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Aristotle, Plato, Heidegger,

Karl Marx, Machiavelli

and Eric Fromm were not
bitter ex-boyfriends (hehe)

They were philosophers -

ancient and modern who
have made a great impact
in my career and why I
chose to study Philosophy
and Legal Studies.

And how in the span of

several minutes will I convince
you to do the same :)

If you love reading...

... then you're in for a great treat.

The reading we do in this course

is massive. Think about synthesizing
the whole A Song of Ice and Fire
in one semester only you'd be
learning about Heidegger and his

I heard someone say 'BORING'

well, TBH, it is sometimes, but
that's how you use the numerous
resources you have at your disposal
right now.

I must admit learning today is

more exciting and easier more
than ever - what will all the videos,
eBooks that are at the mercy
of your fingertips.

Aristotle and Plato digitally

explaining their own school
of thought on your screens.
So reading those lessons,
prepping a paper is hard...

... yes, but you learn a LOT

and that can make you a
better person, a better individual
ready to take on the challenges
that graduation will bring

If you love discourse, arguing

your way to a higher allowance
or simply getting your way.

... then I tell you with all honesty

this is a good practice.

ALL the preparation that goes

to a defense and a debate is
enough to drive anyone nuts

In hindsight, I couldn't be more

thankful for the exercise.

I am a better at organizing my
thought because of the guidance
my instructors have provided
and because of the learning
from my 4 years stay in the course.

Now, on to a bigger picture.

I never saw myself as a teacher.

I raised hell while I was studying

and I did now want to experience
the same (apologies to my teachers)

I also did not see myself as a

politician. It's a messy job and
I don't like cleaning as much as
I like cleaning my own bedroom.
I saw myself wielding the shield
of Lady Justice and defending
the oppressed.

I did not enroll in Law School right away.

I did what wide eyed fresh grad

would do and looked for a job
that would fit my lifestyle and
my needs.

After gaining the needed experience,

meeting different people, finding my
soul... I was ever ready to plunge
my way in law school.

Cut the story short, I am about

to graduate.... soon.

It has been an amazing journey

so far and I am forever thankful
of EVERYTHING my pre-law course
taught me.

I know, me rambling about my

experiences is not enough to
convince you.

That's okay.

The world is your playground

and you have the all the right
to choose the swing, the slide
or the see-saw.

So choose wisely.

Play around until you find

the perfect and most comfortable
ride you won't get sick of.

And most of all ENJOY :)

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