Strip The City San Francisco 1

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Anoop Randhawa

Strip the City - San Francisco

Name of Structure Modifications/Seismic Mitigation

Transamerica Pyramid ● It’s skin made out of almost 4000

glass windows and thousands of
tons of concrete and crushed cords
● Monitoring devices throughout the
● Its pyramid shape gives low centre
gravity which keeps it stable
● A steel trust wraps around the base
to help with stability (gives additional
● It has a 30,000 ton concrete and
steel anchor
● The frame of the building zig zags, it
has a steel skeleton
● Safety Feature (not modification):
Elevator shafts have a seismic
switch - if an earthquake happened
the elevator would stop, go to the
nearest level, and open the doors
● Concrete floors also help

Golden Gate Bridge ● Its deep foundation goes as deep as

the bedrock (which is solid rock)
● 150,000 tons of concrete lock the
towers into the ground
○ These bases surround the
● There are 2 main cables that hold
the bridge (each cable is actually
made up of a series of cables) - it is
enough cable to circle the globe 3
○ These cables are made out
of steel wire
● (This is not part of the modifications)
A device called a creepmeter tells
how much tension is building up in
the fault - it basically measures how
much the cable has been pulled

Oakland Bay Bridge ● Oakland bay bridge is the busiest

bridge in USA
● This is the bridge that didn’t survive
the 1989 earthquake in San
○ It was too rigid to absorb the
○ The bolts of the bridge just
Anoop Randhawa

came out
● A brand new bay bridge is going up
right next to the old one
● But lessons have been learned,
engineers now understand that you
need to learn how to work with
mother nature (the earthquake)
○ In the past, engineers
thought that you need to
make the bridge strong
○ But, now they understand
that bridge should be able to
dance when mother nature
● Almost everything about this new
bridge is designed to be flexible
● A huge steel cable is attached to the
main part of the bridge so that it can
swing/sway freely
● The central tower has 4 steel pylons
that move independently (adds
○ There are beams between
the pylons that will crumble
to stop the tower from
collapsing (the beams take
the force and displace it)
● The roadways is split into 28
sections so it can stretch without
● Hidden inside the road bridge are
these hollow beams that absorb the
energy of the earthquake to protect
the rest of the structure

Mission Bay Residential Homes ● Mission Bay is reclaimed land - what

that means is that people have built
on an area that was once
underwater, they’re adding more
and more land to that
● So mission bay is no longer a bay
instead it has a layer of fill over it
○ It’s a mixture of rock, soil,
and debris
○ The problem is that they
didn’t properly place it back
then so now it’s in a poor
condition for support of
● Below the fill is the bay mud - a
weak clay
○ It’s not good for foundation
○ If there was an earthquake
Anoop Randhawa

the bay mud could be very

dangerous - it could result
into the ​liquefaction​ of the
■ The houses on top
can sink and collapse
into the ground
● You have to first build extremely
deep foundation
● Then they weld steel beams
together to make long foundation
● They hammer these pilings down
until they hit bedrock
○ These long pilings are driven
down in clusters
● Then they cap each cluster with
concrete so that you have more
surface area
● Then they connect the caps with a
grid work of concrete beams
● Finally they put a concrete mat on
● All of this could stop a 5-story
building from sinking
● This is a process that is very
expensive but is worth it

Subways/Tunnels (Caldecott Tunnel) ● Moving people/goods over the hills

has always been a challenge in San
● The first solution was the cable
○ It can work on even some of
the steepest streets without
slowing down
● The secret lies under the road
○ Inside a concrete tunnel, a
steel cable moves
○ A powerful clamp attaches
the cable to the car
○ This system even works
when two cables cross
■ The driver releases
his cable before the
collision and then the
driver picks it up
again on the other
● But the mega earthquake in 1906
destroyed this network
● Today instead of going over the
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hills, engineers drill right through

