Chapter-1: 1.1 GENERAL:-Concrete Is One of The Foremost Versatile Building Materials. It Will Be Cast To

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1.1 GENERAL:-Concrete is one of the foremost versatile building materials. It will be cast to
suit any structural form from a cylindrical water vessel to a rectangular beam or column during a
high-rise building. It’s promptly accessible in urban areas at comparatively low cost. Concrete is
powerful underneath compression nevertheless weak under tension. As such, a type of
reinforcement is required. The foremost common sort of concrete reinforcement is via steel bars.
The disadvantages of victimization concrete quality poor enduringness, low strain of fracture and
type work demand.
Lightweight concrete has been successfully used for marine applications and in
shipbuilding. Most of the researchers had been worked on the concrete using autoclaved aerated
concrete (AAC) blocks. AAC Blocks Manufacturing Plant to provide a frame work frame work
about the technical, economical & financial aspects in a broader sense and implementation of the
project under the projected time-frame. Farhana et al (2015) studied the ingredients, raw
materials, quantity and quality of the AAC blocks and deals with the introduction to the process
of the autoclaved aerated concrete and its advantages compared to the normal concrete. Ashish
Kurweti et al worked on the out between the properties of AAC, CLC and fly ash. AAC
(Autoclaved aerated concrete) is light weight solid material that was created in numerous years
back, the primary constituents utilized as a part of making of this sort of cement will be bond
grade53 , gypsum, class C lime (hydrated lime), aluminium powder(.05-.25% by wt. of concrete)
, fine total or fly fiery remains (class F) consolidating with clear extents according to the
investigation AAC pieces gives better outcomes as correlation with CLC blocks.
Table 1.1: Technical Specification of AAC Blocks and Clay Bricks
Property Units AAC Block
Compressive Strength 3 – 4.5 (IS 2185 part 3)
Kg / m
Normal Dry Density 550 – 650
Sound Reduction
Db 45 for 200 mm Thick Wall
2 to 6 (Depending on
Fire Resistance Hrs.

Micro-basic examinations on bond and lime as folios. Solidified solid parameters, for
example, the porosity and the pore gauge assignment were analysed. Shrinkage and compressive
quality were estimated. The shrinkage reduced with extending crystalline while the compressive
quality extended up to a perfect regard. The quality also extended with growing proportions of
hydrates and with lessening porosity. Various components of the reaction things were shown by
warm lead and micropore measure scatterings and may have been of hugeness for the mechanical
properties of the material.

Fig 1.1 Scraps of AAC block production

Fig 1.2 Crushed-AAC scraps into AAC aggregates.

Table 1.2 Technical Specification of AAC Blocks aggregate
Property Units AAC Block
3 – 4.5 (IS 2185 part
Compressive Strength N/mm 2
Normal Dry Density Kg / m 3 550 – 650
45 for 200 mm Thick
Sound Reduction Index Db
2 to 6 (Depending on
Fire Resistance Hrs.
i. To conduct following tests :-
 Slump cone test
 Compressive strength test
ii. To compare the properties of concrete conventional concrete and AAC Block Aggregate
The scope of the work is to prepare the concrete by using different type of cement with replacing
the natural aggregate with AAC Block Aggregate by (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). The
compressive strength of concrete after 7 days and 28 days and workability are compared for
recycled concrete aggregate concrete and natural aggregate concrete.
• Design of concrete with AAC Block Aggregate and naturally available aggregates.
• Compressive strength test of 7 days and 28 days specimens.
• Comparison of strength and workability for natural aggregate concrete and AAC
Block Aggregate concrete.
 The first chapter provides introduction of the project work.
 The second chapter deals with the review of literatures related to the present study.
 The third chapter discussed about the material used in the this project.
 Chapter four consists of methodology of the study.
 Chapter five experimental analysis.
 Chapter six consists of results.
 Chapter seven consists of conclusion and discussions
 References.

1. Stepan Leontev et al. [2017] Examination into association frameworks of such included
substances as silica gel, high unique metakaolin and multi-walled carbon nanotube
dispersing (MWCNTs) with warm securing AAC fragments involved in the appraisal of
the components of the telephone strong plastic quality augmentation of penetrable mix,
level of cell strong blow-up and taking a gander at the quality and thickness of the check
test and the balanced one. The assessments found that the best method for gaining the
fundamental nature of AAC is by the usage of the MWCNTs. They add to getting the
perfect visco plastic properties of mass cement and offsetting of the pore course of action
process with synchronous advancement of the solid homogeneous hexagonal structure.
2. Yiquan Liu et al. [2017] explored the Autoclaved circulated air through cement joining
waste aluminium dust as frothing specialist. Aluminium dust is a misfortune from
aluminium dross reusing industry. As opposed to treating aluminium residue to clear or to
immobilize aluminium metal for landfill move, a novel methodology of utilizing
aluminium dust as foaming expert in exchange of over the top aluminium powder for the
association of autoclaved circulated air through cement (AAC) is proposed. Results
exhibit that 15.6 g of aluminium residue can create indistinguishable proportion of gas
from 1 g of aluminium powder and both have for all intents and purposes
indistinguishable gas period rate. Joining of aluminium dust causes fast setting of new
paste while the usage of aluminium powder doesn't change the yield push headway of
AACs. In this manner, volume improvement and thickness of Al dust-AAC remains for
all intents and purposes unaltered with growing estimations of aluminium dust. Al dust-
AACs; regardless, have more diminutive voids due to better return stress of paste. The
use of aluminium dust as foaming master may not achieve a low thickness AAC, anyway
it doesn't exchange off the mechanical properties of the ensuing Al dust-AACs, which
have a thickness of around 800 kg/m3 and a compressive quality of around 2.5 MPa right
now. Aluminium dust thusly can be considered as choice foaming expert for AAC
creation. Instead of treating aluminium residue to empty or to immobilize metallic
aluminium for landfill move, this examination utilizes aluminium dust as foaming

