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Statistical Thermodynamics of Association Colloids: V.

Critical Micelle
Concentration, Micellar Size and Shape

F R A N S A. M. L E E R M A K E R S AND J A N M. H. M. S C H E U T J E N S
Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Wageningen Agricultural University,
Dreijenplein 6, 6703 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Received August 2, 1988; accepted July 27, 1989

Recently, we generalized the lattice theory of Scheutjens and Fleer ( 1) for chain molecules in inho-
mogeneous systems to amphiphilic molecules in systems of nonplanar geometries (2-4). This theory is
used here to study surfactant micelle systems. In this paper it is shown that the critical micelle concentration
for surfactant micelles is theoretically well defined. The fact that in most experimental systems the
transition is not clearly observable is explained. The relation between chain architecture and overall
surfactant concentration on the size and shape of surfactant micelles is studied. Segment density profiles
through cross sections of spherical micelles are presented and are in accord with recent Molecular Dynamics
and Monte Carlo simulations. However,long range interactions seem not to be essential for the stabilization
of micelles if the interactions between head groups and tails are sufficiently unfavorable. © 1990Academic
Press, Inc.

INTRODUCTION tistical approach which successfully incorpo-

rates the t h e r m o d y n a m i c s o f small systems.
A b o v e the critical micelle concentration C o m p l e m e n t a r y to our approach, Molecular
amphiphilic molecules in aqueous solutions D y n a m i c s ( 10-15 ) and M o n t e Carlo (16)
form association colloids. This p h e n o m e n o n simulations can also give detailed information
is o f considerable theoretical and technological on surfactant-water systems. In these simu-
interest. In 1976 Hall and Pethica (5) pub- lation m e t h o d s the c o m p u t a t i o n time is m a n y
lished an extensive theoretical analysis o f mi- orders o f magnitude longer than for a statistical
cellisation in solutions o f nonionic surfactants, one. Typically, our statistical approach needs
based on the thermodynamics o f small systems less than a C P U m i n u t e on a V A X 8700. In
developed by Hill (6). This framework is used principle our theory can be used to check the
here to present a detailed analysis of surfactant line o f arguments first presented by Israelach-
systems over a wide concentration range. Sta- viii et al. to predict the m o r p h o l o g y o f asso-
tistical t h e r m o d y n a m i c s is used to give an in- ciation colloids ( 1 7 - 2 0 ) .
terpretation on a molecular level. For example, Previous articles in this series have dealt
the relation between the architecture o f the with bilayer m e m b r a n e s (21 ), lipid vesicles
amphiphiles and their aggregation structure is (2), the gel-to-liquid phase transition ofbilayer
worked out in some detail. Segment density m e m b r a n e s (22), and i n h o m o g e n e o u s m e m -
profiles for the association colloids are also brane systems (23).
obtained. O u r approach is m o r e general than In the following section the theory is briefly
other statistical mechanical theories ( 7 - 9 ) be- reviewed. A m o r e detailed discussion is given
cause no preassigned positions o f the amphi- elsewhere (2). In a subsequent section the sta-
philes are required; i.e., the positions o f the bility and structure of micelles is analyzed. See
head groups are not a priori fixed onto certain also Ref. (3) for m o r e results on surfactant
lattice sites in the system. This is the first sta- micelles.

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Copyright © 1990 by Academic Press, Inc.
Journal of Colloid and lnterface Science, Vol. 136, No. 1, April 1990 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