● But, tunnels under san francisco
must be able to cope with
● Something that is good for a tunnel
is to have some level of flexibility so
that when the ground moves around
it, the function of the tunnel is not
○ Instead of building one long
tunnel, they build it in
○ A tunnel drilling machine
digs out the tunnel tube and
lines it with concrete
■ They’re coated in
rubber so that they
can move against
each other
○ This allows the whole tunnel
tube to flex so that it doesn’t
break when the ground
around it moves
● Their biggest project is the central
○ The most difficult part of this
project is building a train
station under chinatown (one
of the most densely
populated areas)
● The team will use the tunnels as the
starting point of their station
○ They’ll fill one section with
■ This will help the
diggers with carving
out a huge station
● Then the team will line the walls with
steel mesh and spray quick-drying
concrete over it
● Finally, they’ll install the platforms &
● The flexible tunnels & stations
should be able to withstand an
● The safest place to be during an
earthquake is in an underground
tunnel because underground
everything moves less compared to
if you’re on top of the ground
Anoop Randhawa

Dams, reservoirs, water pipes (aftermath of ● What follows after an earthquake is

earthquakes = fires) even more dangerous - fires (from
broken gas lines)
● The firefighter crew trains frequently
so that they are prepared
● After an earthquake, the firefighters
will need millions of litres of water
○ Unfortunately, san francisco
is a surprisingly dry place
■ The city is
surrounded by water,
but there are no
rivers that flow
through the centre
● One of the few sources of
freshwater is the san mateo creek
(which runs right along the san
andreas fault)
● Engineers took some extreme
measures to collect more freshwater
for the city - they built a dam (crystal
springs dam) right into the fault
○ This turned the small creek
into a huge reservoir
● When it was built in 1888 it was the
largest concrete dam in the world
with an amazing earthquake proof
○ Under its skin, there’s a
mosaic of huge interlocking
blocks - during an
earthquake, these blocks
can move which allows the
dam to flex without breaking
■ This design has kept
the dam intact for
over 120 years - it
even survived the
1906 earthquake (the
biggest quake that
every hit the west
● But the water pipes which carry the
water into the city didn’t survive
○ Because of this there was
not water at the water
hydrants to put out the fires
■ Fires destroyed ⅔ of
the city
● Engineers made sure that such a
tragedy would never happen again
○ They built a unique water
supply into the city itself
● It starts at the twin peaks
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○ They built a huge reservoir

here (this is reserved for
firefighting and designed to
survive earthquakes)
● Engineers made a pool deep into
the hill and lined it with reinforced
concrete slabs (each 20cm thick)
● Joints between the slabs allow the
pool to warp without cracking
● The reservoir can store over 40
million litres of water
● Gravity pulls this water downhill into
a network of pipes built under the
city which connect to 1500 hydrants
○ 240 km of earthquake-proof
high pressure pipes hidden
under the streets keep the
1500 hydrants from running

Extra Information: Parkfield (Detecting ● Predicting when earthquakes will hit

Earthquakes) is the ultimate challenge
○ The answer may lie 300 km
south of san francisco
● The town of Parkfield has only 18
civilians but more earthquakes than
anywhere on san andreas fault
○ Scientists here are trying to
look for some type of sign
that tell us that an
earthquake is about to strike
● There’s a patch on san andreas
about the size of a soccer field and it
has recurring micro-earthquakes
(ex. magnitude 1) - they all reoccur
on that patch
● Geologists wanted to to get as close
as possible to this spot
○ So they drilled a hole 3km
down into the heart of the
san andreas
■ This mean that they
can put their
instruments right next
to the hyper-active
rupture zone
● A team of geo-physicists is installing
an ultra-sensitive microphone
○ They’re hoping it’ll survive
the grueling conditions at the
bottom (ex. Very hot)
■ They have to take a
lot of care to put
together the
Anoop Randhawa

● The team drop sensor down to 1km
● Once in position, an arm clamps it to
the side of the hole
○ Then it starts listening for
changes in the earth’s crust
■ The scientists are
trying to find a unique
sound pattern just
before an earthquake
● Up top, they can now hear the hum
of rocks moving in the fault
○ The scientists hope that by
studying micro-earthquakes
they’ll know a lot more about
large earthquakes
● They sit alongside a network of 60
GPS motion sensors which are
along the san andreas fault
● They can’t predict the earthquakes
but they can detect them early on
and then try to outrun them
○ Speed of light is much faster
than the speed of the
earthquake waves so when
they have a major event they
can send an electronic signal
out to shut down generators,
power plants, gas pumping
stations, etc.
● But this experiment is still in its early

*Liquefaction*​ - the force of an earthquake is so powerful that it transforms solid land into
things like quicksand (liquid)

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