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Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

01. . A jar contains white, red and green marbles in the ratios 2:3:5. Six more green
marbles are added to the jars, and then the ratio becomes 2 : 3:7. How many white
marbles are there in the jar?
W:R:G= 2:3:5[Initial]
W:R:G= 2:3:7[Final]
Let Initial Green = 5x
Final Green = 7x
(7x-5x)= 6
=> x= 3
=> 2x= 6
So, white marbels in the jar = 6[Answer.]
02. Rahim borrowed Tk. 800 at 6% per annum and Karim borrowed Tk. 600 at 10% per
annum. After how much time, will they both have equal debts?
Let After T years both have equal debts.
800+800×6× = 600+600×10×
100 100
=> 800+48T= 600+60T
=> 200= 12 T
200 50 2
=> T= = = 16
12 3 3
So, After = 16 year both have equal debt. [answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

03.Two vessel A and B contain spirit and water mixed in the ratio 5:2 and 7:6 respectively.
Find the ratio in which these mixtures be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C
containing spirit and water in the ratio 8:5?
Let first mixture contain = x L
2nd mixture contain = y L
Total Sprit = (5x/7+7y/13) Alternative
Total Water = (2x/7+6y/13) S:W= 5:2[Ist]= 65:26
ATQ, S:W= 7:6[2nd]= 49:42
(5x/7+7y/13):(2x/7+6y/13)= 8/5 S:W= 8:5[F]= 56:35
=> (65x+49y)×5= (26x+42y)×8 Two mixture will be mixed, S:W=
=> 325x+245y= 208x+336y (56-49):(65-56)= 7:9

=> 117x= 91y Alternative:

=> x:y= 91:117= 7:9[Answer.] Applying ROA

04.৭ জন পুরুষ এবং ৬ জন মহিলার মধ্যে থেধ্ে ৪ জন 5/7 7/13

পুরুষ এবং ৩ জন মহিলার এেটি েহমটি গঠন েরধ্ে িধ্ব 8/13
থেখাধ্ন Mr. X এবং Miss Y এেই েহমটিধ্ে োেধ্ে
অসম্মে িধ্েধ্েন। েে প্রোধ্র ঐ েহমটি গঠন েরা 1/13 9/91
থেধ্ে পাধ্র ? 7 9
05.Shan bought 30 liters of milk at the rate of Tk.8 per liter. He got it churned after
spending Tk.10 and 5kg of cream and 30 liter of toned milk were obtained. If he sold the
cream at Tk.30 per kg and toned milk at Tk.4 per liter, his profit in the transaction is....
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

CP of 30 L = 30×8+10= 250
SP = 30×4+5×30= 270
Profit in Transaction = (270-250)= 20[Answer]
06. A boat takes total 10 hours for travelling downstream from point A to point B &
coming back point C which is somewhere between A& B.The speed of the boat in still
water is 9km/hr and rate of stream is 3 km/hr.then what is the distance between A & B if
the ratio of distance between A to C and distance between B to C is 2:1.
Let, AC= 2D
So, AB= 2D+D= 3D
3D D
+ = 10
12 6
=> 5D= 120
=> D= 24
So, AB= 24×3= 72 km [Answer.]
07. A bath can be filled by the cold water pipe in 10 minute and by the hot water pipe in
15 mintes. A person leaves the bathroom after turning on both pipes. He returns just
when the bath should have full. Finding however the waste pipe was open, he close it. In 4
minutes more the bath is full. In what time will the waste water pipe empty it?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Solution: Alternative
Let, Capacity of Tank = 30 L Both pipe can fill in 1 min
Efficiency of Hot water pipe:Cold water pipe = 3:2 1 1 1
= + =
30 30 10 15 6
Time needed to fill the cistern = = = 6 min 1
3+2 5
So, Part in = 1 min
In 4 min both pipe fill = (3+2)×4= 20 unit
So, 1 part in = 6 min
So, Waste pipe 20 unit in = 6 min
4 2
Waste pipe 30 unit in = 6× = 9 min[Answer]
So,Waste pipe 6 min = =3
So, Part in = 6 min
1 part in= 9 min
08. The annual incomes and expenditures of a man
and his wife are in the ratios 5:3 and 3:1, respectively. If they decide to save equally and
find a balance of Tk. 4000 at the end of the year, what was their income?
Let annual income=x
Annual expenditure =y
Saving of wife = (3x-y)
 4==4000
Saving of husband = (5x-3y)  5==5000
 3==3000
3x-y= 2000
=> y= (3x-2000)
5x-3y= 2000
=> 5x-3(3x-2000)= 2000
=> 5x-9x+6000= 2000
=> x= 1000
So, Husband Income = 5×1000= 5000
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Wife Income = 3×1000= 3000

09. After being dropped a certain ball always bounces back to 2/5 of the height of its
previous bounce.After the first bounce it reaches a height of 125 inches. How high (in
inches) will it reach after its fourth bounce?
After fourth bounce it will reach = 125×(2/5)×(2/5)×(2/5)
= 8 inches
10. Three containers A, B and C are having mixtures of milk and water in the ratio 20 :
28, 18 : 30 and 8 : 40, respectively. If the capacities of the containers are in the ratio 5 : 4 :
5, find the ratio of milk to water, if the mixtures of all the three containers are mixed
together ?

Capacity of three = 5:4:5

At, A ; M:W= 20:28= 5:7= 50:70
At, B; M:W= 18:30= 3:5=36:60
At C ; M:W= 8:40= 1:5= 20:100
M:W= (50+36+20):(70+60+100)
= 106:230= 53:115[Answer]
11. Three competing juice makers conducted a blind taste test with mall shoppers. The
shoppers could choose to taste any number of the three brands of juices but had to select
at least one juice that they liked. If 100 shoppers liked brand J, 200 shoppers liked brand
K, 700 shoppers liked brand L, 300 shoppers liked exactly 2 juices, and 50 shoppers liked
all three juices, how many shoppers took the taste test?
All = A + B + C – Sum of exactly two groups – 2×All Three + Neither
= 100 + 200 + 700 – 300 -100 +0
= 600[Answer]
12. A box contains 24 red socks and 43 green socks. How many green socks must be
removed from the box so that 60% of the socks in the box will be green?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let, Remove sock = x(green)
24 2
ATQ, =
43−x 3
=> 72= 86-2x
=> x= 7 [Answer]
13. In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed Tk. 400 each, 45%
contributed Tk. 200 each and the rest contributed Tk. 20 each. If the charity received a
total of Tk. 3,000 form the people who contributed Tk. 20, then how much was
contributed by the entire group?
Let, Total = 100%
Contribute TK 20= 100-(30+45)= 25%
25% Total Number = 3000/20= 150
So, 25%= 150
=> 100%= 600
=> 30%= 180
=> 45= 270
Total Contribute TK = 150×20+180×400+270×200
= 3,000+ 72,000+ 54,000
= 129,000
14. A and B can finish a work,working on alternative days,in 19 days,when A works on the
first day. However, they can finish the work, working alternative days,in 19(5/6)
days,when B works on the first day. How many days does A alone take to finish the
10A+9B= 1_______[1]
10B + 59A/6= 1______[2]
From [1] & [2]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

60A+54B= 60B+59A
=> A= 6B
=> A:B= 6:1
60+9= 6×T
=> T= ( days[Answer]

15. A car gets 20 kms per gallon of gas when it travels at 50 kms per hour. The car gets
12% fewer kms to the gallon at 60 kms per hour.How far can the car travel at 60 kms per
hour on 11 gallons of gas?
One gallons cost when speed 60 km = 20× = 17.6 km
So costing 11 gallon it will goes= 17.6×11= 193.6 km[Answer]

16. A man walks 30 minutes at an average speed of 3km /hr. He waits 10 minutes for a
bus, which brings him back to starting point at 3.15pm. If he began his walk at 2.25 pm
the same afternoon, find the average speed of the bus?
Man start his journey at = 2.25 pm
Walking distance = 30 min and = 1.5 km
Now standing at the bus stand it cost total 10 min. Now time at hand,
(3:25-2:25)-30-10= 60-40= 20 min
So, in 20 min = 1.5 km
In 60 min = 3×1.5= 4.5 km/hr
17. In a certain school, 40 more than 1/3 of all the students are taking a science course and
1/4 of those taking a science course are taking physics. If 1/8 of all the students in the
school are taking physics, how many students are in the school?
Let, Total students = T
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Taking Science = +40
Taking physics =
T+120 T
ATQ, =
12 8
=> 8T+960= 12T
=> 4T= 960
=> T= 240[Answer]
18. Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he
travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed
must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?
Let, Distance = D
ATQ, − =2
10 15
=> D= 60 km
So he start his journey at = = 6 hr ago.
In order to reach there at 5 hr time
His speed will be = =12 km/hr[Answer]
19.A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first contains 25% water and the rest milk &
second contains 50% water. How much milk should he mix from each of the containers so
as to get 12 liters of milk such that the ratio of water to milk is 3:5???
Applying ROA,
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

So, Milk & Water = 12×(1/2)= 6 L each.
20.A container contains 40 liters of milk. From this container 4 liters of milk was taken
out and replaced by water. This proces was repeated further two times. How much milk
is now contained by the container?
Here Initial Water = 40 L
Replace = 4 L
4 3
Final Amount = 40×(1 − ) =29.16 L [Answer.]

21. 8 liters are drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filed with water. This operation
is performed three more times. The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in cask to that of
the water is 16:65. How much wine did the cask hold originally?
Solution :
Let, Initial wine = w
8 4 Wine:Total = 16:81= 2^4:3^4= 2:3
(1−w) 16
w× = Now, Replace = (3-2)/3=1/3part
w 81
ATQ, 1/3 = 8
8 4 2 4
=> (1 − ) = ( ) 1 part = 24 L [Answer]
w 3
1 8
=> =
3 w
=> w= 24 L
So, Cask hold originally = 24 L [Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

22. Two candles having the same lengths are such that one burns out completely in 3
hours at a uniform rate and the other in 4
hours at what time should both the candles be Let, Length of candles 24 each
lighted together so that at 4 p:m the length of 24
one is twice the length of the other? Burn Rate of first = = 8 unit/hr
Solution: 24
Burn Rate of 2nd = = 6 unit/hr
Let the height of two candles each = h 4
Let, After T hr at 4 p.m the Length of one
Rate of burn per hr by two candles Respectively
candle is twice than the others.
h/3 & h/4.
Let, After T hour one length will be twice than
the other, (24-8T)×2= (24-6T)
ATQ, => 48 - 16 T= 24 - 6T
Th Th => 10 T = 24
(h- )×2= (h-
3 4
=> (3h-Th)×8= 3×(4h-Th) => T= =2 hr 24 mins ago.

=> 24h-8Th= 12h-3Th So two candles will be lighted at = (4:00-2

hr 24 min)= 1:36 pm[Answer]
=> 5Th= 12 h
=> T= 12/5 or 2 hr 24 min before at 4 pm.
So two candles will be lighted at = (4:00-2 hr 24 mi)= 1:36 pm [Answer]
23. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 4 hours respectively. If they are
opened on alternative hours and if pipe A is opened first,in how many hours , the tank
shall be full?
A:B= 6:4[T]
A:B= 2:3[E]
Capacity of Tank = 6×2= 12 unit
In first hour fill = 2 unit
In 2nd hour fill = 3 unit
In 3rd hour fill = 2 unit
In 4th hour fill = 3 unit
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

In 5th hour fill = 2 unit

Total fill in 5th hour = (2+3+2+3+2)= 12 unit
So, Time needed = 5 hour [Answer.]
24. If radius of a circle is increased by 30℅ then it's area is increased by—
Let Original Radius of circle = R
Orginal Area = π R2 30+30+
13R = 30+30+9
New Radius = 130% of R=
= 69%
13R 2 169πR2
New Area = π( ) =
10 100
Increase Area = − πR2
69𝜋R2 ×100
Percent Increase =

= 69%[Answer.]

[Q-25] An amount of taka 10,000 becomes taka 20,736 in 2 years,If the rate of interest is
compounded half yearly, what is the annual rate of interest?
Let, Principle= P= 10,000
Interest Rate= R%
R 4
ATQ,10,000(1 + ) = 20,736

R 4 20736
 (1 + ) =
200 10,000
R 4 12 4
 (1 + ) =( )
200 10
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

6 R
 −1=
5 200

R 1
 =
200 5

 R= 40%[Answer]
26. Rahim invested in all tk 2600 in three different schemes 8℅, 4℅ & 6℅ per annum
simple interest. At the end of the year, he received the same interest in all the three
schemes. What is the money invested in scheme having 4℅ rate of interest?
Solution Alternative
Let, he invest x, y & 2600-(x+y) in three Money invested in three scheme=
schemes 1 1 1
: :
8 4 6
= 3:6:4
x×8%= y×4%= {2600-(x+y)×6%
 8x= 4y So, Investment at 4% scheme,
 y= 2x 6
= 2600×
So, 8x= {2600-3x}6 13
= 1200[Answer]
 8x= 15,600-18x
 26x= 15,600
 x= 600
So, y= 600×2= 1200
So, he invest at 4% scheme= 1200 TK[Answer]
27. After distributing the chocolates equally among 25 kids, 8 chocolates remain. Had the
number of children been 28,22 chocolates would have been left after equally distributing
Find the total number of chocolates?
Let, Total Number of Chocolate, Y
= 25X +8 Back solve, = Remainder 8
25x+8−22 25𝑋−14 358
ATQ, Y= = And, = Remainder 22
28 28 28
When X = 14, Y= 22
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

So, Total Number of Chocolate

= 25×22+8= 358[Answer.]
28. A solid sphere of radius r is sliced by the planes passing through its centre and
perpendicular to each other. The total surface area of each of the pieces so formed is

4πR2 2πR2
The total surface Area = +
4 2
= 2πR2
29. A hollow right circular cylinder of radius r and height 4r is standing vertically on a
plane. If a solid right circular cone of radius 2r and height 6r is placed with its vertex
down in the cylinder, then volume of the portion of the cone outside the cylinder is ?

Volume of cone of outside cylinder = Volume of Frustum

= (R2 + Rr + r 2 )
=π× {(2𝑟)2 + 2r. r + r 2 }

30. a manufacturer of boxes want to make a profit of X taka.when she sells 5000 boxes if
costs tk 5 a box to make the first 1000 boxes and then it costs Tk Y a box to make the
remaining 4000 boxes. what price in taka should she charge for the 5000 boxes?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Total CP = 1000×5+4000×Y= 5000+4000Y
So, SP= 5000+4000Y+X[Answer.]
31. The digit in the unit's place of a number is equal to the digit in the ten's place of half of
that number and the digit in the ten's place of that number is less than the digit in unit's
place of half of the number by 1. If the sum of the digits of the number is 7, then what is
the number?
Let Digit in unit place = y
Digit in Tenth place = x
So, The number is = 10x+y
Let, Half of the number is = 10k+m
Now, k= y and, m= x+1
So, half of the number= 10y+x+1
So, Number= 2×half of the number
 10x+y= 20y+2x+2
 8x= 19y+2
 x=
When y=2 x= 5
So, The number is =10×5+2= 52[Answer]

[Q-01]A bag contains 5 red and 7 white balls. Four balls are drawn out one by one and not replaced.
What is the probability that they are alternatively of different colours?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Note:Alternatively different color :
Probability of alternatively different color
মানে প্রথমটা রেড হনে পনেেটা
রহায়াইট, এভানে রহায়াইনটে পে

[Q-02].A and B can finish a work, working on alternate days, in 19 days, when A works on the first day.
However, they can finish the work, working on alternate days, in 19 5/6 days, when B works on the first
day. How many days does A alone take to finish the work?
10A+9B= 1_____[1]
10B + = 1____[2]
From [1] & (2]
60A+54B= 60B+59A
=> A= 6B
=> A:B= 6:1
69= 6T
=> T= 11.5[Answer]
[Q-03] A and B can complete a work separately in 9 and 12 days respectively. If they work for a day
alternately in how many days the work will be completed.
A:B= 9:12[T]
A:B= 4:3[E]
Two days work = 4+3= 7 unit
(5×2)= 10 days work = 7×5= 35 unit
Remain= (36-35)= 1 unit
Now A turn,
4 unit in = 1 day
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1 unit in =
Time needed = 10+
= 10
[Q-04] The price of each mango is tk.65 and the price of each guava is tk.45.Aslam buys total 10mabgoes
and guavas at an average price of many mangoes must Aslam put back &replace with guavas
so that the average price if the pieces of fruit that he keeps is 52 tk.
Apply Role of Allegations Alternative
Mango Guava Total Price of 10= 10×56= 560
65 45 He saves = (560-52×10)= 40 TK
56 If he buy two mangoes less then he
11 9 could save 40 TK.
And Price difference = (65-45)= 20
Mango __________Guava So, Mangoes less = 40/20= 2[Answer]
So, he put back (11-7) or (13-9)= = 2 mangoes and replace with guava[Answer]
[Q-05]A cricket team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How many of
these must the team win to make it record 70% win for the season??
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let he won x match after wining = 40 match
Let, he won x match total
Total match he will play = 60+32= 92
𝑥 7
40+𝑥 70 7 ATQ, =
92 10
ATQ, = 100 = 10
=> 10x= 644
=> 400+10x= 644
=> x= 64.4
=> 10x= 244
So, he have to win = (64.4-40)
=> x= 24.4 or 24 match approximately
= 24.4 or 24 match
[Answer.] approximately [Answer ]

[Q-06] The average weight of 15 boys is decreased by 5 kg when, one of them weighing 112 kg is replaced
by another one. This new one is again replaced by another, whose weight is 15 kg higher than the person
he replaced. What is the overall change due to this dual change?
Wt decrease by 5 kg that means total decrease = 15×5= 75 kg
So, Replaced man weight = 112-75= 37 kg
Now this man is replaced whose wt is 15 kg lower than the replaced man,
So Replaced man wt. = 37+15= 52 kg
So, Overall wt. Decrease = 112-52= 60 kg
Overall change per person= = 4 𝑘𝑔
[Q-07] Lokesh deposits some amount in a bank .He gets simple interest which is 1/8 of the sum. If the
number of years is equal to twice the rate percent per annum, then the rate percent per annum is?
Let, Sum= P
Simple interest= P/8
Number of years = x
Rate = 2x%
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

𝑃 𝑃2𝑥 2
8 100
=> 100= 16𝑥 2
=> x= = 2.5% [Answer]
[Q-08] A building worth Tk.133100 is constructed on land worth Tk.72900. After how many years will
the value of both be the same if land appreciates at 10% p.a. and building depreciates at 10% p.a??

10 𝑛 10 𝑛
72900×{1 + (100)} = 133100×(1 − 100)
11 𝑛 9 𝑛
=> 72900×( ) = 133100×( )
10 10
11 𝑛 10 𝑛 133100
=>( ) ×(9) =
10 72900
=> n= 3 year
[Q-09] .Two airticles are sold for Rs.30 each. On one,he losses 30 % & on the others he earns a profit of
30 %.Find his loss /profit (in Rs) in the overall transaction
Each SP = 30
10 Percent Loss = 30 -30 –
CP of first = 30 × 100
= 9%
= 𝑃𝑄
7 Formula= P-Q-
CP of 2nd = 30 × 13 Here, P, Q profit & Loss

300 300 3900+2100 6000

Total CP = ( + )= =
7 13 91 91
Total SP= 30+30= 60
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

6000 (6000−5460) 540

Loss = − 60 = =
91 91 91
540 91
Percent Loss = × × 100
91 6000
= 9%[Answer]

[Q-10] A conical tent is required to accommodate 5 persons and each of them needs 16 𝑪𝒎𝟐 space on the
ground and 100 cubic metres of air to breathe. Find the vertical height of the tent.
Area of base = 5×16= 80 𝐶𝑚2
Let, Radius = r
Height = h
So, Area = 80
=> π𝑟 2 = 80
And, Volume = 100×5= 500

𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
=> ( = 500
=> 80 h= 1500
=> h= 18.75 cm[Answer]

[Q-11] Find the cost of carpeting a room 13 m long and 9m broad with a carpet 75cm wide at the rate of
tk 12.40 per sq. metre.
13×9×(4/3)×12.4= 39×4×12.4= 156×12.4= 1934.4[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[Q-12]In a competitive exam, the number of passed students was four times the number of failed
students. If there had been 35 fewer appeared students and 9 more had failed, the ratio of passed and
failed students would have been 2 : 1, then the total number
of students appered for the exam
Pass:Fail= 4:1
P= 4×F
Total Students = 5x-35
=> P:F= 4:1
Fail = x+9
Total Students= 5x-35
𝑥+9 1 Pass= 5x-35-x-9= 4x-44
ATQ, =3 𝑥+9 1
=> 3x+27= 5x-35 4𝑥−44 2

=> 2x= 62
 2x+18= 4x-44
 2x= 62
=> x= 31  x= 31
Appear = 5×31= 155[Answer.]
So, Total Students = 5×31= 155

[Q-13] A & B enter into a partnership business. A supplies whole of the capital amounting to taka 45000
with condition that profits to be equally divided and that B Pays A interest on half of the capital at 10%
per annum, but receives taka 120 per month for carrying the concern. Find the total yearly profit when
B's income is one-half of A's income
B's income= 2

=> A= 2B
=> A:B= 2:1[Income Ratio]
B paid A = = 2250
B receive = 120×12= 1440
Profit will be shared by both in same quantity.
Let, Shared profit = P
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

A wiil received =
B will received =
B get an interest of 1440 & given A to 2250 then B profit will be= 2+1440-2250

= -810
A will be received in Total
= +2250
+2250 2
ATQ, P =1
=> P+4500= 2P-3240
=> P= 7740
So, (A+B) profit in total = P+2250-810
= 7740+1440= 9180[Answer]
[Q-14] A boat goes 12 km downstream and return to the strating point in 180 minutes. If the speed of the
stream is 3 km/hr. Then what will be the speed of boat in still water?
Let, Boat speed, = x
12 12
ATQ, + 𝑥−3 = 3
=> (12x-36+12x+36)= 3(𝑥 2 − 9)
=> 24x= 3𝑥 2 − 27
=> 𝑥 2 − 8𝑥 − 9 = 0
=> 𝑥 2 − 9x + x − 9 = 0
=> x(x-9)+1(x-9)= 0
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

=> x= 9
So, Boat speed = 9 km/hr[Answer]
[Q-15] The wages of labourers in a factory increases in the ratio 22:25 and there was a reduction in the
number of labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs. 5000
Ration of two numbers now=
Let Previous wage= 22x
So, New wage = 25x
= 2×3:5
Previous number of workers= 15y
= 6:5
New number of workers = 11y
Total wages of present = 25x×11y= 275xy

Previous wages= 22x×15y= 330xy 5==5000

ATQ, 6==6000[Answer]
275xy= 5000
 xy= 18.18
Previous wages= 330×18.18= 6000[Answer ]
[Q-16]A garments factory employs 3 categories of workers, K, M & N. The efficiency of the 3 categories
of worker to do a specific task is in the ratio of 3:5:6 respectively & the factory employs 15 of category K,
12 of category M & 3 of category N. If the total wages paid to the entire group of workers is tk 492 per
hour,what will be the wages earned by a category N worker for an 8 hour day?
M:K:N= (15×3:12×5:3×6)= 45:60:18
N in 1 hr= 492×(18/123)= 72
N in 8 hr= 72×8= 576
So, N, 1 worker =
= 192[Answer]
[Q-17] In a 100 litre mixture of milk and water, the % of water is only 20%. The milkman gave 25 litres
of this mixture to a customer and then added 25 litres of water to the remaining mixture. What is the %
of milk in the final mixture
Initial Mixture= 100 L
Water = 20 L
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Milk = 80 L
Milk now = 80- 25× = 80-20= 60
% of Milk = 60×100/100= 60%[Answer]
[Q-18] Three cats are roaming in a zoo n such a way that when cat A takes 5 steps, B takes 6 steps and C
takes 7 steps. But the 6 steps of A are equal to the 7 steps of B and 8 steps of C. what is the ratio of their
A:B:C= 5:6:7
6A= 7B= 8C= x
1 1 1
=> A:B:C= : :
6 7 8
= 28:24:21
So, Ration of speed = (5×28):(24×6):(21×7)
= 140:144:147
[Q-19] In a group of 60 probationary officers, 40% of them were prompted , 12 of them were terminated
and rest of them were placed on probation for the second time. What percentage of the probationary
officers placed on probation for second time?
Promoted = 60×
Terminated= 12
Remain = 60-36= 24
Percentage= 24×
= 40%[Answer]
[Q-20] A sum of Rs. 210 was taken as a loan. This is to be paid back in two equal installments.lf the rate
of interest be 10% compounded annually, then the value of each installment is
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Let, Each installment = x

x x
10 2
+ 10 =210
(1+ ) 1+
100 100

=> x= 121[Answer.]

