
ing change trends of the grain size parameters in two con- could reflect sediment spatial transport and the noise can
tiguous samples at certain interval. be decreased to the lowest extent. But due to the limita-
The first step of grain size trend analysis[5] is to tions of seabed topography, hydrometeorology and sam-
compare every group of contiguous sampling sites in the pling technology, it is often difficult to get ideal equidis-
sampling site grid and get all grain size trend vectors. It is tant grid of sampling sites in the actual work. In fact, 165
easy to estimate if two sampling sites are contiguous or samples from more than 240 surface sediments fit trend
not by the comparative distance Der which is usually the analysis in this study (fig. 1). The sample density is usu-
largest sampling interval. If the actual interval of two sites ally 0.25qh0.2q, but the sampling interval is locally be-
is less than Der, they could be regarded as “contiguous”; if yond 1q, and the smallest one is less than 0.2q.
not, they are regarded as “separate”. The second step is to The equations used to calculate the grain size pa-
calculate the sum of trend vectors R (x, y) of every site. rameters are
The third step is to smooth R (x, y) and eliminate the
1 n
noises caused by the high-frequency variations of R (x, y) average value: x ¦ xi ,
in the figure of R (x, y). The planar distribution of trend ni 1
vector after smoothing treatment can display the pattern of standard deviation: V m2 ,
net transport of sediments.
The procedures of comparing sediment grain size m3 m3
kurtosis: Sk .
parameters and calculating transport vector are described m22/3
as follows. Supposing the value of Der is r, and among the The x1, x2 , Ă, xn are observed data of random samples in
sites surrounding site a, only the distances from sites b, c, a collectivity with the volume of n, so the origin moment
d to site a are less than or equal to r, so point a can be of rank r can be determined by
compared with sites b, c, d. If the changes of grain size
parameters from site a to the above three sites belong to 1 n r
any case of two above trends, the combined vector of Dr ¦ xi , r 1, 2 .
n 1

Fig. 1. The study area and sampling sites for grain size trend analysis in the central South Yellow Sea.

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 47 No. 14 July 2002 1203

There are the following relationships between origin mo- İ0.2, noises will be artificially introduced and the effec-
ment and center moment: tive information cannot be obtained from the figure of
grain size trend.
1 n
m1 ¦ ( xi  x) 0, As Der = 0.4, the figure of grain size trend can rela-
n 1 tively well reflect the pattern of sediment transport (fig. 3).
m2 Į2  Į12 , Sediments in the study area obviously behave the trans-
port trend toward the sedimentation center at the
m3 Į3  3 Į1Į2  2Į13 . mid-north of the area. The transport pattern is mainly as-
2 Results and discussions sociated with the cyclonic circulation (including the Yel-
low Sea Cold Water Mass in the warmer half a year from
(ν) Analysis of transport trend of sediment with May to October) and the cold water gyre.
different comparative distance (Der). It has been realized As Der = 0.6, the figure of grain size trend can give a
that the number of the sites attending comparison which much better transport pattern of particals in the muddy
surrounds a certain sampling site will vary with different area in the central South Yellow Sea (fig. 4). The com-
comparative distance (Der) and the results of grain size bined vector straightly points to the center at 123.4qE,
trend analysis will be obviously different. The best suit- 35.1qN. This center is supposed to be the sedimentation
able Der could make a sampling site have the largest center of the muddy area of the South Yellow Sea, and the
number of comparative sites in the range of comparative net transport direction of sediments in this region points to
distance. According to the pioneer work of transport trend this sedimentation center in the central South Yellow Sea
analysis of sediment grain size in the central South Yellow from the around area. The pattern demonstrates that cyc-
Sea, the values of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.5 of Der lonic circulation (including the Yellow Sea Cold Water
(Euclidean distance between any two sites in the geodesic Mass) and the cold water gyre in the central South Yellow
coordinates) were used in turn in the analysis. According Sea[12,13] control the mechanisms of sediment transporta-
to the results, the best suitable value of Der was selected tion and deposition in the region. The combined vectors in
and a reasonable transport trend of sediments in the cen- the southeast of the study area also showed that the cyc-
tral South Yellow Sea has been obtained. lonic circulation is characteristic of anti-clockwise in gen-
As Der = 0.2, the comparative distance is less than eral.
the smallest sampling interval, it makes many sites in the As Der = 0.8, the pattern of grain size trend showed
study area be at the state of “zero value”, and the sites an extremely good transport trend toward the sedimenta-
with values are too few and isolated to reflect true trans- tion center of the central South Yellow Sea (fig. 5). The
port directions of sediments (fig. 2). Therefore, when Der value of Der is too large, so that the comparisons between

Fig. 2. The pattern of grain size trend analysis as Der = 0.2.

