A Review of Le Engine Models For Control System Design

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Copyright © IFAC 10th Triennial World Congress, 1.

I\Iunich , FRG, 1987 ENGINE CONTROL 11


J. D. Powell
,\lnhallim/ ElIgill enillg Departllll'llt, Stfllllord Ulliversitv, Stall(ord, Ca/ijimlia, USA

A bst ract. Ma n y ad va nces in engine modelling ha ve been made over the last 15 year s. Th is paper
attempts to re view the significant advances in the field and to relate the different types of model s
to their rele vance for engine control design. Improving the state-of-the-art in engine modeling has
e nabled better control of engines in many ways. Models have been developed for optimization of
the stead v state engine control calibrations as well as for dynamic corrections to the calibrations.
Thc mod~l s have made possible better analysis of engine / vehicle performance and in man y case s
have contributed to d esign improvements in subsystems whose functions were previou sly not full y

Ke vwords. Modelling; Models; Optimal control; Automobiles; Control system analysis;


Engine modelling efforts for control have been underway Steady State
for less than 20 years. During that time, much progress
has been made; but, much progress is still needed to arrive Long before the advent of computers and the desire to
at a truly predictive capability that would allow analysis create math models to describe engine behavior, engines
and design of engine control systems by computer alone. were tested at a constant speed and torque. During this
testing, the spark advance (SA) and air-fuel ratio (A/F)
There have been many different formulations of engine would be slowly varied to obtain the best fuel
models. Some are based entirely on measurements of consumption. With the arrival of emission regulations,
relevant engine outputs for varying levels of the control variation of the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate was
inputs and are often referred to as "input-output" models. also required as well as the measurement of the exhaust
On the other hand, some are based primarily on physical emISSIOns. The first steady state (SS) models were
principles, although no models of this variety have been essentially a computerized copy of this procedure. They
able to avoid the need to measure experimentally a few allowed a computer to store and sift through the massive
pertinent values for calibration. For purposes of some amounts of data that resulted and allowed for analytical
organization of this paper, I will divide the discussion studies of control strategies including the optimal selection
along the lines of input-output vs. physical models; of the three control variables: SA, A / F, and EGR.
however, in reality, all models developed to date have
some input-output flavor and the distinction is sometimes Virtually all authors reporting on these kinds of methods
quite blurred. used a least square fit (or "regression") procedure to find a
set of coefficients in a polynomial that provided the best
Engines for automotive applications often operate in a match of the input / output (I / O) relationships. For
transient state where their load and speed are changing example , in the I/ O equation:
rapidly. Furthermore, the exhaust emission regulations are
defined in terms of a highly transient test cycle. As a (I)
result, control systems must be designed to operate
effectively for transient engine conditions. In spite of there would be a large number of measurements of the
this, there has been considerable work done on models that output, y, all at different combinations of the independent
are based on steady state engine conditions. These models variables, N, T, and S. The a's are the coefficients. In
are useful for two reasons: 1) they can be used to design actual cases, there would be up to 80 coefficients because
controls that can , with a few adjustments, operate well for the equations would often have as much as five
the transient case, and 2) they require only steady state independent variables and include many higher powers
engine testing which is far easier, cheaper, and more (e .g. a4 term in (1») and cross terms.
repeatable than transient testing.
Prabakar (1975) used thcse procedures to provide a model
It is interesting to note that most of the activity during for an optimization procedure that resulted in values for
the 1970s was directed toward steady state models. SA and A / F that minimized fuel consumption subject to
Furthermore, this activity was primarily based on the constrained emission levels.
input / output approach. Physical models for control had
their genesis in the late 1960s and were developed through Blumberg (1976) developed a technique whereby the
the 1970s, but did not come into widespread use for emissions and fuel economy over a federal test cycle could
control design until the 1980s. be expressed reasonably accurately by a weighted sum of a
small number (8 to 13) operating points. Fig. 1 shows the
Although this paper is devoted to a discussion of engine engine operating region with a I3 point model
models, it should be pointed out that any complete study approximation. This idea was combined with regression
of the effects of control variables needs to be evaluated in fits of engine test data including the effects of the
terms of their effect on the vehicle system , Vehicle controls (SA, A / F, & EGR) and shown to provide an
models are beyond the scope because one has to stop efficient method of representing the fuel economy and
somewhere; not because of a lack of importance to the emissions of a vehide over a driving cycle (Baker and
overall problem. Daby, 1977; Vora, 1977). These models were then used to