administrator to displace extravagant aluminium powder for the mix of AAC. Properties
and air circulation vitality of aluminium dust was depicted. The effect of using
aluminium dust as foaming authority on the new properties of paste and the cemented
properties of the consequent Al dust-AACs were inspected. Results exhibit that 15.6 g of
aluminium residue can create indistinguishable proportion of gas from 1 g of aluminium
powder and both have equivalent gas period rate. Thought of aluminium dust causes
quick solidifying of fresh paste while the usage of aluminium powder doesn't change the
yield stretch improvement of AACs. In this manner, volume augmentation and thickness
of Al dust-AAC remains for all intents and purposes unaltered with growing estimation
of aluminium dust. The use of aluminium dust as foaming administrator may not achieve
a low thickness AAC, yet it doesn't exchange off the mechanical properties of the
resulting Al dust-AACs, which have a thickness of around 800 kg/m3 and a compressive
quality of about 2.5 MPa right now. Aluminium dust right now be considered as elective
foaming pro for AAC creation.
3. Xiaoling Qu et al. [2017] explored the survey on Previous and present examinations on
the segments, microstructure and fundamental properties of autoclaved circulated air
through cement. Autoclaved circulated air through concrete (AAC) has being pulled in
more thought as its exceptional warm protection and earth all around arranged
characteristics. The properties of AAC depend upon sections, microstructure and outside
condition (for example relative dampness and CO2). Past assessments intentionally show
the progression of microstructure and assortment of physical properties with different
kinds of fasteners and restoring conditions, while show requests about improve the
understanding of cooperation among complete segments. This paper basically refines the
compositions on AAC to the extent constituent materials (especially present day wastes
and included substances), arranging, microstructure and essential properties (thickness,
dry shrinkage, hygric property, mechanical properties, anisotropy, warm protection and
solidness). Taking into account the review, squeezing needs should be attempted in tries
as tails: (I) closeness between the solidness pace of AAC slurry and the gas-period rate;
(ii) association between the accessibility of pores and warm protection; (iii) measures to
better the sturdiness.

4. Tiantian Zhang et al. [2017] explored The utilization of air layers in building envelopes.
Air layer included envelopes (ALIEs) have expanded broad noticeable quality in current
structure layout and improvement, inferable from their wonderful potential in upgrading
the structure warm execution. In a general sense, the air layer fills in as an extra insurance
layer or as a ventilation channel. This paper shows a composing overview on building
envelopes that contain inward air layers by following late assessments on existing air
layer remembered applications and developments for dividers, windows, housetops. The
essential properties, the primary catalysts, the effects of the interior air layers, and the
upsides of different sorts of ALIE structures are packed and portrayed. What's more, a
while later activity techniques for air layer used as a piece of building envelopes are
commonly requested into three sorts: the encased sort, the regularly ventilated sort and
the precisely ventilated sort. Around the end, this paper separates stream investigate gaps
and gives possible future research orientation on air layer headways in building
5. Sarbjeet Singh et al. [2017] examined the presentation of stone cutting waste cement
under unfriendly introduction conditions. Stone cutting waste is transforming into a
certifiable stress as the proportion of waste conveyed is accomplishing massive degrees,
right now it in every way that really matters hard to ensure suitable exchange. The
sweeping volume of waste made is dumped on to the dumping grounds near to plant
territory. This unattended waste positions certifiable natural and prosperity perils and is
an upsetting find a workable pace procedures for age which may utilize this waste and in
this manner brief a cleaner area. The assessment consider goes for assessing the strength
characteristics of the solid joining this misfortune as a partial substitution for fine
aggregate. The purpose of the paper is to show an exhaustive, distinct and consider image
of execution of the solid consequently got under unpleasant introduction conditions the
extent that response to carbonation attack, sulphate ambush, chloride molecule
infiltration, destructive ambush and lifted temperature with variable w/c proportions. The
test results evidently exhibited that changed stone cutting waste subbed solid showcases
redesigned impenetrability to carbonation, chloride molecule entrance, destructive attack
and introduction to lifted temperature at perfect stone cutting waste substitution of 25%.
No incident in weight was seen at all lengths of introduction to MgSO4 game plan. The

model with 25% stone cutting waste substitution demonstrated increasingly critical power
and zenith run for hydration things explicitly C–S–H and ettringite when appeared
differently in relation to the control model.
6. Sarbjeet Singh et al. [2017] A champion among the most troublesome issues of 21st
century is solid waste organization and stone slurry is a prime financial specialist right
now. The paper goes for assessing the feasibility of utilizing the two particular sorts of
stone waste delivered thoroughly in tremendous sums i.e., Rock cutting waste and marble
slurry as a substitution for fine aggregate in strong amassing. The paper reports the
comparable qualities and highlights the separating behaviour of GCW and MS concrete
similar to toughness, compressive and flexure quality, scratched spot, permeability and
ultra-beat speed. The quality and strength of cement is constrained by different factors
including the physical and substance combination of constituent fixings and furthermore
the microstructure of fixing particles. Explanations for the examples watched have been
gotten from miniaturized scale auxiliary analyses using SEM and EDS test and moreover
the between atom lead of the fixings inside strong cross section. It was found that
ignoring minor assortments the perfect swap rate for GCW and MS concrete were 25%
and 15% independently.
7. Hong-Qing Jin et al. [2016] researched Experimental assurance and fractal displaying of
the viable warm conductivity of autoclaved circulated air through solid: Effects of
dampness content. Autoclaved circulated air through cement (AAC) has commonly been
utilized as a lightweight, penetrable assurance material for imperativeness viable
structures. The data on the warm conductivity of AAC is required for warm arrangement
of building envelopes. The fruitful warm conductivity of AAC is unequivocally
dependent upon the sogginess content. Such dependence, nevertheless, isn't all around
detailed in open composition. Right now, hinders with three differing mass densities of
415, 520, and 630 kg/m3, were gotten as the unrefined materials, and the examples were
set up by humidification to a game plan of suddenness content levels up to 100% by
mass. The convincing warm conductivity of the immersed examples was estimated by
strategies for the transient plane source framework. Then, fractal models for foreseeing
the convincing warm conductivity were proposed considering improvement of the porous
structure of AAC autonomous from any other individual practically identical spread. A

two-organize fractal show was first proposed for dry AAC tests, and after that an increase
to a three-arrange show was delivered by thinking about the closeness of water arrange in
the pores for unsaturated, wet examples. It was shown that the warm conductivity
increases with extending the suddenness content, by a factor up to 3.8 over the considered
extent of sogginess content, after a two-fragment piecewise direct assortment. A high-to-
low grade change was seen to be around a suddenness substance of 15% for all the AAC
tests. An association was proposed for the conscious warm conductivity as a component
of both clamminess substance and porosity. Fitting parameters for the two-organize show
were constrained by standing out the foreseen results from the intentional data at dry
state. The three-arrange fractal show was appeared to have the ability to foresee the
hygric dependence of warm conductivity. The irregularity among the conjectures by the
three-arrange show with different geometric parameters was discussed in association with
the manufactured pore structures. The foreseen results by the two arrangements of the
three-organize show, i.e., with and without considering the proximity of related water
associates in the pores, were in like manner displayed. A reasonable finish of the
proximity of related ranges was seemed to provoke better desires in the low clamminess
content organization.
8. Tkach Evgeniya, [2016] explored the build-up an effective technique for improving
hydro physical properties of circulated air through solid utilizing mechanical waste.
Move of mechanical waste is a basic factor influencing the prosperity of human life, on
down to earth headway of the areas what's more, the viability of various endeavors,
including improvement, dwelling and shared organizations. One of the essential
techniques for reusing of current waste, given the different leveled organize is the
formation of building materials, including normally all around arranged circulated air
through solid things with the given (institutionalized) developing specific properties. The
impediments of circulated air through cement join high paces of ingestion, of suddenness
osmosis, low impenetrability to ice. The proposed strategy upgrade the hydro physical
properties of circulated air through cement by the joint utilization of waterproofing
included substances and hydrophobic Traeger as pellets created utilizing bitumen and fly
powder. Modified circulated air through solid differentiations from a standard to a
progressively uniform fine-pored structure. Examination of research comes about exhibits