THEORY consecutive segments, numbered s = 1 , . . . ,

To facilitate the counting of conformations r, are situated. This implies that when one of
of chain molecules a lattice is introduced. The the segments of conformation c is fixed on the
lattice is designed to have shells of L (z) lattice lattice all other segments have specified posi-
sites of constant volume on which the seg- tions. Segments along the chain are connected
ments of the chain molecules and the solvent with each other by chemical bonds. End seg-
molecules are placed. The lattice layers are ments have only one bond; other segments
numbered z = 1. . . . . M, where 1 is the center have two (or more) bonds. It is convenient to
of the lattice and M a layer in the bulk solution. n u m b e r the bonds of a segment. We will de-
In general the volume of the lattice from layer note the first bond of a segment s (linking it
n u m b e r 1 up to a layer z is (in units of lattice to segment s - 1 ) by s~ and the second bond
sites) (linking it to s + 1 ) by s2.
In a lamellar lattice the degeneracy o~c of a
V ( z ) = 2Asz + zchz 2 + (4zr/3)z 3 conformation c is L, because only the first
( Z > 0, h 2 >~ 7rAs), [1] segment can choose between L lattice sites.
The degeneracy of a conformation c in a
where the parameters As and h determine the curved lattice is slightly more complicated,
geometry of the lattice. For a spherical lattice, since the degeneracy should not depend on
As and h are zero. For rods of length h, with which segment is placed first. When segment
a hemisphere at each end, As is zero. For planar n u m b e r 1 of conformation c is free to choose
parts we assume that an area As is surrounded its position in the lattice layer the degeneracy
by a curved half of a cylinder. A disk of radius is given by
Rd would have an area As = 7rR~ and a contour
length 2h = 2~rRa; for all other structures h 2 wc = LC(z, 1) ]5i ?tc(z, Sl), [5]
> zrAs. s=2
The number of lattice sites in layer z is given
by the simple expression where U ( z , sl)equals ~ l(Z)/)tbl if segment
s -- 1 is in layer z -- 1, equals ~o(Z)/~ b if s
L ( z ) = V ( z ) - V ( z - 1). [2] 1 is in z, and equals X l ( z ) / ~ b i f s - 1 is in

The contact area S ( z ) (in units of the surface z + 1. The superscript c indicates segment po-
area of a face of an unperturbed lattice site) sitions of conformation c. In a planar lattice
between layer z and z + 1 is given by U ( z , Sm) = 1. Realizing that the n u m b e r of
steps from z to z + I must be equal to the
S ( z ) = 2As + 27rhz + 4~-z 2. [3] n u m b e r of steps from z + 1 to z, i.e.,

Eqs. [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] determine Xz'-z(z), the frac- ~ ( z ) L ( z ) = )~-l(Z + 1 ) L ( z + 1), Eq. [5] can
be transformed in order to start with any seg-
tion of contacts of a site in layer z with sites
m e n t other than segment n u m b e r 1.
in layer z', where z' is z - 1, z, or z + 1:
The conformations are generated by a Mar-
X_~(z) = )~b_IS(z- 1 ) / L ( z ) kov-type approximation (2). In this procedure
we accept chains which can intersect with
~k0(Z ) = 1 -- ~k_l(Z ) - - ~ I ( Z ) themselves or with other molecules in the lat-
)t,(z) = ) t b S ( z ) / L ( z ) . [4] tice. The structure of the molecules (branch-
ing, chain length etc.) determines the n u m b e r
Here, Xb_l = xb are the fractions of contacts a of allowed conformations. The main advan-
site has in a planar lattice, i.e., in the bulk tage of this approximation is that the confor-
solution, with either of its neighboring layers. mations can be generated using a recurrence
A spatial conformation of a chain molecule relation. Very efficient computation schemes
is specified by the lattice sites in which the have been developed to generate all confor-

