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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Schools District of San Enrique
San Enrique, Iloilo

Performance Standards:
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
The learners’ should have;
a. Illustrated well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set, cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets and the difference of two
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should have:
a. describe well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set and cardinality of sets;
b. Identify well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set and cardinality of sets.
Time Frame:
1 Week

Vocabulary List
The following terms that are listed below are essential for this module. Read and study the terms for you to be familiarized:
 Cardinality of a set is the number of the elements contained in the given set.
 Null set (∅ ) is an empty set. It is a subset of any set.
 Set is a well-defined group of objects called elements that share a common characteristic.
 The set F is a subset of set A if all elements of F are also elements of A.
 The universal set (U) is the set that contains all objects under consideration.
(Formative Assessment)

Instructions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the best option from choices A, B, C, and D that completes the statement or answers the
question. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

1. What do you call a set which has elements common to both set?
A. Intersection of a Set B. Union of a Set C. Complement of a Set D. Null Set

2. It is an empty set. It is also a subset of any set.

A. Universal Set B. Union of a Set C. Complement of a Set D. Null Set

3. A set that contains all objects.

A. Universal Set B. Union of a Set C. Complement of a Set D. Null Set

4. A set containing those elements that belong to both A and B.

A. Intersection of a Set B. Union of a Set C. Complement of a Set D. Null Set

5. It is a well – defined group of object s called elements that share common characteristics.
A. Superset B. Null set C. Set D. Singleton set

6. If A={ a , b , c , d , e , f } and B={ d , f, g , h ,i }, what is the intersection of sets A and B?

A. { d , e , f } B. { d , f } C. { a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i } D. { }


Answer the following operations on Whole Numbers

Concept Sheet
Light and its Properties

Reflection of Light
 When light bounces off from an obstacle or a surface, it is said to reflect light. Reflection is the bending of light as it travels from
one medium to another with a different refractive indices.
 Refractive index refers to the relative quantification of how a medium propagates a specific wavelength of light. Thus, objects
may have different refractive indices and this explains why certain objects can reflect light while others cannot.
 Reflection does not affect the wavelength of light or the distance between two successive identical points that is measured in
nanometers (nm).
 The wavelength of light reflected determines the color we see. The leaves are green because the leaves reflect the 510nm portion
of the visible light which corresponds to the color of the light spectrum.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Schools District of San Enrique

San Enrique, Iloilo

Fig. 1: Reflection of light ray

Angle of

Angle of

 An image formed on a plane mirror is virtual, upright or reversed. The light striking the plane mirror is known as the incident ray.
The angle of incidence refers to the angle formed by the incident ray with respect to an imaginary line perpendicular to the
surface of the plane called the normal vector or simple the normal.
 Identifying the incident ray will be helpful in determining the light source. Light is reflected as it strikes on the surface and forms
the reflected ray. The incident ray and the reflected ray has a common reference point which is the normal vector.
 Thus, this follows that the Law of Reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Refraction of Light
 Refraction is the bending of light as it passes through different media or material with different densities. It happens because the
light wave change its speed as they travel from one medium to another.

Fig. 2: Refraction of light ray

 In the diagram above, light travels in three media, namely; air, glass and water. You can see the three (3) distinct portions of the
straw: (A) the portion of the straw extending to the top of the glass, (B) portion of the straw just above the surface of the water
and (C) portion of the straw submerged in clear water. The difference on the positioning of the straw as seen from the side of the
glass is attributed to the variation of the medium to which light rays pass through.
 The image does not appear to be in its actual location in relation to where the straw should be positioned because there are great
distortions in the light’s path; the brain bases the location of the image from the source of the light.
 Thus, the location of the image is actually the point of refraction of light. An image that appears in a different location than its
actual location is called a virtual or apparent image.
 Each material has its own index of refraction; t is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed of light in the material.
Light refracts whenever it travels from one medium to another that have different indices of refraction. Mathematically, index of
refraction (n) is the ratio between the speed of light in vacuum (c) and the speed of light in a specific medium (v).


Enhancement Activity

Enrichment A
Instructions: Compare the rainbow formation principle that was introduced by Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton by completing the table

According to Rene Descartes, a rainbow can be According to Isaac Newton, a rainbow can be
formed when…. formed when…

Enrichment B
Instructions: Analyze the statements presented below and identify what property of light governs the scenario by writing Reflection,
Refraction or Absorption on the space provided before every item.
_________________ 1.The fish swimming deep into the water is perceived to swim closer on the surface when viewed
on top of the aquarium.
_________________ 2. The heat from a hot, cemented highway gives a wavy view to motorists during noontime.
_________________ 3. A drinking straw appears to be broken when viewed from the side of the glass.
_________________ 4. A black solar panel absorbs and stores solar energy to power street lights at night.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Schools District of San Enrique
San Enrique, Iloilo

_________________ 5. Your clear image is seen on a wide, black glass in the shopping mall.
_________________ 6. A distorted image of your face is seen on the concave part of the spoon.
_________________ 7. A black colored shirt gives a hot sensation to the body when worn under the sun.
_________________ 8.A person is seen opposite through a heavily tinted car window.
_________________ 9. An upright, real and virtual image can be seen in a hospital mirror.
_________________ 10. An inverted image of your head is seen on the convex part of the spoon .

