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The first, use general SEO best practices to your Joomla site.
Remember not to rely completely on Joomla’s function to do
all of the work for you.
1. Create your Title tags:

The Title tag is what shows up in the search engines as click able headlines for your page. Make
sure the title tag includes at least your main keyword.

2. Don't use too many keywords in your pages:

It’s necessary to have some keywords in your posts. However, this must not be overdone. You
can use the keyword suggestion tools such as: Keyword tool - Google Adwords, Word Tracker...

3. Use the Meta tags for Joomla Website:

The Metadata Settings are in Global Configuration of Joomla Setting. The important Meta
elements are the tittle tag and Description tag.Take your time and keep the title tag to should not
exceed 70 characters, and the description length should around 150 characters. After that, let
your primary keywords put in your title and description tag.

4. Get lots internal and external linking

Try to get both internal and external links from relevant sites. You can create compelling content
that the readers want to share with others. If the content is good, bloggers and other site owners
will link to it.

5. Create a sitemap to get Index Google

You must create a sitemap, an xml file that contains links to every page on your site. After you
have created a sitemap, you must submit your site and your sitemap to Google. When your
website is new, Google will crawl the sitemap that you submit and after that, Google will be able
to read your website's content faster.

Inform Google of your sitemap

Always make sure to submit the location of your sitemap to Google's Search Console /
Webmaster Tools. Also, you can specify the location of your sitemap.xml file in your robots.txt
file, by adding a line like this (especially if it is not located in the site root):


Repeat this for every sitemap you have. You can have multiple XML sitemaps, but also the
image and video sitemaps should be submitted (for multilingual sites: use separate records in
GWT). After some days you should see that the submitted URL's are included in the index. You
can see this in Gooogle Webmaster Tools too:

The second, use Joomla SEO Plugin Extensions.

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