Based On Communication Channels A. Non-Verbal B. Verbal 2. Based On Style and Purpose A. Formal B. Informal

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1. What are the two types of Communication?

A: 1. Based on Communication Channels

a. Non-verbal

b. Verbal

2. Based on Style and Purpose

a. Formal

b. Informal
2. Did you use the two types of communication in your first activity? Describe the
models you use in your output and explain how you used those models?
A: Yes. I used my voice recording and facial expressions that was based on
communication channels and my formal way of speaking based on style and
purpose. The model I used is linear, it is where I, the sender is the person who
sends a message after encoding using a channel to be understood by the
receiver. Using the cell phone as my channel I successfully transferred information
to the receiver.
3. What communication media did you highlight in your first task? Cite the specific
aspect or kind of communication media did you find usable and essential in your
speaking activity.

I used oral speaking under verbal communication and non-verbal through my

facial expressions. I used my cell phone as the channel to send messages to the
receiver and I think this way of communication is usable and essential in my
speaking activity.

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