Essay Violence Justified

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Violence Justifiable?

Violence has remained a constant in the history of peoples and nations, becoming a
continuous social problem where a great debate takes place based on its justification. In the
current world, there are various views on supported violence in order to have a fair excuse
to use it. These concepts and claims for violence to be justified are focused on acts of abuse
and repression where violence has been the winner, it also exposes violence as a tool to
protect against external dangers and violence justified in historical events. To sum up, the
use of violence has been a controversial topic in our world due to its justification in some
specific cases.
Sometimes violence is justified as the last resort to enforce discipline in some specific
cases. Violent acts are some justified when these are considered high risk by the state.
These acts are not approved by the state since there is a possibility that society may run
some kind of risk from individuals or groups with excessive violence. In response to this,
the state and armed forces attack with more violence to protect civil society from terrorist
groups and groups of extreme violence. ¨There are several operations around the world to
stop the terrorism of the African rebels who have plagued this territory. Military
intervention deployed in some countries of this continent has been necessary to stop the
massacre of civilians by the rebels¨ [ CITATION iea \l 9226 ] violence is justified in this case
when it is available to stop any act that puts the lives of innocent civilians in risk.. In brief,
the exist precise occasions where people support violence in order to keep order.

Justified violence when it is in self-defense. The almost universally admitted violence is

based on self-defense as it instinctively occurs in any medium of extreme danger where it is
overriding to consider that if an innocent person is attacked for some reason and his life is
in danger, hi has the right to defend himself to save himself. In a more robust version of the
justification of violence in the name of self-defense, violence of any kind can be justified in
response to violence of any other kind, provided there is quite fair use of violence in self-
defense. Therefore, it may even be appropriate to respond to bullying using physical
violence, provided that the violence does not exceed what appears to be a fair reward,
sufficient to justified self-defense. For example, due to the high rates of violence against
women, there are many social groups that are in charge of teaching these women self-
defense techniques through aggressive sports such as boxing. Finally, violence is
considered justifiable when a defenseless person receives unjust treatment or abuse that can
end his life, defending himself with the same degree of violence is not considered incorrect.
Violence in search of justice and freedom. Historically speaking the world has gone
through several struggles and wars that have left violence as a mediator in these world
problems. ¨The new century woke up with a civil war, that of the Thousand Days, and
multiple types of violence have been linked to Colombian history in search of
independence. What is important in the analysis is that violence has been a structuring and,
at times, decisive process. ¨ [ CITATION Gon12 \l 9226 ] is it said that various movements and
identities have opted for protest or social mobilization in order to defend their causes
throughout history. Consequently, social groups have chosen to use violence and justify it
as an act of struggle. Above all, throughout history it has been noted that violence has been
a tool of social struggle to seek independence or to seek a common good.
In conclusion, violence is a central concept for describing social relationships between
human beings, a concept loaded with ethical and political meaning. The violence has been
protagonist of the history of the world with proposed objectives. In some circumstances,
probably most, it is clear that violence is unfair, but some cases are exceptional, and
violence becomes a very useful instrument to avoid negative situations.

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