1204 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 47 No. 14 July 2002

Fig. 3. The pattern of grain size trend analysis as Der = 0.4.

Fig. 4. The pattern of grain size trend analysis as Der = 0.6.

sampling sites are not limited between two contiguous formation which can be revealed in the case of Der = 0.6.
points, but affected by those non-contiguous sites in grain But whether it can be used for a long-term trend study of
size trend analysis, and the combined vector at a sampling net sediment transport is not clear.
site has already been seriously interfered by the parame- As Der = 1.0 or ı1.5, the pattern of grain size trend
ters from non-contiguous points. So the obtained grain is similar to that in the case of Der = 0.8. The distinct fea-
size trend vector cannot be considered as an effective ture is that the net transport direction of sediments points
transport trend of sediments. In other words, the pattern in to the sedimentation center in the central South Yellow
this case covered up some important hydrodynamic in- Sea. In this case, Der is much larger than sampling interval,

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 47 No. 14 July 2002 1205


Fig. 5. The pattern of grain size trend analysis as Der = 0.8.

the sampling sites with abnormal grain size parameters in central part. The combination of cyclonic circulation and
the muddy area of the central South Yellow Sea may in- cold-water mass which form a low-energy, weak dynamic
fluence the combined vector of contiguous sites and even sedimentary environment controls the transport trend and
the sites belonging to different sampling nets. All these depositional pattern of sediments in the region, and at last
factors make the information distorted. forms the centrality of sediment transport trend. The di-
As shown above, when Der is equal to 0.4 or 0.6, the rection of combined vector toward the southeast displays
results of grain size trend analysis are relatively reason- the characteristics of anti-clockwise gyre of cyclonic
able. They display the general net transport trend of sedi- circulation and the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass.
ments and the regional disorder of the combined vector It should be pointed out that fine- and coarse-
caused by hydrodynamic processes. grained sediments have different dynamic characteristics.
(ξ) The sediment dynamics of the South Yellow Sea. In marine environments, fine-grained sediments are in-
The pattern of transport trend of sediment in the central fluenced not only by hydrodynamics but by agglomeration.
muddy area of the South Yellow Sea revealed that the When interpreting transport trend of fine-grained
transport trend of sediment is consistent with the surface sediments, agglomeration must be considered.
sediment types and the hydrologic data. And these con-
3 Conclusions
firmed that there is a sedimentation center in the central
South Yellow Sea located in the vicinity of 123.4qE, The analysis of transport trend of sediment showed
35.1qN. The combined vectors in the study area mostly that the net transport direction in the fine-grained sedi-
point to this sedimentation center and the outside sedi- ment deposited area in the central South Yellow Sea
ments tend to be transported to the center. Meanwhile, this points to vicinity of 123.4qE, 35.1qN, which is possibly
sedimentation center is roughly located in the center of the the sedimentation center in the central South Yellow Sea;
South Yellow Sea Cold Water Gyre. This kind of sediment sediments have a trend to be transported toward it. The
transportation and deposition trend reflects the important depositional pattern in the Yellow Sea is controlled by
feature of sedimentary environment in the central South cyclonic circulation (including the Yellow Sea Cold Water
Yellow Sea. Mass) and the cold water gyre.
Hydrologic surveys showed that there is a cyclonic Transport trend of sediment in fine-grained sediment
circulation all the year round in the central South Yellow deposited area in the central South Yellow Sea is consis-
Sea, and there forms the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass tent with hydrologic data and surface sediment types in
from May to October [12,13]. A cold water gyre exists in its the central muddy area of the South Yellow Sea, demon-

1206 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 47 No. 14 July 2002

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the key to leading grain size trend analysis to be reason- Yellow Sea (in Chinese). Beijing: China Ocean Press, 1989, 65ü
able. 100.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Project of 8. Liu Minhou, Wu Shiying, Wang Yongji et al., Late Quaternary
“China-Korea Sediment Dynamics and Paleoenvironment” and the Geology of the Yellow Sea (in Chinese), Beijing: China Ocean
Youth Scientific Foundation of State Oceanic Administration (Grant No. Press, 1987, 24ü44; 362ü370.
9. Zhao Yiyang, Li Fengye, Qin Chaoyang et al., Discussion on the
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