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By normal ways of counting it can be seen that figure 1 has 4 squares, figure 2 has 8
squares, and figure 3 has 12 squares.

=4 squares =
8 squares

It shows that it has aa common difference of 4. By using

simple arithmetic progression, we can find the number of squares in nth term.

a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d
an = last term n = number of terms
a1 = first term d = common difference
By checking we will find the number of squares at the 3rd term.
By normal ways of counting, 3rd term has 12 squares.

By calculation,

a 3=4 + ( 3−1 ) 4 where a1 = 4 based on the given

a 3=4 + ( 2 ) 4

a 3=4 +8

a 3=12
By normal ways of counting = By calculation
12 = 12
2. The figure below shows the graph representation of the graph y = x3

If graph of f(x)f(x) is given, we can write equations of different shifted graphs as below.

Shift left by a unit: f(x+a)

Shift right by a unit: f(x−a)
Shift up by a unit: f(x)+a
Shift down by a unit: f(x)−a
Reflection across x-axis: −f(x)
Reflection across y-axis: f(−x)

a. reflection about x-axis b. vertical translation 6 units upward

f(x) = - (x3) f(x) = x3 + 6

c. a horizontal translation 7 units to the right d. a vertical shrink by a factor of 1/3

f(x) = (x-7)3 f(x) = x3 – 1/3
3. The period represents the time, in seconds, that it takes for the buoy to bob up and down to
return to the same position

The amplitude represents half the maximum distance, in feet, the buoy will be from its midline.
From the given y=1.75 cos t , we can see that the amplitude =1.75.
At time 0,
y=1.75 cos (0)
When the buoy to bob down, it will travel -1.75 or 1.75 downwards. To find the time,
y=1.75 cos (t )
−1.75=1.75cos (t)
And to complete one wavelength it needed 2t in order to buoy back to return to its position
−1.75=1.75cos (2t )
The amplitude = 1.75 means the buoy goes up 1.75 ft above sea level then drops to
1.75 ft below sea level. The period = 6 means that it takes 6 seconds from the time the buoy is
at its highest point, then goes down, then goes back up, and reaches its highest point again.

4. From the given, the largest distance from the Sun to the earth is 152.1 million kilometers, and the
shrotest distance is 147.1 million kilometers.

152.1 million kilometers

147.1 million kilometers

From figure 2, we can solve the major axis and semi major axis by adding the largest and
shortest distance between Sun and the Earth.
Major axis = 152.1 x 106 km + 147.1 x 106 km
Major axis = 299.2 x 106 km
Semi major axis = a =major axis/2
Semi major axis = 299.2 x 106 km/2 = a
Semi major axis = 149.6 x 106 km= a
To compute for the distance from the center to focus (sun), we will subtract the shortest
distance from the semi major axis.
C = 299.2 x 106 km - 149.6 x 106 km
C = 2.5 x 106 km
For the eccentricity, For the distance between two foci,
e = c/a distance of two foci = 2c
e = 2.5 x 106 km/149.6 x 106 km distance of two foci = 2(2.5 x 106 km)
e = 0.01671122995 distance of two foci = 5 x 106 km
For the minor axis (b),
c2 = a2 – b2
(2.5 x 106 km)2 = (149.6 x 106 km)2 – b2
Minor axis = b = 149.5791095 x 106 km

5. To determine whether the expressions (P+Q) R and PR+QR are equal, we must find all the
determinants of matrix P, Q, and R and substitute it to the expression to conclude whether they
are equal or not.
In finding determinant of matrix 2x2, we will use this pattern:
det(matrix) = ad - bc

for the determinant of matrix P:

det(P) = (3)(2) – (1)(4)
det(P) = 6 – 4
det(P) = 2
for the determinant of matrix Q:
det(P) = (1)(-2) – (3)(0)
det(P) = -2 – 0
det(P) = -2
for the determinant of matrix R:
det(P) = (1)(1) – (-2)(4)
det(P) = 1 – (-8)
det(P) = 9
To check if the two expressions are equal, we will substitute all the values computed to the
(P+Q) R =? PR+QR
[2 + (-2)] x 9 =? (2)(9) + (-2)(9)
0 x 9 =? 18 + (-18)
Therefore, we can conclude that the two expressions are equal with each other.

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