Geography AP Letter PDF

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Paras Badera

10 Roulette Crescent
Brampton, ON, L7A 4R7

September 4th, 2019

Mr. Bianchi
123 Gulf Drive
Brampton, ON, L7A 0W6

Dear Mr. Bianchi,

I noticed that you are one of the teachers that teach in St. Edmund Campion. I am one of your
students in your class for geography. My full name is Paras Badera, and I was born on March 25th, 2005
in Brampton Civic Hospital. My name is based on an Indian fairy tale (specifically Hindu), where a
homeless man had wished for prosperity and money. God responds by giving the man blessings, where
he was able to touch anything, and it would turn into gold. In happiness and joy, the young man wanted
to see and help his family. When he saw his sister, he wasn’t too careful with the “powers” he was
given. Unfortunately, since he had hugged his sister, the sister turned into gold. My mom is from Punjab,
India (speaks Punjabi) and my dad is from Uttar Pradesh, India (speaks Hindi). My mom and dad are
Indians and they first came to Canada in 2002, where the two decided to purchase a condo near
Bramalea City Centre. Currently, I live in a much bigger house with my two parents, my younger brother,
and my dog named Teddy. My brother’s name is Shubh Badera, and he is currently 11 years old. He
studies at Dolson Public School in grade 6. Some of my hobbies consist of the following: cooking, baking,
shopping, fixing old electronics, collecting ancient objects (coins, cards), and playing video games. Also, I
have a huge interest in scientific studies specifically in the heart and the circulatory system.

I prefer history over geography because history is much more interesting than geography. Many
people would disagree with this statement, but this is how I feel about the two subjects. Honestly, I
don’t hate nor like geography. The capitals, continents, countries, and other landmarks start to become
more complex. It’s easy to study for a geography test where we must label everything on an empty map
of Canada but visualizing where these locations are in your head is difficult for me. My muscle memory
isn’t very good in geography, and sometimes when the instructor starts to talk about where certain
places are on a map, I always fail to imagine where it would be. I enjoy geography when we begin
evaluating certain countries and their factors. I also enjoy doing assignments either alone or in a group.
Some of these assignments could ask me to research about a specific area and to list positive and
negative factors for transportation.

The goals I have for geography are basic, yet they will have a critical impact if I can surpass these
goals. Firstly, if I can attain excellent results on every project and test, my stress levels would decrease
exponentially. In grade 8, I was able to complete projects on time while receiving good marks. The only
issue that came along was the fact that I would stress for the littlest mistakes I would make. I plan to
loosen up my stress this year while being able to accept and resolve the mistakes I will make. Secondly,
as stated previously, my muscle memory is weak, and being able to strengthen my muscle memory
would heavily benefit how I perform in class. The solution to this problem is to practice and slowly
memorize the map. Lastly, this goal is like the previous goal stated: visualizing the map in your head.
Visualizing a representation of the world in my head is difficult because I get confused with the locations
of the lakes and oceans. I need to be familiar with the importance of certain countries and landmarks.
For instance, Canada had originally made both poutine and maple syrup.

I think that you and I could work exceptionally well if you continue to teach the class with the
happy and humorous vibe you’ve brought in the classroom. The fact that most of the work will be
submitted online is breathtaking, and I appreciate that. I also like how you have a time limit for projects
and assignments, so people would not procrastinate on completing these projects while being stressed.
In class, I like to participate often and to try with any task given because schools are the safest place to
make mistakes. The only phobia I have in school is when an unexpected and unprepared test occurs.
Other than that, I have no fears in the classroom and no issues whatsoever. It is only the beginning of
the school year, and I’m guessing that hopefully the whole school year in St. Edmund Campion will be
amazing and blessed. Hopefully, you will listen to what I have suggested to you to make this year
amazing for me.


Paras Badera

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