236 J. D. Po\\'ell

A detailed discussion of the use of regression methods for

Tlm. (eee) v .. [""ne Torque and RPM "'atria eng ine modelling was given by Hubbard (1975) including
information on the quality of fit achievable for CO, Hc,
[",in. Torque (ft-lilt)
NO x ' fuel consumption and power. His models were used
-15 -15 -5 5 15 15 15 45 55 . , n IS . , 105
in the analysis of a spark advance contro l scheme
lOO (Hubbard, Dobson, and Powell , 1976) .
• 00
Radtke, Frank, and Beachley (1976) showed that static I / O
models such as Eq. (I) could be obtained by running the
1000 eng in e through a transient test cycle. The match of the
resultant mode l with the test data, however, was degraded
from that typically found from steady state testing.

; Menzik and Blumberg (1978) reported on methods to check
the validity of interpolation and to determine the
appropriate ordcr of fit. Their data suggested that using 5

• 11 11 I independent variables (SA, A / F, EGR , speed, and load)
I I . . . . II1
gave simi lar fit quality to that obta in ed with separate fits
Z 5 4 14 7 lit
with 3 independent variables at each speed and load.
Z 2 14 51 SI
5 2
However , Glaser (1981) showed data where a significant
degradation was evident in the 5 independent variable fits.

2 5 7 As indicated above , a concern with these steady state

models was the engine test time required to acquire the
data. For 12 speed / load points and 5 va lu es of each of the
• 3 con tr ols, 1500 test points were required' With average
times at each point typically 2 minutes or more, this
required about 2 weeks of test cell time if all
instrumentation worked perfectly. An additional concern
was the lack of good agreement between the steady state
based models and the emissions measured from a vehic le in
s~ T~ r_ the transient test cycle.
RPM ~ I - I
2600 58 0 In an effort to reduce the engine test time, an automated
2900 70
facility was developed (Tennant and colleagues, 19 79) that
used an average test time of 23 seconds for each test point.
1400 20 189 Thermal transients were prevented from corrupting the
1100 25 245 data by devising a rapid slewing through the speed / load
1700 50 156
operating ranges in v~rious paths specifically so that
temperatures would vary and could be used in the
2100 75 48 regressions as an additio nal independent variable. The
750 10 205 regression fit quality was slightly degraded by the method