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136,No. 1, April 1990


mations (2). Using them, the n u m b e r of op- The parameter uC(z, s) is the potential of seg-
erations needed to generate all conformations m e n t s. The layer n u m b e r z where segment s
is reduced from about 3 r-I to about r. We is located depends on conformation c. If s is
refer to Ref. (2) for more details of our method of type x, uC(z, s) is substituted by
of computation.
To calculate the statistical weight of each
conformation, the potential of each confor- = u'(z) + k T ~ Xxy((chy(z)> - 4~by). [7]
mation must be known. Three contributions y
are identified. First, the potential of a given In Eq. [7] the well known Flory-Huggins pa-
conformation depends on the n u m b e r of seg- rameters Xxy occur. They are only nonzero
ment ( x ) - s e g m e n t (y) and segment-solvent when x v~ y, because the energetic effect of
contacts. We will use a m e a n field approxi- any xy contact is taken with respect to the pure
mation to calculate the average interaction phases x and y. The angular brackets in Eq.
each segment in the molecule has with the [7] indicate an averaging over three consec-
surrounding molecules. Second, differences utive layers in order to account for the fraction
between gauche and trans configurations are of contacts with segments in these layers:
accounted for. To do this, a third order Mar-
kov process, the rotational isomeric state (RIS) (~(z)) = ~ ~(z)~(z- I)
scheme, and a diamond lattice are used to
"4- ) k o ( Z ) f f ) ( Z ) ~- )kl(Z)(~(Z-~- 1 ) . [8]
generate the various conformations of the
chains. In the RIS scheme the " m e m o r y " of The n u m b e r of chains in conformation c is
the r a n d o m walk type of conformations is two now given by
bonds long. A third bond can only have three
n c : CoSe -uc/k~. [9]
different directions. Two of them result in a
gauche and a third in a trans configuration. A Realizing that a solvent molecule is a "chain"
third contribution to the potential of a con- of only one segment, a similar equation applies
formation, u'(z), originates from hard-core for solvent molecules. In Eq. [9 ] C is a nor-
interactions. This contribution is chosen such malization constant which is found either from
that all lattice sites are filled, i.e., Ex q~x(z) = 1 the n u m b e r of molecules in the system, or
for each layer z, and is independent of the from the bulk concentration.
type of segment or solvent molecule. Here the Summation over all segments in each con-
average segment density of segments of type formation results in the segment density dis-
x in layer z is given by 4~x(Z) : n x ( z ) / L ( z ) , tributions. With these segment density profiles,
where nx (z) is the n u m b e r of segments of type new statistical weights of each conformation
x in layer z. The segment types which will be can be calculated. In general a self-consistent
considered are water (x = W), apolar segments set of conformations can only be found iter-
(x = A), and polar segments (x = B). The atively, a process which is initiated by a suit-
potentials u ' ( z ) are defined with respect to the able segment density profile (2). As soon as a
bulk solution, where u 'b = 0. self-consistent micelle profile is found which
The potential u Cof conformation c is given satisfies the boundary condition that all lattice
by sites are filled by either a chain segment or a
solvent molecule, the thermodynamic prop-
U c = HCgU g + ~ u C ( z , S ) , [6] erties can be evaluated.
where n cg is the n u m b e r of gauche bonds in
conformation c and u g the energy difference For surfactant micelles, the excess free en-
between a gauche and a trans configuration. ergy plays a key role in determining the sta-

Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience, Vol. 136,No. 1, April 1990


bility of a given arrangement of molecules. We translational entropy, and, more importantly,

showed before (3) that for a micelle with a relatively constant. A constant term in the free
fixed center of mass the excess free energy A ~ energy shifts the CMC, but all trends remain
is given by the rather forbidding equation the same. At high concentrations (which we
do not consider in this paper) the interactions
A ~ / k T = - ~ n~ + ~ L ( z ) l n ( ~ ) between micelles will dominate the free en-
i z ergy.
From a mass balance we know that
+ Z Z Z {(Xxw + Xyw - ×xy)L(z)
z X y nzr2 _ ~2 n~r2
Vs = ~ + ~bb' [12]
× [ 4 A z ) ( 4 ~ y ( z ) ) - ~bx~yb]}, [10]
where 32 is the overall surfactant concentra-
where the molecule type is indicated by a sub- tion in the system. Combining Eqs. [111 and
script i = 1 (water), 2 (amphiphile) . . . . . the [ 12] we find the useful formula
superscript b indicates the bulk solution value,
and the superscript a indicates that the quan- 32 ~- e x p ( - A ~ / k T ) + d~b2
tity is counted as an excess value with respect (A ~ ~> lkT), [13]
to the bulk solution. The subscripts x, y, and
W refer to segment types. As water has only which gives us the overall surfactant concen-
one segment, both the subscripts W and 1 refer tration of the system at given A ~(~bb). We note
to water molecules. Eq. [ 10 ] contains an os- that our present model is only valid for low
motic, an ideal mixing, and an interaction micelle concentrations, i.e., as long as the mi-
term. The excess free energy given in Eq. [10] celles do not interact with each other.
is identical to the subdivision potential for
fixed center of mass defined by Hill (6). Hall
and Pethica (5) showed that in equilibrium First, the behavior of an unbranched sur-
A ~ must be compensated for by terms not in- factant A j2 B3, with 12 tail segments and three
cluded in Eq. [ 10 ]. The most important term head group segments, is discussed. The inter-
of this kind is the translational entropy of the action parameters are found from solubility
micelle, for the computation of which the vol- data and by fitting known CMC values for a
ume fraction of micelles in the system must series of surfactants with different tail lengths
be known. Let V~ be the volume of the small (3). How to obtain CMC values with the pres-
system in which one micelle is present. Real- ent theory will be discussed below. The fol-
izing that n~r2 is a good approximation for the lowing set is used throughout this paper: XAw
volume of the micelle we find for the equilib- = 1.6, XBw = -0.5, XAB 1.5. The high value