that the balanced cement conversely and concrete, made by standard advancement, has
higher physical-mechanical and hydro physical properties. Balanced cement has reduced
by 30% of the estimation of the waiting clamminess, water maintenance on 38...39% and
fine suction on the 30...32%. The proposed particular course of action in a general sense
improve building-specific properties of circulated air through solid, giving it the power
accessible of advancement materials
9. Ameer Hilal et al. [2016] explored On void structure and quality of frothed concrete
made without/with added substances. An assessment has been grasped to inquire about
the effect of different included substances the quality frothed concrete by portraying air-
void size and shape parameters and recognizing the effect of these parameters and
changes to bond stick microstructure on quality. Nine various mixes, made using a pre-
molded froth, were investigated with fluctuating thickness (apparently 1300, 1600 and
1900 kg/m3) without/with included substances (silica fume, fly powder and super
plasticizer), used either freely or together. Optical microscopy and looking at electron
microscopy were used as a piece of this assessment. Appeared differently in relation to
the customary mixes, thought of included substances (solely or in blend) improved both
the bond stick microstructure and air-void structure of frothed concrete. For a given
thickness, disregarding the way that the additional substances in mix provoked extended
void numbers, higher quality was practiced on account of diminished void size and
system, by keeping their merging and making a tight void size movement. Besides, super
plasticizer has the most supportive sway on voids when used alone and it furthermore
upgrades void structure (tinier and number voids) when used as a piece of mix with
various included substances. Upgrade of void structure, just as improved bond stick
microstructure both add to the quality of the frothed concrete.
10. Jay G Sanjayan et al. [2016] Right now, will investigate properties of lightweight
geopolymer models circulated air through by aluminium powder. It has been developed
well that aluminium powder can be reasonably used for frothing of regular cement.
Reaction between aluminium powder and salt activator in geopolymer of this
examination caused high penetrable structures considering the weight extents of
constituent materials. Unprecedented models were made by changing sodium silicate to
sodium hydroxide, and dissolvable base activator to fly debris weight extents. Fly debris

was fairly subbed by aluminium powder with 1.5, 3.0 and 5.0% in differing mixes.
Results demonstrated that subbing of 5.0% of fly debris by aluminium powder in the
models with solvent base activator to fly debris weight extent of 0.35 and sodium silicate
to sodium hydroxide weight extent of 2.5 causes the best frothed model with the most
negligible thickness. Compressive quality of each and every circulated air through model
were in the extent of 0.9–4.35 MPa, which is suitable for using as squares, heat proof
sheets, secured pipeline and so on. SEM assessment was coordinated to evaluate the
microstructure of adequately circulated air through geo polymers. It was seen that in
significantly circulated air through models, the foaming reaction is too fast that thwarts
finish stomach settling agent inception of geo polymers and right now, unreached fly
debris particles remains.
11. Paweł Walczak et al. [2016], examined the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete dependent on
fly debris in thickness 350 kg/m3 as a naturally inviting material for vitality - proficient
developments. Of late the evaluation of U-regard for structures materials has been seen.
Since first January 2014 U-regard can't be higher than 0.25 [W/m2 K], yet since 2017 this
regard will be 0.23 and 0.20 from 2021. Thusly, an extraordinary response for fulfill
indicated conditions is using structures material with better jug protection. A standout
amongst other improvement materials, which have low λ regard [W/mK] is an autoclaved
circulated air through cement (AAC). It's the inspiration driving why AAC is the most
standard structures material from years. AAC could be conveyed with using various
totals, like sand or fly debris. Test delayed consequences of warm conductivity clearly
showed that AAC considering siliceous fly debris have best λ regard over sand AAC in a
comparable thickness. Clean essentialness game plan relies upon coal and age AAC
taking into account siliceous fly debris is a mind boggling answer for utilize this waste.
Autoclaved circulated air through cement has preferred λ regard over other available
advancement materials in clean market. Lower thickness have extraordinary impact on
condition, since cut down weight made credibility transport more things by a comparable
truck and besides it infers less waste from structures delivered utilizing AAC later on.
This waste can be used again in run of the mill age technique of AAC. In light of these
truths were endeavored examinations of believability of creation AAC in 350 [kg/m3]
thickness in PGS process advancement. The PGS technique development is a sure in light

of the fact that in a creation concrete isn't used. As a latch are used simply: rapid lime,
gypsum and some bit of fly debris. The most basic properties of AAC were attempted, as:
compressive quality, thickness, λ regard or stage structure. Age AAC in cut down
thickness could be the ensuing stage to upgrade that it's a characteristic big-hearted
material for imperativeness capable improvements.
12. Cenk Karakurt et al. [2013] Utilization of regular zeolite in circulated air through solid
creation. Right now, zeolite (clinoptilolite) was used as an aggregate and air pocket
making administrator in autoclaved circulated air through cement (AAC) creation. The
crushed and squashed examples were orchestrated into two differing particle sizes: 100
mm (fine-ZF) and 0.5–1 mm (coarse-ZC) before using as a piece of AAC mixes. The
effects of atom gauge, substitution total (25%, half, 75% and 100% against quartz) and
restoring time on the AAC properties were likely analyzed. Examining electron
microscopy investigation moreover asserted the above revelations. Denser C–S–H
structures were gained up to a substitution proportion of half. Finally, the test results
showed that calcined zeolite goes about as both an aggregate and an air pocket delivering
administrator, and that AAC with a compressive quality of 4.6 MPa and unit weight of
0.930 kg/dm3 can be made without aluminium powder use. It was found that displacing
of silica sand with zeolite reduces the unit weight of circulated air through solid models.
Regardless, usage of fine zeolite differentiated and a coarse model augmentations the
water essential of the mix because of the higher surface zone and this has conversely
impacted the quality of the Zeolite Aerated Concrete (ZAC) models. Results of warm
protection investigation obtained right now (0.1932 W/mK) show that the cements
conveyed can be used as a warm protection material in assistant applications as the
general warm conductivity esteems given for AAC run from 0.08 to 0.19 W/mK. It was
similarly found that use of calcite zeolite (especially that with coarse particles), both as a
total and as an air pocket creating administrator, conveyed denser and more grounded
ZAC models by virtue of the lower air course limit of zeolite differentiated and that of
aluminium powder in the composite.
13. Watcharapong Wongkeo et al. [2013] examined Compressive quality, flexural quality
and warm conductivity of autoclaved solid square made utilizing base debris as concrete
substitution materials. Thailand was used as Portland concrete substitution to make

