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First steps - Installation

First of all you must install package. It will install component, modules and plugin.


Failed to load this file in server

This new version of the extension contains a heavy library, regarding pdf creation. Because of
it's size, some servers reach the file size limit to upload the zip file, first step of installation. If
this is your case, you can try a couple of alternate installation methods:

 Upload the package to a temp folder at your site, for example joomla/tmp. You should be
able to navigate to the package file using url (
Now install using 'Install from URL' option of your extension manager. Type there the
full url to the zip package and press install button.
 Unzip the package to extract the different installers. You will be able to install separately
these parts, except the com_listmanager component. In order to manually install the
component, unzip it again and upload its contents to a temp folder on your server (by
default joomla/tmp). Select 'Install from Directory' option from Extension Manager and
select the folder where you previously uploaded the files.

Create List
You can create a new list in several ways:

 Using the 'new' button of the toolbar in order to configure a new list from scratch.
 Selecting one of your existing lists and using 'copy' option. This action will duplicate
your list, both structure and content data.
 Recovering a previously saved backup. This option will prompt you to select one backup
file saved using 'export list' (backup) option.

Basic steps to create and configure a list are:

 Create the fields(columns) of your list View instructions

 Configure the acl (permissions) table View instructions
 Access configuration to manage general settings of the list View instructions
 Configure layouts View instructions
 Load records View instructions
 Publish the list View instructions
Once the module is published, we can access the site to work with data. One example with all
options enabled would be shown as follows:

How to create the fields(columns) of your list

After selecting a title for your list and a general description you can access the 'fields' tab in
order to configure your columns.

Click 'Add Field' for each of the columns you need to add to your list. For each column, you can

General settings

 Name: Is the title of the column that will be shown at the front-end as the header of the
 Internal name: Alias used to place the field at input or detail forms. Please note you
should only use A-Z a-z 0-9 characters here
 Required: Check for required fields at the input form. They would be validated before
form submission.
 Type: You can choose among several types of fields, each one will show a different
interface for user input:
o Number: Text input with only numbers allowed. Please check your list
Configuration->Front view config option to set your number format (decimal and
thousand separators)
o Number slider: Visual slider to select numbers within a range (configured with up
and down limit parameters, see below)
o Progress: . It shows a progress bar according to percentage calculated with value
and range configured through down/up limits. For ex:
◦ With a configured range of 0-200, a value of 100 will show a progress bar filled
at 50%.
◦ With a configured range of 0-100, a value of 25 will show a progress bar filled
at 25%.
◦ Don't forget to configure up and down limits in order to get the progress bar
working properly.
Input form will show a numeric input field, while list view will show the visual
bar filled to the present value.
o Date: Input field with popup calendar attached. Date formats can be configured at
your list Configuration->Front view config option.
o Today: Date field set to the today date by default.Uses same format configured for
'date' types.
o Option List: Combobox input to choose value among different options. Check
'how to load option values' section below. a->
o Multiple Option (Check): A list of several options to select using checkboxes.
o Multiple Option (List): A list of several options to select using a multiple combo
o Radiobutton: List of options for single selection using radio button./li>
o Yes/No: Single checkbox.
o Text: Default text input.
o Text Area: Big section of text, used to ask for non-formatted, multiline text.
o HTML Editor: Shows a html editor as a helper to introduce formatted code that
will be shown at your list
o User: If you add a user column to your table, each record will be assigned to the
joomla user that inserted the row. You can show the name of the user at your view
or not, but the record will belong to that joomla user. Field user will not be
requested when filled data, and if shown (marked as visible), will display the
name of the joomla user who inserted the record. This assignment is used to filter
records for each user, configurable at parameters section for the component or
o Rating/Vote: Ask your users to vote this record from 1-5 stars.
Note: This field type is intended to be used inside the table data, not to be edited
at the input form, if you place it there, user will be able to see the results but not
to change the value.
o Buy Now Paypal Button: It will display a buy now button that will redirect to the
paypal payment proccess attached to your custom button. When filling the value
for this field you should enter the paypal button ID and it will create the required

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