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CLASS – VI (2017-18)
I. Choose the correct option:
1. Green plants prepare their own food, hence they are called as
a. Autotrophs b. Parasites
c. Heterotrophs d. Decomposers
2. Pulses are rich source of
a. Fibre b. Minerals
c. Roughages d. Proteins
3. Spices provide
a. Energy b. Flavour
c. Vitamins d. Proteins
4. An animal that eats other animals is called
a. Producer b. Carnivore
c. Omnivore d. herbivore
5. Excess eating of fat in the food causes
a. Malnutrition b. Obesity
c. Deficiency disease d. Goiter
6. To test the presence of protein in food
a. Copper sulphate and caustic soda is used b. Iodine solution and caustic soda is used
c. Iron sulphate and iodine is used d. Washing soda and nitric acid is used
7. Infant need more of
a. Vitamins and proteins b. Fat and carbohydrates
c. Carbohydrates and minerals d. Carbohydrates and vitamins
8. The method of separation used to separate stone from rice is
a. Hand picking b. Threshing
c. Winnowing d. Filtration
9. The separation of grains from husk in done by the process of
a. Hand picking b. Sieving
c. Winnowing d. Threshing
10. Salt is obtained from sea water mainly by the process of
a. Decantation b. Filtration
c. Evaporation d. Condensation
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. A person suffering from -------------- tires easily and becomes pale.
2. In ---------------, softness and pain occur in the bones that tend to fracture.
3. Animals that provide milk are called---------------animals.
4. Pure liquid is obtained from its solution by the process of -------------.
5. Rice is separated from common salt by ----------------.
6. ------------------ help in the clay particles in suspension to settle down.
7. Mustard oil is separated from water by ---------------.
8. Machine that performs the function of harvesting as well as threshing is called ___________.
9. Sieving is possible only, when the particles of a mixture are of ------------ size.
10. The process of settling of heavy material at the bottom is called--------------.
11. The clean liquid obtained after filtration is called ----------------.
12. --------------------- is used to separate impurities from suspension.
13. Scavengers feed on other -----------------.
14. South Indian use ----------------- oil as medium of cooking.
15. Excess intake of food causes ----------------------.

III. Short answer questions:

1. Why food is essential for us?

2. Name the main food item consumed in
a. Punjab________________________ b. Gujarat ________________________
c. Kerala _________________________ d. West Bengal ____________________
3. Why should we avoid wastage of food?
4. What happen when we eat lot of fried food?
5. Minerals and vitamins are required in very small quantities but important for good
health. Why?

6. What are junk foods? Why we should avoid it?

7. What is malnutrition? Name two diseases.
8. What is PEM? Writes two reasons for it?
9. Decide which of these gives more nutrients? Why.
a. Dalia or noodles
b. Fruit juice or cold drink
c. Vegetables and fruits with peels or without peels
d. Chapattis of wheat or maida.
10. What impurities are present when you buy rice, wheat and pulses from the market?

11. When do you use handpicking as a method of separation of mixture?

12. Name the following :
a. Method of obtaining pure salt from impure salt.__________________________
b. Two cereals crops in which threshing is required. ______________________________
c. Two solid materials soluble in water._________________________________________
d. Method used to separate petrol and diesel from petroleum.______________________
e. Substance commonly used for loading impurities in water._______________________
13. How clean water is obtained from muddy water?
14. You are given a mixture of sand, salt and iron filling. How will you separate all the

15. Explain sieving. Is it good practice to sieve flour before consuming it? Why?

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