lightweight cement (LWC) by means of autoclave circulated air through solid system.
Portland concrete sort 1, conduit sand, base searing remains, aluminium powder and
calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) were used as a piece of this assessment.
Thermogravimetry examination exhibits C–S–H game plan and X-bar diffraction confirm
to berborites advancement in base powder lightweight cement. The usage of BA as a
concrete substitution, thusly, was having the preferred position in improving quality of
the circulated air through cement while achieving also low warm conductivity when
appeared differently in relation to the outcomes of the control Portland concrete cement.
14. Md Azree Othuman Mydin [2013] from an assessment of the exploratory results of this
investigation with different insightful models for common quality solid, this assessment
has found.
15. Martin Keppert [2013] Hygric, warm and toughness properties of autoclaved circulated
air through cement. The hygric and warm properties of autoclaved circulated air through
cement (AAC) given in the makers overviews fuse generally just the warm conductivity
in dry state and vague data for the specific warmth breaking point and water fume
scattering obstruction factor. Strength traits are not recorded in any way shape or form.
This phenomenally limits any organization life examination examinations of AAC-based
structure envelope systems. Right now, sets of hygric and warm properties of three
financially made AAC with different mass thickness and compressive quality are
estimated, together with the fundamental physical characteristics and sturdiness
properties. Test comes about exhibit that the warm conductivity can be as much as
multiple times higher in thin water immersion state than in dry conditions. Warm
conductivity is in like manner found to increase up to half when temperature is extended
from 2°C to 40°C. The dependence of moistness diffusivity on clamminess content is
astonishing; the differentiations as high as one solicitation of significance are viewed if
its regards got for low and high soundness substance are taken a gander at. The
stop/defrost obstruction of thin submerged tests is found appealing up to 25 cycles and
augmentations with compressive quality. For the moistness content lower than 10% by
volume AAC in the extent of compressive quality of 1.8–4 MPa can viably restrict to 50

16. A Laukaitis and B Fiks [2012] researched the Acoustical properties of circulated air
through autoclaved concrete. Three most extensively used sorts of AAC are chosen for
the examination: gas bond solid, gas concrete with joined folio (Portland bond and lime),
and foam bond concrete. The technique and methodology of the materials' course of
action is displayed right now. The evaluation of acoustic attributes of AAC relies upon
the material's air permeability and porosity (i.e., proportion of the volume of the
interconnected pores to the total volume of pores). Therefore the estimations procured by
an acoustic interferometer are used. The results of the investigation exhibit that backslide
conditions for the AAC sorts, which thickness ranges from 250 to 500 kg/m3, may be
used to survey the materials' normal recurrence ingestion coefficient regards, which
depend upon the air permeability and porosity. Results show that maintenance coefficient
of not exceptionally treated AAC is fairly low. As showed by the estimations got in an
unprecedented resonation room of 202 m3, a sound digestion coefficient may increase up
to 0.6, gave that openings of Helmholtz resonator's sort are made in the lumps of AAC
gas bond concrete with joined spread.
17. EP Kearsley et al. [2012] Porosity was seen to be destitute generally on the dry
thickness of the solid and not on debris sort or substance. Vulnerability was estimated
with respect to water maintenance and water fume permeability. The volume of water (in
kg/m3) devoured by foamed concrete was around twice that of a relative bond stick yet
was liberated from volume of air entrained, debris sort or debris content. The water fume
vulnerability extended with growing porosity and debris content.
18. N Narayanan and K Ramamurthy [2010] examined the microstructures of the
circulated air through cement. This examination reports the assessments coordinated on
the structure of security based autoclaved circulated air through cement (AAC) and non-
AAC with sand or fly debris as the filler. The reasons behind changes in compressive
quality and drying shrinkage are uncovered regarding the alterations in the
microstructure. Compositional examination was finished using XRD. It was seen that fly
debris responds insufficiently to autoclaving. The paste± void interface in circulated air
through cement analyzed in association with the paste± total interface in common cement
revealed the nearness of an interfacial change zone. From this we presumed that the
micro structural changes, either due to compositional assortment (sand/fly blazing stays

as filler) or restoring (wet relieving/autoclaving) through and through impacts the
properties of circulated air through cement. Non-autoclaved circulated air through solid
encounters changes in structure with time however autoclaved things are in every way
that really matters stable. Autoclaving achieves higher quality because of the better
crystallinity of the things surrounded. The capability of autoclaving is less when fly
debris is accessible in the mix, the reaction things being deficiently crystalline
19. N Narayanan and K Ramamurthy [2006] explored the Structure and properties of
circulated air through cement. The properties of circulated air through cement depend
upon its microstructure (void ± glue structure) and course of action, which are affected by
the sort of spread used, methodologies for pore-improvement and restoring. Though
circulated air through cement was from the outset envisioned as a not too bad protection
material, there has been restored excitement for its fundamental properties in context of
its lighter weight, hold assets in material and potential for extensive scale use of wastes
like pulverize fuel debris. The centralization of this paper is to aggregate the assessments
on the properties of circulated air through concrete similar to physical (microstructure,
thickness), blend, mechanical (compressive and rigid qualities, modulus of adaptability,
drying shrinkage) and helpful (warm protection, moistness transport, quality, opposition
and acoustic protection) characteristics.
20. Gunnar Bave [2001] examined on the circulated air through cement towards the
improvement of green structure. The create of circulated air through solid offers the
advantage of utilizing immediately open rough materials, including certain mechanical
waste that has been gathered from industry. Circulated air through cement is a material
with high warm assurance against warmth and cold united with sufficient quality for use
in load bearing structures up to 3-4 stories. Age methodology requires an also low
commitment of essentialness. Circulated air through solid abatements the essentialness
required for warming or cooling in the midst of the future of a structure. The mechanical
parameters can be improved with the assistance of modern squanders.
21. Johan Alexanderson [1979] explored the relations among structure and mechanical
properties of autoclaved circulated air through cement. Tests for new concrete and
solidified cement have been done. It is presumed that when the pores builds it diminished

the compressive quality. In this way increment in aluminium powder antagonistically
influence the quality.
 Considering the entirety of the outcomes right now, of rock in the customary concrete as
Fine total was emphatically influenced on properties of new and solidified cement.
 The response of aluminium powder with that of lime will bring about decrease in
thickness, which thusly influences the quality. For repaying decrease in quality, use of
marble powder in substitution of concrete will fill the smaller scale pores shaped because
of the air circulation response happens in the circulated air through solid along these lines
increment the quality. Usage of mechanical waste prompts vitality productive cement.
 The evaluation of acoustic qualities of AAC relies upon the material's air permeability
and porosity. Because of porosity of circulated air through solid estimations procured by
an acoustic interferometer are used. Thus circulated air through cement

