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Analysis of the impact of the integration of

renewable energies on HTA distribution networks in

Sara Mkattiri Abdallah Saad
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Laboratory of Energy and Electrical Systems Laboratory of Energy and Electrical Systems
National School of Electricity and Mechanics National School of Electricity and Mechanics
Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco

Abstract—Morocco has adopted an ambitious energy strategy exceeded 98% in 2009, will fall to less than 82% in 2030 [1].
that aims to increase the contribution of renewable energy to Moreover, the arrival of the Law 13-09 [2] on renewable
52% of installed electric power on the horizon 2030 (mainly wind energies gives the right to the producers to connect to the
and photovoltaic power). distribution network HTA and to sell the energy produced
Since the enactment of Law 13-09 authorizing to private
either to the state or to a consumer connected to the electricity
producers to connect renewable energy sources to the grid,
important requests for connection to HTA distribution networks grid.
have already been expressed. The response to these requests In the near future, there will be a significant increase in
requires the control of the impacts that can result from the requests for DEG connections to the HTA distribution network.
connection to these networks of Decentralized Energy Generation Since the network was not originally built to accommodate
(DEG). Several studies devoted to the problem and testimonials intermittent energy sources, the connections will disrupt the
feedback experience have shown that a rate of increasing operators' habits. These operators will be obliged to control
penetration of DEG has impacts on the future operation of the impacts, manage constraints and adapt their network to DEG.
distribution networks. This requires the managers of these Note that the Modern HTA Structure in Morocco is based on
networks to carry out studies prior to each connection to
security between source posts, with two possibilities depending
accurately assess the impacts and adapt the network if necessary.
In this article, an approach of impact study of the integration of on the context: spindle structure with backup cable at another
DEGs into the urban HTA distribution network is developed. It source post, source-to-source arterial structure. Ability to
is implemented on a real pilot network representative of the switch from one to another over time, especially when creating
distributors' HTA distribution networks. a new source post.
The simulation results illustrate, for different scenarios (location In the literature, several studies have been developed on the
of the injection points, power injected), the expected impact on impact of the injection of renewable energies on the
the power transit, the active losses, the voltage plan, the distribution network [3], [4]. And they showed that the
protection plan which includes the impact on the power of short insertion of DEG changes the transit of powers in the network,
circuit, the impact on the setting of protections.
and it modifies the voltage plan and the protection plan and the
Keywords—HTA distribution network, dispersed energy, quality of the energy [5], [6], [7].
decentralized production, DEG, renewable energies, impact, In this paper, several cases will be discussed according to
injection, power transit, voltage plan, protection plan, short-circuit injection point and the injected power. In the fact, the aim of
power, protection setting. our study is to apprehend the impact of the injection of
renewable energies on the HTA network and to develop an
I. INTRODUCTION: analysis and evaluation tool for this impact, exploitable by the
managers of the HTA network.
The development of renewable energy sources, especially solar
In the second section of this paper, the different impacts of
and wind, is one of the priorities of the national energy policy.
connecting a DEG to an HTA network are presented and
On The horizon 2030, the electricity capacity will reach 24,800
modeled. The third section presents the simulation results of
MW, which is three times the capacity in 2015, this to meet the impact of the DEGs, in a pilot HTA network, on the transit
demand growth needs that exceed 6% annually. The share of of energy, the voltage plan and the protection plan.
renewable energies will account for 52% in 2030. The
Kingdom will display, for the first time, a share of electricity
produced from renewable sources higher than that obtained
from fossil energy sources. Energy dependence, which