over that reported for steady state testing; however , when
evaluated over transient cyc le tests, the model showed an
error of 11 % for NO x and considerab ly less for the other
ItOO 2 20e dependent variables. The impro ved match over that
2600 1t5 11 reported by other steady sta te modelling methods may
have been partly due to the incorporation of the dynamic
2250 50 82 correction for the cylinde r wall temperature. However , in
1100 50 74 this author'S opinion, the improved match is primarily
due to the excellent consistency in the control
implementation between the tran sient ca se and the "steady
Fig. I. Engine speed -torqu e matrix describing thc time state" testing. Unlike other comparison s whcre the steady
distribution for a 3000 lb. inertia weight vehicle with a state models were based on an engine dynamometer
manual four-specd transmission and a 2.79: I ax lc ratio implementation and the transient tests were done in a
driving the CVS schedule. (Baker and Daby, 1977) vehic le on a chassis dynamometer with a different control
mechanization, the work of Tennant and colleague s (1979)
used the same engine dynamometer in stallation for both
find the se t of controls (SA, A / F, & EGR) that minimized sets of tests wit h excelle nt capability to control SA, A/ F,
& EGR to a high bandwidth. As with other modelling
fuel consumpt ion while meeting specified levels of driving
cycle emissions (Auiler, Zbrozek, and Blumberg, 1977; efforts, this model was also applied to generate the
Rlshav y, Hamilton , and Ayers, 1977). The re sulting optimal calibratio n of the controls (Rao and colleagues,
analysis tool made it possible to determine trade-off curves 1979).
between fuel economy and emission levels with a reduced
level of vehicle testing. Most of the methods above co nsidered the catalyst
performance to be independent of the engine contro ls.
It is interesting to note that during this time pe riod, a However, it is more desirable to develop a separate model
serious competitor to the model based computational for the ca tal yst in order to allow evaluation of the
approach to engine optimization was to perform on-line catalyst's con tributi on to the overall vehicle performance.
optimization of engines on a test stand (Cassidy, 1977; Such a model was developed by Blumberg, Wu, and Auiler
Dohner , 1978a, 1978b). This was perhaps a reflection of (1981) and, coupled with steady state mapping techniques,
some skepticism that engine models would become produced a system analys is methodology for de s ign of
sufficien tl y accurate for control optimization and that the three-way catalyst equipped vehicle contro l systems. The
engine test time requircd for modelling would be excessive. catalyst model was generated by a regression fit of the
Although the time for one engine optimization using the conversion efficiencies of CO, Hc, and NO x vs. exhaust
on-line methods was competitive with a stead y state temperature, exhaust gas mass flow rate, and A / F.
mapping procedure, the methods produced optimized
controls for a specific engine / vehic le combination and A description of a steady state I/ O mapping technique
needed to be repeated for each substa nti ve change in the appl ied to European emission control design activities was
vehicle configuration. reported by Barker (1982). It is based on the work of
81umberg and hi s co lleagues at the Ford Motor Co. in the
Control System Design 237