Cement, natural fine aggregates, natural coarse aggregates, recycled coarse aggregate, recycled
plastic coarse aggregate silica fume, water and steel deformed bars are to cast specimen
investigate. The physical properties of these materials are discussed in the following sections.
Although all materials that go into concrete mix are essential, cement is very often the most
important because it is usually the delicate link in the chain. The function of cement is first of all
to bind the sand and stone together and second to fill up the voids in between sand and stone
particles to form a compact mass.
The material which passes through 4.75 mm sieve is termed as fine aggregate. Usually natural
sand is used as a fine aggregate at places where natural sand is not available crushed stone is
used as a fine aggregate. The sand used for the experimental works is locally procured and
conformed to grading zone III.
The broken stone is generally used as a coarse aggregate. The nature of work decides the
maximum size of the coarse aggregate. Locally available coarse aggregate having the maximum
size of 20 mm was used in the present work.
The pH value of water should be in between 6.0 and 8.0 according to IS 456-2000.
Effect of Mixing Sea Water in Concrete:-
The sea Water generally contains salinity of about 3.5% in which about 80% is sodium
chloride. Many researchers have been conducted to study the corrosion problem of steel
Embedded in concrete where sea water is used as mixing water in concrete nevertheless the
Indian standard is adamant & do not permit using sea water for mixing or curing in reinforced
Concrete constructions, but allows for using of sea water only for PCC work that too under
unavoidable circumstances.

Generally the water that is fit for mixing of water in concrete is also fit for curing. However
where appearance is important, water containing impurities which cause stains should not to be
used. The most important elements that cause stains in the concrete are iron, and organic matters.
It is also found that even sea water also causes stains in concrete. Hence water containing iron,
organic matters and also sea water should not be used for curing of concrete when appearance is
also set as criteria for the acceptance of concrete.
The water that is fit for mixing and curing of water for concrete is also fit for curing of cubes
which are cured under water. However the curing water should not to be allowed to remain in
stagnant condition in water tanks for long time. As a guideline the water tanks shall be cleaned
twice a week or when ph value of water reaches a value more than 9. The cleaned Water tanks
shall be refilled with fresh water every time.
The cleaning of water is necessary to remove algae and fungus materials developed inside the
water tanks which otherwise alters the setting and strength gaining properties of Concrete. The
low results of such cubes may call for in situ tests resulting in consequential Delay of the project.


4.0 Experimental Program

Experimental Program

Concrete Mixes

AAC Block Aggregate Ratio

0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%


Fresh Concrete Hardened Concrete

Slump Compressive Strength

The procedure of methods used for testing cement, coarse aggregates, fine aggregate and
concrete are given below:
4.1.1 Specific Gravity
Specific gravity is ratio of the weight of a given volume of a substance to the weight of an equal
volume of some reference substance, or equivalently the ratio of the masses of equal volumes of
two substances.
(PART I) – 1963
The sieve analysis is used for the determination of particle size distribution of fine and coarse
aggregates by sieving or screening.
Cube specimens of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm were taken out form the curing tank at the
ages of 28 days and tested immediately on removal from the water (while they were still in the
wet condition). Surface water was wiped off, the specimens were tested. The position of cube
when tested was at right angle to that as cast. The load as applied gradually without shock till the
failure of the specimen occurs and thus the compressive strength was found.

Fig. 4.1 Compressive strength testing machine with cube

4.1.2 Flexure test: A plain concrete specimen is investigated to failure due to bending. The
theoretical utmost tensile stress at the bottom side at failure is calculated. This is known
as the modulus of rupture. It is about 1.5 times the tensile stress decided by the splitting

Fig. 4.2 Flexural strength testing machine with Beam (150mmX150mmX600mm)

Modulus of Rupture (Flexural Strength) is the stress of the extreme fiber of a specimen at its
failure in the Flexure Test.
Flexural Strength is calculated by the formula:
σ = 3LF/ (2bd²) in 3-point test of rectangular specimen
L – Specimen length;
F – Total force applied to the specimen by two loading pins;
b – Specimen width;
d – Specimen thickness;
IS code method of mix design was used for mix design of M 20 &M 25 grade of concrete.
Concrete specimens with various percentages of AAC Block Aggregate were prepared. The
details of various mix proportions for different replacement of Coarse aggregate by AAC Block
Aggregate are shown in Table below. Mix proportion for 1(kg/m3)

I. Design of M-20 Grade of mix design
Table 4.1 Design of M-20 Grade
Grade designation M-20
Type of cement OPC 53 grade
Max. Nominal size 20mm
Workability (75-100) mm
Bulk density of Cement 1450kg/m3
Max. w/c ratio 0.45
Exposure condition mild

Step I. - Target mean strength

ft = fck + KS
= 20 + {1.65x4}
= 26.6 N/mm2
Step II. - Selection of w/c ratio
 For M-20 grade concrete w/c ratio from compressive strength consideration w/c
 From durability consideration =0.50
 so adopting w/c = 0.50(max)
Step III. - Selection of water content.
 From table (2) of IS 10262: 2009 max water content (for 20mm aggregates) = 186 liters
(for 25mm - 50mm slump range).
 To attain max of 100mm slump range =6% increase in water content
 Estimated water content for 100mm slump = (6/100)*186
= 197.16 liters
Step IV. - Calculation of cement content.
Water cement ratio = 0.5
Cement content = 197.16 / 0. 5
= 394.32 Kg / m3
Step V. - Proportion of volume of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates content
 Volume of fine aggregate content = 1 – 0.62 = 0.38.
Step VI. – Calculation of mix proportion:

 Volume of concrete = 1m3
 Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/100)
= (394.32 /3.10) * (1/1000)
= 0.127 m3
 Volume of water = (Mass of water / Sp. Gravity of cement ) * (1/100)
= (197.16 / 1) * (1/100)
= 0.197 m3
 Volume of all in aggregate = [1-(0.127 + 0.197 + 0.000)]
= 0.676 m3
 Mass of course aggregate
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of C.A X Sp. Gravity of C.A X 1000
= 0.676 X 0.62 X 2.74 X 1000
= 1148.39 kg/m3
 Mass of Fine aggregate
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of F.A X Sp. Gravity of F.A X 1000
= 0.676 X 0.38X2.27X1000
= 583.12 kg/m3
Step VII: Quantity of materials
 Cement = 394.32 Kg/m3
 Fine aggregate = 583.12 Kg/m3
 Coarse aggregate = 1148.39 Kg/m3
 Water = 197.16 Kg/m3 To final express proportion:(kg/m3)
Table 4.2 To final express proportion:(kg/m3)