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- Algeria
HTA DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS: And the three-phase short-circuit power can be calculated by
the relation (4):
A. Impact on the transit of energy: Scctri = 3×Vn×Icctri =¥3×Un× Icctri =C×Un² / Zcc (4)
The power grid was initially built for a unidirectional power Where Un is the rated voltage of the network.
flow from the upstream network. Electric power generated Scctri is a criterion in the choice of devices (cables, circuit
from large power plants is transmitted by transmission breakers, machines, etc.) connected to a network, taking into
networks to distribution networks. They then carry the energy account their resistance to fault current constraints on the
to consumers. Depending on the importance of the powers of network.
the DEGs integrated in the network, the direction of power When connecting DEG, the impedance Zcc can be reduced due
flow can change (back to the source post, or even back to the to the parallel circuit that it creates with the upstream network.
transport network). From now on, it is necessary to take into So the fault current and the short-circuit power will increase.
account this bi-directionality in the management of the As a result, devices that have been selected based on the initial
network. It is also necessary to check the respect of the transit short-circuit power can be damaged by a higher fault current
capacities of the network. In fact, the power injected by the [8]. Thus, we can witness nuisance tripping and/or the
DEGs can lead, in certain branches of the network, to higher blindness of the protection system.
power flows than the electrical resistance of equipment (lines,
cables, etc.). This may lead to accelerated aging, or even • Nuisance tripping of protections:
degradation of these materials by overheating. These
This problem occurs when a fault appears on a departure
directional flows can also impact the settings of the protections;
adjacent to the departure with a DEG. Indeed, the DEG
in fact the DEG brings short circuit power downstream of the
participating in the fault current can trigger the protection P2 if
protections and risk, as a result, of blinding them or triggering
the fault current brought by the DEG is greater than the
them untimely. The security of goods and persons can therefore
threshold of the protection P2, as shown in Figure 1. [8]
be at stake [8].
B. Impact on the voltage plan:
The presence of the DEG will obviously modify the existing
voltage profile because the contribution of the active and
reactive powers of the productions changes the voltage along
the departure. The formulas (1) and (2) show it for the case of
voltage drop between the ends 1 and 2 of a section of the HTA
departure [9]:
V1² - V2² = 2×(R×P+X×Q) (1) Fig. 1. problem of nuisance tripping of protections
ΔV/ V² = (R×P+X×Q) / V² (2)
Where: • Blindness of protections:
V1, V2: the tensions composed of nodes 1 and 2. This problem occurs when a fault appears on a departure with a
ΔV/ V: the relative voltage drop between the ends of section 1- DEG. Indeed, in the absence of DEG, the threshold of
2. protection P2 is set to IP2 = Idf1 (fault current from the upstream
V: average of the voltages V1 and V2. network). If you connect a DEG, then the DEG will participate
P, Q: the active and reactive powers exchanged by node 2. in the fault current. The fault current brought by the upstream
R, X: the resistance and reactance of section 1-2. network Idf2 is then lower than Idf1 and therefore lower than
the threshold of protection P2 which does not trigger hence the
So the connection of DEG on the HTA network can, by the term blindness, as shown in Figure 2. [8]
contribution of P and Q, vary the voltage plane. The impact can
be beneficial by raising the voltage while remaining within
allowable limits, as it can be negative by causing overvoltages
in cases where the load is minimal and the production is
maximal. [8], [9], [10].

C. Impact on the protection plan:

During a three-phase short circuit, the fault current is expressed
by the formula (3): Fig. 2. problem of blindness of protections
Icctri = C×Vn / Zcc (3)
Where Vn is the nominal single voltage of the network; The technical guide of ENEDIS (Ex ERDF: Electricity,
Zcc is Thévenin's impedance of the network seen from the Network, Distribution France) [11] proposes a method of
observation point; calculation of the current of adjustment which takes into

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account the evoked aspects and thus guarantees the good • Injection at midpoint (2,618km from A).
functioning of the protective apparatus at the head of an HTA
• Injection at the end of the start (5,02 km from A).
departure having a DEG.
The injected powers considered are respectively 2 and 4 MVA,
D. Impact on the quality of energy:
knowing that the total current load of the departure is 4,06
The connection of DEG to the distribution network can also MW.
alter the quality of the voltage wave [9]. It can cause:

• Voltage fluctuations « Flicker »:

The intermittent nature of renewable sources, particularly wind
turbines or photovoltaic panels, causes a fluctuation in the
power injected into the networks. This, in turn, will generate
voltage fluctuations.

• Voltage dips:
They can intervene when a DEG couples to the network
because of a strong call from the current.
Fig. 3. Single-line diagram of the RA HTA network of the urban without
• Harmonics: DEG
Some producers may have power electronics interfaces that are
responsible for creating harmonics. B. Impact on power transit:
Therefore, for a generator to be able to connect to the HTA The network is originally designed for active power flows
network, it is necessary for the network operator to verify that down from the source station to consumers. The presence of
the injection rates of each rank of the harmonic current comply DEGs is likely to create bidirectional active power flows
with the regulatory limits. within the network. Figure 4 illustrates this bi-directionality. A
III. MODELING THE PILOT HTA NETWORK AND SIMULATING 3 MVA power DEG connected to the middle position, not only
DEG IMPACTS: feeds the load connected to the same node (Need> 3 MVA) but
also exports power to the other loads.
The network HTA object of our study, is a real network
representative of the architectures of the current networks HTA
in the urban environment in Morocco.
The impact of the connection of the DEGs on the network
focused respectively on:

• The power transit,

• Active losses in the lines,
• The plan of tension,
• The plan of protection:
ª The power of short circuit,
ª The setting of the departure protection with the DEG. Fig. 4. Bidirectionality in the RA network

The study is conducted with NEPLAN software. For a total power called by the departure which is 4,06732
MW, we carried out simulations of injection of DEG in the
A. The RA network: network.
It is a section of Casablanca urban HTA network, shown Table I shows the maximum powers that can be injected into
schematically in Figure 3. The studied line is fed at one end by the network without power feedback to the upstream network.
the source station A (60KV/ 20KV) and rescued at the other These power are close to the total power transited.
end, by source station B (225KV/20KV), with an opening point

Several injection scenarios are considered: Maximum power to be injected in MW

DEG at the beginning DEG in the middle DEG at the end
• Injection at departure near source station A (1,241km 4,078 4,072 4,081
from A).

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When the production of DEG exceeds the load call, the rest can acceptable with or without the presence of the unit of the
be exported to the transmission grid, as shown in Figure 5: decentralized production. Tolerable voltages are ± 10% of the
nominal voltage 20 KV, that is to say a voltage between 18KV
(90% Un) and 22KV (110% Un).
Figure 7 shows the voltages at level of each node for different
DEG location cases and for two DEG power values (2MVA
and 4MVA) and shows that:

• The connection of a DEG to the network makes it

possible to slightly raise the voltage at each node while
remaining within the allowable limits given by the
network manager. The connection in these cases has a
beneficial effect on the voltage plane.
• The further the DEG is from the source post and the
greater the power, the higher the voltage at each node
Fig. 5. Energy export to the upstream network and hence the voltage plan improves.

C. Impact on active losses:

When connecting a DEG to the network, the transit of power
changes, so also the currents flowing in lines, and therefore the
losses change. This is illustrated in Figure 6 which shows that:

• Connecting a DEG to the network reduces line losses

compared to the case without DEG: Without DEG, the
losses were 16,724 KW and increased to 3,626KW for
a 4 MVA DEG connected in the middle; this
Fig. 7. Voltage profile of the studied network for different scenarios
corresponds to a reduction of losses by a factor of 4,6.
• For a DEG connected to the beginning or middle of the
E. Impact on the protection plan:
line, the greater the power of the DEG, the lower the
losses. The impact is evaluated by calculating the short-circuit currents
in accordance with CEI 60-909.

a. The impact on short circuit power:

The impact of the DEG connection on the short-circuit power
is shown in the diagram shown in Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Network example for short circuit calculation

For a three-phase short-circuit occurring at point B, the short-

circuit power is calculated at this point for three configurations:
Fig. 6. the active losses in the lines for different scenarios

On the other hand, for a DEG connected at the end of the • Without DEG :
departure, the losses can increase if the power of the DEG is SccB_0=C×U²/ZccB=C×U²/¥((Ra+Rtr+Rl×L)²+ (Xa+Xtr+Xl×L)²)
great. (5)
D. Impact on the voltage plan: L is the distance between the source and the fault (A-B).
ZccB: Thevenin impedance of the network seen in point B.
The voltage plan must be respected within the limits of the
Ra, Rtr, Rl: Respectively the resistances of the upstream
planning of the urban network, no violation of the limit is
network, the transformer and the cable.

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Xa, Xtr, Xl: Respectively the reactances of the upstream departure in the rescue departure diagram, and then calculating
network, the transformer and the cable. the three-phase and two-phase short-circuit current (IcctriG,
IccbiG) in head of the cable of another departure from the source
• DEG connected to point A: station in rescue departure diagram, as shown in Figure 10.
SccB_A=C×U²/¥((0,145×L+Xd²×(Ra+Rtr)/((Ra+Rtr)²+ (Xa+Xtr+
Xd)²))²+(0,1×L+Xd×((Ra+Rtr)²+(Xa+Xtr)²+(Xd×(Xa+Xtr) )/(
Ra²+(Xa+Xtr+Xd)²))²) (6)
Xd: The subtransient reactance of the synchronous machine
connected to point A.

• DEG connected to point B:

SccB_B=C×U²/[Xd¥[(Ra+Rtr+Rl×L)² + (Xa+Xtr+Xl×L)²]/(¥
[(Ra+Rtr+Rl×L)² + (Xa+Xtr+Xl×L+ Xd)²])] (7)
Xd: The subtransient reactance of the synchronous machine
connected to point B.