Dynamic Models Using the automated mapping procedure of Tennant and

colleagues (1979) during engine warm-up, Cohen and
In generating a model of a dynamic system, it is difficult colleagues (1984) obtained a map of the engine fuel flows
to avoid using some knowledge of the physics of the and emissions as a function of engine coolant and catalyst
process. Therefore, it could be justified to categorize all bed temperatures. Dynamic 1st order models of the
dynamic models as physically based. However, for the temperatures were also obtained during the mapping which
sake of some organization, I have lumped some of the enabled simulation of emissions and fuel flow during cold
dynamic models into the I/ O category because they seemed starts. The model was used in an optimal control
to be mostly motivated by observations of the output formulation to obtain corrections to the warmed-up
rather than derivation of the differential equations from controls as a function of coolant temperature.
physical principles.
It is interesting to note that most of the I/ O modelling was
The name given to extracting a model from observations done in the 1970s. To meet the stringent exhaust emission
of I/ O data is "System Identification" and has been the standards and to meet the public demand for good fuel
subject of several books and hundreds of papers. A economy , it was important to understand the control
chapter reviewing the basic ideas is contained in Franklin problem as quickly as possible. I/O models were the most
and Powell (1980). expedient method to that end and served well in the
endeavor. Their limitations are that testing of the specific
Hubbard (1975) observed the time response of an A/ F hardware configurations to be controlled needs to be made,
controller to a step input on a port injection CFR engine. the necessity to test over the full operating range, and the
The data suggested that the model should be a pure delay la~k of potential for a predictive capability to determine
and 1st order lag. This model was verified by using it to (he performance of hardware without building a
predict the amplitude and frequency of the A/ F limit ", ototype.
cycle resulting from the non linear characteristic of the
zirconia sensor.
As part of the development of a novel engine fuel control
Understanding the physical processes in the IC engine has
system, Stivender (1978) observed experimentally that the
been an on-going effort since its invention. These
transfer function (dynamic model) between air commands
concepts are discusscd in most textbooks on engines with
and the A / F response was comprised of pure delay terms
those by Obert (1973) and Taylor (1977) being two of the
and 1st order zeros and poles. He then used the inverse of
most widely used. A recent textbook by Ferguson (1986)
this transfer function as the basis for the air controller,
discusses much of the current knowledge and contains
since this would theorctically yield perfect control of A/ F
computer models of many of the processes.
if the numerical values in the transfer function and its
form had been correct. However , rather than performing
This papcr's goal is to concentrate on those models
an experimental determination of the model, he
directed toward engine control, which is defined to be
experimentally adjusted the parameters in the controller
those models that include some discussion of the effect of
(or model inverse) so that the A / F showed no response to
control variables, primarily SA, A / F, & EGR. Therefore,
throttle steps. [n fact , he determined the proper parameter
models developed for the purpose of basic understanding
values as a function of coolant temperature. Although the
or to invcstigate the effect of engine design variables are
goal of the work was not to produce a mod e l, the
excl uded.
parameters determined for the controller essentially define
a model. Steady State
A dynamic fuel model was used by Blumberg, Wu, and
An excellent argument can be made that there are no
Auiler (1981) in their SS mapping procedure that included steady state processes in a reciprocating IC cngine. I will
the catalyst model. They showed that the parameters in use this term to mean the condition where engine speed
the model (1st order lag time constant and delay time) are and load are approximately constant and the resulting SS
uniquely related to the frequency and amplitude of the models would thcrcfore represent the engine outputs that
A / F controller limit cycles (also shown by Hubbard are measured from SS engine testing. In other words, the
(1975)). They utilized that relationship as a method of condition whcre air flows , fucl flows, and engine
identifying the model. [n mapping the engine over its temperatures have reached a steady (but oscillating) state.
entire operating region, limit cycle characteristics were
recorded and used to determine the model parameters at A key feature of a useful model is the ability to predict
all points. It was found that they were essentially exhaust emissions. The ability to do this was reported by
inversely proportional to rpm. La voie, Hcywood, and Keck (1970) and expanded to show
thc effect of the three control variables on NO x by
Hamburg and Klick (1982) performed ramp and frequency Blumbcrg and Kummer (1971) and on Hc by Blumberg,
response experiments on a throttle body injector (TB[) Lavoie, and Tabaczinski (1971). Single cylinder CFR
equipped engine and observed the A/ F using a fast neasurements establishing the accuracy of these
Lamdascan. Using data from three operating points, they predictions was reported by Komiyama and Heywood
obtained a transfer function which was then used (1973). Thesc models require information on the pressure-
successfully in a controller. Validating the controller at time diagram, data that can only be obtained by engine
onc of the operating points used to generate the model testing.
showed that the A/ F excursions were eliminated.
Evaluation of the controller during a transient cycle In an attempt to reduce the necd for pressure information,
covering a wide range of loads and speeds reduced the Benson, Annand , and Baruah (1975) developed an
A/ F excursions by about a factor of two. empirical combustion law which required a burning rate
parametcr. Using their empirical combustion law, Baruah,
A determination of the linearized transfer function Benson, and Ballouch (1978) predicted the performance of
between TBI command and engine torque response as well a four cylinders engine including the EGR flow
as the transfer function between engine torque and characteristics. The model agreed well with experimental
exhaust CO was reported by Chang and Sell (1983). A data acquired at two EGR levels. An extension of their
frequency response technique was used to evaluate the model to include the flow to a catalyst and the catalyst
numerical values of the parameters in the models. The conversion efficiency is described in Baruah, Benson, and
TB[ input commands were excited sinusoidally and the Gupta (1978) and also agrees well with experiments.
magnitude and phase of the resulting outputs were used to
find the best fit values of the parameters. The model s Sherman and Blumberg (1977) developed models of the
performed well in predicting the engine response for thc induction processes to enable model predictions of valve
three speed / load conditions from which they were timing effects on cylinder pressure, thus allowing
obtained. evaluation of their influence on fuel consumption and
emissions. Use of the model for an extensive parametric
238 J. D. Powel!

