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s Name s Germund Wallauer s Advantages s

s Archetype s Detective
0 ••Interrogator
Whenever you Read a Person and mention a
s Occupation s Investigative Journalist Willpower name, person, or object, you may always ask “Are
+2 keep it together +1 you lying?” This doesn’t count towards the
s Appearance s number of questions you’re allowed to normally
Short and slender, celan baby face, kinda looks Fortitude Reflexes ask.
like John Mulaney tbh endure injury avoid harm
Whenever you Observe a Situation and act on
s Relations s +3 +2 the GM’s answers, take +2 instead of +1.
Família: Sozinho com poucos amigos
Reasoning Intuition ••Crime Scene Investigator
Magda Orlova: A conhece através do jornalismo investigate +1 read a person Whenever you investigate a crime scene, roll
[neutro (0)] +Reason and ask questions from the list below:
Perception s Disdvantages
(15+) Ask two questions.s
His Pet Iguana named Naima [meaningful relation -2 observe a situation +1 (10–14) Ask oneMemories
Repressed question.
(+1)] (–9) Ask one question, but your investigation
Coolness Violence leads you into danger or introduces additional
act under pressure -1 engage in combat problems later on.
s Dark Secrets s Questions:
Strange Death Charisma ◊◊What was the chain of events?
influence others ◊◊What can I assume about the perpetrator?
◊◊Which mistakes did the perpetrator make?
◊◊When was the crime committed?
s Dramatic Hooks s 0 ◊◊When was someone here last?
◊◊Does the crime remind me of something I am
Confronted my repressed memory +1xp
familiar with already and, if so, what?
see through the Illusion ◊◊Who might know more about the crime?

s Stability s
s Gear and weapons s Composed
S&W Model 10, Lockpicks, an old notebook with a Moderate stress: Uneasy ◆
pen, cigarettes and a lighter -1 to Disadvantage rolls Unfocused
s Wounds s
Serious stress: Shaken
Serious wounds (-1 ongoing) Stabilized -1 Keep it Together Distressed
-2 to Disadvantage rolls Neurotic
Critical stress: Anxious
-2 Keep it together Irrational
-3 to Disadvantage rolls Unhinged
Critical wounds (-1 ongoing) +1 See Through the Illusion
The GM makes a Move Broken

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