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Stage One Grammar – LVL AD1

A. Unscramble each of the following sentences. Pay special attention to the position
of the verb. Translate the unscrambled sentence.

E.g. - est in culina coquus. 1. servus laborat in horto.

a) coquus est in culina. a)

b) The cook is in the kitchen. b)

2. scribit pater in tablino. 3. in horto Clemens stat.

a) a)

b) b)

4. stertit Caecilius in atrio. 5. in mensa est cibus.

a) a)

b) b)

B. Fill in the missing vowel, then translate.

clam ___t _______________________

F. Translate the following sentences
sed ___t _______________________ into English. Underline the verbs
and put brackets around the
bib ___t _______________________ phrases.

1. “pater est iratus” filius clamat.

labor ___t _______________________
2. Clemens intrat et Metella exit.
C. Give the opposite of:
3. “furcifer” clamat coquus.
surgit _______________________
4. canis in via stat.

intrat _______________________ 5. filius in horto bibit.

pater _______________________ 6. canis in mensa salit et latrat.

filia _______________________

D. A word that ends in us is usually: ___________________________

A word that ends in a is usually: ____________________________

A word that ends in m is usually: ___________________________

E. Unscramble the following Latin words.

a. nicula b. isulif c. nilatob d. esspit e. tats

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