Cement Water FA CA

394.32 197.16 583.12 1148.39

Step VIII. – Calculation of mix proportion (with AAC Block Aggregate)

 Volume of concrete = 1m3
 Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/100)
= (394.32 /3.10) * (1/1000)

= 0.127 m3
 Volume of water = (Mass of water / Sp. Gravity of water ) * (1/100)
= (197.16 / 1) * (1/100)
= 0.197 m3
 Volume of all in aggregate = [1-(0.127 + 0.197 + 0.000)]
= 0.676 m3
 Mass of course aggregate (AAC Block Aggregate)
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of C.A X Sp. Gravity of C.A X 1000
= 0.676 X 0.62 X 1.84 X 1000
= 771.18 kg/m3
 Mass of Fine aggregate
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of F.A X Sp. Gravity of F.A X 1000
= 0.676 X 0.38X2.27X1000
= 583.12 kg/m3
Step IX: Quantity of materials
 Cement = 394.32 Kg/m3
 Fine aggregate = 583.12 Kg/m3
 Coarse aggregate = 771.18 Kg/m3
 Water = 197.16 Kg/m3 To final express proportion:(kg/m3)

Table 4.3 To final express proportion:(kg/m3)

Cement Water FA CA

394.32 197.16 583.12 771.18

 Natural aggregate : AAC Block aggregate = 771.18:1148.39

= 0.672
II. Design of M 25 Grade of mix design

Table 4.4 Design of M-25 Grade

Grade Designation M25

Type Of Cement OPC 53 grade
Max. Nominal Size 20mm
Workability 75 mm to 100 mm
Bulk Density of Cement 1450kg/m3
Max. w/c Ratio 0.55
Exposure Condition mild

III. Design of M 25 Grade of mix design

Table 4.4 Design of M-25 Grade
Grade Designation M25

Type Of Cement OPC 53 grade

Max. Nominal Size 20mm

Workability 75 mm to 100 mm

Bulk Density of Cement 1450kg/m3

Max. w/c Ratio 0.55

Exposure Condition mild

Step I. - Target strength for mix proportioning (ft)

ft =fck + KS
=25 + {1.65x4}
=31.6 N/mm2
Step II. - Selection of w/c ratio

 For M-25 grade concrete w/c ratio from compressive strength consideration w/c
 From durability consideration =0.44
 so adopting w/c = 0.55(max)
Step III. - Selection of water content.

 From table (2) of IS 10262: 2009 max water content (for 20mm aggregates)= 186 liters
(for 25mm - 50mm slump range).
 To achieve slump value 75 mm slump 191.5 liters of water is necessary
 If slump value is more than 25 mm slump water is increased by 30%
= (3/100)*186
= 191.5 liters
There is no chemical admixture hence no change in water content so 191.5 liters

Step IV. - Calculation of cement content.

 Water cement ratio = 0.44

 Cement content = 191.5/0.44 = 435.22 kg/m3
Step V. - Proportion of volume of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates content

 Therefore, corrected volume fraction of coarse aggregate for the w/c ratio of 0.44,
 The volume fraction of fine aggregate content, 1-p=1-0.632=0.368
Step VI. – Calculation of mix proportion:

i. Volume of concrete = 1m3

ii. Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/1000)
= (435.22/3.15) X (1/1000)

= 0.138m3

iii. Volume of water = (Mass of water / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/1000)

= (191.5 / 1) X (1/1000)

= 0.192 m3

iv. Volume of chemical admixture = Nil

v. Volume of all in aggregate = [1-(0.138+ 0.192 + 0.000)]
= 0.67 m3

vi. Mass of course aggregate

= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of C.A X Sp. Gravity of C.A X 1000

= 0.67X 0.632 X 2.79X 1000

= 1181.39 Kg/m3

vii. Mass of Fine aggregate

= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of F.A X Sp. Gravity of F.A X 1000

= 0.67X 0.368 X2.27X 1000

= 559.70 Kg/m3
Step VIII: Quantity of materials

 Cement = 436.22.18Kg/m3
 Fine aggregate = 559.70 Kg/m3
 Coarse aggregate = 961.21 Kg/m3
 Water = 191.5 Kg/m3
Table 4.5To final express proportion :(kg/m3)
Cement Water FA CA

435.22 191.5 559.70 1181.39

Step VI. – Calculation of mix proportion (With AAC Block Aggregate)

i. Volume of concrete = 1m3
ii. Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/100)
= (435.22/3.15) X (1/1000)
= 0.138m3
iii. Volume of water = (Mass of water / Sp. Gravity of cement ) X (1/100)
a. = (191.5 / 1) X (1/100)
b. = 0.192 m3
iv. Volume of chemical admixture = Nil
v. Volume of all in aggregate = [1-(0.138 + 0.192 + 0.000)]
= 0.67 m3
vi. Mass of course aggregate
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of C.A X Sp. Gravity of C.A X 1000
= 0.67 X 0.632 X 1.84 X 1000

= 779.12 Kg/m3
vii. Mass of Fine aggregate
= Vol. of total aggregate X Vol. of F.A X Sp. Gravity of F.A X 1000
= 0.67 X 0.368 X 2.27 X 1000
= 559.7 Kg/m3
Step VIII: Quantity of materials
 Cement = 435.22 Kg/m3
 Fine aggregate = 559.7 Kg/m3
 Coarse aggregate = 779.12 Kg/m3
 Water = 191.5 Kg/m3
 Natural aggregate : AAC Block aggregate = 779.12: 1181.39
= 0.659
Table 4.6 To final express proportion :(kg/m3)

Cement Water FA CA
435.22 191.5 559.7 779.12

Fig. 4.3 Cube molding and de-molding of cube sample


Table 5.1Cement Fineness Test

Weight of Weight of Cement

% of Fineness
Trial No Cement in (gms) retained on 90 mic. Average
(B/A) X100
(A) Sieve (gms) (B)

1 200 12.7 6.35

2 200 14.4 7.2 6.57

3 200 12.3 6.15


Table 5.2Consistency, Initial and Final Setting Time Test

Wt. of plain Water in

Trail No. % of water Penetration in mm
cement in gm cc

1 400 116 28 10
2 400 122 31.5 8
3 400 126 32.5 5
Standard Consistency 32.5 Limit: 5 to 7 mm

