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International Court of Justice Contentious shelf was governed by the principle that each

Case: The North Sea Continental Shelf Cases coastal state is entitled to a just and equitable
(Germany/Denmark; Germany/Netherlands). share (hereinafter called just and equitable
principle/method). Contrary to Denmark and
Netherlands, Germany argued that the principle of
Year of Decision: 1969. equidistance was neither a mandatory rule in
delimitation of the continental shelf nor a rule of
Note: This post discusses only  aspects of the case customary international law that was binding on
related to treaty and customary international law. Germany. The Court was not asked to delimit
because the parties had already agreed to delimit
the continental shelf as between their countries, by
Overview: The jurisprudence of the North agreement, after the determination of the Court on
Sea Continental Shelf Cases sets out the dual the applicable principles.
requirement for the formation of customary
international law: (1) State practice (the objective
element) and (2) opinio juris (the subjective Facts of the Case:
element). In these cases, the Court explained the
criteria necessary to establish State practice – Netherlands and Denmark had drawn partial
widespread and representative participation. boundary lines based on the equidistance principle
It highlighted that the practices of those States (A-B and C-D). An agreement on further
whose interests were specially affected by the prolongation of the boundary proved difficult
custom were especially relevant in the formation of because Denmark and Netherlands wanted this
customary law. It also held that uniform prolongation to take place based on the
and consistent practice was necessary to equidistance principle (B-E and D-E) where as
demonstrate opinio juris – opinio juris is the belief Germany was of the view that, together, these two
that State practice amounts to a legal obligation. boundaries would produce an inequitable result for
The North Sea Continental Self Cases also dispelled her. Germany stated that due to its concave
the myth that duration of the practice (i.e. the coastline, such a line would result in her loosing out
number of years) was an essential factor in on her share of the continental shelf based on
forming customary international law.  proportionality to the length of its North Sea
coastline. The Court had to decide the principles
The case involved the delimitation of the and rules of international law applicable to this
continental shelf areas in the North Sea between delimitation. In doing so, the Court had to decide if
Germany and Denmark and Germany and the principles espoused by the parties were binding
Netherlands beyond the partial boundaries on the parties either through treaty law or
previously agreed upon by these States. The parties customary international law.
requested the Court to decide the principles and
rules of international law that are applicable to the
above delimitation because the parties disagreed
on the applicable principles or rules of delimitation.
Netherlands and Denmark relied on the principle of
equidistance (the method of determining the
boundaries in such a way that every point in the
boundary is equidistant from the nearest points of
the baselines from which the breath of the
territorial sea of each State is measured). Germany
sought to get a decision in favour of the notion
that the delimitation of the relevant continental
in the North Sea related to the present

Relevant Findings of the Court:

1. Nature of the treaty obligation: Is the 1958

Geneva Convention, and in particular Article 6,
binding on Germany?

1. Article 6 of the Geneva Convention  stated that

unless the parties had already agreed on a method
for delimitation or unless special circumstances
exist, the equidistance method would apply.
Germany had signed, but not ratified, the Geneva
Convention, while Netherlands and Denmark
were parties to the Convention. The latter two
States argued that while Germany is not a party to
the Convention (not having ratified it), she was still
bound by Article 6 of the Convention because:

“…(1)  by conduct, by public statements and

proclamations, and in other ways, the Republic has
unilaterally assumed the obligations of the
Convention; or has manifested its acceptance of
North Sea Continental Shelf the conventional regime; or has recognized it as
Cases ( being generally applicable to the delimitation of
continental shelf areas…

Questions before the Court (as relevant to this

post): (2) the Federal Republic had held itself out as so
assuming, accepting or recognizing, in such a
manner as to cause other States, and in particular
Is Germany under a legal obligation to accept the Denmark and the Netherlands, to rely on the
equidistance-special circumstances principle, attitude thus taken up” (the latter is called
contained in Article 6 of the Geneva Convention on the  principle of estoppel).
the Continental Shelf of 1958, either as a
customary international law rule or on the basis of
the Geneva Convention? 2. The Court rejected the first argument. It said that
only a ‘very definite very consistent course of
conduct on the part of a State would allow the
The Court’s Decision: Court to presume that the State had somehow
become bound by a treaty (by a means other than
in the formal manner: i.e. ratification) when the
The use of the equidistance method had not
State was ‘at all times fully able and entitled to…’
crystallised into customary law and the method
accept the treaty commitments in a formal
was not obligatory for the delimitation of the areas
manner. The Court held that Germany had not
unilaterally assumed obligations under the
Convention. The court also took notice of the fact Article 6 of the Geneva Convention in so far as
that even if Germany ratified the treaty, she had they reflect customary international law?
the option of entering into a reservation on Article
6, following which that particular article would no
longer be applicable to Germany (in other words, 6. Netherlands and Denmark argued that Article 6
even if one were to assume that Germany had also reflected ‘the accepted rule of general
intended to become a party to the Convention, it international law on the subject of continental shelf
does not presuppose that it would have also delimitation’ and that it existed independently of
undertaken those obligations contained in Article the Convention. Therefore, they argued, Germany
6). is bound by the subject matter of Article 6 by way
of customary international law.