rium condition of the micelle, for the tail-water interaction promotes phase
V~ separation between tails and water. The head
A ~/kT ~- In n~--~2 " [11] group-water interaction is negative, repre-
senting an attraction between these two spe-
In a not too concentrated system the transla- cies. This attraction is responsible for hydra-
tional entropy is the same for all micelles, in- tion of the head groups. A negative XBw is also
dependent of their individual aggregation equivalent to a repulsive force between head
number. Hence for a polydisperse system we groups (positive eBB)because by definition XBw
should use average values for the volumes in = Z { ~ w - 0.5(eBB + Eww)}/kT, where Z i s
Eq. [ 11 ]. Size fluctuations would add an extra the number of nearest neighbors and exyis the
term in Eq. [ 11 ], but in dilute solutions that potential energy of interaction of an x - y con-
term would be small in comparison with the tact. Further, the tail-head interaction is fairly

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136, No. 1, April 1990

repulsive, promoting the partitioning of head 2O

groups and tail segments. This increases the

stability of the micelles. The flexibility of the A°/kT
acyl chain is reduced due to steric hindrance. i0

This is modeled by an energy difference be-

tween a gauche and trans configuration of u g
= 0.8 k T ( T = 300 K ) . Owenson and Pratt 0

(16) have argued that long-range interactions

are necessary in order to find stable micelles -5-

of finite size at concentrations far below the

concentration where macroscopic liquid-liq- 50 100 t50

uid phase separation occurs. Our model does surfoctant molecules/mice, lie

not support this view. We find that unfavor- FIG. 1. The excess free energy A" as a function of n~
able contact energies between head groups and for a surfactant A 12B3 in a spherical aggregate. The dashed
tails are sufficient to stop the growth of the curve is expected when shape variations would be taken
into account. Flory-Huggins energy parameters: XAw
aggregates. Long-range electrostatic interac-
= 1.6, XBw = -0.5, XA8 = 1.5.
tions can be accounted for in the present the-
ory, but are not considered in this paper. M D
simulations show that electrostatic potentials
are very low, at least in bilayers ( 11 ). positive slope leads to micelles that are meta-
Figure 1 gives the excess free energy A ~ of stable because for a given composition another
a micelle (with fixed center of mass) as a func- micelle system with a lower free energy can
tion of the excess n u m b e r of surfactants ag- always be found (see Fig. 2). The very first
gregated. The curve where A ~ is negative is thermodynamically stable micelles are found
physically irrelevant. In that region, other mi- at the m a x i m u m in Fig. 1. The corresponding
cellar shapes, like rods or disks, may dominate size of the small system is determined by the
and we have indicated an alternative curve by equilibrium condition given in Eq. [11]. We
a dashed line. The part of the curve with a conclude that micelles cannot exist below a

-2.25 -


log ~'


-2.45 • • , , I • , , ' i , , , , I
50 100 150
surfactant m o l e c u l e s / micetle

FIG. 2. Log 4~ as a function of the excess number of surfactants A12B3 aggregated in the globular micelle
of Fig. 1. Two arbitrary points of equal overall surfactant concentration are indicated.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136, No. 1, April 1990