[Q-21] In a fort, there are 1200 soldiers. If each soldier consumes 3 kg per day, the provisions available in
the fort will last for 30 days. If some more soldiers join, the provisions available will last for 25 days given
each soldier consumes 2.5 kg per day. Find the number of soldiers joining the fort in that case
Let, Extra Men added= M
(1200×3×30)= (M+1200)×25×5/2
=> 2400×90-1200×25×5= 15×5×M
=> M= 528
So, Men added = 528[Answer]
[Q-22] Paint needs to be thinned to a ratio of 2 parts paint to 1.5 parts water. The painter has by mistake
added water so that he has 6 litres of paint which is half water and half paint. What must he add to make
the proportions of the mixture correct
Paint:Water = 2:1.5
= 4:3
3+𝑥 4
ATQ, =
3 3
=> 9+3x= 12
=> 3x= 3
=> x= 1
So, 1 L paint should be added[Answer.]
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[Q-23] Mr. Kamal and his wife get a rise of 8% percent annually in their income.Kamal get a raise of
800tk while his wife get 840 tk.What is difference
between their income after the raise? 8%= 800
Solution => 100%= 10000
Let Kamal Initial Income =k And,
8k 2k 8%= 840
Rise his income = 8% of k= = 25
=> 100%= 10,500
ATQ, =800 Diff. = (10,500-10000)= 500[Answer] [
 2k= 25×800
 k= 10,000
Let, Kamal Wife Income = W
8W 2W
Rise of Income = 8% of W= =
100 25
ATQ, = 840
 2W= 840×25
 W= 10,500
Difference = (10,500-10,000)= 500[Answer.]
Q-24] Alloy A contains 40% gold and 60% silver. Alloy B contains 35% gold and 40% silver and 25%
copper. Alloys A and B are mixed in the ratio of 1:4 .What is the ratio of gold and silver in the newly
formed alloy is
A::- G:S= 40:60
B::-G:S:C= 35:40:25
New, G:S= (1×40+4×35):(40×4+1×60)
= 180:220
= 18:22=9:11[Answer. ]
[Q-25] A man saves 200 Tk at the end of each year and lends the money at 5% compound interest. How
much will it becomeat the end of 3 years?
He lends money each year means,
First 200 Tk. for 3 years +2nd 200 tk for 2 years + third 200 tk for one year .
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It will become= [Grab your reader’s attention with a great

105 3 105 2 105 quote from the document or use this space
200×( ) +200×( ) +200× to emphasize a key point. To place this text
100 100 100
box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]
= 662.03[Answer. ]
[Q-26] The CI on 20480 Tk at 6(1/4)% per annum for 2 years 73 days is?
Note, 1 year Interest rate = 25/4%
1 year=365 days
1/5 year interest rate = (25/4)×(1/5)=
73 1
73 days = =5 (5/4)%
Interest Rate =

425 2 405
So, CI = 20,480×( ) ×
400 400
= 2929 TK [Answer. ]

[Q-27]The compound interest on 2800TK for 18 month at10% interest per annum.
Sollution: [Basic Formula:
18 3 If the interest rates are R1, R2, R3 for ist,
Time, n= 18 month= =
12 2 2nd &3rd year respectively
110 105 Then Amount A=
CI = 2800×( × -2800
100 100 P×(1+R1%)(1+R2%)(1+R3%)
= 434 [Answer. ] Here 18 month interest means interest
for 1 year and 6 month.

[Q-28] What would be the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 8000 at the rate of 15% p.a. in
three years?
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Let, the principle= P [Basic formula:

Interest rate=r% If the principle is P, interest r%, Amount

after n years ,
𝑟 𝑛
𝑟 𝑛 15 3 A= P×((1 + 100)
P×(1 + ) -P= 8000×(1 + ) -8000
100 100
𝑟 𝑛
Interest = P×(1 + ) −P [when,
=12167-8000=4167[Answer. ] Compounded annuallay ]

[Q-29] Two pipes can fill a tank in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons
per minute. All the three pipes working together can fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank

Ist pipe:2nd pipe:Combined 3= 20:24:15[T]
In 15 min both pipe fill the cistern =
Ist pipe:2nd pipe:Combined 3= 6:5:8[Eff.] 15 15 90+75
+ =
20 24 120
So, Waste pipe [E]= (6+5-8)= 3
165 33
Let, Capacity = 20×6= 120 = =
120 24
ATQ, 33−24 9
So waste pipe enpty = =
3T= 120 24 24

=> T= 40 min 9
So, = 45
So, The capacity of Tank = 40×3= 120 gallons[Answer.]
 9= 45×24
 1=5×24= 120 L
So, Capacity of Tank = 120 L

[Q-30] A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty the full tank in 8 hours. An inlet pipe fills water at the
rate of 6 liters a minute. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and due to the leak, the tank is empty in
12 hours. How many liters does the tank hold
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(Inlet+Outlet):Outlet= 12:8[T]
(Inlet+Outlet):Outlet= 2:3[Eff.]
Inlet eff. = (3-2)= 1
Let, Capacity = 24 Unit
1×T= 24
=> T= 24 hr
So, Tank hold= 24×60×6= 24×360= 8640L
[Q-31] A person sold a tube light at tk 85.25 in such a way that his percentage profit is the same as the
cost price of the Tube light. If he sells it at twice the percentage profit of his previous percentage of the
profit then the new selling price will be.
%Profit= CP
=> = CP
=> (85.25-CP)×100= 𝐶𝑃2
=> CP 2 + 100CP − 8525 = 0
=> CP 2 + 155CP − 55CP − 8525 = 0
=> CP= 55
So, CP= 55
New % Profit= 110%
New SP= (
[Q-32] An elevator starts with 4 passenger and stops at 7 floors of an apartment.Find the probability that
all 4 passengers travel to different floor?
7th floor =7/7
6 th floor = 6/7
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5 th floor = 5/7
4th floor = 4/7
So, P= (7×6×5×4)/(7×7×7×7)
[Q-33] The ratio of number of girls to the number of boys is the 5: 2 in a class of 21 students. A group of
three students is to be selected at random amongst them. What is the probability that the selected group
of students contain one boy and two girls?
Number of boys= 21× =6
Number of girls = 21-6= 15
Probability of one boy and two girls = = 45/266[Answer]
[Q-34]Two joggers left Delhi for Noida simultaneously. The first jogger stopped 42 min later when he was
1 km short of Noida and the other one stopped 52 min later when he was 2 km short of Noida. If the first
jogger jogged as many kilometers as the second and the second as many kilometers as the first, the first
one would need 17 min less than the second. Find the distance between Delhi and Noida.

Total distance = x km
1st jogger speed = v=
= 42

2nd jogger speed = 52

2nd jogger cross =(x-1) km
1st jogger cross = (x-2) km
(x-1)/[(x-2)/ (52/60)] -(x-2)/[(x-1)/(42/60)] =17/60
=> (x-1)*52/(x-2)- 42*(x-2)/(x-1)= 17
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=> (x-1)^2*52-42*(x-2)^2= 17*(x-1)(x-2)

=> 52x^2-104x+52-42x^2+168x-168= 17(x^2-2x-x+2)
=> 10x^2+64x-116= 17x^2-51x+34
=> 7x^2-51x-64x+34+116= 0
=> 7x^2-115x+150= 0
=> 7x^2-115x +150 =0
=> 7x^2-105x-10x+150=0
=> (x-15)(7x-10)=0
=> x=15 km ( Ans)
[Q-35] A man spent 1/2 of his money and lost 1/4 of the remainder. He was left with taka 3,600. How
much did he start with?
Let, Total Money = 24
Spent = 24/2= 12
Lost = 12/4= 3
So, Remain = 24-15= 9
24==24×400= 9600[Answer]
[Q-36]. Tap A fills a tank in 4 hours whereas tap B empties the full tank in 24 hours. A and B are opened
alternately for 1 hour each. Every 2 hour the level of water is found to increase by . 5m. The depth of the
tank is
In 2 hr A+B can fill
Let, Capacity = 24 L
2 2 12−2 5
Eff. A:B= 6:1 = − = =
4 24 24 12
In 2 hr = (6-1)= 5 unit 5 1
So, =
Now, 12 2
5 ===0.5  1=4.8

24==24×0.5/5= 12/5= 2.4 m

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[Q-37].A train passes two bridges of lengths 500 m and 250 m in 100 seconds and 60 seconds respectively.
The length of the train is
Let, Length of Train = L
L+500 L+250
ATQ, =
100 60
=> 3L+1500= 5L+1250
=> 2L= 250
=> L= 125 m
So, Length of Train = 125 m[Answer]
[Q-38] A cistern has an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe.The inlet pipe fills the cistern completely in 1 hour 20
minutes when the outlet pipe is plugged. The outlet pipe empties the tank completely in 6 hours when the
inlet pipe is plugged.If there is a leakage also which is capable of draining out the water from the tank at
half of tth rate of the outlet pipe, then what is the time taken to fill the empty tank when both pipe are

Inlet takes = 80 min
Outlet takes= 360 min
Leakage = 720. Min
Inlet:Outlet:L= 80:360:720[T]
Inlet:Outlet= 9:2:1
Let, Capacity= 360×2= 720 L
Inlet Pipe take = 80 min
Outlet = 360 min
(9-2-1)×T= 720
Leakage= 720
=> T= 720/6= 120 min or 2 hours [Answer.] 1 1 1
So, In 1 hr fill= − − =
80 360 720
[Q-39] Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 12 minutes and
So, 1 part 15120
in = minutes
min respectively while a third pipe
can empty the full cistern in 6 minutes. A and B are kept open for 5 minutes in the beginning and then C
is also opened. In what time is the cistern emptied
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A:B:C= 12:15:6[T]
A:B:C= 5:4:10[E]
Let, Capacity = 12×5= 60 L
In 5 min (A+B) fill = 5×(5+4)= 45 unit
T×(5+4-10)= 45
=> T= 45 min
So, Total Time needed= 45+5 min= 50 min
[Q-40] A, B and C enter into partnership by making investments in the ratio 3: 5:7. After a year, C
invests another Tk. 337600 while A withdraws Tk.45600. The ratio of investments then changes to
24:59:67. How much does A invest initially?
Let, A:B:C= 3x:5x:7x
After 1 year C investment = 7x+337600
After 1 year A investment = 3x-45,600
3x−45600 24
ATQ, =
5x 59
=> 59×(3x-45,600)= 120x
=> 177x-120x= 45600×59
=> 57x= 45600×59
=> x= 800×59= 47,200
A initial investment = 47,200×3= 141600[Answer.]
[Q-41]:A starts from a place at 11.00 A.M. and travels at a speed of 4 kmph, B starts at 1.00 P.M. and
travels with speeds of 1 kmph for 1 hour, 2 kmph for the next 1 hour, 3 kmph for the next 1 hour and so
on. At what time will B catch up with A?]
A start 2 hr earlier. In that time A goes =4×2= 8 km
B start at 1.00 P.M.
In 1.00-2.00 distance between them = 8+4-1= 11
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In 2.00-3.00 distance between them =

11+4-2= 13 km
In 3.00-4.00 distance between them = 13+4-3= 14 km
In 4.00-5.00 distance between them = 14+4-4= 14 km
In 5.00-6.00 distance between them = 14+4-5= 13 km
In 6.00-7.00 distance between them = 13+4-6= 11 km
In 7.00-8.00 distance between them = 11+4-7= 8 km
In 8.00-9.00 distance between them = 8+4-8= 4 km
Now Remain distance = 4 km
Relative speed= (9-4)= 5 km/hr
T= 4/5= 48 min
So, they meet at 9:48 P.M[Answer.]
[Q-42] An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 kmph, stopping for 3 minutes after 75 km.
A local train travelled at a speed of 50 kmph, stopping for 1 minute after every 25 km. If the trains began
travelling at the same time, how many kilometres did the local train travel in the time it took the express
train to travel 600 km?
Express train time needed = (600/100)+7×3 min
= 6 hr 21 min= 381 min
Local train speed = 50 km/hr
In every 31 min it goes= 25 km
So, in (31×12)= 372 min it goes = 25×12= 300 km
Remain Time = 9 min
In that time it goes= 9×50/60= 45/6= 7.5 km
So, Total distance = 300+7.5= 307.5 km
[Q-43] A motorboat in still Water travels at a speed of 36 km/ hr. It goes 56 km upstream in 1 hour 45 minutes.
The time taken by it to cover the same distance down the stream will be :
Let, boat speed = x
Stream speed = y
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56 km upstream in = 1(3/4)= 7/4 hr

Speed = 56×4/7= 32 km/hr
So, x-y= 32
=> 36-y= 32
=> y= 4 km/hr
So, Downstream speed= 36+4= 40 km/hr
So, Time needed= 56/40= 14/10=7/5= 1(2/5)hr or 1 hr 24 min[Answer.]
[Q-44] A, B and C can do a work together in a certain number of days. If A leaves after half the work is done,
then the work takes 4 more days for completion, but if B leaves after half the work is done, the work takes 5
more days for completion. If A takes 10 more days than B to do the work alone, then in how many days can C
alone do the work?
[ A,B,C একটট কাজ নেনদিষ্ট নদনে রেষ কনে। যনদ A অনধক
ি কাজ রেষ কোে পে চনে যায় োনক কাজ সম্পন্ন হনে চােনদে রেনে সময়
োনে নকে্েু যনদ B অনধক
ি কাজ রেষ কোে পে চনে যায় োহনে কাজটট সম্পন্ন কেনে আনো পাাঁচনদে রেনে সময় োনে। যনদ সম্পূর্ ি
কাজটট কেনে A, B এে রথনক ১০ নদে রেনে সময় রেয়, োহনে C সম্পূর্ কাজ
ি একা কেনদনে রেষ কেনে পােনে?]

A+B+C= x days
(B+C), 1/2 work in = (x/2+4)days
Full work= (x+8) days
(A+C), 1/2 work= x/2+5 days
Full work = (x+10) days
1/A+1/B+1/C= 1/x
=> 1/A= 1/x-1/x+8
= (x+8-x)/x*(x+8)= 8/x*(x+8)
So A, 8/x*(x+8) part in= 1 days
1 part in = x*(x+8)/8 days
1/B= 1/x-1/(x+10)= 10/x*(x+10)
: B= x*(x+10)/10
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x*(x+8)/8- x*(x+10)/10= 10
=> [5x(x+8)-4x(x+10)]= 400
=> 5x^2+40x-4x^2-40x= 400
=> x^2= 400
=> x= 20
So, A= 20*(20+8)/8= 70
B= 20*(20+10)/10= 60
1/A+1/C= 1/30
=> 1/30-1/70= 1/C
=> 7-3/210= 1/C
=> 1/C= 4/210
C, 4/210 part in= 1 days
1 part in= 210/4= 52.5 days[Answer.]
.[Q-45] Mr X signed a contract for building a road for 1920 meters long within 120 days.He employed 160
workers for this task.But after 24 days he found that only 1/8 of the task has been finished .If Mr.X wants to
finish the road in time how many additional workers he has to employ ?
Total work = (24×160×8)
Let, Extra Men = M
24×160+96×(M+160)= 24×160×8
=> 86M = 24×160×8-24×160-96×160
=> M= 120
Additional Men= 120[Answer]
[Q-46]If A completes 2/3 part of a work in 6 days, C completes 1/4 part of the work in 3 days and B completes
1/3 part of the work in 2 days. Then find in how many days A and C together will complete 2/3 part of the
A= 6×3/2= 9 days
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C= 4×3= 12 days
A:C= 4:3[Eff.]
(4+3)×T= 36×2/3
=> 7T= 24
=> T= 24/7 days[Answer]
[Q-47] A man covers a distance on scooter by 3 kmph faster and takes 40 min less. But if he decrease his speed
by 2 kmph then he is 40 min late. Find the distance.
Let, Distance= D km
Speed = V km/hr
D/(V) - D/(V+3)= 2/3_____[1]
D/(V-2)-D/V= 2/3_________[2]
From [1] &[2]
D/V-D/(V+3)= D/(V-2)-D/V
=> 2/V= (V+3+V-2)/(V+3)(V-2)
=> 2(V^2-2V+3V-6)= V×(2V-1)
=> 2V^2+2V-12-2V^2-V= 0
=> V= 12 km/hr
Put this value into [1]
D/12 -D/15= 2/3
=> D/60= 2/3
=> 3D= 120
=> D= 40 km[Answer]
[Q-48] ramesh has a container filled completely with 80 % milk and 20 % water. 5 litres of thesolution is
removed and replaced with water. then, 1 5 litres of this solution is removed andreplaced with water. the milk
percentage is now 55%. which of the following can be thecapacity of the container (in litres)
Let, initial = x
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Milk Initial = 4x/5

4x/5*(1- 5/x)(1-15/x)= 55% of x
=> 4/5*(x-5)(15-x)= 11x^2/20
=> 16(x^2-15x-5x+75)= 11x^2
=> 16(x^2-20x+75)= 11x^2
=> 16x^2-320x+ 1200-11x^2= 0
=> 5x^2-320x+1200= 0
=> 5x^2-300x-20x+1200= 0
=> x= 4,60
4 can not be, since already added 20 L, so solution must be greater than 20.
So, initial = 60 L[answer.]
[Q-49]P, Q and R are three typists who working simultaneously can type 216 pages in 4 hours. In one hour, R
can type as many pages more than Q as Q can type more than P. During a period of five hours, R can type as
many pages as P can during seven hours. How many pages does each of them type per hour ?
P+Q+R= 216/4= 54______[1]
R-Q= Q-P
=> R+P= 2Q
Put this value into [1]
2Q+Q= 54
=> Q= 18 page/hr
5R= 7P
=> R= (7P/5) ; put this value into [1]
P+18+(7P/5)= 54
=> 12P/5= 36
=> P= 15 page/hr
So, R= 7×15/5= 21 page/hr
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[Q-50] To do a piece of work, B takes 3 times as long as A and C together and C twice as long as A and B
together. If A, B and C together can complete the works in 10 days, how long would A take alone to complete
B:(A+C)= 1:3[eff.]= 3:9
C:(A+B)= 1:2[eff.]= 4:8
A eff. = (8-3)= 5
A×5= 10×(3+9)
=> A= 120/5= 24 days[Answer]
Let, B takes= 3x days
(B+C) takes = x days
1/3x +1/x= 1/10
=> 4/3x= 1/10
=> x= 40/3 days
So, B takes = (40/3)×3= 40 days
Let, C takes = 2y days
(A+B) takes = y days
1/2y+1/y= 1/10
=> 3/2y= 1/10
=> 2y= 30
So, C takes = 30 days
Lcm of 10, 30,40= 120
(A+B+C):B:C= 12:3:4
So, A= (12-3-4)= 5
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Time needed= 120/5= 24 days[Answer]

.[Q-51] A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first contains 25% water and the rest milk. The second contains
50% water. How much milk should he mix from each of the containers so as to get 12 litres of milk such that
the ratio of water to milk is 3 : 5?
Milk : Water = 75:25[1st]
Milk :Water = 50:50[2nd]
Milk:Water= 3:5= 37.5:62.5[Final]
(75-37.5):(62.5-25)= 37.5:37.5= 1:1
So, 12×1/2= 6 L each[Answer ]
[Q-52] Devide tk 1050 among A, B and C such that A receives 2/5 as much as B and C together and B receives
3/7 as much as A and C together
A:(B+C)= 2:5
A got = 1050×2/7= 300
B:(A+C)= 3:7
B got = 1050×(3/10)
= 315
C got = 1050-615=435
A+C=(300+435)= 735[Answer.]
.[Q-53]A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What is
the total time taken to fill the tank completely
Let The capacity of tank = 6 L
So, Eff. = 1
Half fill in = 6/2= 3 hr
Now, pipe = 4
Per hr can fill = 4 L
Total time = 3+(3/4)= 3 hr 45 min[Answer.]
[Q-54] A shopkeeper marks up his goods by 20% and then gives a discount of 20%. Besides he cheats both his
supplier and customer by 100 g, i.e., he takes 1100 g from his supplier and sells only 900 g to his customer.
What is his net profit percentage? (Rounded off to two decimal points)
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Applying MF;
100×(6/5)×(4/5)×(11/10)×(10/9)-100= 117.33-100= 17.33%[Answer.]
[Q-55] A 72 liters of mixture of water and milk in the ratio of 4: 5. Then adding some amount of water and the
volume of the mixture is increased by 88 liters. The quantity of the milk is how much percentage more or less
than of water in the final mixture?
Milk = 72×5/9= 40
Water = 72×4/8= 32
New volume = (72+88)= 160 L
Water there = (32+88)= 120 L
Milk less than water = (120-40)= 80 L
% less = 80×100/120= 2×100/3= 200/3% [Answer.]
[Q-56] Three pipes A,B and C attached to a cistern. A can fill it in 10 min, B in 15 min, C is a waste pipe for
emptying it. After opening both the pipes A and B, a man leaves the cistern and returns when the cistern should
have been just full. Finding, however, that the waste pipe had left open, he closes it and the cistern now gets
filled in 2 min. In how much time the pipe C, if opened alone, empty the full cistern?
A & B together can fill the tank = 30/(3+2)= 6 min
So, 6 min = 1 part
2 min = 1/3 part
So, 1/3 part by Pipe C in = 6 min
=> 1 part by pipe C in = 6×3= 18 min[Answer]
[Q-57] ravi can walk a certain distance in 40days when he rests 9hours a long will he take to walk
twice the distance, twice as fast and rest twice as long each day?

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Let, Ravi speed per hr = x km/hr
In 40 days he took 9 hr rest every day so total time of travelling = 40×(24-9)×x
= 600x
Now, Distance is twice that means = 1200 x
Travel per day = (24-18)= 6hr
Speed twice that means = 2x
So time needed = 1200x/12x= 100[Answer.]
.[Q-58]If two pipes function simultaneously, the reservoir will be filled in 12 hours. The second pipe fills the
reservoir 10 hrs faster than the first. How many hrs does it take the second pipe to fill the reservoir?
Let, Capacity of reservoir = V unit
Both pipe can fill per hour = V/12 unit
First pipe can fill in 1 hr = V/t
2nd pipe can fill in 1 hr = V/(t-10)
V/t+ V/(t-10)= V/12
=> (t-10+t)×12= t×(t-10)
=> 24t-120= t^2-10t
=> t^2-34t+120= 0
=> t= 30,4
If t= 30, (t-10)= 20
If t= 4; (t-4)= 0[Can not be possibe]
So, second pipe takes = 20 hr[Answer.]
.[Q-59] Tank A is filled to 1/4th of its capacity while Tank B is filled to 1/8th of its capacity. The content from
both tanks are transferred to Tank C which is filled to 1/2th of its capacity. If twice the content of Tank B is
equal to the content in tank A, what is the ratio of the capacity of Tank A to Tank C?
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A contents capacity = 2×B contents capacity
=> A:B= 2:1
So,C= (2+1)= 3
Capacity of C= 3×2= 6
A Capacity = 2×4=8
A:C= 8:6= 4:3

[Q-60]while covering a distance of 24kn,a man noticed that after walking for 1 hour and 40 minutes, the
distance covered by him was 5/7 of the remaining distance. what was his speed in meters per second?
Remain distance = (24-D)
Initially cover = D
In 5/3 hour cover,D= 5/7(24-D)
= (120-5D)/7
7D= 120-5D
=> 12D= 120
=> D= 10 km
So, (5/3) hr = 10 km
In 1 hr= 10×3/5= 6 km/hr= 6×(5/18)= 5/3 m/s[Answer]
.[Q-61] A farmer wishes to start a 100 sq.m rectangular vegetable garden. Since he has only 30 m barbed wire,
he fences three sides of the garden letting his house compound wall act as the fourth side fencing. The
dimension of the garden is
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Let, Length = L
Breadth = B
L×B= 100_____[1]
2L+B= 30
2B+L= 30
If 2L+B= 30
Then, B=30-2L
Put this value into [1]
=> 30L-2L^2-100= 0
=> 2L^2-30L+100=0
=> L^2-15L+50=0
=> L=10,5
If L=10, B= 10
If L= 5 ;B= 20[Breadth can not be greater than Length ]
If, 2B+L= 30
=> L= 30-2B
Put this value into [1]
B×(30-2B)= 100
=> 30B-2B^2-100= 0
=> 2B^2-30B+100= 0
=> B^2-15B+50=0
=> B= 10,5
If B= 10,L= 10
If B= 5, L= 20
The Dimension of garden be, (10,10) or (20,5)[Answer.]
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[Q-62] A bag contains some white and Black Balls.The probability of picking two white balls one after other
without replacement from that bag is 14/33.Then what will be the probability of picking two black balls from
that bag if bag can hold maximum 15 balls only?
Total ball = (W+B)
WC2/(W+B)C2= 14/33= 7*2/3*11
=> W*(W-1)/(W+B)(W+B-1)= (8/12)*(7/11)

So, W/W+B= 8/12

W+B= 12
B= 4
Probability of Black = (4/12)*(3/11)= 1/11[Answer.]

[Q-63]A person leaves his home everyday at 11:00 am and reaches his office at 12:00 pm. One day he left his
house at normal time but traveled the first half of the distance at speed of 2/3 of the normal speed. What should
be the speed of second half so that he reaches at the same time?
Let, Distance = 6 km
Speed= 6 km/hr.
First half distance = 6/2 = 3 km
(2/3) normal speed =6×(2/3)= 4 km/hr
So, 3 km in = 3/4 hr
Time remain = 1/4 hr
Distance Remain= 3 km
Speed =3×4 = 12 km/hr[Answer.]
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So speed is twice than the first

[Q-64]A man rides a bicycle at the speed of 20 kmph and reaches the office at 15 minutes late. If he increases
his speed by 5 kmph and reaches the office in time, then what is the distance between house and office?
Let, The distance between home & office= D
D/20-15/60= D/25
=> D/20-D/25= 1/4
=> D/100= 1/4
=> 4D= 100
=> D= 25 km[Answer ]
Let, Actual time= t
20×(t+1/4)= 25t
=> 20t+5= 25t
=> 5t= 5
=> t= 1 hr
So, Distance = 25×1=25 km[Answer.]
.[Q-65]The length of train X is 600 m . And it crosses train Y running in opposite direction in 36 seconds and
train X also crosses a man standing in a platform in 36 seconds. What is the speed of train Y if the length of
train Y is half of train X?
Length of Train X= 600 m
Length of Y= 600/2= 300 m
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Let, Speed of Train X= X

Speed of Train Y= Y
(600+300)= (X+Y)×(5/18)×36
=> (X+Y)×10= 900
=> (X+Y)= 90_____[1]
600= X×(5/18)×36
=> 10X= 600
=> X= 60
So, Speed of Y= 90-60= 30 km/hr[Answer.]

[Q-66] What is the rate of interest on the amount Rs. 20000 invests in the compound interest scheme for 2 years
and the amount obtained after 2 years is Rs. 26450?
Let, Rate of interest = R
20,000×(1+R)²= 26,450
=> (1+R)²= 26,450/20,000
=> (1+R)²= 2645/2,000
=> (1+R)²= 529/400
=> 1+R= 23/20
=> R= 3/20= 3×(100/20)%= 15%
[Q-67]A road was constructed along the fence of a rectangular plot,measuring 20 ft.long and 16ft.wide.The
width of the road was 2ft.Trees were planted 2ft.apart on both sides of the road. How many trees were planted?
[Dutch Bangla BanK PO - 2003 ]
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Number of trees = 2×22+2×18
= 44+36= 80

[Q-68]After working for 15 days Adam realises that only 60% of the work is over and he employs Pat who is
half as efficient as Adam to help him. When will the task be completed
Adam can do the work in = 15×(5/3)= 25 days
So Pat = 50 days
Adam:Pat = 2:1[Eff.]
=> 3T = 20
=> T= 20/3 days
Total time taken = 15 +20/3
= 65/3 days
[Q-69]If P and Q work together, they will complete a job in 7.5 days.However, if P works alone and completes
half the job and then Q takes over and completes the remaining half alone, they will be able to complete the job
in 20 days. How long will Q alone take to do the job if P is more efficient than Q ?