Minimum 30
Initial setting Time 57 Minutes

Final setting Time 520 Minutes Max. 600 Minutes


Table 5.3 Silt Content for Fine Aggregate Natural sand

Height of silt Height of sand

% of silt content
S.N. above sand layer below silt layer Average
(mm) : (A) (mm) : (B)

1 12.5 330 3.79

2 13.4 290 4.62 4.22

3 13.2 310 4.26



Table 5.4 Determination of Specific Gravity & Water Absorption course aggregate

S. No. Description

1 Weight of saturated aggregate and basket in water: W1 gm 5090

2 Weight of basket in water: W2 gm 4497

3 Weight of saturated aggregates in air: W3 gm 930

4 Weight of oven dry aggregates in air: W4 gm 924

5 Apparent Specific Gravity: W4/[W4–(W1-W2)] 2.79

6 Bulk Specific Gravity: W4/[W3–(W1-W2)] 2.74

7 Water absorption , percentage Dry weight =[ (W3-W4)/W4]X100 0.65



Table 5.5 Determination of Specific Gravity & Water Absorption Fine aggregate

S. Observed
No. values

1 Weight of saturated aggregate and basket in water: W1 gm 5150

2 Weight of basket in water: W2 gm 4600

3 Weight of saturated aggregates in air: W3 gm 980

4 Weight of oven dry aggregates in air: W4 gm 975

5 Apparent Specific Gravity: W4/[W4–(W1-W2)] 2.29

6 Bulk Specific Gravity: W4/[W3–(W1-W2)] 2.27

7 Water absorption , percentage Dry weight =[ (W3-W4)/W4]X100 0.51


Table 5.6 Determination of Specific Gravity & Water Absorption AAC Block aggregate
S. No. Description Observed values
1 Weight of saturated aggregate and basket in water: W1 gm 4206

2 Weight of basket in water: W2 gm 3680

3 Weight of saturated aggregates in air: W3 gm 940

4 Weight of oven dry aggregates in air: W4 gm 760

5 Apparent Specific Gravity: W4/[W4–(W1-W2)] 3.25

6 Bulk Specific Gravity: W4/[W3–(W1-W2)] 1.84

Water absorption , percentage Dry weight =[ (W3-
7 23.68


Table 5.7 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates 3000 gm sample
Weight of sample taken = 3000gm

Wt. Retained %age %age Cumulative %
Sr. No. IS-Sieve (mm)
(gm) retained Passing retained
1 80 0 0 100 0
2 40 0 0 100 0
3 20 20 0.67 99.33 0.67
4 10 2920 97.33 2.67 98
5 4.75 40 1.33 98.67 99.33
6 Pan 20 0.67 99.33  

Total 3000 SUM 198 + 500 = 698

        FM = 6.98

Table 5.8 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates
Sr. IS-Sieve Cumulative
Retained %age retained %age Passing
No. (mm) % retained
1 4.75 3 0.3 99.7 0.3
2 2.36 21 2.1 97.9 2.1
3 1.18 156 15.6 84.4 15.6
4 600 μ 240 24 76 24
5 300 μ 375 37.5 62.5 37.5
6 150 μ 184 18.4 81.6 18.4
7 Pan 21 2.1    
Total 1000 SUM 240.1
        FM = 2.4
1000 -2)
Table 5.9 Sieve Analysis of AAC Block Aggregates
Weight of sample taken = 3000gm
%age %age Cumulative %
Sr. No. IS-Sieve (mm) Retained
retained Passing retained
1 12.5 290 9.67 90.33 9.67
2 10 580 19.33 80.67 29
3 4.75 1800 60 40 89
4 2.36 270 9 91 98

5 Pan 60 2 98  
Total 3000 SUM
        FM = 6.26


Table 5.10 Natural Aggregate Impact Value

S. No Description Weight (gm)

1 Empty weight of mould W1 in gm 930 930

2 Weight mould +Aggregates W2 in gm 1390 1370

3 Weight of portion passing through 2.36 (W3) in gm 75 65

4 Impact value =(W3/(W2-W1))x100 16.30 14.77

Table 5.11 AAC block Aggregate Impact Value

S. No Description Weight (gm)

1 Empty weight of mould W1 in gm 930 930

2 Weight mould +Aggregates W2 in gm 1280 1270

3 Weight of portion passing through 2.36 (W3) in gm 85 90

4 Impact value =(W3/(W2-W1))x100 24.29 26.47


Table 5.12 Natural Aggregate Crushing Strength

Sample 10 gm of sieve, w2gm passing % Crushing
S.No. dry aggregate 2.36mm IS Weight of value
crushing strength
Total weight fines Aggregate

1 3200 590 18.44

2 3200 580 18.13 18.54

4 3200 610 19.06


Table 5.13 AAC Block Aggregate Crushing Strength
Sample 10 gm of sieve, w2gm passing % Crushing
S.No. dry aggregate 2.36mm IS Weight of value
crushing strength
Total weight fines Aggregate

1 3200 820 25.63

2 3200 780 24.38 24.79

4 3200 780 24.38

Grade of Concrete: M-20
Water/Cement : 0.50
Table 5.14 Slump Cone Tests
Slump Value
% of AAC Block Aggregate Course aggregate
in (mm)

0% 100% 115

20% 80% 113

40% 60% 108

60% 40% 104

80% 20% 98

100% 0% 93


Grade of Concrete: M-25
Water/Cement : 0.44
Table 5.15 Slump Cone Tests
Slump Value
% of AAC Block Aggregate Course aggregate
0% 100% 110

20% 80% 108

40% 60% 105

60% 40% 103

80% 20% 92

100% 0% 88


Table 5.16 Mix Proportions for One Cum of Concrete (M-20) IS CODE Method (with AAC
Block Aggregate)
Mix Proportions for One Cum of Concrete (M-20)
IS CODE Method
1 Mass of Cement in kg/m3 394.3
2 Mass of Water in kg/m3 197.2
3 Mass of Fine Aggregate in kg/m3 583
4 Mass of Coarse Aggregate in kg/m3 771.2
  Mass of 20 mm in kg/m3 462.7
  Mass of 10 mm in kg/m3 308.5
5 Mass of Admixture in kg/m3 nil
6 Water Cement Ratio 0.5

 Natural aggregate : AAC Block aggregate = 771.18:1148.39

= 0.672


Table 5.17: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-20

% of AAC Block Compressive Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 7 days

1 0 15.70

2 20 13.93

3 40 13.04

4 60 11.85

5 80 10.81

6 100 10.22

Table 5.18: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-20

% of AAC Block Compressive Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 28 days

