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এম এম ম ‘Translation for Competitive Exams’ বই

5 Proverbs ব

Day 01
1. A bad Workman quarrels with his tools-
2. A beggar can never be a bankrupt-
3. A beggar has nothing to lose-
4. A bolt from the blue-
5. A burnt child dreads the fire- /

Day 02
06. A carpet knight-
07. A cat has nine lives-
08. A cat lows fish, but she is loath to wet her feet-
09. A dog is a lion in his lane- /

10. A fool cannot be silent-

Day 03
11. A fool laughs when other laughs-
12. A fool to others to himself a sage-
13. A friend in need is a friend indeed -
14. A full purse never lacks friends -
15. A Greek meeting a Greek- - /

Day 04
16. A guilty mind is always suspicious - / ?

17. A horse is known by his ears, the liberal, by his gifts-

18. A host in himself-,
19. A hungry fox is an angry fox-, ।
20. A hungry kite sees a dead horse a far - , ।

Day 05
21. A husband with two wives can never be happy- , ।
22. A jest derived hard, loses its point- ।
23. A liar ought to have a good ।
24. A light purse is a hearty curse- ।
25. A little learning is a dangerous thing- ।

Day 06
26. A mad man and an animal have no difference- ।
27. A man is known by the company- ।
28. A pauper has nothing to lose- ।
29. A pet lamb wakes a errors raw- ।
30. A primrose on a danghill- ।

Day 07
31. A proper is not honored in his own country- ।
32. A rigmarole- ।
33. A rogue is deaf to all good- ।
34. A rotten sheep infects the flock- ৎ ।
35. A she male conceives only to die- ।
Day 08
36. A snake with a large hood but without xenon- ।
37. A son may be bad but the mother never- ।
38. S son unlike his father- ।
39. A stich in time saves nine- ।
40. A thing, though hidden, is still a certainty- ।

Day 09
41. A tree is known by its fruit- , ।
42. A woman's weapon is her tongue/Arthur could not tame a women's tongue-

43. Adversity often leads to prosperity- ।
44. After cloud comes fair weather- ।
45. After death comes the doctor- ।

Day 10
46. After meat comes mustard- ।
47. After sweet meat comes sour sauce-
48. Again beyond expectation - ।
49. All are blaming "nobody"- ।
50. All are not saints that go to church- ।

Day 11
51. All covet, all lost - ।
52. All criminals turn preacher when under the gallows- ।
53. All depends upon merit- ।
54. All feet tread not in one shoe/Many men, many minds/As many men, so many
minds- ।
55. All his geese are swans/One’s own things are the best-

Day 12
56. All is fair in love and war- ।
57. All our sweetest hours fly fastest- ।
58. All seems yellow to the jaundiced eye- ।
59. All that glitters is not gold- ।
60. All that is old is not bad- ।

Day 13
61. All thieves are cousins/Birds of a feather flock together/Like draws like, all
thieves are cousins - ।
62. All types of work from the highest to the lowest- ।
63. Ill weed’s grow apace-
64. Allah helps those who help themselves-

65. All's well that ends well- ,

Day 14
66. Ambition has no rest- ।
67. An Angel's face with a devil's mind- ।
68. An ass that is a common property is always worst saddle/Everybody’s business
is nobody’s business- ( )
69. An empty vessel sounds much- , ।
70. An Ethiopian will never change his skin/Black will take no other hue/
One cannot change his nature/the leopard cannot change its spots-
Day 15
71. An interested witness is no witness/An unwanted help has no importance-
( )
72. Once unlucky, always unlucky/
An unlucky man always fails.- ।
73. Any food is good enough when there is a famine/At the time of want any food
available is good- ( - )
74. Appearance are deceptive - ।
75. Apple of Sodom - ।

Day 16
76. Apple of Sodom /Dead sea apple- ।
77. As is the evil, so is the remedy /
A drastic remedy is necessary when things get very bad/ tit for tat- ,
/ ।
78. As Many men so many minds /Different people give different views/all feet
tread not in one shoe- /
79. As the boy, so the man -
80. A pet lamb makes a cross lamb/Tame the animal while it is young-
, ।

Day 17
81. As the wind blows, You must set your sally/ Strike the iron while it is hot/
Make hay while the sun shines-
82. As you have a appeared on the stage, you not be shy- ।
83. As you sow so you reap/ As you brew, so you drink-
84. A beggar cannot be bankrupt/Bachelors' wives' and maids' children are always
well taught-
85. Bad news runs fast ।
Day 18

86. Barking dogs seldom bite/Angry words and threats lead to nothing worse/much
cry and little wool - ।
87. To beat about the bush/To talk about something for a long time without coming
to the main point-
88. Be sure before you marry of a house wherein to tarry/Think twice before you
take a risk- ,
89. Beggars can’t be choosers /Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth-

90. Beggars on horseback will ride to the devil- ।

Day 19
91. Belabor him as you like, he will keep him- (
92. Better alone than in bad company/ Shun evil company-
93. Better an empty house than an ill tenant /
Better alone than in evil company- ।
94. Between the devil and the deep blue sea/ between a rock and a hard place/
Between Scylla and Charybdis, between two fires.-
95. Between the devil and the deep sea. ।

Day 20
96. Birds of the same feather flock together/Like draws like, all thieves are
cousins- - ।
97. Black will take no other hue/one cannot change his nature/An Ethiopian will
never change his skin/the leopard cannot change its spots- ।
98. Blessed is the man who is known by his own name- ।
99. Blessings are not valued till they are gone/
Men are always neglectful to their blessings- ।
100. Blood is thicker than water/The tie of kindred is real- ।

, ।

B.S.S (Sociology)
Khulna University

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