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Test Paper 7D

Name: Class:
10 p oficiu

1. a. Read the following text and answer the questions: 6p (6×1p)

Fascinating Lisbon

Lisbon, one of the oldest capitals in Europe, is situated on the west coast of Portugal. Its rich history,
colourful traditions and more modern attractions make it a fascinating city.
Anyone lucky enough o visit Lisbon will find plenty to see and do. For a start, the magnificent Castle of
Saint George is a must. The castle, which is built on a hill, offers a fantastic view over the city. Directly below is
Alfama, the oldest part of Lisbon. Visitors can walk along its narrow streets where they can see fish sellers carrying
baskets on their heads. In Belém, the city’s port, tourists can visit the Mosteiro dos Jerfinimos, a beautiful monastery
built in the 16th century. Baixa, the busy shopping area of the city, offers a great variety of handmade souvenirs and
elegant designer clothes.
Lisbon’s nightlife is exciting and varied. Visitors can have a drink in Bairro Alto, the ancient port of the
city, where fado— traditional Portuguese music — fills the air with its sad, romantic sounds. They can also enjoy
delicious seafood at first-class restaurants. For those who like to dance the night away there are many trendy
nightclubs in the area.
Lisbon is a wonderful city. If you want to experience the beauty and fascination of a great European
capital, it would be the perfect holiday destination for you.

 Which city is described and where is it situated?

 What makes it an interesting city?
 Which buildings does the text suggest tourists should visit?
 Where can visitors go shopping, and what can they buy?
 What sorts of entertainment does the text mention?
 What recommendation does the writer make?

1. b. Read the text again and classify the statements below as true (T) or false(F): 4p (4×1p)
a). Belem is the oldest part of the city.
b).In Baixa you can find a lot of souvenirs and fashionable clothes.
c). Tourists can enjoy the music in the ancient port of the city.
d). Visitors shouldn’t visit Castle Saint George .

2. Match the words with their translations: 10p (10×1p)

1 exhibition a) foc de tabara

3. to afford b) artificii
4. to book tickets c) exponate
5. admission prices d) activitatea de a vizita imprejurimile unui loc
6. bonfire e) expozitie
7. fireworks f) rusinat
8. exhibits g) a avea grija de
9. look after h) preturi intrare
10. sightseeing i) a si permite
11. embarrassed j) a rezerva

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Fill in the blanks with so or such a/an: 8p (8×1p)

a) This language is_______ difficult that foreigners can’t learn it.

b) It was ______amazing night that I will never forget.
c) The water was_______ cold that we couldn’t swim.
d) They are_______ nice people that everybody likes them.
e) There was _____ strong wind that we couldn’t walk.
f) This book ______ good hat I read it whenever I feel depressed.
g) Your house is ______ beautiful.
h) The foreigners have_______ amazing places to visit that you’ll love travelling overseas.

4. Fill in with the articles a, an, the or zero article(-) 24p (24×1p)

I am from Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester is ____city___ United Kingdom.  I live in ____town called
____Taunton which is on ____River Tone. I live in ____ house in ____ quiet street in ____ countryside. ____
street is called "Hudson Street" and ____house is old - more than 100 years old! I am ____ English lecturer at ____
college near ____ centre of ____town. I like ____books, music and taking ____photographs. I usually have
____lunch at college. I usually go ____ home by ____ car. We have all kinds of food in ____ England. I like
____Polish food very much. Sometimes, I go to ____ Polish restaurant in Bath. ____ restaurant is called "Magda's".
____Polish food is delicious!

5. Fill in with reflexive pronouns: 8p (8×1p)

E.g: I bought…….. myself………… a dress.

1 .Robert made this T-shirt………… 

6. Lisa did the homework………………..

7. Emma, did you take the photo by…………….?

8. I wrote this poem………….

9. He cut………….. with the knife while he was doing the dishes.

10. The lion can defend ………….

11. My grandmother often talks to ……………………..

12. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help……………….!

13. Alice and Doris collected the stickers………………….

14. We bought…………… espresso machine.

15. Match the questions to the answers

1. What were you doing?

2. What time did they arrive?
3. What was she wearing? a. Jeans and a blue T-shirt.
4. Why did he leave so early? b. He was late for a meeting.
5. How long did he stay? c. I was repairing my bike.
d. Only ten minutes.
e. At about ten o’clock.

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