(Summative Assessment)

Instructions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the best option from choices A, B, C, and D that completes the statement or answers the
question. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. How do we correlate the wavelength, the frequency and the energy of an electromagnetic wave?
A. The greater the wavelength, the greater the frequency and the energy it will have.
B. The greater the wavelength, the lesser, the frequency, the lesser energy it will have.
C. The lesser the wavelength, the greater the frequency, the lesser energy it will have.
D. The lesser the wavelength, the lesser the frequency and the energy it will have.

2. Using the distance between the hilltops and his pulse as the timer, Galileo and his assistant positioned on hilltops that were one mile apart.
Based from their experiment, it has been found out that light would take 0.0000054 seconds to travel from one person to another. This
experiment would prove that ____________________________.
A. light travels as a wave and as a particle.
B. light travels fast in air.
C. light has a definite speed.
D. light is the fastest kind of electromagnetic wave.

3. The following are proofs that electrons behave like waves, EXCEPT?
A. Electrons exhibit interference patterns.
B. Formation of troughs and crests were detected from inference patterns made by moving electrons.
C. Electrons have the capacity to pass through narrow slits and to disperse like water waves.
D. Electrons can be reflected and have the capacity to produce an image in a plane mirror.

4. Visible light id the reason why we see blue skies and white clouds. What phenomena best explains this phenomenon?
A. Dispersion of light
B. Scattering of light
C. Diffraction of light
D. Refraction of light

5. The formation of haloes, sundogs and rainbows are attributed to _________________.

A. Interference of light
B. Refraction of light
C. Diffraction of light
D. Interference of light

6. What is the reason why you can see your image in a mirror and why do pencil appear to be bent when placed inside a glass half-filled with
A. Light is reflected which allows you to see your image in a mirror; Light is absorbed which causes the pencil to appear to be bent when
placed in glass filled with water.
B. Light is refracted which allows you to see your image in a mirror; Light is transmitted which causes the pencil to appear to be bent
when placed in glass filled with water.
C. Light is reflected which allows you to see your image in a mirror; Light is refracted which causes the pencil to appear to be bent when
placed in glass filled with water.
D. Light is dispersed which allows you to see your image in a mirror; Light is absorbed which causes the pencil to appear to be bent
when placed in glass filled with water.

7. The following are the plausible explanations regarding the occurence of the different color spectrum in a rainbow EXCEPT?
A. The color spectrum of a rainbow is formed as a result of the light’s refraction as it passes through the water droplets in the atmosphere.
B. The dispersion of light after passing through the water droplets which acts as natural prism causes the formation of the rainbow.
C. The water droplet does not color of the light from the sun, rather, it separates the components of white light into seven different colors.
D. The transmission of light from two different media with different densities, water droplet and the air causes the separation of white
light to different color spectrum.

8. Which set of waves are INCORRECTLY grouped?

A. Electromagnetic Wave: Bluetooth, Microwave and Sound Wave
B. Mechanical Wave: Sound, Water and Light Wave
C. Electromagnetic Wave: X-ray, Infrared and Radio Wave
D. Mechanical Wave: Vibration, Water and Ultraviolet Wave

9. Light exhibits duality in terms of its nature, it can act as a wave and it can act as a particle called photon. The following statement are true
A. Photons are elementary particles of light that have a property of a wave. These carry energy that can be transferred to other particles
during interactions.
B. The wavelength of light is inversely proportional to the frequency. An increase in frequency produces a proportional decrease in the
wavelength of light with a corresponding increase in the energy of the photons that make up the light.
C. Light particles move at a constant speed of 3X108m/s in a vacuum, they are massless and they carry energy.
D. Photons are elementary particles of light that have a property of a wave. This means that they are chargeless; since they do not need
any medium to travel and the energy that they carry is not specific.
10. How is the energy of light related to the atomic spectrum?
A. Electrons are emitted from a metallic surface when subjected to an incident light consisting of protons.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Schools District of San Enrique
San Enrique, Iloilo

B. Electrons move in orbits around the nucleus. If an electron absorbs energy it is promoted to a higher energy orbit then it falls back to
its previous orbit. During the fall it emits a photon.
C. A decrease in frequency produces a proportional decrease in the wavelength of light with a corresponding increase in the energy of the
photons that make up the light.
D. When visible light is absorbed in the molecular structures, there is enough energy in each photon to raise an electron to a higher level.

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