given concentration; in other words, the small tion at the CMC is relatively high. Naturally,
system (which holds only one micelle) cannot the first micelles can only be formed by a sur-
be arbitrarily large. At the CMC a micelle plus of surfactants in the system. Thus there
comprises a minimum number of surfactant can be supersaturation, a difference between
molecules and the concentration of micelles the volume fraction of surfactants in the sys-
is finite (the size of the small system is limited). tem in the absence of micelles and the theo-
Thus, theoretically, the CMC is well defined. retically defined CMC at the maximum in
The same conclusion was reached by Ruck- A ~(n ~) in the presence of micelles.
enstein and Nagarajan (24-26). We note that In many experimental systems the overall
the slope OA~/On~contains information on the concentration is fixed. In Fig. 3 the equilib-
size fluctuations of micelles (5, 27). The rium bulk concentration ~bb is related to the
steeper the curve the sharper is the size distri- overall concentration ~2. Obviously, below
bution. Near the maximum in A" large fluc- the CMC ~2 = q~b as there are no micelles.
tuations in micellar size must be expected. Surprisingly, the difference between q~b and
Near the CMC the micelles change their ag- ~2 remains undetectable over a considerable
gregation number rather than more micelles concentration range just beyond the CMC.
being formed. See also the discussion of Fig. Only at higher concentrations does q~b become
4 below. essentially independent of the overall concen-
Figure 2 gives the relation between the tration. As given in Eq. [ 13 ], as long as A" is
equilibrium volume fraction and the number high, no big difference between ~2 and 4~b can
of aggregated surfactants. A" passes a maxi- be expected. The behavior changes dramati-
m u m when log q~b goes through a minimum, cally when e x p ( - A ~/kT) becomes of the or-
in accordance with Gibbs' law; the corre- der of ~2b. As a consequence, the theoretical
sponding value of q~b is the CMC. At each CMC is difficult to determine experimentally.
overall concentration ~2 beyond the CMC In most cases, the point where 4~2 b and ~2
there are two possible equilibrium concentra- start to deviate is identified as the experi-
tions ~bb. In Fig. 2 one such combination is mental CMC.
indicated. As can be easily seen, the molecules The concentration of micelles as a function
in the bigger micelle always have a lower of composition is given in Fig. 4. As antici-
chemical potential and these micelles are pated in the discussion of Fig. 1, the micelle
therefore thermodynamically more favorable. concentration is not detectable initially, al-
For very small micelles very high equilibrium though the concentration of micelles is finite
concentrations are required, as would be at the CMC. The presence of micelles often
characteristic for nucleation phenomena. In defies experimental observation at the ther-
the physically realistic part of Fig. 2, beyond modynamic criterion for the CMC. Only when
the CMC and for bigger micelles, the chemical the micelles are larger does their concentration
potential rises with n ~ because gain in energy become linear with the overall surfactant con-
of the tails upon micellization is counteracted centration.
by the loss in energy of the repulsive head In Fig. 5a the segment density distribution
groups. This repulsive force rises with increas- through a cross section of a micelle is given at
ing aggregation number, as a larger number the CMC. The micelle consists of 45 A12B3
of head groups is forced to enter the apolar molecules. The layers are numbered, so that
tail region. This mechanism is responsible for the center of the micelle is between layers 20
the finite dimensions of the micelles, i.e., it and 21. As can be seen from the segment dis-
prevents the micelles from growing indefinitely tributions, the head groups are not confined
toward macroscopic dimensions. to one layer but spread out over several layers.
We note that especially when the maximum This is corroborated by recent Molecular Dy-
value of A ~(n ~) is low, the micelle concentra- namics ( 13, 15) and Monte Carlo simulations
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136, No. 1, April 1990

w10 -3

cb 4 CMC

0 !
' ' ' ' .I0 -Z
0 t 2 3 4 5

FIG. 3. The equilibrium surfactant A]aB3 volume fraction as a function of the overall surfactant A l z B 3
volume fraction. Parameters as in FIG. 1.

(16). The local concentration of head groups entropy of the chain molecules in the aggre-
is low. This gives room for many tail-water gates is rather large. The profiles show that
contacts. The distribution of segments of a some solvent is found in the core of the mi-
given rank in the surfactant molecule (not celle. Indeed, this must be expected for a sol-
presented) is also wide. This indicates that the vent consisting of simple unassociated isotro-

*10 -2


0 C , ' ' 1 0 -z
1 2 3 4 5
FIG. 4. The volume fraction of micelles as a function of the overall surfactant A12B 3 volume fraction.
Parameters as in FIG. 1.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136,No. 1, April 1990


t.0 1.0
\ tails / water
•'• tails S water

(z) 0.7 ~(z) 0.7

@ , @
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4- 0.4
0.3- 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 head groups 0.! head groups
0.0 .... i .... i , ~ , * .... i .... i 0.0 . . . . i . . . . . i . . . . i
5 t0 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 t0 15 20 25 30 35 40
layer z Ioyer z

FIG. 5. Segment density distributions through a cross section of a globular micelle composed of (a) 45
molecules A I 2 B 3 (the equilibrium bulk volume fraction is 3.92 × 10 -3 (CMC), and A" = 16.51kT per
micelle), (b) 97 molecules A12B3 (the equilibrium solution volume fraction is 4.46 × 10-3, and A ~ = 7 . 5 k T
per micelle). Energy parameters XAw = 1.6, Xs~v = -0.5, XAS = 1.5.