Fig. 10. Diagram for the calculation of the circuit current currents for the
determination of the setting of the departure protection to which the DEG will
be connected

The steps of the flow chart (Figure 11) are then followed to
find the setting (Isetting) to adopt.
Fig. 9. Short-circuit power at point B when connecting a 2 MVA and 4MVA The procedure applied to our network shows that the
DEG protection of departure must be directional with a setting
threshold between 1,3×Ip<Isetting<0,8×Iccbi.
Figure 9 illustrates the variation of the short-circuit power at
point B as a function of the distance between source and fault
point. It shows that:

• Connecting a DEG causes an increase in the short

circuit power SccB.
• The closer the connection point is to the source post,
the greater the impact of DEG on SccB.
• The higher the injected power, the higher the SccB
power compared to the case without DEG.
The increase of the short circuit powers imposes the systematic
verification of the thermal resistance of the equipment.

b. The impact on the setting of the departure protection Fig. 11. Departure Protection Setting Solution with DEG
with the DEG:
As we have just shown, the injection of renewable energies Table 2 summarizes the settings for HTA departure protection
changes the value of the short-circuit currents, which can with DEG for different DEG location and power scenarios:
cause the blindness or the nuisance tripping of the protection
of the HTA departure on which it is connected the producer
(Situation illustrated in a previous paragraph). The distribution
system operator must therefore evaluate the impact and adjust
the protection settings.
The procedure adopted in [11] consists in calculating the
short-circuit current (Iccbi) at the most impedant point of the

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TABLE II. THE SETTING RANGE OF THE HTA DEPARTURE PROTECTION nuisance tripping protections that may involve the safety of
people and property.
The setting range in KA
Without DEG 0,164<Isetting< 2,49
DEG at the beginning 0,095 <Isetting< 2,51
DEG in the middle 0,095 <Isetting< 2,52
DEG at the end 0,095 <Isetting< 2,53 REFERENCES
DEG at the beginning 0,055 <Isetting< 2,54
4MVA [1] Stratégie énergétique nationale à l’horizon 2030. Rapport du Ministère
DEG in the middle 0,055 <Isetting< 2,55
de l’Energie, des Mines, de l’eau et de l’environnement – Maroc.
DEG at the end 0,055 <Isetting< 2,58 [2] Loi 13-09 relative aux énergies renouvelables, Ministère de l’Energie,
des Mines, de l’eau et de l’environnement – Maroc.
[3] Ackermann T, Andersson G, Soder L, “Distributed generation: a
Table 2 shows that: definition”, Electric Power Systems Research, 2001
• In the presence of the injection, the setting range [4] Canard, J.F., Dumas F & Hadjsaid, N, “Dispersed generation impact on
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• The further the DEG is from the source post and the [5] J.F. CANARD, “Impact de la génération d'énergie dispersée dans les
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HTA departure protection: The setting threshold in the [6] R. CAIRE, “Gestion de la production décentralisée dans les réseaux de
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whereas in the case of a 4MVA DEG connected at the [7] C. Le Thi Minh, T. Tran-Quoc, S. Bacha, C. Kieny, P. Cabanac, D.
end of the line, it is located between 0.055 and 2.58 Goulielmakis, C. Duvauchelle, “Behaviors of photovoltaic systems
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[8] T.M. Chau LE, “Couplage Onduleurs Photovoltaïques et Réseau, aspects
IV. CONCLUSION: contrôle/commande et rejet de perturbations”, Thèse de doctorat - INPG,
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[9] M.C. ALVAREZ-HÉRAULT ,“Architectures des réseaux de distribution
The impact of connection DEG on the HTA distribution du futur en présence de production décentralisée”, Thèse de doctorat -
network is analyzed and the study is implemented on a pilot INPG, France, 2009
urban network. It turns out that the injection of renewable [10] Barker, P.P. & de Mello, R.W, “Determining the impact of distributed
energies into an HTA network varies according to the injection generation on power systems. I. Radial distribution systems”, in Power
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departure with the DEG. It is the responsibility of the [11] Étude de l’impact sur le plan de protection du raccordement d’une
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Distributor to verify before authorizing the connection of a
DEG, each of the impacts studied to avoid possible
overvoltages, overloading of the lines, power feedbacks to the
upstream network. The connection must also be followed by an
update of the protection plan for possible blindness and / or

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