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Write a story beginning with : “It had been raining all day…”

It had been raining all day and I was feeling bored that evening. As the
single child of my family, I had no one to play with. My mother was ironing
clothes downstairs and my father was away at work.

To relieve my boredom, I sneaked into my father's study, which was

normally locked. I was not supposed to go there but I was lucky that evening
because my father had forgotten to lock it that morning. As an 11-year-old boy,
I was inquisitive and curious. I opened the drawers in the study and looked
inside. In one of the drawers, I saw a file with my name on it.

There were newspaper cuttings in the file. Upon looking at the cuttings, I
was astonished to see news reports about me. The reports stated that I was
abducted when I was three years of age. There were also pictures of me and my
biological mother.

"The parents that I am staying with now aren't my real parents?" I

mumbled to myself in disbelief and surprise. "How could this be?"

Full of curiosity, I took the news reports and showed it to my mother. On

seeing the reports, she seemed petrified. She started to weep and beg for my
forgiveness. It was also at that time that my father came back from work. When
he learnt that I had discovered the truth, he apologised to me and admitted that
he kidnapped me when I was aged three.

"Being an infertile couple, you mother and I had always longed for a son,"
my father explained. "Eight years ago, I saw you playing alone in the playground
and couldn't resist the temptation to abduct you and make you ours."

I was in tears and dumbfounded. My parents then started packing their

belongings. In the middle of the night, they took me to my real parents' home.
Then, they left as they did not wish to be caught by the police.

"My son! Where have you been all these years? Who kidnapped you?"
cried my mother, when she saw me.

Crying happy tears, she was able to recognise me the instant she saw me.
I told her everything. She was overjoyed to have me back and hugged me
tightly. The rest of the family was happy to be reunited with me as well. Apart
from my father, I had an older sister and a younger brother. As I was only three
years old when I left them, my memory of them was vague. Nevertheless, I
could still feel the love and warmth of my real family and I was delighted to go
back to where I belonged.

Six years have passed since the reunion with my family. Until today, the
couple who abducted me have not been caught. Even though they are not my
biological parents, they treated me like their own son. I still think of them
occasionally, especially when it rains. I even miss them and wonder how they
are now.

Write a story that ends with: "... They looked at each other and
smiled meaningfully."

James and William are neighbours. When they were in

kindergarten and primary schools, they were intimate friends.
However, things changed when they were in secondary school.
Due to the fact that they had different interests and pursuits,
they were no longer close. William was a studious introvert who
kept to himself whereas James was outgoing and gregarious.
James, who also excelled in sports, was chosen to be in the
school basketball team and became a popular student.

Deep in William's heart, he still wanted to be friends with

James. Even though James felt the same way towards William, he
was aware that his new friends would not approve. Due to peer
pressure and to prove his loyalty to them, he would make fun of
William together with them.

One day, both William and James went on a school trip to a

waterfall. When William was changing in a changing cubicle,
James stole his glasses and hid them. After changing, William
was surprised to find his spectacles missing. As he was short-
sighted, he could hardly see well without the glasses. Even so, he
started searching for them. While searching, he tripped over a
short stool and fell heavily onto the floor. Luckily, he did not
sustain any serious injuries. While some other students were
helping William to get up, James and his friends laughed at
William and made sarcastic remarks about him. James then
returned William's glasses to him and told him to be more careful
with his belongings.

The students then went to the waterfall and swam in the

pool. All the students had a good time in the pool. Later, James
and his friends swam far away from the other students. After
swimming for a while, William got out of the pool. All of a sudden,
one of James' friends came running.

"Help! James is having a leg cramp. He's drowning!" cried

James' friend

William ran as quickly as he could to where James was.

Without thinking of his own safety, he dived into the pool to
rescue James. It was not easy as the current was strong. After
putting in a lot of effort, he succeeded in his eadeavour. He
brought James to the shore but unfortunately, James was
unconscious. A teacher called for an ambulance and not long
after, James was rushed to hospital. William went along with
In the hospital ward, James woke up. He thanked William
for saving his life. He also apologised for being so mean and cruel
to him.

"It's okay," said William with a smile. "I've never had a

grudge against you. Just let bygones be bygones."

Just then, a nurse walked into the ward to check on James.

"Both of you look very close to each other. Good friends, I

guess?" the nurse remarked.

James replied, "We were and always will be good friends."

They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

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