1/P+1/Q= 2/15
=> (P+Q)×15= 2PQ----[1]
P/2+Q/2= 20
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=> P+Q= 40
=> P= 40-Q
Put this value into [1]
(40-Q+Q)×15= 2Q×(40-Q)
=> 600= 80Q-2Q^2
=> Q^2-40Q+300= 0
=> Q^2-30Q-10Q+300= 0
=> Q= 30,10
Since Q is less efficient Q take = 30 days
.[Q-70]If 12 candies are sold for tk. 10 then there is a loss of X%. If 12 candies are sold for Tk. 12 then there is
a profit of x%. What is the value of x?

Let, CP = CP
Profit and loss percentage in both case is same.
(CP-10)/CP= (12-CP)/CP
=> CP^2-10CP= 12CP-CP^2
=> 2CP^2= 22CP
=> CP= 11
Value of x= (11-10)×100/11= 100/11%
Mental Approach:
Since Profit and loss be same. Then CP value must be lies between 10 to 12.There is only value between 10-12
is 11.
So, x= (11-10)×100/11= 100/11%
[Answer ]
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.[Q-71] A boat takes 19 hours for travelling downstream from point A to point B and coming back to a point C
midway between A and B. If the velocity of the stream is 4 kmph and the speed of the boat in still water is 14
kmph, what is the distance between A and B??
Let, AB= 2D
2D/(4+14) + D/(14-4)= 19
=> D/9+D/10= 19
=> 19D= 19×90
=> D= 90 km
Distance between A&B= 90×2= 180 km [Answer.]
[Q-73] A, B and C can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A and B started working together
whereas C worked with them every third day. Find the number of days required to complete the work?(NM#19)

A:B:C= 12:15:25[T]
A:B:C= 25:20:12[Eff.]
Let, Total work = 12×25= 300
Working scheduled for 3 days = 2(A+B)+A+B+C
= 2×(25+20)+25+12
= 147 unit in _3 days
So, 294 unit in = 6 days
Remain 6 unit in = 6/45= 2/15
Time total = 6(2/15)
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[Q-73] Profits of a business are divided among three partenrs A,B,C in such a way that 4 times the amount
received by A is equal to 6 times of B and 11 times of C.The ratio in which the three received the amount is--

4A= 6B=11C
=> A:B:C= 1/4:1/6:1/11= 132/4:132/6:132/11
= 33:22:12[Answer]
[Q-74]The probability of rolling any number on a weighted 6 sided die, with faces numbered 1 through 6, is
directly proportional to the number rolled. What is the probability of getting 5, if the die is rolled only once?
probability = individual probability / total probability = 5/(1+2+3+4+5+6)= 5/21

[N.B: Weighted probability means :: For example, if you were rolling a single six-sided die, you would have the
same probability of rolling a one as rolling any other number because each number will come up one out of six


Probability of rolling a 1 = 1 * m ( let m be any multiplier)

similarly rolling 2 = 2* m


rolling 6 = 6 * m

These are the possible outcomes and since the probability must be 1
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so add these possible outcomes : 1m + 2m + . . . + 6m = 1

or m = 1/21]

[Q-75]Three acids A, B and C are mixed in the ratio 4:5:6 respectively, to from a chemical for washing white
clothes. The quantity of chemical is altered so that the ratio of acids A&B is 1/3 and the ratio of the acids B&C
is made 2/3, the new ratio of all three can now be used to form a chemical for washing colored clothes. What is
the total volume of new chemical solution formed if it contains 30ml of acid B? (Math#18)

A:B:C= 4:5:6[15]
= 68:85:102
A:B= 1:3= 2:6
B:C= 2:3= 6:9
A:B:C= 2:6:9[17]
= 30:90:135
255= 255/3= 85 mL

[Q-76]The final exam of a particular class makes up 40% of the final grade, and Moe is failing the class with an
average (arithmetic mean) of 45% just before taking the final exam. What grade does Moe need on his final
exam in order to receive the passing grade average of 60% for the class? Math#১৯(Ans : 82.5%)

Let, Total Marks = 100
Final marks = 40
Remain = 60
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Moe obtains= 60×(9/20)= 27

Have to obtain = (60-27)= 33 out of 40
%= 33×(5/2)= 165/2= 82.5%
[Q-77]Suppose you deposit tk 10000 on January 1.2013 at 12.50% interest rate for 1years. On july 1 2013 tk
15000 at 12 interest rate for 6 months and on October 1, 2013'tk 20000 at 11.5% interest ratevfor 3 months.
Supposed you withdrawal all deposits including due interest on December 31.2013. Calculated over all annual
rate of interest you have received??

Investment of TK 10,000 for 12 months
Investment of TK 15000/2 for 12 month
Investment of TK 2000/4 for 12 month
So, Total Amount= 10,000+7500+500= 22,500 gives
Interest of = 10,000×1×(1/8)+ 7,500×12/100
+ 5000×(11.5/100)
= 1250+ 900+ 575= 2725 interest
Percent interest = 2725×100/22500= 12.11%[Answer]
[Q-78]There are three boxes each containing 3 Pink and 5 Yellow balls and also there are 2 boxes each
containing 4 Pink and 2 Yellow balls. A Yellow ball is selected at random. Find the probability that Yellow ball
is from a box of the first group?

No.of pink in first group = 3*3=9

No. of yellow in first group=3*5=15

No. Of pink in 2nd group = 2*4= 8

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No. Of yellow in 2nd group = 2*2= 4

Total box= 5

Favourable outcome = 3/5*15/24= 3/8

Total outcome
3/5*15/24 + 2/5 * 2/6= 61/120

Probability = (3/8)/(61/120)
= 3/8 * 120/61= 45/61
[Q-79]A dealer offers a cash discount of 20% and still makes a profit of 20% when he further allows 16 articles
to be sold at the cost price of 12 articles to a particular sticky bargainer. How much percent above the cost price
were his articles

12 article CP= 1200[Assume]
Per piece CP= 100
12 articles at DP= 1200×(4/5)
= 960
Since he Sold 16 articles instead of 12
Price per each = 960/16= 60 and there gain by 20%
CP= 60×(5/6)= 50
Actual CP = 50
Above cost price = 50×100/50= 100%
[Q-80]The ratio of women to children at a certain party is 2 to 5 and the ratio of children to men is 3 to 4. If
there are more than 13 and less then 20 women at the party, what is the number of men at the party?
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W:C= 2:5= 6:15
C:M= 3:4= 15:20
More than 13 less than 20
Means 14 to 19
18 is divisible by 6
So women = 18
[Q-81]Cost price of 12 oranges is equal to the selling price of 9 oranges and the discount on 10 oranges is equal
to the profit on 5 oranges. What is the percentage point difference between the profit percentage and discount

12CP= 9SP
=> CP:SP= 9:12
And, CP= (3SP/4)
Profit percentage = 9×100/12= 33(1/3)%
10D= 5P
=> P= 2D
=> P = 2(MP-SP)
=> SP-CP= 2(MP-SP)
=> SP-(3SP/4)= 2(MP-SP)
=> (4SP-3SP)/4= 2MP-2SP
=> SP= 8MP-8SP
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=> 9SP= 8MP

=> MP:SP= 9:8
So, DP= (9-8)×100/9= 11.11%
Diff. = (33.33-11.11)= 22.22%
[Q-82]Three men A, B, C working together can do a job in 6 hours less time than A alone, in one hour less time
than B alone and in one half the time needed by C when working alone. Then A and B together can do the job

Let, (A+B+C)= t
A= (t+6)
B= (t+1)
C= 2t
1/(t+6) +1/(t+1) + 1/2t= 1/t
=> (t+1+t+6)/(t+1)(t+6)= (2-1)/2t
=> (2t+7)×2t= t^2+6t+t+6
=> 4t^2+14t= t^2+7t+6
=> 3t^2+7t-6= 0
=> 3t^2+9t-2t-6= 0
=> t= 2/3
A= (2/3)+6=20/3
B= (2/3)+1= 5/3
LCM of 20/3. 5/3= 20/3
Eff. A:B= 1:4
5 T= 20/3
=> T= 4/3 hr
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[Q-83]A bottle contains (3/4) of milk and the rest water. How much of the mixture must be taken away and
replaced by an equal quantity of water so that the nixtude has half milk and half water?

Milk : Water = 3/4:1/4
= 3:1
Let Replace = x
Milk now = 3/4- 3x/4
= (3-3x)/4
Water now = 1/4-x/4+ x
= (1-x+4x)/4= (3x+1)/4
3-3x= 3x+1
=> 6x= 2
=> x= 1/3
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Chapter:Profit Loss
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Q-1] David sells his Laptop to Goliath at a loss of 20% who subsequently sells it to
Hercules at a Profit of 25%. Hercules, after finding some defect in the laptop, returns it to
Goliath but could recover only Rs. 4.50 for every Rs. 5 he had paid. Find the amount at
Hercules' loss if David had paid Rs. 1.75 lakh for the laptop.
David CP = 1.75 lakh
David SP= 1.75×(4/5)= 1.4 lakh
Golith SP= (5/4)×1.4= 1.75 lakh
Hercules CP = 1.75 lakh
Harcules SP = 4.5×1.75/5= 1.575 lakh
Loss = (1.75-1.575)=.175 lakh=. 175×100000= 17,500[Answer]
[Q-2] A vendor sells his articles at a certain profit percentage. If he sells his article at (1/3)
of his actual selling price, then he incurs a loss of 40%. What is his actual profit
Let, Cost Price = CP
Selling Price = SP
CP- (1/3)SP= 40% of CP
=> CP -(1/3) SP= 2CP/5
=> 15CP-5SP= 6CP
=> 9CP= 5SP
=> CP:SP= 5:9
% profit = (9-5)×100/5= 80%
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.[Q-3] Arun bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee he should sell to gain

6×(5/6)= 5[Answer]
[Q-4] The cost of servicing of a Maruti car at Maruti care Pvt. Ltd. is Rs. 400. Manager of
service centre told me that for the second service within a year a customer can avail a
10% discount and further for third and fourth servicing he can avail 10% discount of the
previous amount paid, within a year. Further if a customer gets more than 4 services
within a year, he has to pay just 60% of the servicing charges on these services. A
customer availed 5 services from the same servicing station, what is the total percentage
discount fetched by the customer?
The cost of servicing a car with discount=
=400+360+324+ 291.6+240= 1615.6
Without Discount = 400×5= 2000
So, Discount = (2000-1615.6)= 384.6
% Discount = 384.6×100/2000= 19.22%[Answer.]
[Q-5] The cost price of 19 articles is same as the selling price of 29 articles. What is loss
CP of 19 = SP of 29
=>CP:SP= 29:19
Loss percentage = (29-19)×100/29= 34.48%[Answer.]
[Q-6]The price of an article reduces to 576 after two successive discounts. The markup is
80% above the cost price of Rs. 500. What is the new profit percentage if instead of two
successive discounts the markup price was further increased successively two times by the
same percentage?
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CP= 500
MP= 500*9/5= 900
(100-D)% of (100-D)% of 900= 576
=> (100-D)^2×900/10,000= 576
=> (100-D)^2×9/100= 576
=> (100-D)^2= 57600/9
=> (100-D)^2= 6400
=> (100-D)=√6400= 80
=> D= 100-80= 20%
New MP= (6/5)×(6/5)×900= 1296
Profit = 796
%= 796×100/500= 159.2%[Answer]
[Q-6] A dishonest trader marks up his goods by 80% and gives discount of 25%. Besides
he gets 20% more amount per kg from wholesaler and sells 10% less per kg to customer.
What is the overall profit percentage?
Applying MF,
100×(9/5)×(3/4)×(6/5)×(10/9)-100= 180-100= 80%[Answer.]
[Q-7]The profit percentage on three articles A, B and C is 10%, 20%, and 25% and the
ratio of the cost price is 1 : 2 : 4. Also the ratio of number of articles sold of A, B and C is 2
: 5 : 2, then overall profit percentage is:
Let, CP are 10,20,40
Total CP = 2×10:5×20:2×40[Since numbers of articles 2:5:2]
= 20:100:80
Total CP = 200
SP = {20×(11/10)+100×(6/5)+80×(5/4)}
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= (22+120+100)
= 242
Profit = (242-200)= 42
% profit = 42×100/200= 21%[Answer.]
[Q-8] The accountants of a company show sales of Rs. 12,600. The primary cost is 35% of
sales and trading cost accounts for 25% of the gross profit. Gross profit is arrived at by
excluding the primary cost plus the cost of advertising expenses of Rs. 1400, director's
salary of Rs. 650 per annum plus 2% annual sales as miscellaneous costs. Find the
percentage profit (approx) on a capital investment of Rs. 14,000?
Total sales = 12,600
Primary cost = 12,600×(7/20)= 4410
Gross profit = 12,600-4410-1400-650-(1/50)×12,600
= 12,600-4410-1400-650-252= 5888
Trading Cost = 5880×(1/4)= 1472
So, Profit = 5880-1472= 4416
% Profit = 4416×100/14,000= 31.54%[Answer]
[Q-9] A dishonest shopkeeper, at the time of selling and purchasing, weighs 10% less and
20% more per kilogram respectively. Find the percentage profit earned by treachery.
(Assuming he sells at Cost Price)
Applying MF,
100×(10/9)×(6/5)-100= 133.33-100= 33.33%[Answer.]
[Q-10] A pharmaceutical company made 3000 strips of tablets at a cost of Rs. 4800. The
company gave away 1000 strips of tablets to doctors as free samples. A discount of 25%
was allowed on the printed price. Find the ratio profit if the price is raised from Rs. 3.25
to Rs. 4.25 per strip and if at the latter price, samples to doctors were done away with.
(New profit / Old profit).
Old profit = (3000-1000)×(3/4)×3.25-4800= 4875-4800= 75
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New Profit = 3000×(3/4)×4.25-4800=9562.5-4800= 4762.5

Ratio= 4762.5/75= 63.5:1= 635/10:1
= 635:10= 127:2[Answer
[Q-11] An article costing Rs. 20 was marked 25% above the cost price. After two
successive discounts of the same percentage, the customer now pays Rs. 20.25. What
would be the percentage change in profit had the price been increased by the same
percentage twice successively instead reducing it?
Here CP= 20
MP= 20×(5/4)= 25
25×(100-x)/100× (100-x)/100= 20.25
=> (100-x)^2= 20.25×400= 8100
=> 100-x= 90
=> x= 10%
Profit here= (20.25-20)= 0.25
New MP = 25×(11/10)×(11/10)= 30.25
Profit= (30.25-20)= 10.25
Difference of Profit= 10.25-0.25= 10
Percentage change in Profit = 10×100/0.25
= 10×100×4= 4000%[Answer.]
[Q-12]A pen company produces very fine quality of writing pens. Company knows that on
average 10% of the produced pens are always defective so are rejected before packing.
Company promises to deliver 7200 pens to its wholesaler at Rs. 10 each. It estimates the
overall profit on all the manufactured pens to be 25%. What is the manufactured cost of
each pen?
= 7.2[Answer]
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[Q-13] A company charges a fixed rental of Rs. 350 per month. It allows 200 calls free per
month. Each call is charge at Rs. 1.4 when the number of calls exceed 200 per month and
it charges Rs. 1.6 when the number of calls exceeds 400 per month and so on. A customer
made 150 calls in February and 250 calls in march. By how much percent each call is
cheaper in March than each call in February.
Price of each call in February = 350/150= 7/3= 2.33
Price of each call in March = (350+50×1.4)/250= 1.68
Cheaper = (2.33-1.68)×100/2.33= 27.9%[Answer]
[Q-14] In the Bargaining Bazar everyone purchase with a fair bargaining, so the traders
markup the prices too much. A trader marked up an article at Rs. M expected huge profit
if it is sold on marked price. But a customer purchased it at M/2 with his fine bargaining
skills, so the expected profit of the trader diminished by 66.66%. What is the percentage
discount fetched by the customer through bargaining?
Let, M= 100
(100-x)% of 100= 100/2= 50
=> 100-x=50
=> x= 50%[Answer]
[Q-15] An egg seller sells his eggs only in the packs of 3 eggs, 6 eggs, 9 eggs, 12 eggs etc.,
but the rate is not necessarily uniform. One day Raju (which is not the same egg seller)
purchased at the rate of 3 eggs for a rupee and the next hour he purchased equal number
of eggs at the rate of 6 eggs for a rupee. Next day he sold all the eggs at the rate of 9 eggs
for Rs. 2. What is his percentage profit or loss?
3 eggs CP = 1
=> 1 egg CP= 1/3
In the next hour he purchase 6 egges per rupee.
1 egg CP= 1/6
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

So, 2 egg CP = (1/3+1/6)= 3/6= 1/2

=> 1 egg CP = 1/4
9 eggs SP = 2
=> 1 eggs SP = 2/9
Loss= (1/4-2/9)= (9-8)/36
%Loss = (1/36)×4×100= 100/9= 11.11%[Answer]
[Q-16] Find the selling price of goods if two salesmen claim to make 25% profit each, one
calculating it on cost price while another on the selling price, the difference in the profits
earned being Rs. 100 and selling price being the same in both the cases?
CP1:SP1= 100:125= 400:500
CP2:SP2= 75:100= 375:500
(400-375)x= 100
=> 25x= 100
=> 500x= 2000
So, Selling Price= 2000 [Answer]
[Q-17] A watch costing Rs. 120 was sold at a loss of 15%. At what price was it sold?
SP= 120×(17/20)= 102[Answer]
[Q-18] The cost of setting up a magazine is Rs. 2800. The cost of paper and ink etc is Rs.
80 per 100 copies and printing cost is Rs. 160 per 100 copies. In last month 2000 copies
were printed but only 1500 copies could be sold at Rs. 5 each. Total 25% profit on the sale
price was realized. There is one more resource of income from magazine which is
advertising. What sum of money obtained from the advertising in magazine?
Total Cost = 2800+ 20×80+20×160= 7600
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Let, Advertising Cost = C

SP of 1500= 1500×5= 7500
SP - CP = Profit
=> (7500+C)-7600= (1/4)×7500
=> C-100= 1875
=> C= 1975[Answer]
[Q-19] A person bought a certain quantity of rice at the rate of Rs. 150/quintal. 10% of the
rice was spoiled. At what rate(per quintal) should he sell the remaining rice to earn 20%
1 Quintal CP= 150
But 10 % spoliled, thus remain Quantity = 0.9 Qunital
At 20% profit SP = 150×(6/5)= 180
So, Now 0.9= 180
1= 180×1×10/9= 200 Rs [Answer.]
[Q-20]A trader sells two brands of petrol; one is Extra Premium and other one is speed.
He mixes 12 litres Extra Premium with 3 litres of speed and by selling this mixture at the
price of Extra Premium he gets the profit of 9.09%. If the price of Extra Premium Rs. 48
per litre, then the price of Speed is:
Let, Price of speed = S
(12+3)×48= 109×(12×48+3×S)/100
=> 15×48×100= 109×12×48+109×3S
=> S= 28.18[Answer.]
[Q-21]Kamal bought a house, whose sale price was Rs. 8 lakh. He availed 20% discount as
an early bird offer and then 10% discount due to cash payment. After that he spent 10%
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

of the cost price in interior decoration and lawn of the house. At what price should he sell
the house to earn a profit of 25%?
Kamal Bought house at = 8 lakh
Two successive discount thus CP
= 8×(8/10)×(9/10)= 5.76 Lakh
And then spent 10% thus his cost will be= 5.76×(11/10)= 6.34 Lakh
At 25% Profit he sold it = 6.34 ×(5/4) Lakh= 7.92 Lakh[Answer.]
[Q-22] A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of
10% to the customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by 100 grams
while buying or selling 1 kilogram. Find the percentage profit earned by the shopkeeper?
Applying MF
= 100×(6/5)×(9/10)×(10/9)×(11/10)-100
= 132-100= 32%[Answer ]
[Q-23] When an article was sold for Tk. 696, percent profit earned was P%. When the
same article was sold for Tk.841, percent profit earned was (P + 25%). What is the value
of p?
CP+ P% of CP= 696
=> CP(1+P/100)= 696
=> CP= 696×100/(100+P)_____[1]
CP+ (P+25)% of CP= 841
=> CP(100+P+25)= 841×100
=> CP= 841×100/(125+P)_____[2]
From [1]&[2]
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696/(100+P)= 841/(125+P)
=> 696×125+696P= 841×100+841P
=> 2900= 145P
=> P= 20[Answer.]
Diff. Of two profit = P+25-P= 25%
25% of CP= (841-696)=145
=> CP= 145×4= 580
When SP 696 Profit is P%
Profit = (696-580)= 116
% Profit, P= 116×100/580= 20%[Answer.]
[Q-24] Weights of two friends Ram and Shyam are in the ratio 4 : 5. If Ram's weight is
increased by 10% and total weight of Ram and Shyam become 82.8 kg, with an increases
of 15%. By what percent did the weight of Shyam has to be increased?
Wt before = 82.8×(20/23)= 72
Ram = 72×(4/9)= 32
Shyam = (72-32)= 40
New wt. Of Ram = 32×(11/10)= 35.2
Shyam wt Now = 82.8-35.2= 47.6
Age Increase = 47.6-40= 7.6
% Increase = 7.6×100/40= 19%[Answer.]
[Q-25] A trader sells goods to a customer at a profit of k% over the cost price, besides it
he cheats his customer by giving 880 g only instead of 1 kg. Thus his overall profit
percentage is 25. Find the value of k?
Applying MF
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100×(100+k)/100×100/88-100= 25
=> (100+k)×(25/22)= 125
=> (100+k)×25= 125×22
=> 2500+25k= 125×22
=> 25k= 125×22-2500= 250
=> k= 10
So the value of k= 10[Answer.]
[Q-26] A tradesman fixed his selling price of goods at 30% above the cost price. He sells
half the stock at this price, one-quarter of his stock at a discount of 15% on the original
selling price and rest at a discount of 30% on the original selling price. Find the gain
percentage altogether?
Let, MP = 130
Half stock SP = 130/2= 65
one-quarter SP= (1/4)×(17/20)×130= 27.625
Rest SP = (1/4)×(7/10)×130= 22.75
Total SP = 22.75+27.625+65= 115.375
Percentage profit = 115.375-100= 15.375%[Answer.]
[Q-27]Ajay bought a motor cycle for Rs. 50,000. 2 years later he sold it to Vijay at 10%
less of the cost price. Vijay spend 5% of the purchasing price on its maintenance. Later
Vijay displayed the sale price of his motorcycle Rs. 50,000. Chetan wanted to purchase it
at 15% discount but Vijay gave him two successive discounts of 10% and 5% instead of
15% in one time. What is the actual discount availed by Chetan?
Vijay Give Discount of = 10% and 5% Successively.
Actual Discount given = 100- 100×(9/10)×(19/20)
= 100- 85.5= 14.5%[Answer.]
[Q-28] A retailer increase the selling price by 25% due to which his profit percentage
increase from 20% to 25%. What is the percentage increase in cost price ?
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Let, Initial SP = 120
Intial CP = 120×(5/6)= 100
New SP = 120×(5/4)= 150
So, New CP = 150×(4/5)= 120
CP increase = 120-100= 100
Percentage Increase = 20×100/100= 20%[Answer.]
[Q-29] A driver of auto rickshaw makes a profit of 20% on every trip when he carries 3
passengers and the price of petrol is Rs. 30 a litre. Find the % profit for the same journey
if he goes for 4 passengers per trip and the price of petrol reduces to Rs. 24 litres?
(revenue per passenger is same)
Makes 20% profit = 30×6/5= 36
1 passenger pay= 36/3= 12
Now, 4 passengers
Total Paid = 4×12= 48
Profit = 48-24= 24
Percentage Profit= 24×100/24= 100%[Answer.]
[Q-30] A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of
10% to the customer. He also uses a 900 gram weight instead of a 1 kilogram weight. Find
his percentage profit due to these maneuvers?
Applying MF,
100×(6/5)×(9/10)×(10/9)-100= 120-100= 20%[Answer]
[Q-31] The cost of setting up the type of a magazine is Rs. 1000. The cost of running the
printing machine is Rs. 120 per 100 copies. The cost of paper, ink and so on is 60 paise per
copy. The magazines are sold at Rs. 2.75 each. 900 copies are printed, but only 784 copies
are sold. What is the sum to be obtained from advertisements to give profit of 10% on the
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Total CP = 1000+(900/100)×120+ (900/100)×60= 1000+1080+ 540= 2620
Total SP = 2620×(11/10)= 2882
SP of 784 pieces = 784×2.75= 2156
Sum of advertisements = 2882-2156= 726[Answer.]
[Q-32]A man buys a chair and table for Rs. 6000. He sells the chair at a loss of 10% and
the table at gain of 10%. He still gains Rs. 100 on the whole. Cost price of chair is:
Let Price of Chair = C
Price of Table = (6000-C)
(9C/10)+ (6000-C)×(11/10)= 6100
=> (9C/10)+ (66,000-11C)/10= 6100
=> 9C+66,000-11C= 61,000
=> 2C= 5000
=> C= 2500
So, Price of Chair = 2500[Answer.]
[Q-33] By selling a bicycle for Rs. 2,850, a shopkeeper gains 14%. If the profit is reduced
to 8%, then the selling price will be:
CP of bicycle = 2850×(100/114)= 2500
New profit = 8%
New SP = 2500×(27/25)= 2700[Answer.]
[Q-34] By selling an article, a man makes a profit of 25% of its selling price. His profit
percent is:
SP:CP= 100:75
Profit = 25×100/75= 33(1/3)%[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[Q-35] By selling a bicycle for Rs. 2850, a shopkeeper gains 14% . If the profit is reduced
to 8% then the selling price will be –
CP= 2850×(100/114)= 2500
SP = 2500×(108/100)=2700[Answer.]

[Q-36] A man sells an article at 10% loss. If he had sold it at Rs. 10 more, he would have
gained 10% . The cost price of the article is = ?
Difference of two SP = 100×(11/10)-100×(9/10)
= 20%
So, 20%= 10
 100%= 50[Answer.]

[Q-37] A radio is sold for Rs. 990 at a profit of 10% . What would have been the actual
profit or loss on it had it been sold for Rs. 890 ?
CP= 990×(10/11)= 900
Loss = (900-890)= 10[Answer.]