study of various design and control levels is reported by on Diesel dynamic models have direct application to the SI
Novak and Blumberg (1978). It also illustrates an case.
important idea in assessing the relative merits between I/O
and physically based models. Figure 2 shows the NO vs Watson and Marzouk (1977) reported on a model whic h
burn duration for several values of the EGR ~ate. included turbocharger inertias, compressor and turbine
Cylinder pressure data was taken from an engine in a maps, and an analytical combustion model. It used a
range between the dashed lines and used to calibrate the numerical simulation of the pressure in the inlet manifold
combustion model in that region. However, the model which was evaluated with suffi ciently small time steps so
predicted NO x in a much broader range with an unknown that the variations in the pressure throughout one cyc le
but probably reasonable accuracy. A characte ri stic of an was determined. Winterbone, Thiruarooran, and Wellstead
I/O model is that extrapolation outside the data base is (1977) suggested a method for cutting the step size and
usually disastrous with errors of factors of 10 not unusual' computation by using the "manifold filling" concept.
Although this method produced lower resolution on the
pressure prediction, it produced substantial savings in the
1500 RPM compu ta tion times of the simu la tions. Watson (1981)
70 IMEP showed the use of th is kind of model to predict the
16'1 A/F performance of a fuel controller through transients.
30.0 MBT Further improvements were reported (Watson, 1984) which
7'1 C.R. included thermal models of the cylinder walls and the
exhaust manifold walls . Furthermore, the paper discussed
o EGR the issues in simulation accuracy vs computation time.
The simulation as configured delivered a factor of 40
improvement in computation time over his previous model.
Tsai and Goyal (1986) reported additional computationa l
Ir'10.0 efficiencies by a linearization method. Rather than
7 8.0 10% EGR evaluate the nonlinear equations continually, they were
used in an "initia lization" mode to find several linearized
CL. \
:z: 6 .0 \ transfer functions that spanned the operating regions. The
...... \ linearized models were then used in the actual simulations .
E 5.0 \ He rcported a factor of 60 reduction in computation time
~ 4.0 \ over the continual evaluation of the non linear equations.
0 \20% EGR
z 3.0
Tanaka and Durbin (1977) reported on extensive
experimental measurements from a carburetor sing le
cylinder engine with a very lo ng inlet manifold. A model
2 .0 of the fuel film motion along the inlet wall was devcloped
and matched the experiments very well.

Powell ( 1979) described a model for SI engines including

I .0 '------'-_.L----'-_.l......---'-_...l--....L_-'------' the inlet air and EGR dynamics, eng in e inertia, and
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 control system delays. Fuel transport delays were assumed
negligible to represent a port fuel injection system. He
utilized Slumberg's (1976) SS I/ O model to obtain the
sta ti c calibration of the controls , thus obtaining an
10 20 30 40 50 60 analytica l capability to evaluate contro l system dynamics.
Dobner (1980) described a model which also included the
inlet air and EGR dynamics, cngine inertia, and control
Fig. 2. Simulated Effects of Burn Duration system delays. In addition, he included dynamics that
on NO x Emissions at Different EGR recognized that the fuel was divided between the gaseous,
Levels. Novak and Slumberg (1978) droplet, and liquid states. The static performance was
obtained from generic curvcs such as given in Obert
(1973). He presented further va lid ation of the technique
(Dobner, 1983) to show reasonable agreement wit h stnriv
statc engine tests. The model was also linearized (Coats
Heywood and colleagues (1979) reported on a cycle
and Fruechte, 1983) to obtain a model for idle speed
simulation using a Wiebe function for heat release in place
control. Simple tests were described that can be done on a
of a combustion law. Determination of the Wie1:-c
vehicle to determine the parameters. Experiment and
parameters and verification of the model was done with a
model were compared in time and frequency response and
single cylinder CFR engine. In addition, the model was
shown to have good agreemen t.
used to predict the performance of a 5.7L engine with
burn durations measured from typical engines of that size.
Hires and Overington (1981) performed extensive tests on
an engine and developed a dynamic model including the
Dynamic Models effects of liquid fuel films. Thc model was uscd to
develop a transient enrichment function and its
The basic physical laws governing the flows, thermal effectiveness is measured and shown to be very good.
transients, and accelerating inertias in an engine are
Aquino (l981) also developed a fuel model including the
discussed in the engine textbooks referenced in the
liquid film dynamics and the effect of the manifold wall
previous section. T he control system textbook by
temperature. He used it to evaluate the relative
Franklin and Powell ( 1986) covers the principles of
performance of speed-density vs mass-flow fuel metering.
finding dynamic models and app lying them to control
system analysis. It includes a design examp le of an A/ F
feedback controller. The transient fuel tests used by Slumberg, Wu, and Auile r
(1981) were described in detail and applied to the ana ly sis
of a stoichiometric controller by Powell, Wu and Aquino
Much of the early work in IC engine dynamic modelling
(1981). Fuel transients were reduccd by a factor of two.
was applied to Diesels. This is likel y due to the fact that
Diesels are typically turbocharged which creates a much
The two references in the previous paragraph noted that
slower set of dynamic response characteristics than non-
the fuel system time co nstant s were inversely proportional
turbocharged ones which are, therefore, more important to
to engine speed. Morris, Hopkins, and Sorcherts (1981)
the overall performance prediction. Although the
capitalized on this observation and created a discrete
emphasis in this paper is on SI engines, much of the work
version of the model where the sample time was one
Control System Desigll 239