1 0 26.52

2 20 25.33

3 40 24.44

4 60 23.26

5 80 19.70

6 100 17.63


Table 5.19 AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-20

% of AAC Block Flexural Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 7 days

1 0 1.49

2 20 1.44

3 40 1.40

4 60 1.32

5 80 1.33

6 100 1.26

Table 5.202 AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-20

% of AAC Block Flexural Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 28 days

1 0 3.46

2 20 3.32

3 40 3.21

4 60 3.14

5 80 3.05

6 100 2.92


Table 5.21 Mix design for M-25 grade of concrete with different percentage of AAC blocks
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Material replaceme replacem replaceme replaceme replacemen
l mix
nt ent nt nt t
Cement (kg) 435.22 435.22 435.22 435.22 435.22 435.22

aggregates 559.7 559.7 559.7 559.7 559.7 559.7

Coarse 1181.3 945.12 708.8 472.55 236.28 0
aggregates 9

Water (litre) 191.5 191.5 191.5 191.5 191.5 191.5

AAC blocks 0 155.8 311.62 467.41 623.21 779.01



Table 5.22: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-25
Compressive Strength
Serial no. % of AAC Block Aggregate
(N/mm2) 7 days
1 0 17.48

2 20 16.44

3 40 14.81

4 60 13.04

5 80 11.56

6 100 10.07

Table 5.23: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-25

% of AAC Block Compressive Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 28 days

1 0 32.15

2 20 30.22

3 40 27.85

4 60 26.96

5 80 24.89

6 100 20.89


Table 5.24 AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-25

% of AAC Block Flexural Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 7 days

1 0 1.51

2 20 1.46

3 40 1.41

4 60 1.34

5 80 1.20

6 100 1.11

Table 5.25 AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-25

% of AAC Block Flexural Strength

Serial no.
Aggregate (N/mm2) 28 days

1 0 3.76

2 20 3.63

3 40 3.59

4 60 3.51

5 80 3.22

6 100 3.07

In this study used crushed stones of AAC blocks with the size of 4.75-20mm size aggregates and
then replaced by coarse aggregate. The physical properties of crushed blocks are as given in
Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Physical Properties of crushed blocks (AAC Block)
Characteristics Value
Specific Gravity 1.84
Water absorption 23.68%
Shape Angular
Maximum Size 20 mm
Fineness Modulus 6.26


Table 6.2: Slump value with AAC Block Aggregate in Concrete M-20

% of AAC Block Aggregate Course aggregate Slump Value
0% 100% 115
20% 80% 113
40% 60% 108
60% 40% 104
80% 20% 98
100% 0% 93

Slump Value At M-20 Grade Concrete

Slump Value in (mm)

60 Slump Value
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.1: Slump value with AAC Block Aggregate in Concrete M-20
Table 6.3 Slump value with AAC Block Aggregate in Concrete M-30

% of AAC Block Aggregate Course aggregate Slump Value

0% 100% 110

20% 80% 108

40% 60% 105

60% 40% 103

80% 20% 92

100% 0% 88

Slump Value At M-25 Grade Concrete


Slump Value in (mm)

60 Slump Value



0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Percentage of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.2: Slump value with AAC Block Aggregate in Concrete M-30
On the basis of the above results of the study of replacement of cement by AAC Block
Aggregate in 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% & 100% by weight of Ordinary Aggregate, following
conclusions were drawn.
Table 6.4: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-20

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

% of AAC Block
Serial no.
7 days 28 days

1 0 15.70 26.52

2 20 13.93 25.33

3 40 13.04 24.44

4 60 11.85 23.26

5 80 10.81 19.70

6 100 10.22 17.63

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) for M-20

25 23.26
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

20 17.63
15 13.93
10.81 10.22

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

% of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.3: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-20

Table 6.5: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-25

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

Serial % of AAC Block
no. Aggregate
7 days 28 days

1 0 17.48 32.15

2 20 16.44 30.22

3 40 14.81 27.85

4 60 13.04 26.96

5 80 11.56 24.89

6 100 10.07 20.89

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) for M-25
30 27.85
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

15 13.04

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

% of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.4: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Compressive Strength of M-25

On the basis of the above results of the study of replacement of cement by AAC Block
Aggregate in 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% & 100% by weight of Ordinary Aggregate, following
conclusions were drawn.
Table 6.6: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-20

Serial % of AAC Block Flexural Strength (N/mm2)

no. Aggregate 7 days 28 days
1 0 1.49 3.46
2 20 1.44 3.32
3 40 1.40 3.21
4 60 1.32 3.14

5 80 1.33 3.05
6 100 1.26 2.92

Flexural Strength (N/mm2) m-20

3.5 3.32
3.21 3.14
Flexural Strength (N/mm2)


1.49 1.44 1.4 1.32 1.33
1.5 1.26


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

% of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.5: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength (N/mm2) of M-20

Table 6.7: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength of M-25

Flexural Strength (N/mm2)

Serial % of AAC Block
no. Aggregate
7 days 28 days

1 0 1.51 3.76

2 20 1.46 3.63

3 40 1.41 3.59

4 60 1.34 3.51

5 80 1.20 3.22

6 100 1.11 3.07

Flexural Strength (N/mm2) m-25

3.63 3.59 3.51
3.5 3.22
Flexural Strength (N/mm2)


1.51 1.46 1.41 1.34
1.5 1.2 1.11


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

% of AAC Block Aggregate

Fig 6.6: AAC Block Aggregate (0-100 %) Flexural Strength (N/mm2) of M-20

 The compressive strength decreases with the increase in AAC Block Aggregate
compared with normal concrete. The values that are obtained increased at 7 days and
28 days of curing.
 When the Ordinary Aggregate is replaced with 60% AAC Block Aggregate gives the
optimum compressive strength.
 At 60% AAC Block Aggregate replace to Ordinary Aggregate decreases compressive
strength than conventional concrete in 28 days about 12.29% in M-20 grade concrete.
 At 60% AAC Block Aggregate replace to Ordinary Aggregate decreases compressive
strength than conventional concrete in 28 days about 16.13% in M-25 grade concrete.

 Slump value also decreased with increased AAC Block Aggregate.
Below are some of the recommendations for further studies:
 Suitability of other waste materials in conjunction with super plasticizers for replace of
Ordinary Aggregate can be experimentally determined in future.
 More economical and environment friendly concrete can be produced by using waste
material as replace of Ordinary Aggregate in other different percentages
 If additional research supports the use of concrete buildings then existing specification
should be revised to permit and encourage the use of other waste material.
 More investigations and laboratory tests should be done on the durability of AAC Block
Aggregate and other waste material in new concrete, and its creep and shrinkage

1. Alexanderson, J., 1979. Relations between structure and mechanical properties of
autoclaved aerated concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 9(4), pp.507-514.
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