[Q-38] A person sells a table at a profit of 10% . If he had bought the table at 5% less cost
and sold for Rs. 80 more, he would have gained 20% . The cost price of the table is = ?
Difference of SP = 95×(6/5)-100×(11/10)
= 114-100= 4%
4%= 80
 100%= 2000[Answer.]

[Q-39] Jacob bought a scooter for a certain sum of money. He spent 10% of the cost on
repairs and sold the scooter for a profit of Rs. 1100. How much did he spend on repairs if
he made a profit of 20% ?
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CP= 1100×(100/20)= 5500

Repair Cost= 5500×(1/11)= 500[Answer.]

[Q-40] Abhishek purchased 140 shirts and 250 trousers @ Rs. 450 and @ Rs. 550
respectively. What should be the overall average selling price of shirts and trousers so that
40% profit is earned ? (rounded off to next integer)
Total Pieces = (140+250)= 290
CP = 140×450+250×550= 200,500
AT 40% Profit SP = 200,5000×(140/100)= 280,700
Per piece= 280700/290= 720[Answer.]

[Q-41] A man sells two chairs at Rs. 120 each and by doing so he gains 25% on one chair
and loses 25% on the other. His loss on the whole in Rs. is = ?
Loss = 25-25-(25×25)/100= -6.25%
CP= 120×(100/93.75)×2=128×2= 256
Loss in RS = (256-240)= 16[Answer]

[Q-42] A man wanted to sell an article with 20% profit: but he actually sold at 20% loss
for Rs. 480, at what price he wanted to sell it to earn the profit = ?
Applying MF,
SP= 480×(5/4)×(6/5)= 720[Answer.]

[Q-43] A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of 12(1/2)% . Had he sold it for Rs. 51.80
more, he would have earned a profit of 6% . The cost price of the article is = ?
Difference of SP= 106- 87.5= 18.5%
18.5%= 51.80
=> 100%= 51.80×

So, CP= 280[Answer]

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

44.A person purchased 10 dozen pens at the rate of Rs. 4 per dozen. On checking, he
found that 20 pens were not working. In order to earn 25% profit, he should sell the
remaining pens each at -
CP of 10 dozen = 10×4= 40
CP of 120 Pen = 40
CP of 1 pen = =3
AT 25% Profit SP = 40× =50

So (120-20)= 100 Pen SP = 50

50 1
So, 1 Pen SP = ( ) = 2 = 0.5 [Answer]

[Q-45] The owner of a furniture shop charges his customer 28% more than the cost price.
If a customer paid Rs. 23680 for a dining table set, then what was the original price of the
dining set ?
Original Price = 23680× = 18,500[Answer]

[Q-46] An article marked at Rs. 540 is sold at Rs. 496.80 in an off - season offer. Then the
rate of discount offered (in percent) is = ?
Let, Discount = D%
540× =496.8
 540×(100-D)= 496.8×100
 540D= 54000-49680
 540D= 4320
 D=
 D= 8
So, Discount = 8%[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[Q-47] Bhuvnesh sell two tape recorders at the same price. On one, he gains 10% and on
the other he loses 10%. The total gain or loss in the transaction is = ?
Loss= 10-10- =10-10-1= -1%

So, Loss= 1%[Answer.]

Chapter: Mixture
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1. A Container contains 192 liter of Milk. A seller draws out x% of Milk and replaced it with
the same quantity of water. He repeated the same process for 3 times. And thus Milk content in
the mixture is only 81 liter. Then how much percent he withdraw every time?
Initial mixture of milk= 192 L
A seller draws out = x% of milk.

x% of 192 3
ATQ,192×(1 − ) = 81

x 3 81
=> (1 − ) =
100 192
=> (1-x/100)^3= (3*27)/(3*64)
=> (1-x/100)^3= 27/81
=> (1-x/100)^3= (3/4)^3
=> (1-x/100)= 3/4
=> 1-3/4= x/100
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

=> 1/4= x/100

=> 4x= 100
=> x= 25%
So, initial replace= 25% of milk.[Answer.]

[ন োটঃআমরো কম্পোউন্ড ইন্টোররস্ট পরেছি। কম্পোউন্ট ইন্টোরররস্ট একটো সূত্র ছির ো এম

নেখোর , C=চক্রবৃছি মূ ধ

P= প্রোথছমক মূ ধ

n= সময়(বির, মোস, ছি ইত্যোছি)

এখ এক কোজ কছর চ ু এটোরক ছমক্সচোররর এই অংরকর সোরথ ত্ু ো কছর। নিখু ই োছিয়োছ
ছমল্ক ছির ো ১৯২ ছ টোর। এবং এই এমোউন্ট আরে আরে কমোর ো হরয়রি এবং ফোই োছ নসই
এমোউন্ট ৮১ ছ টোর হরয়রি। ত্োই C নেরহত্ু ফোই ো মূ ধ এখোর C ও নসইম হরব।

এখোর C নক F দ্বোরো সূছচত্ কছর। েোর মোর ব রত্ বুঝোছি ফোই ো এমোউন্ট। কম্পোউন্ড
ইন্টোরররস্ট n দ্বোরো বির বুঝোয় আর এখোর n হরব ছরছপরটি টোইম। কম্পোউন্ট ইন্টোরররস্টর
ছহসোব ১০০ নত্ আর এখোর হরব ইছ ছিয়ো এমোউরন্টর উপর।

কম্পোউন্ড ইন্টোরররস্ট সুিরক r দ্বোরো সুছচত্ করো হয় আর আমরো এখোর ছররেসরমন্টরক r দ্বোরো
সূছচত্ কররবো।

ত্োহর ফোই োছ সূত্র িোাঁেোরি

F= I*(1-R/I)^n
F= Final amount
I=Initial amount
n=repetition time
এখোর ' -' সোই ইউজ করো হরয়রি কোরণ এমোউন্ট টো কমরত্রি]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

02.A Jar contains 30 liters mixture of Milk and Water in the ratio of x:y respectively. When 10
liter of the mixture is taken out and replaced it water, then the ratio becomes 2:3. Then what is
the initial quantity of Milk in the Jar?
Here, Milk = x
Water = y
x+y= 30
=> y= 30-x
Now, 10 L mixture is removed and replaced by water,
So, Milk Remain= x-10*x/30= 2x/3
W Remain= y-10*y/30+10
(2x/3)/(2y+30)/3= 2/3
=> 2x/(2y+30)= 2/3
=> 6x= 4y+60
=> 6x= 4*(30-x)+60
=> 6x= 120-4x+60
=> 10x= 180
=> x= 18
So, Initial Milk= 18 L[Answer.]
03.A Container contains ‘X’ Liters of Milk. A thief stole 50 Liters of Milk and replaced it with
the same quantity of water. He repeated the same process further two times. And thus Milk in
the container is only ‘X-122’ liters. Then what is the quantity of water in the final mixture?

Final mixture= X-122

Initial Mix= X
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

X-122= X(1-50/X)^3
=> X-122/X= (1-50/X)^3
=> (X-122)/X= 1-150/X+7500/X^2-2500*50/X^3
=>X^2(X-122)= X^3-150X^2+7500X-1,25,000
=> X^3-122X^2+150X^2-7500X+125000=0
=> 28X^2-7500X+1,25,000= 0
=> 7X^2-1875X+31,250= 0
=> (X-250)(7X-125)= 0
=> X= 250 L
So, Final M= (250-122)= 128
So, Water= (250-128)= 122L(Answer.

04. A Jar contains 100 liters of Milk a thief stole 10 liter of Milk and replaced it with water.
Next, he stole 20 liter of Mixture and replaced it with water. Again he stole 25 liter of Mixture
and replaced with water. Then what is the quantity of water in the final mixture?

[ ফমুু ো ইউজ করোর আরে নবছসক ছ রয় কোজ করুণ]


এখোর ব ো আরি একটো ছমক্সচোর আরি নেটোরত্ ১০০ ছ টোর িুধ আরি। শুধুই িুধ। পোছ োই ছকন্তু। নসখো নথরক একজ
চু র ১০ ছ টোর চু ছর করর। এখ প্রথম অবস্থোয় শুধু িুধই ছির ো। চু ছর করর শুধু িুধই চু ছর কররব।

েছি ১০ ছ টোর চু ছর করর বোছক রইর ো ৯০ ছ টোর।

নসরকন্ড নস্টরপ ব রি নে পছরমোণ চু ছর কররি নস পছরমো আবোর পোছ দ্বোরো ছররেস কররি। চো োক চু র। মোছ ক েোরত্ বুঝরত্
ো পোরর ত্োই ফছি কররি।

এখ িুরধর পছরমোণ রইর ো = ৯০ ছ টোর

পোছ র পছরমো = ১০

এখ নে ছমক্সচোর আরি নসটোরত্ শুধু িুধ ন ই। পোছ ও আরি। ত্োই আবোর েখ নস চু ছর কররব িুরধর সোরথ সোরথ পোছ ও চু ছর
কররব। নচোর মূখু হবোর কোররণ বযোপোরটো বুঝরত্ পোরর ছ । এক রে চু ছর করর ই নত্ো হইরত্ো। েোই নহোক, অংরক আছস।

এখ নিখু পোছ আর িুরধর অ ুপোত্ কত্=??

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

কোরণ ছমশ্রণ নথরক ছকিু চু ছর হর নসটি অ ুপোরত্ই েোরব।

পোছ র পছরমোণঃ িুরধর পছরমোণ= ১০ : ৯০


ধছর িুধ = ৯ ক

পোছ = ক

পরর প্ররে ব রি এবোর চু র ২০ ছ টোর চু ছর কররি।

৯ক+ক= ২০

=> ক= ২

ত্োইর িুরধর পছরমোণ কত্ ছির ো ২০ ছ টোররর মরধয?

িুরধর পছরমোণ= ৯*২= ১৮

পোছ র পছরমোণ= ১*২= ২

ত্োহর , বত্ুমোর ছক পছরমোণ িুধ আরি ছমশ্ররণ?

নেরহত্ু ১৮ ছ টোর চু ছর হরয় নেরি। িুধ বোছক রই = ৯০-১৮= ৭২

পোছ বোছক রই = ১০-২= ৮

এখ চু ছর হওয়ো পছরমোণ ছকন্তু নচোর পোছ ছিয়োই ছমশ্ররণ পূরণ কররি।

ছমশ্রণ চু ছর কররছির ো ২০ ছ টোর। ত্োহর বত্ুমোর পোছ র পছরমোণ

= ৮+২০= ২৮

আবোর আরের পেু োয় ছরছপট করু । কোরণ নচোর চু ছর করো থোমোয় ছ ।

বত্ুমোর িুরধর পছরমোণ= ৭২ ছ টোর

পোছ র পছরমোণ = ২৮

আরেই ব ো আরি ছমশ্রণ নথরক চু ছর করর নস অ ুপোরত্ চু ছর কররব।

ত্োই, িুধ :পোছ = ৭২ : ২৮= ১ ৮ : ৭

এবোর ছমশ্রণ নথরক নস ২৫ ছ টোর চু ছর করররি।

ধছর, িুরধর পছরমোণ= ১৮ ক

পোছ র পছরমো = ৭ক

৭ক+১৮ক= ২৫

=> ক= ১
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ত্োইর িুধ চু ছর হর ো ১৮*১= ১৮

আর পোছ = ৭*১= ৭

নচোররর কোরসোছজ নিষ। এবোর নস চু ছর থোছমরয়রি আমরোও উত্তররর িোাঁেরেোেোয় নপ রাঁ ি নেছি।

বত্ুমো িুরধর পছরমো = ৭২-১৮= ৫৪

পোছ = ২৮-৭+২৫= ৪৬ ছ টোর

05. In a 250 liter of a mixture of Milk and Water, Water is X%. The milkman sold 50 liters of
the mixture and replaced same quantity with water. If the percent of Milk in final mixture is
64%, then what is the percentage of Milk in the initial mixture?

Final milk= 250*64/100= 160 L

Initial Milk= 250-250*x/100
= 250-5x/2
(500-5x)/2- 50*(500-5x)/2/250= 160
=> (500-5x)/2-(500-5x)/10= 160
=> (2500-25x-500+5x)/10= 160
=> 2000-20x= 1600
=> 20x= 400
=> x= 20
Initial milk= 500-5*20/2= 200
%= 200*100/250= 80%

06. A jar contains ‘x’ liters of Milk, a seller withdraws 25% of it and sells it at Rs.20 per liter.
He then replaces it water. He repeated the process total three times. Every time while selling he
reduces selling price by Rs.2. After this process Milk left in the mixture is only 108 liters so he
decided to sell the entire Mixture at Rs. 15 per liter. Then how much profit did he earned if
bought Milk at Rs.20 per liter?
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x*(1-25% of x/x)^3= 108

=> x(1-1/4)^3= 108
=> x= 108*4*4*4/(3*3*3)= 256 L
CP = (256*20)= 5120
SP= 256*15+ 25% of 256 *(20+18+16)
= 256*15+64*54= 7296
Profit= (7296-5120)= 2176[Answer.]

07. ‘X’ Liters of the mixture contains Milk and Water in the ratio 4:3. If 13 liters of Water is
added then the ratio becomes 1:1. Then what is the final quantity of water in the mixture?

Let, Initial milk= 4x
Initial water= 3x
(3x+13)/4x= 1/1
 4x= 3x+13
 x= 13
So, water at final = 3*13+13= 52 L(Answer.)

08. A jar contains 200 litres of milk a thief stole X litres of milk and replaced it with water.
Next, he stole 40 litres of milk and replaced it with water. Again he stole 50 litres of milk and
replaced with water. If quantity of water in the final mixture is 92 litres. Then what is the value
of X?

Initial mixture= 200L
Final milk= (100-92)= 108L
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200*(1-x/200)(1-40/200)(1-50/200)= 108
=>200*(200-x)/200* (4/5)*(3/4)= 108
=> (200-x)*12= 108*20
=> (200-x)*3= 108*5
=> 3x-600= 540
=> 3x= 60
=> x= 20L

09. From a 200 L container,a thief has stolen 10 liters of milk and replaced with water.He
repeated the process for three times,then the ratio of milk to water become 343:169.the initial
amount of milk in the container?
Let, intially mix.= x
x*(1-10/x)^3/x= 343/512
 (1-10/x)^3= (7/8)^3
 1-10/x= 7/8
 1/8= 10/x
 x= 80L(answer)
Law:x*(1-R/x)^n=Final mixture
X= initial amount
R= Replacement
n= repetition time

10. A Jar contains a mixture of Milk and Water 18 and 12 Liters respectively. When ‘x’ liter of
the mixture is taken out and replaced with the same quantity of Water, then the ratio of Milk
and Water becomes 2:3. Then what is the quantity of Water in final Mixture?

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Milk : Water = 18:12

M renain= 18-18x/30= 18-3x/5= (90-3x)/5
W remain = 12-12x/30+x= 12-2x/5+x
= (60+3x)/5
(90-3x)/(60+3x)= 2/3
 270-9x= 120+6x
 15x= 150
 x=10L
Final water = (60+30)/5= 18 L(Answer.k
11.Vikram covered 180 km distance in 10 hours. The first part of his journey he covered by
Car, then he hired a Rickshaw. The speed of the car and rickshaw is 25 kmph and 15 kmph
respectively. The ratio of the distances covered by the car and the rickshaw is

Total time= 10 hr
Speed of car= 25 km/hr & Rickshaw= 15 km/hr
Let, he travel by car = t hr
Travel by rickshaw= (10-t) hr
t*25+(10-t)*15= 180
 25t+150-15t=180
 10t=30
 t=3
Travel by car:Rickshaw=3*25:7*15=75:105=5:7[Answer.]
Average speed= 180/10= 18km/hr
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Distance car:Rickshaw= 3*25:7*15= 5:7
Let cover by car= x km
Cover by rickshaw= (180-x) km
x/25+(180-x)/15= 10
 (3x+900-5x)= 750
 900-2x= 750
 150= 2x
 x=75
So, cover by car =75 km
And, cover by rickshaw= (180-75)= 105
Raito of distance car:Rickshaw=75:105= 5:7[Answer.]
12.A mixture of wheat is sold at Rs.3 per Kg. This mixture is formed by mixing the Wheat of
Rs.2.10 per kg and Rs.2.52 per kg. What is the ratio of price of cheaper to the costlier quality in
the mixture if the profit of 25% is being earned
Cost price of mixture =3*100/125= 3*4/5= 12/5= 2.40RS/kg
Let, the amount of first part= x kg
Amount of second part= y kg
2.10x+2.52y= 2.4(x+y)
=> 2.4x-2.10x= 2.52y-2.4y
=>. 30x=.12y
=> 30x= 12y
=> x:y= 12:30= 2:5
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Let, the amount of first part= x

Amount of second part =y
Sell price of mixture= 3
Since, 25% profit,
SP of first part= 125% of 2.10
= 5*2.10/4= 10.50/4= 2.625
SP of 2nd part= 125% of 2.52= (5*2.52)/4= 3.15
2.625x+3.15y= 3(x+y)
=> 3x-2.625x= 3.15y-3y
=>. 375x=. 15y
=> x:y=. 15/.375
=> x:y= 1/2.5
=> x:y= 1:2.5= 10:25= 2:5[Answer.]

13.From the 50 liters of a chemical solution, 5 liters of chemical solution is taken out and after
it, 5 liters of water is added to the rest amount of chemical solution. Again 5 liters of chemical
solution and water is drawn out and it was replaced by 5 liters of water. If this process is
continued similarly for the third time, the amount of chemical solution left after the third
Initial amount= 50 L
Replacement= 5 L
Final = 50*(1-5/50)^3= 50*45/50*45/50*45/50
= 50*(9/10)*(9/10)*(9/10)= 36.45L(Answer.)
Alternatives:Manual process:
Initial amount = 50 L
Replace by 5 L water.
So, chemical solution:Water= 45:5= 9:1(after first replacement)
2nd replacement:
C remain= 45-9*5/10= 45-9/2= 45-4.5= 40.5
So, W= 9.5
C:W= 40.5:9.5
3rd Replacement :
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C remain= 40.5-40.5*5/50= 40.5-4.05= 36.45 L(Answer.)

14. From a container of milk, which contains 200 liters of milk, the seller replaces each time
with water when he sells 40 liters of milk(or mixture). Every time he sells out only 40 liters of
milk(or mixture). After replacing the milk with water 4th time, the total amount of water in the
mixture is

Initial Amount= 200L
Replacement= 40L
Final water = 200-200*(1-40/200)^4
= 200-200*(160/200)^4
= 200-200*(4/5)*(4/5)*(4/5)= 118.08 L[Answer.]

[If you want to do this manually follow the previous math method]

15. A jar was full with Milk. A person used to draw out 20% of the Milk from the jar and
replaced it with water. He has repeated the same process 4 times and thus there was only 512
gm of milk left in the jar, the rest part of the jar was filled with the water. The initial amount of
milk in the jar was:

Let, Initial Milk = x L
Final milk = 512 gm
Repetition time, n= 4
Replacement = 20% of x
I*(1-R/I)^n= 512
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 x*(1-20%of x/x)^4= 512

 x*(1-20/100)^4= 512
 x*(1-1/5)^4=512
 x*(4/5)^4=512
 x= 512*(5/4)*(5/4)*(5/4)*(5/4)
 x= 1250 gm or 1.25 kg[Answer]
16. From a container of Milk, a thief has stolen 15 liters of milk and replaced it with same
quantity of water. He again repeated the same process. Thus in three attempts, the ratio of Milk
and water became 343:169. The initial amount of Milk in the container was:

Let, the container contain = x L of milk.
Replacement= 15 L
Final amount of milk= 343
So, initial amount = 343+169= 512
x*(1-15/x)^3/x= 343/512
 (1-15/x)^3= (7/8)^3
 (1-15/x)= 7/8
 1-7/8=15/x
 1/8= 15/x
 x=120L[Answer.]
17. The ratio of Solution “A” and Solution “B” in the container is 3:2 when 10 liters of the
mixture is taken out and is replaced by the Solution “B”, the ratio become 2:3. The total
quantity of the mixture in the container is:

Ration of A:B= 3:2
10 L taken out and replaced by B
So, A remain= 3x-3*10/5= 3x-6
And B remain= 2x-2*10/5 +10
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= 2x+6
(3x-6)/(2x+6)= 2/3
 9x-18= 4x+12
 5x=30
 x=6
The total quantity of mixture= (3x+2x)= 5x= 5*6= 30 L[Answer.]

18. From a container, 6 liters Solution “A” was drawn out and was replaced by water. Again 6
liters of the mixture was drawn out and was replaced by the water. Thus the quantity of Solution
“A” and water in the container after these two operations is 9:16. The quantity of the mixture is:

Let, initial mixture= x L
Final amount= x*(1-6/x)^2
Solution A in final:Initial= 9:(9+16)= 9:25
x*(1-6/x)^2/x= 9/25
 (1-6/x)^2= (3/5)^2
 1-6/x= 3/5
 2/5=6/x
 2x=30
 x=15
19. The diluted Milk contains only 8 liters of Milk and the rest is water. A new mixture whose
concentration is 30%, is to be formed by replacing Milk. How many liters of the mixture shall
be replaced with pure Milk if there was initially 32 liters of water in the mixture?

Milk = 8 L
Water = 32 L
Let Replacement= x
Milk Remain= 8-8x/40+x= 8-x/5+x= (40-x+5x)/5= (40+4x)/5
Water Remain= 32-32x/40= 32-4x/5
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= (160-4x)/5
(40+4x)/(160-4x)= 3/7
 280+28x= 480-12x
 40x= 200
 x= 5 L [Answer.]

20. In a school, the average weight of boys in a class is 30 kg and the average weight of girls
in the same class is 20kg. If the average weight of the whole class is 23.25 kg, what could be
the possible strength of boys and girls respectively in the same class?

Let, the number of boys=x
Number of girls=y
 30x+20y= 23.25x+23.25y
 30x-23.25x= 23.25y-20y
 6.75x= 3.25y
 x:y= 3.25:6..75= 325:675=13:27
Number of Boys:Girl=13:27[Answer.]

21. A vessel is filled with liquid, 4 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the
mixture must be drawn o and replaced with water so that the mixture may be half water and half

Total part= 4+5= 9
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45:5= 9:1
Replace = 1/(1+9)= 1/10[Answer.]

Let, Replace = x L
Water remain after replacement = 4/9- x*4/9+x
= (4/9-4x/9+x)
= (4+5x)/9
Syrup remain = 5/9-5x/9= (5-5x)/9

(4+5x)= 5-5x
 10x= 1
 x=1/10[Answer.]
22. Rice worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 134 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1
: 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 177 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:

Let, the price of third vareity = x
 126*1+134*1+x*2= 177*4
 260+2x= 708
 2x=448
 x= 224[Answer.]
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23. One quantity of rice priced at Rs 9.30 per Kg is mixed with another quality at a certain
rate in the ratio 8:7. If the mixture so formed be worth Rs 10 per Kg, what is the rate per Kg
of the second quality of wheat?, what is the rate per Kg of the second quality of wheat?

Let, the price of other = x
9.30*8+7*x= 10*(8+7)
 7x= 75.6
 x= 10.8[Answer.]
9.30________X(other price)
7X-70= 5.6
 7X= 75.6
 X= 10.8[Answer.]
Each product less=10-9.3= 0.7rs
So, 8 product less= 0.7*8=5.6 rs
So, Price of another quality
(7*10+5.6)/7=10.8 RS

24. How many kgs of rice of variety-1 costing Rs.42/kg should a shopkeeper mix with 25 kgs of
rice of variety-2 costing Rs.24 per kg so that he makes a prot of 25% on selling the mixture at
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Let, 42 kg quantity rice = x
 (42*x+25*24)*125/100= 40*(x+25)
 (42x+25*24)*5= 160*(x+25)
 210x+ 3000= 160x+4000
 50x= 100
 x= 20 (Answer.)
SP given = 40
CP= 40*4/5= 32
4===20 kg[Answer.]

SP 1= 42*5/4= 105/2
SP 2= 24*5/4= 30
Final SP = 40

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5 part ==25
4 part ==20 [Answer.]

25. An alloy contains Brass, Iron and Zinc in the ratio 2:3:1 and another contains Iron, zinc and
lead in the ratio 5:4:3.If equal weights of both alloys are melted together to form a third alloy,
then what will be the weight of lead per kg in new alloy?

B:I:Z= 2:3:1= [6]
I:Z:L= 5:4:3= [12]
LCM of 6& 12= 12
So, first ratio have to multiplied by = 12/6= 2
B:I:Z= 4:6:2
Final; I:Z:L= 5:4:3
So, Total = 24
Led= 3
Wt. Of led = 3/24= 1/8[Answer.]

26. A can contains 50 litres of milk. 10 litres of this milk is taken out and replaced with water.
This process is repeated twice. Find the amount of remaining milk in the mixture

We know, F= I*(1-R/I)^n
Where, F= Final mixture
I = Initial
R= Replacement
n= Repetition time
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So, 50*(1-10/50)^3= 50*(4/5)*(4/5)*(4/5)= 128/5 L [Answer.[

Initially = 10 L Replace
M:W= 40:10
Again 10 L replace;
M= 40-10*40/50= 40-8= 32
W= 18
Again 10 L Replace:
M= 32-32*10/50= 32-32/5= (160-32)/5= 128/5 L (Answe.)

27. A milkman mixes 6 litres of free tap water with 20litres of pure milk. If the cost of pure
milk is Rs.28 per litre the % profit of the milkman when he sells all the mixture at the cost price

Total sell = 26 L of Milk
SP = 26*28= 728
CP= 28*20= 560
Profit= (768-560)= 168
% profit = 168*100/560= 30%[Answer.]

28. A 144 litres of mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 5 : 7. How much milk need to be
added to this mixture so that the new ratio is 23 : 21 respectively?

Milk= 144*5/12= 60L
Water = (144-60)= 84 L
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(60+x)/(144+x)= 23/44
 2640+44x= 3312+23x
 21x= 672
 x= 672/21
 x= 32 L
(60+x)/84= 23/21
 60*21+21x= 23*84
 21x= 672
 x= 32 L
Initial Ratio; Milk:Water= 5:7
Final Ratio; M:W= 23:21
Now, 21 part==84
23 part= 23*4= 92 L

29. In a 100 litre mixture of milk and water, the % of water is only 20%. The milkman gave 25
litres of this mixture to a customer and then added 25 litres of water to the remaining mixture.
What is the % of milk in the fi nal mixture?