3. Note: The Vienna Convention on the Law of

Treaties of 1969 (VCLT), which came into force in 7. To decide if the equidistance principle bound
1980, discusses in more detail treaty obligations of Germany by way of customary international law,
third States (those States who are not parties to the Court examined (1) the status of the principle
the treaty). It clearly stipulates that obligations contained in Article 6 as it stood when the
arise for third States from a provision of a treaty Convention was being drawn up; and (2) its status
only if (1) the actual parties to the treaty intended after the Convention came into force.
the provision to create obligations for third States;
and (2) third State expressly accept (a) What was the customary law status of Article 6
those obligations in writing (Article 35 of the VCLT). at the time of drafting the Convention?
The VCLT was not in force when the
Court deliberated on this case. However, as  seen
above, the Court’s position is consistent the VCLT. 8. The Court held that the principle of equidistance,
(See the relevant provisions of the Vienna as contained in Article 6 did not form a part of
Convention on the Law of Treaties). existing or emerging customary international law at
the time of drafting the Convention. The Court
supported this finding based on (1) the hesitation
4. The Court held that the existence of a situation expressed by the drafters of the Convention, the
of estoppel would have allowed Article 6 to International Law Commission, on the inclusion of
become binding on Germany – but held that Article 6 into the Convention and (2) the fact that
Germany’s action did not support an argument for reservations to Article 6 was permissible under the
estoppel. The Court also held that the mere fact Convention. The Court held:
that Germany may not have specifically objected to
the equidistance principle as contained in Article 6,
is not sufficient to state that the principle is now “… Article 6 is one of those in respect of which,
binding upon it. under the reservations article of the Convention
(Article 12) reservations may be made by any State
on signing, ratifying or acceding, – for speaking
5. In conclusion, the Court held that Germany had generally, it is a characteristic of purely
not acted in any manner so as to incur obligations conventional rules and obligations that, in regard
contained in Article 6 of the Geneva Convention. to them, some faculty of making unilateral
The equidistance–special circumstances rule was reservations may, within certain limits, be
not binding on Germany by way of treaty law. admitted; whereas this cannot be so in the case of
general or customary law rules and obligations
2. Nature of the customary international law which, by their very nature, must have equal force
obligation: Is Germany bound by the provisions of for all members of the international community,
and cannot therefore be the subject of any right of
unilateral exclusion exercisable at will by any one 11. The Court held that the first criteria was not
of them in its own favor…. The normal inference met. The number of ratifications and accessions to
would therefore be that any articles that do not the Convention (39 States) were not adequately
figure among those excluded from the faculty of representative or widespread.
reservation under Article 12, were not regarded as
declaratory of previously existing or emergent rules
of law …” (see para 65 for a counter argument and Duration
the Court’s careful differentiation)
12. The Court held that the duration taken for
(b) Did the provisions in Article 6 on the a customary law rule to emerge is not as important
equidistance principle attain the customary law as widespread and representative participation,
status after the Convention came into force? uniform usage, and the existence of an opinio juris.
It held that:

9. The Court then examined whether the rule

contained in Article 6 had become customary “Although the passage of only a short period of
international law after the Convention entered into time (in this case, 3 – 5 years) is not necessarily, or
force – either due the Convention itself (i.e., if of itself, a bar to the formation of a new rule of
enough States had ratified the Convention in a customary international law on the basis of what
manner so as to fulfil the criteria specified below), was originally a purely conventional rule, an
or because of subsequent State practice (i.e. even if indispensable requirement would be that within the
an adequate number of States had not ratified the period in question, short though it might be, State
Convention, one could find sufficient State practice practice, including that of States whose interests
to meet the criteria below). The Court held that are specially affected, should have been both
Article 6 of the Convention had not attained a extensive and virtually uniform in the sense of the
customary law status. (Compare the 1958 Geneva provision invoked and should moreover have
Convention with the four Geneva Conventions on occurred in such a way as to show a general
1949 relating to international humanitarian law in recognition that a rule of law or legal obligation is
terms of the latter’s authority as a pronouncement involved.”
of customary international law).
Opinio juris
10. For a customary rule to emerge the Court held
that it needed: (1) very widespread and 13. Opinio juris is reflected in acts of States
representative participation in the Convention, (Nicaragua Case) or in omissions (Lotus case), in so
including States whose interests were specially far as those acts or omissions were done following
affected (in this case, they were coastal States) (i.e. a belief that the said State is obligated by law to act
generality); and (2) virtually uniform practice (i.e. or refrain from acting in a particular way. (For more
consistent and uniform usage) undertaken in a on opinio juris click here).
manner that demonstrates (3) a general
recognition of the rule of law or legal obligation
(i.e. opinio juries). In the North Sea Continental 14. The Court examined 15 cases where States had
Shelf cases the court held that the passage of a delimited their boundaries using the equidistance
considerable period of time was unnecessary (i.e. method, after the Convention came into force
duration) for the formation of a customary law. (paras. 75 -77). The Court concluded that even if
there were some State practice in favour of the
equidistance principle, the Court could not deduct
Widespread and representative participation the necessary opinio juris from this State
practice. The North Sea Continental Shelf Cases
confirmed that both State practice (the objective
element) and opinio juris (the subjective element)
are essential pre-requisites for the formation of a
customary law rule. This is consistent with Article
38 (1) (b) of the Statute of the ICJ. The Court
explained the concept of opinio juris and the
difference between customs (i.e. habits) and
customary law:

“Not only must the acts concerned amount to a

settled practice, but they must also be such, or be
carried out in such a way, as to be evidence of a
belief that this practice is rendered obligatory by
the existence of a rule of law requiring it. The need
for such a belief, i.e, the existence of a subjective
element, is implicit in the very notion of the opinio
juris sive necessitatis. The States concerned must
therefore feel that they are conforming to what
amounts to a legal obligation. The frequency, or
even habitual character of the acts is not in itself
enough. There are many international acts, e.g., in
the field of ceremonial and protocol, which are
performed almost invariably, but which are
motivated only by considerations of courtesy,
convenience or tradition, and not by any sense of
legal duty.” (Para 77).

15.  The Court concluded that the equidistance

principle was not binding on Germany by way of
treaty or customary international law. In the case
of the latter, the principle had not attained a
customary international law status at the time of
the entry into force of the Geneva Convention or
thereafter. As such, the Court held that the use of
the equidistance method is not obligatory for the
delimitation of the areas concerned in the present
locution which means “towards all” or “towards
everyone”. For the legal domain, it means that a
judicial decision is binding towards everyone, rights
BARCELONA TRACTION, LIGHT AND POWER and obligations are owed towards all. These norms
are imperative. Maurizio Ragazzi explained in his
COMPANYCASE book, The Concept of International Obligations Erga
Omnes, that “In the Barcelona Traction case, the
In 1958, the Belgian Government filed with the International Court of Justice identified a category of
International Court of Justice an Application against international obligations called erga omnes, namely
the Spanish Govt. seeing reparation for damage obligations owed by states to the international
community as a whole, intended to protect and
allegedly caused to the Barcelona Traction, Light promote the basic values and common interests of
and Power Company Limited on account of the all”.
Spanish State. This was after a financial maneuver
led by Juan March was done to take over the
The judgement of 1970 is a fundamental one in the
society, the Court of Spain declared Barcelona way that it expressed this notion of erga omnes that is
Traction company as bankrupt. now considered as one of the pillar of the international
law. It expanded this notion in the international
community. The notion of erga omnes is associated
A first round of diplomatic negotiations started with the notion of jus cogens which corresponds to a
involving a few governments, such as Belgium, fundamental principle of international, accepted by the
Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States international community, considered as universal and
of America. As it was a society ruled by Canadian law, superior to which no derogation can be granted. The
Canada proposed to settle the matter with arbitration notion of jus cogens was established by the Vienna
which the Spanish government refused but agreed to Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969.
form a committee of experts to study the dispute.
Because the diplomatic negotiations were
unsuccessful, the Belgian government filed a first The case Barcelona Traction, Light and Power
request before the International Court of Justice on Limited Company is of the greatest importance and
September 23, 1958, which was in 1961 interrupted value in the field of International Law, and more
as new negotiations took place. Understanding that particularly for diplomatic protection and the
these negotiations would go nowhere, Belgium filed a promotion of the concept of erga omnes norms and
new request before the International Court of Justice rights. Jean Charpentier explained in his analysis of
on June 19, 1962. the case, the relations between the states are rigid
which does not facilitate the flexibility at the base of
multinational companies. He then explained that the
Regarding the jurisdiction of the Court, Belgium and only solution would be to ask the State to which they
Spain are both parties to the Statute of the Court invest a right of direct access to ad hoc arbitral
meaning that the Court is qualified and has jurisdiction bodies.
to hear and to resolve the dispute, in which Belgium is
using its diplomatic protection for the benefit of its
foreign nationals and supports that Spain broke the The Court would here observe that, within the limits
international law rules concerning the way foreigners prescribed by international law, a State may exercise
are treated. In 1963, Spain raised four preliminary diplomatic protection by whatever means and to
objections to the Belgian complaint. In a judgement of whatever extent it thinks fit, for it is its own rightthat
July 24, 1964, the Court rejected the first two the State is asserting. Should the natural or legal
preliminary objections and joined the second two persons on whos behalf it is acting consider that their
together. In the decision of February 5, 1970, the rights are not adequately protected they have no
main question revolved around the thematic of remedy in international law. Hence the Belgian Gov
diplomatic protection: does Belgium have the right to
use its diplomatic protection for the Belgian
shareholders of a Canadian company and therefore
stand before the International Court of Justice or not?

One of the main benefit of this judgement is the

recognition of the concept “erga omnes”. It’s a Latin

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