engine cycle. This created a modei whose parameters were Blumberg, P.N., G.A. La voie, and R.J. Tabaczynski (1971)
approximately constant rather than being highly dependent Phenomenological Models for Reciprocating Internal
on engine speed. Morris, Warlick, and Borcherts (1982) Combustion Engines. Proceedings on Energy
used the discrete model to design an idle speed controller. Combustion Science. Vol.5 , p-123.
It was able to predict that the use of spark advance to
help control idle speed yielded significant benefits by Blumberg, P.N., H. Wu, and J.E. Auiler (1981) A Method
providing an analysis tool for the two feedback loop for Evaluation and Optimization of Three-Way
system. Design of the system would have been difficult Catalyst Based, Low NOx Emission Control Systems.
using trial and error experimental methods. The model SAE Paper No. 810273
was demonstrated further by Morris and Powell (1983) to
demonstrate the use of optimal control for the idle speed
controller. Blumberg, P.N., and J.T. Kummer (1971) Prediction of NO
Formation in Spark-Ignited Engines - Analysis of
The difficulty with many of the methods described in Methods of Control. Combustion Science and
both the I / O section and here has been that many hours of Technologv. Vol.4, p-73.
engine test are required to obtain some assurance that the
model is reasonably accurate. In recognition of that, Cassidy, J.F. (1977) A Computerized On-Line Approach to
Powell, Lawson, and Hogh (1987) described a real time Calculating Optimum Engine Calibrations. SAE
systems analysis tool that expedited much of that process. Paper No. 770078.
The installation combines a high performance computer
with an engine test stand where model parameters for the Chang, M-F, and J.A. Sell (1983) A Linearized Model of
simulation can be obtained quickly from the engine and Engine Torque and Carbon Monoxide Emissions. SAE
transferred instantaneously to the computer to be used for Paper No. 830247.
control analysis. Control systems can then be evaluated
using the dynamic computer simulation running in real Chin, Y.K., and F.E. Coats (1986) Engine Dynamics: Time-
time or the actual engine. Based Versus Crank-Angle Based. SAE Paper No.

CONCLUSIONS Coats, F.E., and R.D. Fruechte (1983) Dynamic Engine

Modcls for Control Development. Part 1I: Application
Engine modelling has come a long way. But no model to Idle Spced Control. Int. J. of Vehicle Design,
reported to date can predict the SS or dynamic Special Publication SP4, p-75.
performance of an engine without significant amounts of
test time. It appears as if the use of physical models will Cohen, A.I., K.W. Randall, CD. Tether, K.L. VanVoorhies,
ease the test requirements by allowing for better and J.A. Tennant (1984) Optimal Control of Cold
interpolation and extrapolation of data. Automobile Engines. SAE Paper No. 840544.

Dobner, D.J. (1980) A Mathematical Engine Model for

Development of Dynamic Engine Control. SAE Paper
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