Initial Mix= 100 L

Milk = 80 L
Water = 20
M:W= 80:20
Now Replace = 25 L
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M= 80-25*80/100= 80-25*4/5= 80-20= 60 L

So, water = 40 L
%= 60*100/100= 60%[Answer.]

30. vessel is lled with 120 litres of Chemical solution, Acid “A”. Some quantity of Acid “A”
was taken out and replaced with 23 litres of Acid “B” in such a way that the resultant ratio of
the quantity of Acid “A” to Acid “B” is 4:1. Again 23 litres of the mixture was taken out and
replaced with 28 litre of Acid “B”. What is the ratio of the Acid “A” to Acid “B” in the resultant

A:B= 4:1
4= 92
A now = 92-92*23/115= 92-92/5= 368/5
B now = 23-23*23/115+28= 51-23/5= 232/5
A:B= 368/5:232/5= 368:232= 46:29[Answer.]

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31. Two vessels A and B contain a mixture of Milk and Water. In the first vessel (i.e) Vessel A
has the ratio of Milk to water is 8 : 3 and in the second vessel, Vessel B has the ratio of 5 : 1. A
35 litre capacity vessel is filled from these two vessels so as to contain a mixture of Milk and
water in ratio of 4 : 1. Then how many litres should be taken from the first vessel.

First vessel: M:W= 8:3[11]
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2nd vessel: M:W= 5:1[6]

Final: M:W= 4:1[5]
LCM of 11,6,5= 330
M at first = 8*330/11= 240
M at 2nd = 5*330/6= 275
M at final = 4*330/5= 264
Taken from first vessel= 35*11/35= 11 L[Answer.]

LCM of 11,6,5= 330
W at first = 3*330/11= 90
W at 2nd = 1*330/6= 55
W at final = 1*330/5= 66
Ratio= 11:24
Taken from first vessel = 11*35/11= 11 L
Milk at first = 8/11
Milk at 2nd = 5/6
Milk at final= 4/5
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Taken from vessel A= 35*11/35= 11 L
Let, first vessel contain = x L
2nd vessel contain = y L
Milk at both= (8x/11+ 5y/6)
Water at both= (3x/11+y/6)
(8x/11+ 5y/6)/(3x/11+y/6)= 4/1
=> (48x+55y)/(18x+11y)= 4/1
=> 48x+55y= 72x+44y
=> 24x= 11y
=> x:y= 11:24
Taken from vessel A= 35*11/35= 11 L[Answer.]


Milk at A = 8x/11
Milk at B= 5y/6
(8x/11+5y/6)= 4/5(x+y)
=> (48x+55y)/66= 4*(x+y)/5
=> 240x+275y= 264x+264y
=> 24x= 11y
=> x:y= 11:24
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Taken from vessel A = 11*35/35= 11 L[Answer.]

32. When one litre of water is added to a mixture of milk and water, the new mixture contains
25% of milk. When one litre of milk is added to the new mixture, then the resulting mixture
contains 40% milk. What is the percentage of milk in the original mixture?

(W+1)/M= 75/25= 3/1
 W+1= 3M
 2W+2= 6M
(W+1)/(M+1)= 60/40= 3/2
 2W+2= 3M+3
 6M= 3M+3
 3M= 3
 M= 1
(W+1)= 3
 W= 2
So, Initially = M+W= 1+2= 3
Milk= 1
%= 1*100/3= 33(1/3)%[Answer.]
33. The price of a box and a pen is Rs.60. The box was sold at a 40% profit and the pen at a loss
of 10%. If the Shop keeper gains Rs.4 in the whole transaction, then how much is the cost price
of Box?

B+P= 60______[1]
140% of B-90% of P= 64
 7B/5-9P/10= 64
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 (14B-9P)= 640
 14B-9(60-B)= 640
 14B-540+9B= 640
 5B= 100
 B= 100/5= 20
So, price of box = 20 RS [Answer.]

34. A vessel contains a mixture of diesel and petrol in which there is 20% diesel. Five litres are
drawn o and then the vessel is filled with petrol. If the diesel present in the mixture is now 15%
then how much does the vessel hold?

Petrol:Diesel= 8:2= 4:1
5 L is drawn off
Petrol remain = 4x-4*5/5+5= 4x-4+5= 4x+1
Diesel Remain= x-1*5/5= (x-1)
(4x+1)/(x-1)= 85/15= 17/3
 12x+3= 17x-17
 5x= 20
 x= 4
Vessel hold = (4x+x)= 5x= 5*4= 20 L [Answer.]
35. In a lab, two chemical solutions Acid “A” with 90% purity and Acid “B” with 96% purity
are mixed resulting in 24 litres of mixture of 92% purity. How much is the quantity of the rst
solution, Acid “A” in the resulting mixture?
Acid A = 90% purity
Acid B = 96% purity
90% of x+ 96% of y= 92% of (x+y)
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 90x+96y= 92x+92y
 2x= 4y
 x:y= 2:1
Acid A in resulting mixture = 24*2/3= 16 L [Answer.]

36. . 60 kg of a certain variety of Sugar at Rs.32 per kg is mixed with 48 kg of another variety
of sugar and the mixture is sold at the average price of Rs.28 per kg. If there be no profit or no
loss due to the new selling price, then what is the price of second variety of Sugar?
60*32+48*x= 28*(60+48)
 1920+48x= 1680+1344
 48x= 1104
 x= 23 RS [Answer.]
37. Six litre of milk was taken out from a vessel and is then filled with water. This operation is
performed two more times. The ratio of the quantity of milk now left in vessel to that of the
water is 8 : 19.How much is the quantity of the milk contained by the vessel originally?
Taken out = 6 L
Final milk = x*(1-6/x)^3
Initial milk= x
x*(1-6/x)^3/x= 8/27
 x*(1-6/x)^3= (2/3)^3
 (1-6/x)= 2/3
 1-2/3= 6/x
 1/3=6/x
 x= 18 L [Answer.]
38. 18 litres of Petrol was added to a vessel containing 80 litres of Kerosene. 49 litres of the
resultant mixture was taken out and some more quantity of kerosene and petrol was added to the
vessel in the ratio 2:1. If the respective ratio of kerosene and petrol in the vessel was 4:1, what
was the quantity of kerosene added in the vessel?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Initial solution= (80+18)= 98 L
Petrol:Kerosene = 80:18
Taken out = 49 L
Kerosene Remain= 80-49*80/98= 80-40= 40 L
Petrol remain= 18-49*18/98= 18-9= 9 L
Now, kerosene added= 2x
Petrol added = x
(40+2x)/(9+x)= 4/1
 40+2x= 36+4x
 2x= 4 L
So, kerosene added = 4 L [Answer.]
39. A vessel which contains a mixture of acid and water in ratio 13:4. 25.5 litres of mixture is
taken out from the vessel and 2.5 litres of pure water and 5 litres of acid is added to the mixture.
If resultant mixture contains 25% water, what was the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel
before the replacement in litres?

Initial A:C= 13:4
Taken out = 25.5 L
Acid remain= 13x-13*25.5/17+5
= 13x – 19.5+5= 13x-14.5
Water Remain= 4x -4*25.5/17+ 2.5
= 4x-3.5
(13x-14.5)/(4x-3.5)= 75/25= 3/1
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 13x-14.5= 12x-10.5
 x= 4
Initial Quantity of mixture = 17x= 17*4= 68 L [Answer.]

40. How many kilograms of rice costing Rs. 9 per kg must be mixed with 27kg of rice costing
Rs.7 per kg so that there may be gain of 10% by selling the mixture at Rs.9.24 per kg?

9*x+27*7= 9.24*10/11(x+27)
 9x+ 189= 8.4(x+27)
 9x+189= 8.4x+ 226.8
 .6x= 37.8
 x= 63[Answer.]
41. A trader mixes 6ltr of milk costing 5000 rupees with 7ltr of milk costing 6000 rupees per
litre. The trader also mixes some quantity of water to the mixture so as to bring the price to
4800 per litre. How many litres of water is added.

Let, Quantity of water = x
(6*5000+6000*7)/(13+x)= 4800
 (30,000+42,000)/(13+x)= 4800
 72,000= 4800*13+4800x
 x= 9600/4800= 2[Answer.]

42. Two cans P and Q contains milk and water in the ratio of 3:2 and 7:3 respectively. The ratio
in which these two cans be mixed so as to get a new mixture containing milk and water in the
ratio 7:4.

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let, P cans contain = x L.

Q can contain= y L.
Milk in total = 3x/5+ 7y/10= (6x+7y)/10
Water in total = (2x/5+3y/10)= (4x+3y)/10
4*(6x+7y)= 7*(4x+3y)
 24x+28y= 28x+21y
 4x= 7y
 x:y= 7:4[Answer.]

43. A sample of x litre is replaced from a container containing milk and water in the ratio 2:3 by
pure milk. If the container hold 30 litres of the mixture, and after the operation proportion of
milk and water is same. Find the value of X?

Replace= x L
Mixture contains= 30L
Milk= 30*2/5= 12 L
Water= 30*3/5= 18 L
After replacement of x L
Milk= 12-12x/30= 12-2x/5+x= (60+3x)/5
Water= 18-18x/30= 18-3x/5= (90-3x)/5
(60+3x)/(90-3x)= 1/1
 60+3x= 90-3x
 6x= 30
 x= 5 L [Answer.]
44. How many litres of water must be added to 60 litre mixture that contains milk and water in
the 7:3 such that the resulting mixture has 50% water in it?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Milk = 60*3/10= 18 L
Water = 42 L
(42+x)/(18)= 1/1
 42+x= 18
 x= 24 L[Answer.]
45. How many Kgs of rice A costing rupees 20 per kg must be mixed with 20 kg of rice B
costing rupees 32 per kg, so that after selling them at 35 rupees per kg, he gets a prot of 25%.

x*20+20*32= 4/5*35*( x+20)
 (20x+640)*5= 140*(x+20)
 100x+3200= 140x+2800
 40x= 400
 x= 400/40= 10kg[Answer.]

46. A milkman mixes water and milk in a container in the ratio 2 : 5,respectively. Initially, he
sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per liter. After selling 70 liters of mixture, he mixes another 20 liters
of water and then ratio of water and milk becomes 8 : 15, respectively. The new mixture is sold
by the milk man at the rate of Rs. 25 per liter. If cost of milk is Rs. 27 per liter then find the
profit of milkman in the whole transaction?

W:M= 2x:5x
Let water= 2x
Milk = 5x
So, Total = 7x
He sold = 70 L
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Where, Milk= 70*5/7= 50 L

And Water= 20L
(5x-50)/(2x-20+20)= 15/8
=> 40x-400= 30x
=> 10x= 400
=> x= 40
So, Initial milk= 5*40= 200L
Milk CP= 200*27
Intially sold= 70*30= 2100 TK
Final W= 2*40= 80 L
Final M= 5*40-50= 150L

Final Total mix= (150+80)= 230 L

Total SP= 230*25+2100= 7850
And CP= 200*27= 5400
Profit= (7850-5400)= 2450[Answer.]
47. Two vessels contain milk and water in the ratio of 7:3 and 2:3 respectively. Find the ratio in
which the contents of both the vessels must be mixed to get a new mixture containing milk and
water in the ratio 3:2.

First vessel; M:W= 7:3[10]
2nd vessel; M:W= 2:3[5]
Final vessel; M:W= 3:2[5]
LCM of 10,5,5= 10
Milk at first = 10*7/10= 7L
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Milk at 2nd = 10*2/5= 4 L

Final Milk= 10*3/5= 6 L
(6-4)=2=============(7-6)= 1

[ন োটঃ এধররণর অংক কীভোরব কররব ?

প্ররে িুইটো নরছিও নিওয়ো থোকরব। ব ো হরব ফোই োছ ত্োরির ছক অ প

ু োরত্ ছমিোর একটো নরছিও
পোওয়ো েোরব।

চ ু নিখো েোক কীভোরব সমোধো করো েোয়;

প্রথরম ছত্ টো নরছিওর নেোেফ আ োিো আ োিো করত্ নবর করো োেরব।

নেম উপররর উিোহরণ নিখু , প্রথরম ছমল্ক ও ওয়োটোররর নরছিও নিওয়ো আরি ৭ঃঃ৩, ২য়টোরত্
নিওয়ো আরি 2:3 , এবং ফোই োছ নিওয়ো আরি 3:2। নিখু প্রথম নরছিওর নেোেফ = ৭+৩= ১০,
২য় নরছিওর নেোেফ এবং ফোই োর র = ৫।

২য় নস্টপঃ আমর এখ কী কী নপ োম?

নেোেফ ছত্ টো ১০,৫ এবং ৫৷ এখ .সো.গু নবর করু । ১০,৫, এবং ৫ এর .সো.গু= ১০।

থোর্ু নস্টপ: নেরহত্ু িুইটো নরছিওরত্ আরি। আপছ ছমল্ক অথবো ওয়োটোর নেরকো একটোর নে্ছিও
ছ রত্ পোররব । নেরহত্ু আছম ধররই ছ রয়ছি প্ররত্যকটোরত্ ১০ ছ টোর আরি। এখ নিখু প্রথমটোরত্
ছমল্কঃওয়োটোর আরি ৭ঃঃ৩। ত্োই, নসখোর ছমরল্কর পছরমোণ = ১০*৭/১০= ৭ টোরত্। ২য় এবং
ফোই ো টোরত্ও নসইম ভোরব নবর করো হইরি।

নফোরথ নস্টপঃ নমোটোমুটি কোজ নিষ। আমরো ৩ টি মো নপরয়ছি। প্রথমটোরত্ ৭, ২য়টোরত্ ৪,

ত্ৃ ত্ীয়টোরত্ ৬ ছ টোর।

এখ কোজ করুণ। সবসময় এটোই কররব । ২য় নরছিও নক প্রথরম রোখরব , ফোই ো টোরক মোরঝ,
১ম টোরক নিরষ।
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

ত্োই সোজোর আমরো পোই,


ছফফথ নস্টপঃ

এখ শুধু ছবরয়োে করুণ। কোজ নিষ। (মোরঝর নরছিও- প্রথম নরছিও)ঃঃ(নিরষর নরছিও – মোরঝর

(৬-৪)ঃঃ(৭-৬)= ২ঃঃ১৷
48. A 100-litre mixture of milk and water contains 36 litres of milk. 'x' litres of this mixture is
removed and replaced with an equal quantum of water. If the process is repeated once, then the
concentration of the milk stands reduced at 25%. What is the value of x?
Initial Milk = 36 L
Final Milk = 36*(1-x/100)^2
Final/Initial= 36*(1-x/100)^2/36
 25/36= (1-x/100)^2
 5/6= 1-x/100
 x/100=1/6
 6x= 100
 x= 100/6= 16.667 L[ANSWER.]
49. 20% ammonia solution and 70% ammonia solution were mixed to form 50% ammonia
solution. If 120 litres of 20% ammonia solution were used in the process, what was the volume
of the 50% ammonia solution that was produced?
Let, 20% solution= x
70% solution = y
20% of x+ 70% of y= 50% of (x+y)
 20x+70y= 50(x+y)
 20x+70y= 50x+50y
 30x= 20y
 x:y= 2:3
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Now, 2 part = 120

5 part = 120*5/2= 300 L [Answer.]

50. Eight litres are drawn off from a vessel full of water and substituted by pure milk. Again
eight litres of the mixture are drawn off and substituted by pure milk. If the vessel now contains
water and milk in the ratio 9:40, find the capacity of the vessel.

Let, Initial Mixture contain = x L of solution(Water.)
Final water = x*(1-8/x)^2
x*(1-8/x)^2/x= 9/49
 (1-8/x)^2= (3/7)^2
 1- 8/x= 3/7
 4/7= 8/x
 4x= 56
 x= 14 L [Answer.]
51. Each of the cucumbers in 100 pounds of cucumbers is composed of 99% water, by weight.
After some of the water evaporates, the cucumbers are now 98% water by weight. What is the
new weight of the cucumbers, in pounds?
Total = 100 pounds of cucumber
Where 99% water and 1% of non water.
So, original cucumber = 1% of 100= 1 pounds
Now, some of the water evaporate and it becomes 98% of water. So, non water is = 2%, since
only water is evaporated
So, 2% of cucumber = 1 pounds of water
 100% = 100/2= 50 pounds of water[Answer.]
#Similar Math practice: (Try yourself)
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1. Five kilograms of oranges contained 98% of water. If the next day the concentration of
water decreased by 2%, what was the new weight of the oranges, in kilograms?[Answer.
2.5 kg]
2. Fresh dates contain 90% water while dry dates contain 28% water . How many kg of dry
dates can be obtained from 36kg of fresh dates ?[Answer. 5 kg]
52. A vessel ( capacity 10 ltrs) is filled entirely with petrol and kerosene in the ratio 3:2. Two
ltrs of this solution is removed and replaced with 2 ltrs of kerosene. This procedure is repeated
thrice. Find the % of petrol in the resulting solution.
Petrol = 10*3/5= 6 L
Initial = 6 L
Final = 6*(1-2/10)^3= 6*(4/5)^3= 3.072
%= 3.072*100/10= 30.72%[Answer.]
53. A solution contains 8 parts of water for every 7 parts of Lemonade syrup. How many parts
of the solution should be removed and replaced with water so that the solution will now contain
40% lemonade syrup?
Water:Lemonde= 8:7
Let, Replacement = x L.
Water remain = 8/15 -8x/15 +x
= (8+7x)/15
Lemonade = 7/15-7x/15
= (7-7x)/15
2*(8+7x)= 3*(7-7x)
 16+14x= 21-21x
 35x= 5
 x= 5/35= 1/7 part [Answer.]
54. If a portion of a half water/half alcohol mix is replaced with 25% alcohol solution, resulting
in a 30% alcohol solution, what percentage of the original alcohol was replaced?
Initially = 50% of Alcohol.
Replacement = 25% of Alcohol.
Resulting = 30% of Alcohol.
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Now, Replacement = 4 part
Total = 5 part
% = 4*100/5= 80%[Answer.]
55. A dessert recipe calls for 50% melted chocolate and 50% raspberry puree to make a
particular sauce. A chef accidentally makes 15 cups of the sauce with 40% melted chocolate
and 60% raspberry puree instead. How many cups of the sauce does he need to remove and
replace with pure melted chocolate to make the sauce the proper 50% of each?
Chocolate = 15*40/100= 15*2/5= 6 L.
Raspberry = 9 L
Let, Replacements= x L
Chocolate= 6- 6x/15 +x = (90+9x)/15
Raspberry = 9-9x/15= (135-9x)/15.
90+9x= 135-9x
 18x= 45
 x= 45/18= 5/2= 2.5 Cups [Answer.]
56. Sue's trail mix is 30% nuts and 70% dried fruit. Jane's trail mix is 60% nuts and 40%
chocolate chips. If the combined mixture of Sue and Jane's trails mix contains 50% nuts, what
percent of the combined mixture is dried fruit?
30% of x +60% of y= 50% of (x+y)
 20% of x= 10% of y
 x:y= 1:2
So, if first mixture contain 1 part; 2nd mixture = 2 part
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

First; N:D= 30:70

2nd N:C=120:80
Total mixture = 30+70+120+80= 300 L
Dry part = 70 L
% = 70*100/300= 23(1/3)%[Answer.]

57. A patient is given exactly 750 milliliters of a mixture of two medications daily. Medication
A contains 40% pain killer and medication B contains 20% pain killer. If the patient receives
exactly 215 milliliters of pain killer daily, how many milliliters of medication B are in the
A+B= 750
 A= 750-B__________[1]
2A/5+ B/5= 215
 2A= 1075-B
 A= (1075-B)/2________[2]
From [1] & [2]
750-B= (1075-B)/2
 1500-2B= 1075-B
 B= 1500-1075= 425[Answer.]
58. The ratio of number of Boys to Girls in Class A is 2:3 and the ratio of number of Boys to
Girls in Class B is 3:7. If the number of students in Class A is at least thrice as many as the
number of students in Class B, Find the minimum percentage of Boys when both classes are
considered together.
B:G= 2:3= 12:18[Ist class]
B:G= 3:7
Total = 12+18+3+7= 40
Boys = (12+3)= 15
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

% of minimum boys= 15*100/40= 37.5%[Answer.]

59. The final exam of a particular class makes up 40% of the final grade, and Moe is failing the
class with an average (arithmetic mean) of 45% just before taking the final exam. What grade
does Moe need on his final exam in order to receive the passing grade average of 60% for the
Let, Total Marks = 100.
He obtained = 45% of 60= 27
Marks needed to be obtained extra= (60-27)= 33
%= 33*100/40= 82.5%[Answer.]

60. A milkman ordered his assistant to first remove 3 liters out of the 8 liters of a solution of
milk and water and then add 3 liters of water to it. Thinking that it would not make any
difference, the lab assistant first added 3 liters of water and then removed 3 liters of the
solution. Find the ratio of the expected concentration of the milk to the actual concentration of
the milk.

First case:
Remove = 3 L of solution.
M:W= 5:3
Actually, added first = 3 L of solution(Water)
So, Mixture contain now= (8+3)= 11 L of solution
Where, Milk = 8-24/11[After 3 L replacement]
= 64/11
Expected:Actual = 5:64/11= 55:64[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

61. A company produces a cleaning solution that has 60% concentration of Chemical K. The
current production batch contains 200L of an ingredient with a 30% concentration of Chemical
K and 150L of an ingredient with a 40% concentration of Chemical K. How much pure
chemical K must be added to the batch to attain the correct concentration of Chemical K?
Total solution= 150+200= 350
Let, added amount = x L
Solution have already = 200*30/100+150*40/100= 120 L
(120+x)/(350+x)= 60/100
 (120+x)/(350+x)= 3/5
 600+5x= 1050+3x
 2x= 450
 x = 225 L[Answer.]
Clearly the solution have two concentration. One is k and other is water.
Final = 40% water[Which will be the same, since no water is added]
Initially mixture contain = 200+150= 350 L of solution
Where water = 350- (200*.3+150*.4)= 230 L
Now, 40%= 230 L
 100%= 230*100/40= 575 L of solution
So, pure k needed to be added = 60% of 575- 120
= (345-120)L= 225 L[Answer.]
62. Two mixtures of clay and sand contain 40% and 70% sand by weight. When both the
mixtures are mixed, the resultant mixture is 700 gm. If the resultant mixture contains 45% clay
by weight, then what is weight of the first mixture?
Two mixture clay and sand contain 40% & 70% of sand.
Let, First mixture contain = x
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

2nd mixture contain = y

40% of x+70% of y = 55% of (x+y)
 40x+70y = 55x+55y
 15x= 15y
 x:y= 1:1
So, x+y= 700
Since x= y
So, First mixture weight = 700/2= 350 L [Answer.]
Since first mixture contain = 40% of sand; so clay= 60%
2nd mixture sand = 70% so clay = 30%
Final mixture clay contain= 45%
60% of x + 30% of y=45% of (x+y)
 60x+30y= 45x+45y
 60x-45x=45y-30y
 15x=15y
 x:y= 1:1
So, first mixture by weight = 700/2= 350 L[Answer.]
63. One cup of nuts that contains exactly half peanuts and half cashews is added to a bowl of
nuts that is exactly one third peanuts, one third cashews, and one third almonds. This results in a
three-cup mixture of nuts. What fraction of the new nut mixture is peanuts?
P:C=1/2:1/2[1 bowl]
P:C:A= 2/3:2/3:2/3[2 bowl]
Total Peanut = ½+2/3
Fraction = 7/6*3= 7/18[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

64. A restaurant makes its regular sauce from 5 parts sweet sauce and 3 parts chilli sauce. Then
its spicy sauce is made from 5 parts chilli sauce and 3 parts sweet sauce. How many cups of
chilli sauce must be mixed with a 24-cup regular sauce to turn it to spicy sauce?
Total regular sauce = 24 Cup
Where, Chili = 24*3/8= 9 cup
To make it spicy sauce chili might be = 5 part
Let, chili added = x L
(9+x)/(24+x)= 5/8
 72+8x= 120+5x
 3x= 48
 x= 18 cup
So, chili might be added = 18 cup [Answer.]
Sweet sauce = 15 L
Which does not added further.
So, 3= 15
 8= 40
So, chili might be added= (40-9-15)= 16 Cup[Answer.]
65. If a milkman wishes to earn a profit of 16.66% by selling milk at cost price and mixing
water to the milk. What percent of the mixture has to be water?
Let Milk CP:SP= 100:350/3= 300:350= 6:7
So In total Milk= 6
Water = 7-6= 1
%= 100/7=14.28%[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

66. . 12.5% of a solution having milk and water in the ratio 24 : 25 is removed and replaced
with water. Find the ratio of milk and water in the solution if this operation is done a total of
three times.
Let, total = 49 L
M left = 24(1-12.5/100)³
= 24 × (7/8) × (7/8) × (7/8)
= 1029/64
W = 49 - 1029/64 = 2107/64
M:W = 1029/64 : 2107/64
= 1029 : 2107 = 21:43
24/49= Milk/Total
Replace = 12.5% of 24/49
M/T= 24/49*(1- 12.5%)^3
= 24/49*(1-1/8)^3= 24/49 *7/8 *7/8*7/8= 21:64
M:W= 21:(64-21)= 21:43[Answer. ]
67. Papayaya, a popular soft drink, contains only four ingredients. Soda water comprise 4/7 of
Papayaya and natural lemon juice makes 1/3 of Papayaya. The amounts of sugar and papaya
puree in Papayaya are equal. Due to a malfunction, the mixing machine mixes double the
regular amount of lemon juice and three times the regular amount of papaya puree. If no other
changes were made to the relative quantities of the ingredients, what is the fractional portion of
soda water in the drink that comes out of the malfunctioning machine?
S:L:P:Su= 4/7:1/3:1/21:1/21
= 12:7:1:1
Lemon twice = 7*2= 14
Pure thrice = 3*1= 3
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