pic monomers. For water this is not a good [1 ]). As can be seen, the globular micelle has
model. Therefore, we believe that the amount the lowest free energy. (In Fig. 6 the most fa-
of solvent in the micelle is overestimated. In vorable micelle shape is indicated by an as-
Fig. 5b the segment distributions of a cross terisk.) Therefore it is concluded that the very
section through a globular micelle of 97 sur- first micelles are globular.
factant molecules are given. These micelles are At very high overall concentration (micelles
found at an overall surfactant volume fraction with A ~ = 0; translational entropy can be ne-
of ~2 = 0.005. The unfavorable inhomogene- glected) we see in Fig. 7 that for the same mol-
ities observed in the center of this micelle orig- ecules disk-like structures have the lowest free
inate from the fact that the radius of the mi- energy. Interestingly, Molecular Dynamics
celle is too big. This indicates that other mi- simulations by Watanabe et al. (13) revealed
cellar shapes might be more favorable at this disk-like micelles at high surfactant concen-
surfactant concentration. tration with average ratios of the principal in-
We showed that in more concentrated sys- ertial moments of the micelles being 1.7:1.5:
tems the micelles are larger, the corresponding 1. However, the variation in chemical poten-
chemical potential of the surfactants is higher, tial as a function of micellar shape is small, so
and the excess free energy of the micelles is that a homodisperse micelle system is very
lower. In general, when A ~ approaches zero, unlikely. Consequently, the curve shown in
the system can change its surface area without Fig. 1 is modified for small A" when we allow
change in Gibbs energy. Thus we can expect shape variations. In this case a dashed curve
shape fluctuations in the concentrated regime. such as sketched in Fig. 1 will more likely be
In order to investigate this phenomenon, the followed.
equilibrium bulk concentration at given com- Similar analysis for a lipid lecithin-like
position has been calculated for micelles of molecule with two apolar tails of 8 (A) seg-
other geometries by changing h and As in Eqs. ments, a glycerol backbone, and three head
[ 1] and [3]. Figure 6 shows how, for the sur- group segments (of type B) shows that the very
factant A 11B3 near the CMC, the equilibrium first association colloids are again globular
concentration is related to the shape varia- micelles. Increasing the concentration of the
tions. The straight line in the contour plot lipids has the effect that the aggregates trans-
represents the boundary h 2 = ~-As, which de- form into flat membrane-like structures. This
termines the minimum value of h (see Eq. is illustrated in Fig. 8. This tendency is more

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136,No. 1, April 1990



1 2 2048
As 1 2 As
FIG. 6. Stability domains for micelles of varying shapes. Given is the relative change in equilibrium
concentration 4)b for A11B3 micelles of different shapes, characterized by the parameters Asand h. The overall
surfactant volume fraction is near its CMC. In the graph with iso-4)2 b lines the fault line gives the limit of
the physically significant area (h 2 = 7rAs).Parameters as in Fig. 5.

p r o n o u n c e d w h e n the tails are longer. There- value o f the C M C , b u t has little effect on the
fore, lecithin m o l e c u l e s are likely to prefer fiat qualitative t r e n d s t h a t we have shown. This
m e m b r a n e s over small micelles. A d d i t i o n a l p r o m i s i n g result gives h o p e o f studying m o r e
details o f the crossover f r o m a given associa- c o m p l i c a t e d systems in future. E.g., it is
t i o n structure into a n o t h e r as a f u n c t i o n o f straightforward to study the effect o f additives
m o l e c u l a r architecture are given elsewhere (3). o n the C M C or o f specific groups in the a p o l a r
T h e p r e d i c t i o n s o f m i c e l l a r shapes as a tails on the s e g m e n t distributions.
f u n c t i o n o f the p r o p e r t i e s o f the a m p h i p h i l e s
f o u n d b y o u r a p p r o a c h are in g o o d a g r e e m e n t CONCLUSIONS
with the t h e o r y o f Israelachvili et al. ( 1 7 - 2 0 ) ,
w h o base their p r e d i c t i o n s o f the shape o f the T h e t h e r m o d y n a m i c s o f small systems is
association colloids o n the architecture o f the c o m b i n e d with a statistical t h e r m o d y n a m i c a l
a m p h i p h i l i c molecules. Indeed, a change in Self-Consistent F i e l d T h e o r y a n d a p p l i e d to
the i n t e r a c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s shifts the absolute a m p h i p h i l i c m o l e c u l e s in a q u e o u s solutions.



h ~,

2 jj' i 2o48
1 2 2048 1~ As

FIG. 7. Stability domains for micelles of varying shapes. See also Fig. 6. In this case the overall surfactant
concentration is very high so that the micelles do not have any translational entropy (A" = 0).

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 136, No. 1, April 1990



2 As
1 2 2048
FIG. 8. Stability domains for micelles of varying shapes for the lipid molecule with a lecithin-like structure
A8 - - B - - A
As - - B - - A
at moderate overall volume fractions. See also Fig. 6.

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