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Systems Development: Split Pay System Specifications

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Information systems process data inputs and generate useful information for

organizational operations. Their purposes range from processing useful transactions to providing

needed information for recruitment issues, strategy formulation, and linking corporate data to

office information. How do such systems come to existence? Through a methodology, human

know-how can be defined, build, and implemented into a system. The rapid change and

advancement in technology have ensured that information systems function correctly, are easy to

use, and meet the organizational needs. The SplitPay System, in this case, has both the client-

side running on Android Handsets and a server-side for supporting and interacting with various

client-side features. The system tracks and settles shared expenses in various scenarios, including

splitting a check at dinner, paying rent, and sharing travel expenses.

What systems development model approach would you use to develop this system?

Agile methodologies best suit the development process of this system. Agile is based on an

incremental and iterative development process where solutions and requirements evolve through

collaboration between cross-functional self-organizing teams (Rajagopalan & Mathew, 2016).

Besides, it fosters on evolutionary and adaptive planning. With this methodology, system

developers have to issue deliverables and milestones rapidly and respond to changes flexibly.

Why is the system a good match for the systems development model you chose?

SplitPay System is a good match for agile due to various reasons. First, it is a huge

system with various functional and non-functional requirements. Developers need to develop a

user registration system to gather user data and customize their preferences and settings. They

have to develop a group registration and management system to support various groups and

streamline the process. Other functionalities a billing system to store and monitor bills, a

member-to-member transaction management system, a debt resolution system, and a resolution


system. Non-functional requirement ranges for notifications, help menus, and reporting, and

setting systems.

Also, the system is critical, and much focus should be directed on managing risks. A

sound system development system should identify issues whenever they arise and, at the same

time, leads to closure to functional issues. SplitPay System users have complex needs that

cannot be quantified. Using this system's success depends on the system's ability to quickly and

timely identify and manage possible threats and risks. Agile is an adaptive process where team

members respond to changes, and user needs quickly and flexibly. While using this method,

developers are not required to invest in time and effort to pinpoint issues; they must respond to

issues responsively. Besides, face-to-face communication and active consumer input leave no

space for guesses. The result of using this process is a high-quality system in the least time

possible and satisfied client.

What situations might you encounter that would be a problem for the model you


While using these systems, issues are inevitable. Re-work, for instance, is inevitable. Because

the process lacks long-term planning and utilizes a lightweight approach to system architecture,

re-work, especially when various components are supposed to be combined to form an intact

component, might be the common issue in the project execution process. Also, potential threats

to knowledge transfer and business process continuity are likely to be encountered. Naturally,

while using agile, system documentation is exceptionally light, and most teams focus on face-to-

face communication in the development and requirement gathering (Al-Zewairi et al., 2017). If

customer representatives among other stakeholders are not clear, the project can quickly get off-

track. Besides, outside integration may be an issue because developers do not invest in designing

and identifying points with other systems in advance.

What would be your second choice of a systems development model for this system,

and why?

Alternatively, I will consider the SDLC framework to develop the system. The process

requires that system designers and developers should follow some set of activities consistently

and in phases. Besides, developers and designers should issue a milestone report ad use the

previous task results to develop another phase (de Vicente Mohino et al., 2019). The framework

offers better planning and control of the project, ensures compliance to prescribed standards, and

continuous reviews and signoffs.


SplitPay is a vast system. At the same time, it is critical as users need to feel a sense of

security. Risk management is critical, and the wrong approach is likely to cause losses. Agile and

SDLC seem the best solution as they thoroughly look into the system's issues and identify issues

whenever they arise.


Al-Zewairi, M., Biltawi, M., Etaiwi, W., & Shaout, A. (2017). Agile software development

methodologies: survey of surveys. Journal of Computer and Communications, 5(05), 74.

de Vicente Mohino, J., Bermejo Higuera, J., Bermejo Higuera, J. R., & Sicilia Montalvo, J. A.

(2019). The application of a new security software development life cycle (S-SDLC) with

agile methodologies. Electronics, 8(11), 1218.


Rajagopalan, S., & Mathew, S. K. (2016). Choice of agile methodologies in software

development: a vendor perspective. Journal of International Technology and Information

Management, 25(1), 3.

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