New Ration:
S:L:P:Su= 12:14:3:1
Sum = (12+14+3+1)= 30
Soda water = 12/30= 2/5[Answer.]
68. Sixty percent of the rats included in an experiment were female rats. If some of the rats died
during an experiment and 70 percent of the rats that died were male rats, what was the ratio of
the death rate among the male rats to the death rate among the female rats?
Let, F= 60
M= 40
Let total died = x
F died,30% of x= 3x/10
M died = 70% of x= 7x/10
Rate ratio,
(7x/10)/40:(3x/10)/60= 7:2[Answer.]
69. A dishonest milkman mixes water and milk and claims to sell the milk at cost price, thereby
making a profit of 25%. How much water is there in one litre that he delivers to the customers?
Milk:Water = 125:25=5:1
Water = 1/5
= 1000/5= 200 mL [Answer.]
70. A dishonest grocer professes to sell pure butter at cost price, but he mixes it with adulterated
fat and thereby gains 25%. Find the percentage of adulterated fat in the mixture assuming that
adulterated fat is freely available?
Butter:Fat= 125:25
= 5:1
% fat = 25*100/125= 20%[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

#Solved and editted by:MD. MUTAHER HUSSAIN

71. There are three vessels of equal capacity .Vessel A contains Milk and water in the ratio 4:3
;Vessel B contains Milk and water in the ratio 2:1 and Vessel C contains Milk and water in the
ratio 3:2 .If the mixture in all the three vessels is mixed up.What will be the ratio of milk and
water ?
Vessel 1: M:W= 4:3[7]
Vessel 2: M:W= 2:1[3]
Vessel 3: M:W= 3:2[5]
LCM of 7,3,5= 105
Milk in total = (4*105/7+2*105/3+3*105/5)=(60+70+63)= 193
Water in total= (3*105/7+1*105/3+2*105/5)=(45+35+42)=122
Milk:Water= 193:122[Answer.]
= (60+70+63)/105:(45+35+42)/105
72. Two quarts containing 2⁄3 water and 1⁄3 formula are mixed with three quarts containing 3⁄8
water and 5⁄8 formula. Approximately what percent of the combined five-quart mixture is
Let, Initial = 2
Final = 3
(2*2/3+3*3/8)= 5x
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 59/24= 5x
 x= 59/120= 0.5
%= 0.5*100= 50%[Answer.]
LCM of 2 & 3= 6
Let, first mix contain= 6 L
2nd mix contain = 9 L
Total mix = (6+9)= 15 L
Water in total =6*2/3+9*3/8= 4+27/8= 59/8
% water= 59*100/120= 50%[Answer]
73. A tank holds x gallons of a saltwater solution that is 20% salt by volume. One Fourth of the
water is evaporated, leaving all of the salt. When 10 Gallons of water and 20 gallons of salt are
added, the resulting mixture is 33 1/3 % salt by volume. What is the value of x?
A tank hold = x gallons
Where salt= x*20/100= x/5
So, water = 4x/5
Now ¼ of the water is evaporated.
Water remain= 4x/5-x/5= 3x/5
Now, Total mixture added = 10+20= 30 L
So, Total mixture = (3x/5+ x/5 + 30)= (4x/5 +30)
(x/5+20)/(4x/5+30)= 1/3
 (x+100)/(4x+150)= 1/3
 3x+300= 4x+150
 x= 150 L[Answer.]
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 (3x+50)/(4x+150)= 2/3
 9x+150= 8x+300
 x= 300-150= 150L [Answer.]
(x/5 +20)/(3x/5+10)= ½
 (x+100)/(3x+50)= ½
 2x+200= 3x+50
 x= 150L[Answer.]
74. A 48 lts container containing liquid A and B contains 25% liquid A. a few lts of the mixture
is released and replaced with equal amount of Liquid B. If this process is repeated once, the
cylinder is found to contain 16% liquid A .How many lts of the mixture was released each
Liquid A + Liquid B = 48 L
Liquid A initially = 48*1/4= 12 L [25%= 25/100= ¼]
Let, Replacement = x L
Final A= 16% of 48
 12*(1-x/48)^2= 16% of 48
 (1-x/48)^2= 16% of 4
 (1-x/48)^2= 64/100
 (1-x/48)^2= (8/10)^2
 (1-x/48)^2= (4/5)^2
 (1-x/48)= 4/5
 x/48= 1-(4/5)
 x/48= 1/5
 5x= 48
 x= 48/5= 9.6 L [Answer.]
75. milk and water mixture are in the ratio 7:3. A 10 L mixture is removed and replaced with
water to bring down the concentration of milk by 10%. The amount, in litres, of water that
needs to be added to the resulting mixture in order to reduce the concentration of milk to 50% is
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Milk:Water = 7:3
Let, Milk = 7x
Water = 3x
Replacement = 10 L
After, Replacement of 10 L
Milk = 7x-7*10/7= (7x-7)
Water = (3x-30/10 +10)
= (3x+7)
Milk quantity reduced by 10% which is 60% now,
(7x-7)/(3x+7)= 60/40
 (7x-7)/(3x+7)= 3/2
 14x-14= 9x+21
 14x-9x= 21+14
 5x= 35
 x=7
So, Milk = 7*7-7= 42
Water = 3*7+7= 28
Again, y L water is added, Thus milk concentration = 50%
(28+y)/(42)= 1/1
 28+y= 42
 y= 14 L
So water added finally = 14 L[Answer.]
76. In the first consignment, 12% bulbs were faulty. In the second consignment, 4% bulbs were
faulty.In the two consignments, 7% bulbs were faulty. If the two consignments combined had
4000 bulbs,how many faulty bulbs did the first consignment have?
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Let, First consignment = x bulb

2nd consignment = y bulb
12% of x + 4% of y= 7% of (x+y)
 12x+4y= 7x+7y
 12x -7x= 7y-4y
 5x= 3y
 x:y= 3:5
So, 1st consignment have = 3*4000/8= 1500 bulb
Faulty bulb = 1500*12/100= 180 bulb [Answer.]
77. John has 3 solutions: a 12% saline solution, a 8% vinegar solution, and a 15% alcohol
solution. He mixes 3 liters of the alcohol solution with 3 liters of the vinegar solution. What is
the minimum amount of the saline solution he must add if the resulting mixture must be at least
2% saline solution?
3L Alcohol + 3 L vinegar = 6 L solution
He adds x L of saline solution. Where saline = 12% of x
So, Now Total Solution= (6+x)
Saline content = 2% of (6+x)
2% of (6+x)= 12% of x
 2*(6+x)= 12x
 12+2x= 12x
 12x-2x= 12
 10x= 12
 x = 12/10= 6/5 or, 1.2 L [Answer.]
78. A chemistry student is working with solution M, which has a 20% calcium chloride
concentration. He needs to remove three-fourths of this solution and then add a new solution,
solution N, to create a third solution, solution P, with double the volume of solution M. What
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

must the calcium chloride concentration of solution N be to create a calcium chloride

concentration of 37.5% in solution P?
Initially solution contains = M L of solution
Where Calcium chloride= M*20/100= M/5 L
He removed 3M/4
So, M remain = (4M-3M)/4= M/4
Where calcium chloride remove = (3M/4)*(1/5)= 3M/20
So Calcium chloride now = M/5 – 3M/20= M/20
Now, N solution is added and finally the volume is double which means 2M Solution.
M/4+N= 2M
 N= 2M -M/4
 N = 7M/4
Finally, Calcium chloride = 2M*3/8= 3M/4 L
So, Calcium chloride must be added = (3M/4)- (M/20)
= (15M-M)/20= 14M/20= 7M/10
Since N= 7M/4
So, Calcium chloride in N= 7M/10
%= (7M*100/10)*(4/7M)
= 40%[Answer.]
79. Grandmother's Punch hangover cure is a mix of two ingredients: a herbal extraction that
contains 20% alcohol and apricot cider that contains 5% alcohol. If a 750-milliliter
Grandmother's Punch bottle has 87 milliliters of alcohol, how much apricot cider does it
Let, Two ingredients are x & y.
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

20% of x + 5% of y = 87
 20x+5y= 8700
 20x= 8700-5y
 x= (8700-5y)/20____________[1]
And, x + y= 750
 (8700-5y)/20 + y= 750
 (8700-5y+20y)= 750*20
 (8700+15y)= 15,000
 15 y= 15,000-8700
 15y = 6300
 y = 6300/15= 420
Apricot solution= 420 L [Answer.]
80. An alloy of gold,silverand bronze contain 90% bronze, 7% gold and3% silver.a second alloy
of bronze and silver only is melted with the first and mixture contain 85% of bronze,5% of
gold,10% of silver find the percentage of bronze in second alloy?
Let, 1st mixture contain = 100 g
Bronze = 90 g
Gold = 7 g
Silver = 3 g
2nd Mixture: Only Bronze and silver is added.
Gold remain same. Since no gold is added.
Let, Total Mixture = x L[After.added.amount]
Initially gold = 7g
5% of x= 7
 x= 7*100/5= 140

So, new amount added = (140-100)= 40 g

So, Bronze in new mixture = 140*85/100= 7*17= 119
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So, Amount added = (119-90)= 29

%= 29*100/40= 29*5/2= 145/2= 72.5%[Answer.]
81. . A milk seller has a milk of Rs.100 per litre. In what ratio should water be mixed in that
milk, so that after selling the mixture at Rs.80 per litre, he may get a profit of 50%?
Let, Amount of milk = x
Amount of water = y
3/2*(100*x+0)= 80(x+y)
 300x= 160x+160y
 140x= 160y
 x:y= 160:140= 8:7
So, Milk:Water= 8:7[Answer.]
82. 6 litres from a 30 litre mixture of milk and water in the ratio 3 : 2 is replaced with milk. The
operation is repeated once. What will be the ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture?
Milk = 30*3/5= 18 L
Water = 12 L
Final water = 12*(1-6/30)^2
= 12*4/5 *4/5
= 192/25= 7.68 L
So, Milk = (30-7.68)= 22.32 L
Milk : Water = 22.32:7.68[Answer]

83. In a vessel there is a certain quantity of mixture of milk and water in the ratio 5 : 1
respectively. 24 litres of mixture is taken out and same quantity of milk is added to the vessel.
The ratio of milk and water now becomes 13 : 2 respectively. Again 15 litres of mixture is taken
out. What is the quantity of milk in the resulting mixture? (in litres)
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let, Initially,
Milk = 5x
Water = x
After Replacing 24 L by milk
Milk remain = 5x -24*5/6 +24= (5x+4)
Water = x- 24/6= (x-4)
(5x+4)/(x-4)= 13/2
 10x+8= 13x-52
 3x= 60
 x = 20L
So, Milk now = 5*20+4= 104
Again, 15 L remove
So, Milk = 104-104*15/120= 104-13= 91 L[Answer.]
M:W= 5:1[Initial ]= 80:16
M:W= 13:2[Final]= 104:16
So, Final Milk = 104 L
After 15 L removal
Milk remain = 104-104*15/120= 104-13= 91L[Answer.]
84. A sugar salution of 3 litre contain 60 % sugar. One litre of water is added to this solution.
Then the percentage of sugar in the new solution is:
In 3 L solution sugar is 60%
So, Sugar Amount = 3*3/5= 1.8 L
Now, 1 L water is added.
So, Total solution= (3+1)= 4 L
% sugar = 1.8*100/4= 180/4= 45%[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

85. A milkman adds 500 ml of water to each litre of milk he has in a container. He sells 30 litre
of mixture from container and adds 10 litre milk in the remaining. The ratio of milk and water
in the final mixture is 11:5.Find the initial quantity of milk in the container.
Let, Initially Milk = 10x
So, Water = 5x
So, Total Quantity = 15x
After selling 30 L mixture and adding 10 L of milk,
Mixture = (15x+10-30)= (15x-20)
And Milk = (10x-30*2/3+10)= (10x-10)
(15x-20)/(10x-10)= 16/11
 15x*11-220= 160x-160
 5x= 60
 x = 12
Initial quantity of milk = 10*12= 120 L[Answer.]
86. Ramesh has a container filled completely with 80% milk and 20% water. 5 litres of the
solution is removed and replaced with water. Then, 15 litres of this solution is removed and
replaced with water. The milk percentage is now 55%. Which of the following can be the
capacity of the container (in litres)?
Let, Total mixture = x
Milk = 4x/5
4x/5*(1-5/x)*(1-15/x)= 55% of x
 4/5{(x-5)(x-15)/x^2)}= 11/20
 4*{x^2-15x-5x+75}= 11/4
 16*(x^2-20x+75}= 11x^2
 16x^2-320x+1200= 11x^2
 5x^2-320x+1200=0
 5x^2-300x-20x+1200= 0
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 5x(x-60)-20(x-60)= 0
 (5x-20)(x-60)= 0
 5x= 20; x= 60
 x= 4; x= 60
x = 4 can not be, so capacity of the container = 60 L[Answer.]
87. In a vessel there is a mixture of apple, orange and mango juices in ratio 3:5:4. A quantity of
12 litre from the mixture is replaced with 8 litre of apple juice. Thereafter the quantities of apple
and orange juices in the resultant mixture became same. Find out the initial quantity of mixture
in the vessel?
A:O:M= 3:5:4
Replace 12 L.
Orange remain = 5x -5*12/12= 5x-5
Apple now= 3x -3*12/12 +8= (3x+5)
5x-5= 3x+5
 2x= 10
 x=5
Initial quantity = 12*5= 60L [Answer]
88. A vessel is filled completely with a solution of spirit and water. The capacity of vessel is 84
litres. 12 litres of this solution is replaced with pure water. The concentration of spirit in the
new solution is 40%. What was the concentration of spirit in the original solution?
Let, Sprit initial = x%
So, Sprit initial = 84x/100
Remove = 12 L
Sprit now = 84x/100- 12x/100= 72x/100
72x/100= 84*40/100
 72x= 84*40
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 x = (84*40)/72= 46.66L [Answer.]

89. By weight, liquid A makes up 8 percent of solution R and 10 percent of solution S. If 3
grams of solution R mixed with 7 grams of solution S, then liquid A accounts for what percent
of the weight of the solution
Liquid A = 8% solution of R & 10% solution of S
In 10 gm, Liquid A = 3*8/100+ 7*10/100= 94/100
%= (94*100/100)*(1/10)= 9.4%[Answer.]
90. Alloy A contains 40% gold and 60% silver. Alloy B contains 35% gold and 40% silver and
25% copper. Alloys A and B are mixed in the ratio of 1 : 4. What is the ratio of gold and silver
in the newly formed alloy is?
Alloy A: G:S= 40:60[Total 1]
Alloy B: G:S:C= 35:40:25[Total 4]
Gold in total = 40/100+ 4*35/100= 180/100
Silver in total = 60/100+4*40/100= 220/100
Gold:Silver= 180:220= 18:22= 9:11[Answer.]

Previous Question practice:

91. In a mixture of milk & water, their ratio is 4:5 in the first container. And the same mixture
has ratio 5:1 in 2nd container. In what ratio should the mixture be extracted from each container
and pured into the 3rd container, so the ratio of milk and water comes to 5:4 in the third
container?[Combined 3 bank SO,2018]
Let, First vessel contain = x L
2nd vessel contain = y L
Milk in total = (4x/9+5y/6)= (8x+15y)/18
Water in total = (5x/9+y/6)= (10x+3y)/18
(8x+15y)/(10x+3y)= 5/4
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 32x+60y= 50x+15y
 18x= 45y
 x:y= 45:18= 5:2[Answer.]
92 A vessel contains 28 L of honey and water solution with honey & water in the ratio of 4:3,
21 L of honey water solution is added to this that this honey to water ratio as 2:1, Again a 51 L
honey-water solution that has honey to water ratio as 9:8 is added to this. After this 10L
solution is replaced with pure honey. What is the ratio of water to honey in the final
mixture.[Combined 3 bank cash,2018]
Honey = 28*4/7+21*2/3+51*9/17= 16+14+27= 57
Water = 28*3/7+21*1/3+51*8/17= 12+7+24= 43
Honey:Water = 57:43
10 L.Replace by pure honey.
Honey Remain = 57-57*10/100+10= 57-5.7+10= 67-5.7= 61.3
Water = (100-61.3)= 38.7
Water:Honey= 38.7:61.3= 387:613[Answer.]
93. A bucket contains a mixture of two liquid A and B in the propotion of 7:5. If 9 L.of mixture
is replaced by 9 L of liquid B, then the ration of two liquid becomes 7:9. How much of the
liquid A was there in bucket?[Combined 8 bank SO-2019]
A:B= 7:5
Let, A= 7x
B= 5x
A remain = 7x-7*9/12= 7x-21/4= (28x-21)/4
B remain = 5x-5*9/12 +9 = 5x -15/4 +9= (20x-15+36)/4= (20x+21)/4
(28x-21)/(20x+21)= 7/9
 28x*9-21*9= 20x*7+7*21
 252x-140x= 21*16
 112x= 21*16
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 x= (21*16)/112= 21/7= 3
Initial A= 7x= 7*3= 21 L[Answer.]
94.A can contains milk and water in the ration 3:1. A part of mixture is replaced with milk, and
now the new ratio of milk and water is 15:4. What proportion of original mixture had been
replaced by milk. [Combined 8 bank, 2018]
Milk:Water= 3:1
Let, Replace = x L.of mixture
Milk = 3/4 – 3x/4+x
= (3-3x+4x)/4
= (x+3)/4
Water = 1/4 – x/4
= (1-x)/4

(x+3)/(1-x)= 15/4
 4x+12= 15-15x
 19x= 3
 x = 3/19[Answer.]

………………………… Chapter_2(AUST_Previous Written_2019 _51 Math

01.60 men could complete a piece of work in 250 days. The worked together for 200
days. After that the work had to be stopped for 10 days due to bad weather. How many
more men should be engaged to complete the work in time

=> 15,000-12000= 2400+40x
=> 40x= 600
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=> x= 15
So, More men= 15

02. 12 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days. 18 women can complete the
same piece of work in 60 days. 8 men and 20 women work together for 20 days. If
only women were to complete the remaining piece of work in 4 days, how many
women would be required? [Sonali Bank Officer (FF), 2019]


12M= 1/36
=> 12M*36= 1___________[1]
And 18W= 1/60
=> 18W*60= 1____________[2]
From [1] & [2]
12M*36= 18W*60
=> M:W= 5:2
18*2*60= [8*5+20*2]*20+W*2*4
=> 36*60-80*20= 8W
=> 8W= 560
=> W= 70[Answer.]

[03]Machine A, working alone at its constant rate, produces x pounds of peanut butter
in 12 minutes. Machine B, working alone at its constant rate, produces x pounds of
peanut butter in 18 minutes. How many minutes will it take machines A and B, working
simultaneously at their respective constant rates, to produce x pounds of peanut butter?
[Sonali Bank Cash Officer (FF), 2019]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Machine A, 12 min= x
1 min= x/12
& Machine B, 18 min= x
=> 1 min= x/18
Together in 1 min= x/12+x/18= 5x/36 part
5x/36 part in= 1 min
x part in= 36/5= 7.2 min[ Answer.]

[Q_4] The ratio of the numbers of boys and girls in a school was 5:3. Some new boys
and girls were admitted to the school, in the ratio 5:7. At this, the total number of
students in the school became 1200, and the ratio of boys to girls changed to 7:5. What
was the number of students in the school before new admissions? [05 Bank Officer-
Cash, 2019]


Ratio of no. Of boy & Girl= 7:5[Final]

Final students = 1200
Where, B= 1200*7/12= 700
So, Girl= 500
Let, initial B:G= 5x:3x
Added B:G= 5y:7y
5x+5y= 700
=> (x+y)= 140
=> x= 140-y______[1]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

3x+7y= 500
=> 3*(140-y)+7y= 500
=> 4y= 80
=> y= 20
So, x= 140-20= 120
So, Intial students= 5x+3x= 8x= 8*120= 960[Answer.]

[Q_5] . A product is made with three components A, B, C and the ratio of the prices
are 4:3:2. After 1 year price of A increased by 10%, B increased by 8% and C
decreased by 5%. What is the percentage of total increase? [Sonali Bank Officer (FF),


A:B:C= 4:3:2
Let, A= 40
B= 30
C= 20
A= 110% of 40= 44
B= 108% of 30= 32.4
C= 95% of 20= 19
So, Initial= (40+30+20)= 90
New= (44+32.4+19)= 95.4
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Increase= 5.4
%= 5.4*100/90= 6%

[Q_6] The cost of manufacturing a popular model car is made up of three items- cost of
raw material, labor and overheads. In a year, the cost of three items were in the ratio of
4:3:2. Next year the cost of the raw material rose by 10%, labor cost increased by 8%
but the overhead reduced by 5%. What is the percentage increase in the price of the car?
[Sonali Bank Officer (FF), 2019]


R:L:O= 4:3:2
Let, R= 40
L= 30
O= 20
R= 110% of 40= 44
L= 108% of 30= 32.4
O= 95% of 20= 19
So, Initial= (40+30+20)= 90
New= (44+32.4+19)= 95.4
Increase= 5.4
%= 5.4*100/90= 6%
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[Q_7] . A jar contains 81 liter pure milk. 1/3 of the milk is replaced with water again
1/3 of the resulting mixture is replaced with water. Find out the ratio of milk and water?
[Sonali Bank Senior Officer (FF), 2019]

81/3=27 L replace with water.
So. milk= 54 L
Water= 27L
Total = 81 L.
Again= 81/3= 27 L water
Milk= 54-27*54/81= 36 L
So, Water= 45 L
M:W= 36:45= 4:5[Answer.]

[Q_8] Amit deposited some money in a bank, which pays 15% interest per annum
compounded yearly. If the bank provides simple interest instead of compound interest,
he receives Tk. 2400 after 2 years. Find the total amount that he received after 2 years.
[Sonali Bank Officer (FF), 2019]

I= pnr
=> 2400= p*2*15/100
=> p= 8000
Total amount he will get=8000*(1+15/100)^2= 10,580
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain


[Q_9] The purchase price of a watch and wall clock is Tk. 390. If the watch is sold at
10% profit and the wall clock at 15% profit, total profit earned is Tk. 51.50. Find the
purchase price difference between the wall clock and the watch. [Sonali Bank Senior
Officer (FF), 2019]


W+C= 390___________[1]
110% of W+115% of C= 441.5
=> 11W/10+23C/20= 441.5
=> 22W+23C= 441.5*20
=> 22*(390-C)+23C= 8830
=> C=8830-8580= 250
So, W= (390-250)= 140
Diff. [250-140]=110[Answer.]

[Q_10] An article manufactured by a company consists of two parts A and B. In the

process of manufacture of part A, 9 out of 100 are likely to be defective. Similarly, 5
out of 100 are likely to be defective in the process of manufacture of part B. What
will be the probability that the assembled part will not be defective? [05 Bank Officer-
Cash, 2019]
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91/100*95/100= 0.8645[Answer.]

[Q_11] A machine is made of two components- A and B. Of component A 7 is defective

out of 100 and of B 9 is defective out of 100. What is the probability of the machine
is not defective? [Sonali Bank Senior Officer (FF), 2019]


93/100*91/100= 0.8463[Answer.]

[Q_12] Three runners A, B and C run a race, with runner A finishing 12 m ahead of
runner B and 18 m ahead of runner C, in another race of same type runner B finished
8 m ahead of runner C. Each runner travels the entire distance at a constant speed. Find
the length of the race. [05 Bank Officer-Cash, 2019]


A= x
B= x-12
C= x-18
B= x
C= x-8
=> x(x-18)= (x-8)(x-12)
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

=> x^2-18x= x^2-12x-8x-96

=> 2x= 96
=> x= 48m [Answer.]

[Q_13] . A river is flowing at a speed of 5 kmph in a particular direction. A man,

who can swim at a speed of 20 kmph in still water, starts swimming along the
direction of flow of the river from point A and reaches another point B which is at a
distance of 30 km from the starting point A. On reaching point B, the man turns back
and starts swimming against the direction of flow of the river and stops after reaching
point A. The total time taken by the man to complete his journey is? [Sonali Bank
Officer (FF), 2019]

Stream speed= 5 km/hr
Boat speed= 20 km/hr
So, Downstream speed= 20+5= 25
Upstream = 20-5= 15
Time needed= 30/25+30/15
= 6*60/5+2
= 1 hr 12 min+ 2 hr
= 3 hr 12 min

[Q_14] The distance between two stations ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is 450 km. A train L starts at
6:00pm from X and moves towards Y at an average speed of 60 kmph. Another train
M starts from Y at 5:20pm and moves towards X at an average speed of 80 kmph.
How far from X will the two trains meet and at what time? [Sonali Bank Officer (FF),
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Speed of M= 80 km/hr
In 40 min M goes= 80*40/60= 160/3
Now, Distance between them=[450-160/3]= 1190/3
RS= 140
Time= (1190/3)*(1/140)= 17/6 hr
= 2 hr 50 min
So, they meet at= (6:00+2:50)= 8:50
And Distance= 17*60/6= 170 km[Answer.]

[Q_15] Two trains running at the rate of 75 km and 60 km an hour respectively on

parallel rails in opposite directions, are observed to pass each other in 8 seconds and
when they are running in the same direction at the same rates as before, a person
sitting in the faster train observes that he passes the other in 31½ seconds. Find the
lengths of the trains. [Sonali Bank Cash Officer (FF), 2019]

(x+y)= 135*5/18*8= 300
&x= 75*5/18*63/2= 131.25
And L of other= (300-131.25)= 168.75 m


Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1. A gardener plants two rectangular gardens in separate regions on his property. The
first garden has an area of 600 feet and a length of 40 feet. If the second garden has a
width twice that of the first garden, but only half of the area, what is the ratio of the
perimeter of the first garden to that of the second garden? [Sonali Bank Cash Officer
(FF), 2019]

First Garden Area= 600 feet
L= 40 ft.
So, B= 600/40= 15
Perimeter= 2*(15+40)= 110
2nd garden W= 30
So, L= 300/30= 10
Perimeter= 2*(30+10)= 80
Ratio of perimeter= 110:80= 11:8[Answer.]

