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Yadira Garcia Rodriguez cod:2017082009

Sebastian Vargas Pelaez cod:2015032044

• SEBASTIAN- Good morning, welcome to the Buenavista shopping center security

office, how can we help you?

YADIRA- Good morning, yesterday a briefcase with my computer and personal
belongings was stolen from my vehicle
• SEBASTIAN- of course, what is the description of the vehicle?
• YADIRA- small car blue color plates xxx123
• SEBASTIAN- How is the briefcase?
• YADIRA- It is medium, red and it is made of polyester
• SEBASTIAN- how is the computer?
• YADIRA- this is beautiful, small, this new, it is yellow and made in china, I use it for
my work
• SEBASTIAN- We will attend to your request, reviewing the security cameras and
you will get a response within 15 business days
• YADIRA- ok, thank you, I hope a prompt reply

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