[Q_17]A’ began a small business with a certain amount of money. After four months
from the start of the business, ‘B’ joined the business with an amount which was Tk.
6000 less than ‘A’s initial investment. ‘C’ joined the business after seven months from
the start of the business with an amount which was Tk. 2000 less than A’s initial
investment. At the end of the year total investment repented was Tk. 142000. What will
be A’s share in the profit, if B received Tk. 8000 as profit share? [05 Bank Officer-Cash,


A:B:C= 12x:8(x-6000):5*(x-2000)
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

12x+8x-48,000+5x-10,000= 1,42,000
=> x= 8000
A:B:C= 12*8000:8*2000:5*6000
= 96:16:30= 48:8:15

[Q_18] A and B started a business with initial investments in the respective ratio of
18:7. After four months from the start of the business, A invested Tk. 2000 more and
B invested Tk. 7000 more. At the end of one year, if the profit was distributed among
them in the ratio of 2:1 respectively, then what was the total initial investment with
which A and B started the business? [Sonali Bank Officer (FF), 2019]

A= 18x*4+8*(18x+2000)
= 216x+16,000
B= 4*7x+8(7x+7000)
= 84x+56,000
(216x+16,000)/(84x+56000)= 1/2
=> 216x-168x= 96,000
=>x= 2000
Initial investment= 25*2000= 50,000
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[Q_19] A, B and C are partners. ‘A’ whose money has been in the business for 4
months claims 1/8 of the profit; ‘B’ whose money has been in the business for 6 months
claims 1/3 of the profit. If ‘C’ had Tk. 1560 in the business for 8 months, how much
money did A and B contribute to the business? [Sonali Bank Cash Officer (FF), 2019]


Since total boys and girls = 16

Boys must multiple of 5 and girls must multiple of 3 so
Total boys = 10
Shorter boys = 10*1/5 = 2
Total girls = 6
Taller girls = 6*1/3 = 2
Shortest girl = 1 and Tallest boy = 1
Shorter boys = 2 and Taller girls = 2
Taller than shortest girls and shorter than tallest boy =(16-2-2-1-1)=10
10*100/16 = 62.5%
Ans: 62.5%

21. 6 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days. 8 women can complete the same piece of
work in 18 days and 18 children can do it in 10 days. 4 men, 12 woman and 20 children do the
work for 2 days. If the remaining work be completed by men only in 1 day, how many men will
be required?

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

6M= 1/12
8W= 1/18
6M*12= 18*8W
=>12M= 24W
=> M:W= 2:1= 10:5
18C*10= 8*18W
=> 10*C= 8*W
=> C:W= 4:5
So, M:W:C= 10:5:4
36*10*2= [4*10+12*5+20*4]*2+10*M
=> 720-360= 10*M
=> M= 36[Answer.]

22.A bag contains 4 red and 3 black balls. A second bag contains 2 red and 4 black balls. One
bag is selected at random. If from the selected bag one ball is drawn, then what is the
probability that the ball is drawn is red?


= 2/7+1/6
= (12+7)/42= 19/42[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

23. A cow was standing on a bridge, 5m away from the middle of the bridge. A train was
coming towards the bridge from the ends nearest to the cow. Seeing this cow ran towards the
the train and managed to escape when the train was 2m away from bridge. If it had run in the
opposite direction, it would hit by the train 2m before the end of the bridge. What is the lenght
of the bridge in meters assuming the speed of the train is 4 times that of cow ?


(x-2)/4y= (B/2-5)/y
 2*(x-2)= 4*(B-10)
 2x= 4B-36________[1]
(B/2+5-2)/y= (x+B-2)/4y
 2B+28= 2x____________[2]
From (1) & (2)
2B+28= 4B-36
 2B= 64
 B= 32
So, Length of Bridge= 32 m

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

24. A man went downstream for 28 km in a motor boat and immediately returned. It took the
man twice as long to make the return trip. If the speed of the river flow were twice as high, the
trip downstream and back would take 672 minutes. Find the speed of the boat in still water and
the speed of the river flow.

(x+y)= 2(x-y)
=> x:y= 3:2
x+y= 5k
28/5k+28/k= 11 1/5= 56/5
Still water= 3*3= 9
Speed= 3*1=3

25.A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 24,000, Rs. 32000 a6nd Rs.18000
respectively. A and B are active partners and get 15% and 12% of total profit and remaining
profit is to be distributed among them in the ratio of their investment. If C got total Rs.65700 as
a profit, what was the total amount of profit ?

A:B:C= 24:32:18= 12:16:9
9x= 65700
=> x= 7300
Remaining profit= 37*7300= 270100
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

(100-27)%= 2,70,100
=> 100%= 2,70,100*100/73= 3,70,000TK

[#SO_[8 bank] _Re written]

26. A rectangular plot has a concrete path running in the middle of the plot parallel to the
breadth of the plot. The rest of the plot is used as a lawn, which has an area of 240 sq. m. If the
width of the path is 3m and the length of the path is greater than its breadth by 2 m, what is the
area of the rectangular plot? (in sq m)


Let, length of rectangle = x

Width = (x+2)
Given, width of path= 3m
Area of path= (x+2)*x-3x
x*(x+2)-3x= 240
=> x^2-x-240= 0
=> x^2-16x+15x-240= 0
=> x(x-16)+15(x-16)= 0
=> x= 16
So, L= (16+2)= 18
W= 16
Area of rectangle= 16*18= 288 m^2[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

27. A pipe can fill a tank in 0.9 hours and another pipe can empty in 0.7 hours. If tank is
completely filled and both pipes are opened simultaneously then 450 liters of water is removed
from the tank is 2.5 hours. What is the capacity of the tank?


Pipe one can fill 0.9hr or (9/10)hr = 1 part

So, in 1 hr = 10/9 part
And, other can empty (7/10)hr = 1 part
So, in 1 hr = 10/7 part
So, in 1 hr total empty= 10/7-10/9= 20/63 part
So, in 2.5 hr = 50/63 part
50/63 part = 450 L
=> 1 part = 450*63/50= 567 L[Answer.]

28. A sum of Rs. 3,240 was fixed to complete a work. 54 workers completed the work in 8
days and the sum was divided equally among the workers. If the work was to be completed in 3
days then how much less money each worker would receive compared to when the work was
completed in 8 days (sum is divided equally among the workers)?


54 worker 8 days salary= 3240 RS

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1 worker 8 days salary= 3240/54= 60 RS

1 work 3 days salary= 60*3/8=22.5 RS
Diff. = (60-22.5)= 375[Answer.]

29. Two trains running at the rate of 75 km and 60 km an hour respectively on

parallel rails in opposite directions, are observed to pass each other in 8 seconds
and when they are running in the same direction at the same rates as before, a
person sitting in the faster train observes that he passes the other in 31½ seconds.
Find the lengths of the trains.


(x+y)= 135*5/18*8= 300

&x= 75*5/18*63/2= 131.25

And L of other= (300-131.25)= 168.75 m[Answer.]

30. : A,B and C can do a piece of work in 12,18, and 24 days respectively. they work at it
together . B stops the work before 2 days and C is called off 4 days before the work is done .In
what approximate time the work is finished?


LCM of 12,18,24= 72
A= 6
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

B= 4
C= 3
6*T+(T-2)*4+(T-4)*3= 72
=> 13T=92
=> T= 92/13= 7(1/13) days[Answer]

31.An engineer undertakes a project to build a road 15 km long in 300 days and employs 45
men for the purpose. After 100 days, he finds only 2.5 km of the road has been completed. Find
the (approximate) number of extra men he must employ to finish the work in time.

[বোছত্ কৃত্ ছররট _SO(2018)]

100 days 1/6 part by = 45 men
100 days 1 part by= 45*6 men
1 days 1 part by= 45*6*100
Total unit = 45*6*100
100*45+200*(45+x)= 45*6*100
=> 200*45+200x= 22,500
=> 200x= 13,500
=> x= 67.5 or 68 (approximately) [Answer.]
32. A bucket contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the proportion 7:5. If 9 litres of the
mixture is replaced by 9 litres of liquid B, then the ratio of the two liquids becomes 7:9. How
much of the liquid A was there in the bucket?

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

A= 7x
B= 5x
9 L replaced.
A remain = 7x-9*7/12= 7x-21/4= (28x-21)/4
B remain = 5x-5*9/12+ 9
= 5x-15/4 +9
= (20x-15+36)/4= (20x+21)/4
(28x-21)/(20x+21)= 7/9
=> 252x-189= 140x+147
=> 112x = 336
=> x= 3
A was in the bucker = 7*3= 21 L

33. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for 14
months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?


14x/8y= 5/7
 98x= 40 y
 x:y= 20:49
8y/7z= 7/8
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 64y= 49z
 y:z= 49:64
x:y:z= 20:49:64

34. A finance company declares that, at a certain compound interest rate, a sum of money
deposited by anyone will become 8 times in 3 years. If the same amount is deposited at the
same compound rate of interest, then in how many years will it become 16 time?

[বোছত্ কৃত্ ছররট _SO 8bank]

P*(1+r)^3= 8P
 (1+r)^3= 8
 (1+r)^3= 2^3
 (1+r)= 2__________[1]
P*(1+r)^n= 16*P
 (1+r)^n= 16
 (1+r)^n= 2^4
 (1+r)^n= (1+r)^4[since, (1+r)= 2]
 n= 4 year[Answer.]
Two pipes can separately fill a tank in 20 hours and 30 hours respectively. Both the pipes are
opened to fill the tank, but when the tank is 1/3 full a leak develops in the tank through which
1/3 of the water supplied by both the pipes leak out. What is the total time taken to fill the tank?

[বোছত্ কৃত্ ছররট _SO(18)]

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Pipe one can fill a tank in = 20 hr
Pipe other can fill a tank in= 30 hr
So, (1/20+1/30) part in = 1 hr
=> 1/12 part in = 1 hr
=> 1 part in = 12 hr
Now, 1/3 water goes out which means extra time need = 12/3= 4 hr
So, total time = (12+4)= 16 hr[Answer.]

LCM of 20 & 30= 60
A= 3
B= 2
Total time need = 60/(3+2)= 12 hr
1/3 goes out means = 60/3= 20 L goes out.
Now, extra time= 20/(3+2)= 4 hr
So, total time = 12+4 = 16 hr[Answer.]


Probashi Kalllyan Bank Written Question

Post Name: Assistant Programmer
Exam Date: 09 November, 2019
Exam Taker: AUST
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain


36. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 hours respectively. Both the pipes are
opened to fill the tank but when the tank is one - third full, a leak develops in the tank through
which one - third water supplied by both the pipes gose out. The total time taken to fill the tank
LCM of 20 & 30= 60
A= 3
B= 2
1/3 rd full means = 60/3= 20
Time = 20/5= 4 hrs
1/3 rd water goes out.
So extra time needed= 60/5= 12 hr
Total Time= (12+4)= 16 hr
1/20+1/30= 1/x
 5x= 60
 x= 12
Extra time = 12/3= 4 hr
So, Total time= (12+4)= 16 hr[Answer.]

37. In an examination, 34% failed in Mathematics and 42% failed in English. If 20% failed in
both the subjects, the percentage of students who passed in both subjects was?

n(AUB)= n(A)+n(B)-n(AnB)
 n(AUB)= 34+42-20
 n(AUB)= 56%
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Passed in both subject= (100-56)= 44%[Answer]

Exam taker::AUST

#Solved by_Md Mutaher Hussain

38. Q.A and B can do a piece of work in 30 days while B and C can do the same work in 24
days and C and A in 20 days .they all work together for 10 days when B and C leave .how many
days more will A take to finish the work?(PKB EO Cash)

2*(A+B+C)= 1/30+1/24+1/20
= (4+5+6)/120
= 1/8
(A+B+C)= 1/16
10 days work = 5/8
Remain= 3/8
A = 1/16-1/24= 1/48

3/8===48*3/8= 18 days

Eff. (A+B):(B+C):(C+A)= 4:5:6
Total Work = 4*5*6= 120
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Eff. Of (A+B+C)= 15/2= 7.5

A= 7.5-5= 2.5
7.5*10+2.5*A= 120
=> 25A= 450
=>A= 450/25= 18 [Answer.]

39. Q.If x^3+3/x=4*(a^3+b^3);

Value of a^2-b^2=?(Ans:1)

By adding and subtracting both

a= (x^2+1)/2x
b = (x^2-1)/2x

a^2-b^2= (a+b)*(a-b)= x*(1/x)= 1

40. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and
replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now
contained by the container?

Initial Milk = 40 L
We know that,
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Final mixture = I*(1-R/I)^n

Here, I= Initial Mixture
R= Replacement
n= Repetition time
40*(1-4/40)^3= 29.16 L

41. finance company declares that, at a certain compound interest rate, a sum of money
deposited by anyone will become 8 times in 3 years. If the samamount is deposited at
the same compound rate of interest, then in how many years will it become 16 time?

P*(1+r)^3= 8P
=> (1+r)^3= 8
=> (1+r)^3= 2^3
=> (1+r)= 2__________[1]
P*(1+r)^n= 16*P
=> (1+r)^n= 16
=> (1+r)^n= 2^4
=> (1+r)^n= (1+r)^4
=> n= 4 years [Answer.]

42. If age of P and R are added to twice the age of Q, the total becomes 59. It the ages of Q and
R are added to thrice the age of P, the total become 68. And if the age of P is added to thrice the
age of Q and thrice age of R, the total becomes 108, what is the total of ages of P?

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

P+R+2Q= 59
Q+R+3P= 68
=> Q+R= 68-3P_______[1]

=> 3*(Q+R)= 108-P
=> Q+R= (108-P)/3_____[2]

From [1] & [2]

(108-P)/3= (68-3P)
=> 108-P= 204-9P
=> 8P= 96
=> P= 12[Answer.]

43. boat running upstream takes 8 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain distance, while it takes 4
hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is the ratio between the speed of
the boat and speed of the water current respectively?

44/5 *(x-y)= 4*(x+y)
=> 44x -44y = 20x+20y
=> 24x= 64 y
=>x:y= 8:3

44. In a particular school, out of total 640 boys that include all the age-groups, 60% of the boys
below 18 were enrolled. Out of them, 50% attended the school irregularly. If 120 boys among
them were regular, how many boys were there in the school who are above 18?[Pkb cash]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Question wrong

[ছবর ো ১৮, এরভোব ১৮, ছকন্তু এম ছক থোকরত্ পোরর ো ১৮ বির বয়স আরি এম ন োকজ ।
ত্োই ২৪০ প্রবোব আ সোর হর ও এটো রোইট য়। মযোথরমটিকস এটোরক রোইট বর ো। যোঙ্গুরয়জ
আররো ছিয়োর থোকর ২৪০ রোইট হরত্ো]
PKB EO (General)
Exam Taker:AUST

45. bucket contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the proportion 7:5. If 9 litres of the
mixture is replaced by 9 litres of liquid B, then the ratio of the two liquids becomes 7:9. How
much of the liquid A was there in the bucket?

A= 7x
B= 5x
9 L replaced.
A remain = 7x-9*7/12= 7x-21/4= (28x-21)/4
B remain = 5x-5*9/12+ 9
= 5x-15/4 +9
= (20x-15+36)/4= (20x+21)/4
(28x-21)/(20x+21)= 7/9
 252x-189= 140x+147
 112x = 336
 x= 3
A was in the bucker = 7*3= 21 L
46.A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the
third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours
slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is:
First take = T
2nd take= (T-5)hr
3rd take = T-9
1/T+1/(T-5)= 1/(T-9)
 (T-5+T)(T-9)= T*(T-5)
 (2T-5)*(T-9)=T^2-5T
 2T^2-18T-5T+5T+45-T^2=0
 T^2-18T+45=0
 T^2-15T-3T+45=0
 T= 15, 3
3 can not be possible. So first pipe take=15 hr[Answer.]
47. A bag contains 5 red and 3 green balls. Another bag contains 4 red and 6 green balls. If one
ball is drawn from each bag what is the probability that one ball is red and one is green?
5/8 *6/10 +3/8 * 4/10=21/40
48. Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of
the top of the lighthouse is observed from the ships are 30 degree and 45 degree respectively. If
the lighthouse is 100 m high, the distance between the two ships is:

Tan 30°= 100/L1
 L1/√3= 100
 L1= 100*√3
Tan 45°= 100/L2
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 L2= 100
Total Distance, L= L1+L2= 100+100√3= 100*(1+√3)=Answer.

49. A train overtakes two persons walking along a railway track. The first one walks at 4.5
km/hr. The other one walks at 5.4 km/hr. The train needs 8.4 and 8.5 seconds respectively to
overtake them. What is the speed of the train if both the persons are walking in the same
direction as the train?
Let, Train speed = x
(x-4.5)*8.4= (x-5.4)*8.5
 8.4x -4.5*8.4= 8.5x -5.4*8.5
 .1x=. 81
 x= 81 km/hr [Answer.]
50. X= (√5+1)/(√5-1) and Y= (√5-1)/(√5+1) then find the value of (x^2+xy+ y^2)/(x^2-
X+Y= (√5+1)/(√5-1) +(√5-1)/(√5+1)
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

51. ab+bc+ca=0, then What's the value of 1/(a^2-bc)+1/(b^2-ca)+1/(c^2-ab)=?
=0 .

01.Selling a watch at BDT 90 incurs some losses but selling it at BDT 118 will earn 3/4 of the
loss amount. What is the buying price of the watch?
Let, CP = x
Loss = y
x-90= y
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

118-x= 3y/4
 118-x= 3*(x-90)/4
 472-4x = 3x-270
 7x= 742
 x = 742/7= 106
So, Buying price = 106 TK [Answer.]
02. The compound interest on a sum of money for 2 years is 832tk and the simple interest on
the same sum for the period is 800 tk. The difference between the compound interest and the
simple interest for 3 years will be..?
Let, principal = P
Interest rate = r
SI for first year and CI for first year will be same which is 400.
CI for 2nd year= (832-400)= 432
So, Interest Rate= 32*100/400= 8%
Diff. For third year = 832*8/100= 66.56
Total difference = 66.56+32= 98.56[Answer.]
03. A bag contains 4 red and 3 black balls. A second bag contains 2 red and 4 black balls. One
bag is selected at random. If from the selected bag one ball is drawn, then what is the
probability that the ball is drawn is black?
Selected ball is drawn is black = ½*(3/7+ 4/6)
= 1/2 (3/7+2/3)
= 1/2 * (9+14)/21
= 23/42[Answer]
04. Today is X 12th birthday and his father 40th birthday. How many years from today Will X
father be twice as old as X at that Time
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

F= 40
Let, after x year X father will be twice than X
2*(12+x)= 40+x
 24+2x= 40+x
 x= 16 year[Answer.]
05. To do a pice of work, B takes 3 times as long as A and B together and C twice as long as A
and B together. If A,B and C together can complete the work in 10 days,how long would A take
alone to complete the work it?
Let, B took = 3x days
A+ B took = x days
C take = 2y days
A+B took y days
1/y + 1/2y = 1/10
 3/2y= 1/10
 2y= 30
 y= 15
So, (A+B) took 15 day
So, B took = 45 days
1/45+1/30+1/A= 1/10
 1/A= 1/10-(2+3)/90
 1/A= (9-5)/90
 4A= 90
 A= 45/2= 22.5 days [Answer.]
06.A, b, and c can complete a work in 12, 15 and 25 days respectively. A and b started working
together whereas c worked with them in every third day. Find the number of days required to
complete the work?
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Let, Total work = 30

A= 25
B= 20
C= 12
(25+20)*3+ 12= 147 unit in 3 days
294 unit in = 6 days
Remain = 6 unit in = 6/45= 2/15 days
Time required = 6(2/15) days[Answer]
07.10 women and 8 men do a work in 1 days. 1 men and 5 women can do that work in 4 days.
Numbers of women required to complete the job in 3 days with 2 men??
 10 W+ 8M = 4M +20W
 4M= 10 W
 M:W= 5:2
3*(2*5+2W)= 10*2+8*5
 30+6W= 60
 6W= 30
 W= 5[Answer]
08. A and b working separately can do a piece of work in 9 and 12 days respectively, if they
work for a day alternatively, a beginning, in how many days, the work will be completed??
Let, Total work = 36
A:B = 4:3
(4+3)*5= 35 unit in = 5*2= 10 days
Remain = 1 in ¼ days
Total time = 10(1/4) [Answer]
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09. When an article was sold for Rs. 696, percent profit earned was P%. When the same article
was sold for Rs. 841, percent profit earned was (p + 25%). What is the value of P?
Profit diff. = (841-696)= 145
25% = 145
 100%= 145*4= 580
Value of P = 116*100/580= 20%[Answer.]
10. A can do a piece of work in 30 days, b can do it in 15 days and c can do it in 10 days. If in
every second day b and in every third day c help a in doing the work, how many days will be
required to complete the whole work?
Let, Total work = 30 unit
A:B:C= 1:2:3[eff.]
Now 3 days work, 1*3+2*1+3*1= 8 unit
9 days work = 24 unit
In 10 days = 25 unit
In 11 days = 25+3= 28
Remain 2 unit in = 2/4 days
Total time = 11(1/2) days[Answer.]
11. In how many ways can 5 books be selected from a bundle of 11 books if 3 particular books
are always excluded?
(11-3)C5= 8C5
12. Rahim undertakes to do a work in 40 days. He engages 100 men at the beginning and 100
men after 35 days and completes the work in stipulated time. If he had not engaged the
additional men, how many days behind schedule would it be finished?
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 100D= 4500
 D= 45
Extra days = (45-40)= 5 days[Answer.]
13. A,b,c do a job alone in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. many days can a do the job
if he is assisted by b and c in every third day?
Let, Total work = 60 unit
A:B:C= 3:2:1
3 days work = 3*3+2+1= 12 unit in = 3 days
60 unit in = 3*5= 15 days[Answer]
14. If x+1/x=5 then the value of x/x^2+x+1?
x+1/x= 5
 x^2+1= 5x
x/(x^2+1+x)= x/6x= 1/6[Answer]
15. At the end of a bouquet 50 people hand shake with each other. How many hand shake will
there be in total?
Hand shake in total = 50C2[Answer.]
16. A team of 2 men and 5 women completed one -fourth of a job in 3 days. after 3 days
another man joined the team and they took 2 days to complete another one- fourth of the job.
how many men can complete the whole job in 4 days??
(2M+5W), 1/4th in = 3 days
(2M+5W), 1th work in = 12 days
Again, (3M+5W), 1 th work in = 8 days
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2M+5W= 1/12
3M+5W= 1/8
M= 1/8-1/12= 1/24
Men required = 24/4= 6 men[Answer]
17. . If 5% is gained by selling an article for BDT 350 than selling it for BDT 430,the cost of
the article is?
5%= 80
 100%= 1600[Answer]
18. A bag contains 10 balls numbered from 0 to 9. the balls are such that the person picking a
ball out of the bag is equally likely to pick anyone of them. A person picked a ball and replaced
it in the bag after noting its number. He repeated this process 2 more times. What is the
probability that the ball picked first is numbered higher than the ball picked second and the ball
picked second is numbered higher than the ball picked third?
Threee distinct ball can be picked in (10×9×8) ways.
The order of a,b and c can be as follows:
(i). a > b > c ;
(ii). a > c > b ;
(iii). b >c >a ;
(iv). b > a > c ;
(v). c > a > b ;
(vi). c > b > a
They will occur equal number of times.
Thus the number of ways in which (a > b > c):
Required probability =12010×10×10
= 3/25[Answer]
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19. A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3:2. If 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's
share is tk.855, the total profit is:
95%= 855*5/3= 285*5= 1425
 100%= 1425*20/19= 1500[Answer]
20. In a box, there are 8 red,7 blue and 6 green ball is picked up randomly. What is
the probability that it is neither red nor green
Neither red nor green = 7
Total = 21
Probability = 7/21= 1/3[Answer]
21. A bath can be filled by the cold water pipe in 10 minutes and by the hot water pipe in 15
minutes.A person leaves the bathroom after turning on both the pipes .He returns just when the
bath should have been full.Finding however the waste pipe was open he closes it.In 4 minutes
more the bath is full.In what time will the waste water pipe empty it?
Let, Total Capacity = 60 L
C:H= 6:4
Time required = 60/10= 6 min
In 4 min =4*(6+4)= 40 unit
So, 40 unit = 6 min
60 unit = 6*60/40= 6*3/2= 9 min[Answer]
22. পরীক্ষোয় ২০% ম্বর নপরয় ৫ ম্বরর নফই করর ছকন্তু অপরজ ৩০% ম্বর নপরয় পোস ম্বররর
নচরয় ২০ ম্বর নবছি পোয়, ত্োহর উক্ত পরীক্ষোয় পোস কররত্ িত্করো কত্ ম্বর প্ররয়োজ ?
Let, Total mark = x
Pass mark = y
So, 20% of x +5 = y
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And, 30% of x -20= y

20% of x +5= 30% of x -20
 10% of x = 25
 x = 25*100/10= 250
Pass mark = 20% of 250+5= 50+5= 55[Answer.]
23. pipe p can fill an empty tank in 4 hours but pipe q can completely empty the same tank in 8
hours, Both the pipes were opened alternately after every two hours starting with P then in how
many hours, the tank was completely filled?
Let, Total capacity = 8 L
F:E= 2:1[Eff.]
First 2 hr = 2*2= 4 unit
2nd 2hr = 2*-1=-2 unit
3rd 2 hr= 4+2= 6 unit
4th 2 hr = 6-2= 4 unit
5th 2 hr = 4+4= 8 unit[Filled]
So, Time taken = 10 hr. [Answer.]
24. A thief steals a car at 2:30 PM and drives it at 60km/h. The thief is discovered at 3 PM. And
the owners sets off in another car at 75 kilometers per hour. When will he overtake the thief
Thief speed = 60 km/hr
In 30 min thief goes = 30 km
(x+30)/75= x/60
 (x+30)/5= x/4
 4x+120= 5x
 x = 120
Time needed for car owner= 150/75= 2 hr
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So, overtake thief = 3+2= 5:00 PM(Answer)

25. Of the three numbers, the second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average
of three numbers is 44, what is the largest number
Let, 2nd number = 6x
Ist number = 3x
3rd number = 2x
6x+3x+2x= 44*3
 11x= 44*3
 x = 4*3= 12
So, Largest number= 12*6= 72[Answer.]
26. The average of five consecutive numbers is 48 What is the product of the first and five
Let, the number, x, x+1, x+2,x+3,x+4
5x+(1+2+3+4)= 5*48
 5x + 10= 240
 5x= 230
 x = 46
So, first number = 46 & last number =50
So, product of first and last = 46*50= 2300[Answer]

27. A is thrice as good a workman as B and so takes 60 days less than B for doing a job,.The
time in which they can do the job together is?
A:B= 3:1[Eff.]
A:B= 1:3[Time]
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3x-x= 60
2x= 60
X= 30
So, A= 30
B= 90
90= (3+1)*D
 90/4= D
 D= 22.5 days [Answer]

28. There are 81 litres of pure milk in a container. One third of the milk is replaced by water in
the container. Again one-third of the mixture is replaced with an equal amount of water. What is
the ratio of milk to water in the new mixture?
Initially M= 81 L
81/3= 27 L replace by water
So, Milk:Water = 54:27
Again, 27 L replace
M= 54- 54*27/81= 54-18= 36
W= (81-36)= 45
M:W= 36:45= 4:5[Answer.]

29. A, B & C are three partners of a business. A receives 2/3rd of the profit and the remaining
profit is equally shared by B and C. If A's income increases by tk 400 when the profit of the
business rises from 5% to 7%. Find the profit received by B?
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Total Profit = x
→ So profit of A = 2x/3
→ Remaining Profit = x/3
→→ Profit of B = 1/2 × x/3 = x/6
→→ Profit of C = 1/2 × x/3 = x/6
So, ratio of profit, A : B : C = 2x/3 : x/6 : x/6 = 4 : 1 : 1
As, if nothing is clearly mentioned, profit is always distributed in the ratio of investment, we
can say, in the business the ratio of the investments of A, B, and C is = 4 : 1 : 1
A's investment is 4a. So, B's investment is a, and C's investment is a.
So, total capital of the business = 4a+a+a = 6a
If profit of the business rises from 5% to 7%, increase in the amount of profit = 6a* 2% = 0.12a
So, profit of A increases = 0.12a * 2/3 = 0.08a
According to the question,
0.08a = Tk. 400
a = 5000.

So, total capital in the business = 6a = 6×5000 = Tk. 30000

Total profit of the business, x = Tk. 30000 × 7% = Tk. 2100
Profit attributable to B = x/6 = 2100/6 = Tk. 350.
Answer: Tk. 350.[Answer.]

30. A takes 5 days more than B to do a certain job 9 days more than C;A & B together can do
the job in the same time as C.How many days A would take to do this?
C= T
A= (T+9)
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B= (T+4)
1/(T+4)+1/(T+9)= 1/T
 T(2T+13)= (T+4)*(T+9)
 2T^2+13T= T^2+13T+36
 T^2= 36
 T= 6
A take = (9+6)= 15 days[Answer]

31. Two trains Ajanta express and Taj express simultaneously started on two parallel tracks
from Meerut to Nagpur, which are 390 km a part. The ratio of the speed of Ajanta express and
Taj express is 6 : 7.After how long (in kms) travelling. Taj express exchanges the speed with
Ajanta express so that both the trains reach at their destination simultaneously ?
Speed ratio= 6:7[13]
13= 390
=> 1= 30
=> 7= 210 km
So, After 210 km the exchange their speed [Answer.]

32. A does half as much work as B in three -fourth of the time. If together they take 18 days to
complete the work, how much time shall B take to do it?
Let, B takes = x
A takes =2 x*3/4= 3x/2
A:B= x:3x/2= 2:3
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(2+3)*18= 3*D
=> D= 6*5= 30 days [Answer.]


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35. What would be the measure of the diagonal of a square whose area is equal to 578 sq cm?

a^2= 578
=> a= 24.04
Diagonal = 1.41*24.04= 34 cm[Answer]

Area = 1/2* digaonal^2
Diagonal ^2= 2*578
=> Diagonal^2= 1156
=> Diagonal= √1156= 34[Answer.]

36. the cost price of table and chair together is 690. If the table cost 30% more than chair, then
find the cost of table and chair?

T:C= 13:10
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T= 13*690/23= 13*30= 390

C= 300

37. 6(3/4) * 13 (1/3) + 2^2*?= 30% of 520

(27/4)* (40/3)+ 4x= 3*52
=> 90+4x= 156
=> 4x= 66
=> x= 33/2= 16.5

38. I) 6x^2-11x+4= 0
ii) 50y^2-25y+3= 0

i) 6x^2-11x+4=0
=> 6x^2-8x-3x+4= 0
=> 2x(3x-4)-1(3x-4)= 0
=> x= 1/2 or 4/3

ii) 50y^2-25y+3= 0
=> 50y^2-15y-10y+3= 0
=> 5y(10y-3)-1(10y-3)= 0
=> y= 1/5 or 3/10

So, x>y
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39. There are 3 green, 4 orange and 5 white color bulbs in a bag. If a bulb is picked at random,
what is the probability of having either a green or a white bulb

Total = 12
Either a green or white = 8
Probability = 8/12= 2/3[Answer]

40. The ratio of pens and pencil in a stationary shop is 3 : 2, respectively, The average number
of pens and pencils is 180. What is the of number of pencils in the shop ?

Ratio of pen :Pencil= 3:2
5x/2= 180
=> 5x= 360
=> x= 72
Pencil = 144

41. P q and r start a business. p invests 3 times as much as q invests and q invests 2/3 rd as
much as r invests. find the ratio of capitals of p q and r

P:Q= 3:1= 6:2
Q:R= 2/3 :1= 2:3
P:Q:R= 6:2:3
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42. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and
thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is:

100:25= 4:1
%= 100/5= 20%[Answer.]

43. How many iron rods, each of length 7 meters and diameter 2cm can be made out of 0.88
cubic metre of iron?

(22/7)*7*(1/100)*(1/100) *n= 0.88
=> 22n= 8800
=> n= 400[Answer.]

44.A is three times as old as B. C was twice-as old as A four years ago. In four years' time, A
will be 31. What are the present ages of B and C ?

A= 3B
C-4= 2*(A+4)
=> C-4= 2*(A-4)

A+4= 31
=> A= 27
B= 9
So, C-4= 2*23
=> C= 4+46= 50[Answer.]
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45. If 3√5+√125
= 17.88, then what will be the value of √80+6√5

3√5+5√5= 17.88
=> 8√5= 17.88
=> √5= 1788/800= 2.24

√80+6√5= 4√5+ 6√5= 10*2.24=22.4

46.What will be simple interest for 1 yr and 4 months on a sum of RS. 25800 at the rate of 14%
per annum?
I= 25,800*14*16/100*12= 4816[Answer]

47. An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error
in the calculated area of the square is:

2+2+2*2/100= 4.04[Answer.]

48.A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to
pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was:

36%= 5400
=> 100%= 15000[Answer.]
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49. A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 1 hour, while it comes back in 1(1/2) hours.
If the speed of the stream be 3 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

U:D= 1:3/2= 2:3
B:S= 5/2:1/2= 5:1
5==15 km/hr[Answer]

50. Tk 385 has been divided among A, B, C in such a way that A receives 2/9th of what B and
C together receive. Then A's share is ?

A:(B+C)= 2:9
A= 385*2/11= 70[Answer.]

51. Mother’s age today is thrice as her daughter’s. After 10 years it would be just double. How
old is the daughter today ?

M= 3x
D= x
(3x+10)= 2*(x+10)
=> 3x-2x= 10
=> x= 10[Answer]
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52. A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the stream is 4
km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68 km downstream.

68/(13+4)= 4 hr[Answer.]

53. In what time will the simple interest on Rs 400 at 10% per annum be the same as the simple
interest on Rs 1000 for 4 year at 4 % per annum?

400*t*10/100= 160
=> 40t= 160
=> t= 4 year [Answer]

54. A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3.What is the percentage error in the

#Solution: Let the number= 15

Error = 15*5/3 - 15*3/5= 16
%= 16*100/25= 64%[Answer]

55. A car covers four successive 7 km distances at speeds of 10 km / hour, 20 km / hour, 30 km

/ hour and 60 km / hour respectively. Its average speed over this distance is

T= 7/10+7/20+7/30+7/60
= (42+21+14+7)/60
= 84/60= 7/5
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D= 28
S= D/T= 28*5/7= 20 km/hr[Answer]

56. The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many
year younger than A?


A+B-B-C= 12
=> A-C= 12[Answer]
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33. A man can row at 5 kmph in still water. If the velocity of current is 1 kmph and it takes him
1 hour to row to a place and come back, how far is the place?

Let, The Distance = D
D/6+D/4= 1
=> 5D= 12
=> D= 2.4 km[Answer]

34. Two men P and Q start from a place walking at 5 km/h and 6.5 km/h, respectively. What is
the time they will take to be 92 km apart, if they walk in opposite the direction?

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RS= (5+6.5)= 11.5

Time = 92*10/115= (4*10/5)= 8 hr [Answer]

35. Two men, A and B, run a 4 km race on a circular course of 1/4 km. If their speeds are in the
ratio of 5:4, how often does the winner pass the other?

Total Race = 4 km
Course = 1/4
Speed ratio= 5:4
Winner meet once in every five rounds which is 5/4 km
Time = 4*4/5= 16/5[3 times]

36. A sum of money amounts to Rs.6690 after 3 years and to Rs.10,035 after 6 years on
compound interest.find the sum.

P*(1+r)^3= 6690______[1]
P*(1+r)^6= 10,035_____[2]

(1+r)^3= 10,035/6690= 3/2
Put this value into [1]
P*(3/2)= 6690
=> P= 6690*2/3= 4460[Answer]
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37.One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card
drawn is a face card (Jack, Queen and King only)?

Favorable = 3*4= 12
Probability = 12/52= 3/13[Answer]

38. If two times of the daughter’s age in years is included to the mother’s age, the total is 70 and
if two times of the mother’s age is included to the daughter’s age, the total is 95. So the
Mother’s age is,

Let Daughter age = x
Mother age = y
2x+y= 70
=> y= 70-2x_______[1]

2y+x= 95
=> y= (95-x)/2_______[2]

From [1] & [2]

(95-x)= 2*(70-2x)
=> 95-x= 140-4x
=> 3x= 45
=> x= 15
So, Mother age= (95-15)/2= 40 years [Answer]
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39. A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3, What is the percentage error in the
calculation ?

LCM of 5 & 3= 15
Let, the number be= 15
Wrong result = 15*3/5= 9
Right result = 15*5/3= 25
% error = 16*100/25= 4*16= 64%[Answer]

40. Ten years ago A was half of B in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3 : 4, what will be
the total of their present ages

Ten years ago A age = x
B age = 2x
(x+10)/(2x+10)= 3/4
=> 4x+40= 6x+30
=> 2x= 10
=> x= 5
Total.age = 3*5+20= 35[Answer]

41. The size of the wooden block is 5 x 10 x 20 cm .How many such blocks will be required to
construct a solid wooden cube of minimum size?

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HCF of 5,10,20= 5
Minimum size= (5*10*20)/(5*5*5)
= 2*4= 8[Answer]

42. A tank is 25m long 12m wide and 6m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom at 75
paise per sq m is


Area of 4 wall and bottom = 2*(L+B)*H+L*B

= 2*(25+12)*6+25*12
= 2*37*6+ 300= 744 m^2
Cost of plastering = 744*3/4= 558[ Answer]

43. The diference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number, if the smaller number is 20,
then the larger number is :

Let, the number be = x and y
x-20= x/5
=> 4x/5= 20
=> 4x= 100
=> x= 25[Answer]

44. 12 buckets of water fill a tank when the capacity of each tank is 13.5 liters. How many
buckets will be needed to fill the same tank,if the capacity of each bucket is 9 liters?
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9*B= 12*13.5
=> B= 12*135/90= 18[Answer]

45. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 :3 and that of the
second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:

First:2nd = 2:3= 10:15
2nd:3rd= 5:8= 15:24
First:2nd:3rd= 10:15:24
2nd Number = 98*15/49= 30[Answer]

46. If k:l= 4:3 and l:m= 5:3, then find k:l:m=?

K:l= 4:3= 20:15
l:m= 5:3= 15:9
K:l:m = 20:15:9[Answer]

48. The value of √{10+√25+√108+√154+√225}

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= √{10+√36
= √16= 4[Answer]

49. A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in
opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train?

270+x= 200*5/2
=> 540+2x= 1000
=> x= 230 [Answer]

50. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for 14
months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?

14x/8y= 5/7
=> 98x= 40y
=> x:y= 20:49
8y/7z= 7/8
=> 64y=49z
=> y:z= 49:64
x:y:z= 20:49:64[Answer]

51. An aeroplane flies along the four sides of a square at a speed of 200, 400, 600 and 800
km/h, respectively. What is the average speed of the plane in its flight around the square?

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Let Total distance = 4D

Time = D/200+D/400+D/600+D/800
= (12D+6D+4D+3D)/2400
= 25D/2400
= D/96
Avg Speed = 4D*96/D
= 4*96= 384 km/hr

52. X can do a certain work in the same time in which Y and Z together can do it. If X and Y
together could do it in 10 days and Z alone in 15 days, then Y alone could do it in :

(X+Y):Z= 3:2
Time = 30/5= 6 days
(Y+Z):X= 1:1
So, X= 12 days
So, Y= 60/(10-9)= 60 days

53. 98.98/ 11.03+7.014*15.99

= 99/11 +7*16
= 9+112= 121

54. A and B start a business with initial investment in the ratio 12 : 11 and their annual profits
were in the ratio 4 : 1. If A invested the money for 11 months . B invested the money for ?

12*11/11*x= 4/1
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=> 12/x= 4
=> x= 3

55. If m= 7-4√3 then (√m+1/√m)=?

1/m= 1/(7-4√3)
= (7+4√3)/1
= 7+4√3

So, m+1/m= 7-4√3+7+4√3

= 14
(√m+1/√m)^2= m+1/m +2= 14+2
=> √m+1/√m= 4[Answer]

56. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out
and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now
contained by the container?

#Solution::40*(9/10)^3= 29.16 L[Answer]

#ছপরকছব এমছসছকউ েছণত্ সমোধো ।

সমোধোর ঃ Md Mutaher Hussain

কোরটুসী িোেো কছপ কররব ো।ভু ত্রুটি করমরন্ট জো োরব ।

অংক কররত্ কররত্ িোন্ত হইয়ো নে োম। ো জোছ আজ পরীক্ষোথীরির নকম িখ নেরি।
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

31. A man can walk uphill at the rate of 2.5 km/hr. and downhill at the rate of 3.25 km/hr. If
the total time required to walk a certain distance up the hill and return to the starting position is
4 hours. 36 min What is the distance he walked up the hill?


D/2.5+D/3.25= 4(3/5)= 23/5

=> 10D/25+100D/325= 23/5
=> 2D/5+20D/65= 23/5
=> (26D+20D)/65= 23/5
=> 46D= 13*23
=> D= 13*23/46= 6.5 hr[Answer.]

32. A, B and C enter into a partnership with a capital in which A's contribution is Rs. 10,000. If
out of a total profit of Rs. 1000, A gets Rs. 500 and B gets Rs. 300, then C's capital is :

Profit ; A:B:C= 500:300:200= 5:3:2

33.The marked price of an article is Rs. 500. It is sold at successive discount of 20% and 10%.
The selling price of the article?

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

SP= 80% of 90% of 500

= (4/5)*(9/10)*500
= (4*9*500)/50= 36*10= 360[Answer.]

34.if (p/q)^(n-1)= (q/p)^n-3 then, n=?

(p/q)^(n-1)= (q/p)^(n-3)

=> (p/q)^(n-1)= (p/q)^(3-n)

=> n-1= 3-n

=> 2n= 4

=> n= 2[Answer]

35. A vessel is filled with liquid, which is 3 parts water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the
liquid should be drawn of and replaced by water to make it half water and half syrup?

W:S= 3:5
Let, R= x
3-3x/8+x = 5-5x/8

=> (24+5x)/8= (40-5x)/8

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=> 24+5x= 40-5x

=> 10x= 16

=> x= 8/5
So, total part replace= 8/5*8= 1/5

36.One-fourth of the boys and three-eight of the girls in a school participated in the annual
sports. What proportional part of the total student population of the school participated in the
annual sports ?
Data inadequate

37. If the rate of simple interest is 12% per annum the amount that would fetch interest of Rs
6000 per annum is ?

I= Pnr
=> 6000= P*1*12/100
=> 12P= 6000*100
=> P= 50,000[Answer.]

38.The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is rs. 420. The simple
interest on the same sum for double the time at half the rate percent per annum is:
Eff rate= 10+10+10*10/100= 21%
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21%= 420
=> 100%= 2,000
SI= 2,000*4*5/100= 400 RS[Answer.]

39. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the
probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

Multiple of 3 or 5= (3,6,9,12,15,18,5,10,20)= 9
Total = 20
Probability = 9/20

40. A bag contains 2 red Roses, 4 yellow Roses and 6 pink Roses. Two roses are drawn at
random. What is the probability that they are not of same color?

= 1-(1+6+15)/66
= (66-22)/66= 44/66= 2/3[Answer.]

41. The sum of ages of father and son is 60 years. Five years ago father is four time the age of, now the son age will be?

F+S= 60
Let, Father present age = x
Son age = (60-x)
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Five years back father age= x-5

Son = 55-x
x-5= 4*(55-x)
=> x-5= 220-4x
=> 5x= 225
=> x= 45
So, son present age= (60-45)= 15 years [Answer.]

42. :
A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is equal
to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:

lb+lb= 2*(l+b)*h

=> 15*12*2= 2*27*h

=> 360= 54*h
=> h= 360/54= 180/27= 60/9= 20/3

Volume= 15*12*20/3= 60*20= 1200[Answer.]

43. A cylindrical rod of iron, whose height is equal to its radius, is melted and cast into
spherical balls whose radius is half the radius of the rod. Find the number of balls.

Cylinder volume= πr^2*r= πr^3
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Sphere volume= 4/3 πr^3/8

= πr^3/6
Number of balls = πr^3/(πr^3/6)= 6 [Answer.]

44.A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half
of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?

Let, person present age =2x/5
So mother = x
(x+8)= 2*(2x/5+8)
=> x+8= 2*(2x+40)/5
=> 5x+40= 4x+80
=> x= 40[Answer.]

45. The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage
change in area?

Let, L= 10; B = 10
Initial area = 100
Final area= 5*30= 150
Percentage change= 150-100= 50%

46. Fresh fruit contain 68% of water and dry fruit contain 20% of water. Then how much dry
fruits have in 100 kilograms fresh fruits?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

(100-68)% of 100= 80% of x
=> 32= 80% of x
=> x= 40 gm [Answer.]

47. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are
opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?

Half fill in = 3 hr
Now, 1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6= 4/6= 2/3 part in = 1 hr
1 part in = 3/2 hr
1/2 part in = 3/4 or 45 min
Ans. 3 hr 45 min[answer.]

48. The salaries of A, B, and C are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. The salary of B and C together is Rs.
6000. By what percent is the salary of C more than that of A?

A:B:C= 1:2:3
5= 6000
1= 1200
3= 3600
More 2400
x*(1/100)= 2400/1200
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=> x= 2400*100/1200= 200%[Answer.]

49. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 7. If 6 be added to each of them, then they are in the ratio 5
: 9. Find the numbers ?

(3x+6)/(7x+6)= 5/9
=> 27x+54= 35x+30
=> 8x= 24
=> x= 3
Numbers are 3*3= 9 & 7*3= 21[Answer.]

50. 28√?+ 1426= (3/4) of 2872

=> 28√x+1426= 2154
=> 28√x= 728
=> √x= 728/28= 26
=> x= 26*26= 676 [Answer.]


A bag contains 50 P, 25 P and 10 P coins in the ratio 5: 9: 4, amounting to Rs. 206. Find the
number of coins of each type respectively.

5*x/2+9*x/4+4*x/10= 206
=> x= 40
Number of coin
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

50P= 200
25P= 360
10P= 160

52. Painter A can paint a house in 16 days and Painter B can do it in 20 days. With help of C,
they did the job in 8 days only. Then, C alone can do the job in

1/16+1/20+1/x= 1/8
=> 1/x= 1/8-(1/16+1/20)
=> 1/x= 1/8-(5+4)/80= 1/8-9/80
=> 1/x= 1/80
=> C can do the work in 80 days[Answer.]

53. A and B start at the same time with speed of 40 km/hr. and 50 km/hr. respectively. If in
covering the journey A takes 15 miuntes longer than B, the total distance of the journey is:

40*(t+1/4)= 50*t
=> 40t+10= 50t
=> 10t= 10
=> t= 1
Distance= 50*1= 50 km[Answer.]

54. A person borrows Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to
another person at 6(1/4)%p.a for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year

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Gain = 5000*(25/4)*2/100-5000*8/100
= 625-400= 225
Per year = 225/2= 112.5 [Answer.]

55. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27
seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds.ratio of their


56. A tank has two leakages. The first leakage alone can empty the tank in 9 minutes and the
second alone would have done it in 6 minutes. If water leaks out at a constant rate, how long
does it take both the leakage together to empty the tank?


Let capacity= 18 L
Time= 18/(3+2)= 3.6 min.[Answer.]

57. The time taken a boat travel 36 miles downstream takes 90 minutes less than to travel the
same distance upstream. If the speed of the boat in still water is 10 mph, the speed of the stream

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36/(10-x)-36/(10+x)= 3/2
=> 36*(10+x-10+x)/(10+x)(10-x)= 3/2

=> 36*2x/(100-x^2)= 3/2

=> 144= 300-3x^2
=> x^2+48x-100= 0
=> (x+50)(x-2)= 0
=> x= 2[answer.]

58. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 22 km along the downstrsam covering the
same distance upstream at 10 km/hr, . What is the ratio of speed of the boat and stream?
x+y= 22
=> 2x= 32
=> x= 16
and y= 3
x:y= 8:3

59.In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25%, but the selling
price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit

(295*100)/420= 70%

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#Solved_By: Md Mutaher Hussain


[অ ম
ু ছত্ বযছত্ত্ কছপ কররব ো। ভু ত্রুটি করমরন্ট জো োরব ]

33. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/hr
and 36 km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is:
Let, Length of each train= x
2x= 10*5*36/18= 100
=> 2x= 100
=> x= 50
So, L of each train = 50m [Answer.]

34. A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work.
Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in

A:B= 1:2
A:C= 1:3
A:B:C= 1:2:3[eff.]
2*(1+2+3)= 2*D
=> D= 12/2= 6 days [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain


The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss
incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to
make 25% profit?

Let, CP= x
(1920-x)*100/x= (x-1280)*100/x

=> 1920-x= x-1280

=> 2x= 3200
=> x= 1600
At 25% profit= 5*1600/4= 2000[Answer.]

5/4* (1920+1120)/2= 5/4* 1600= 2000[Answer.]

36. A person travels a certain distance at 3 km/h and reaches 15 min late. If he travels at 4
km/h, he reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he has to travel is

D/3-D/4= 2/4= 1/2
=> D/12= 1/2
=> 2D= 12
=> D= 6 km[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

37. A boy traveled from the home to the college at the rate of 25 kmph and walked back at the
rate of 4 kmph. If the whole journey took 5 hours 48 minutes, find the distance of


Let, Distance = D
D/25+D/4= 5(4/5)
=> 29D/100= 29/5
=> 5D= 100
=> D= 20 km[Answer.]

38.(√1372+√959)/292 *√

39. Two men and three women can repair a bridge in 10 days while three men and two women
can do same work in 8 days. If two men and one woman are used to finish this work, in how
many days they will complete it?

(2M+3W)*10= 8*(3M+2W)
=> 20M+30W= 24M+16W
=> 4M= 14W
=> M:W= 7:2
(2*7+3*2)*10= (2*7+2)*D
=> 200= 16D
=> D= 25/2= 12.5 days[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

40. A boatman takes twice as long to row a distance against the stream as to row the same
distance with the stream. Find the ratio of speeds of the boat in still water and the stream.

U:D= 2:1[time]
U:D= 1:2[Speed]
B:S= 3/2:1/2= 3:1[Answer.]

41. Speed of a boat in standing water is 9 kmph and the speed of the stream is 1.5 kmph. A man
rows to a place at a distance of 105 km and comes back to the starting point. The total time
taken by him is:

Time= 105/10.5+105/7.5= 24 hour

42. A, B and C invested capitals in the ratio of 4 : 6 : 9. At the end of the business term, they
received the profit in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. Find the ratio of their time for which they contributed
their capitals.

A:B:C= 4:6:9
4A/6B= 2/3
=> 12A= 12 B
=> A:B= 1:1= 9:9
6B/9C= 3/5
=> 30B= 27C
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=> B:C= 9:10

A:B:C= 9:9:10[Answer.]

43. A trader marks his goods 20% above the cost price.if he gives a discount of 5% on marked
price, then find his gain percent.

95% of 120-100= 120*19/20 -100
= 114-100= 14%

44. If a=√3/2 then √(1+a)+√(1-a)=?

Let, x= √(1+a)+√(1-a)
=> x^2= 1+a+1-a+2*√(1+a)*√(1-a)
=> x^2= 2+ 2√(1-a^2)
=> x^2=2+ 2*√(1-3/4)
=> x^2= 2+2*√1/4
=> x^2= 3
=> x=√3[Answer.]

45. Some money is divided amongst three workers A, B and C such that 5 times A's share is
equal to 12 times B's share which is equal to 6 times C's share. The ratio between the shares of
A, B and C is ?

5A= 12B
=> A:B= 12:5
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12B= 6C
=> B: C= 1:2= 5:10

A:B:C= 12:5:10[Answer.]

46. At simple interest of 5%, 6% and 8% for three consecutive years, the interest earned is ₹
760. find the principle. ?

5P/100+6P/100+8P/100= 760
=> 19P= 760*100
=> P= 4000[Answer.]

47. If the compound interest of a certain sum of money for two successive years be Rs, 225 and
Rs. 238.50. What is the rate of interest per annum ?

(238.30-225)*100/225= 6%

48.A bag contains 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue balls. Three balls are drawn at random from the
bag. The probability that all of them are red, is:

5C3/15C3= 2/91

49. A word consists of 9 letters; 5 consonants and 4 vowels.Three letters are choosen at random.
What is the probability that more than one vowel will be selected ?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[(4C2*5C1+ 4C3]/9C3= 17/42

50. The ages of X and Y are in the proportion of 6:5 and total of their ages is 44 years. The
proportion of their ages after 8 years will be

(44*6/11 +8):(44*5/11 +8)
= 32:28
= 8:7[Answer.]

51. The volume of a wall, 5 times as high as it is broad and 8 times as long as it is high, is 12.8
cu. meters. Find the breadth of the wall.

x*5x*40x= 12.8
=> x= 4*100/10= 40cm [Answer.]

52. A rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the
area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?

20*L= 680
=> L= 34
Fencing = 2*(34+20)-20= 88m [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

53. A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number so obtained is 10
less than the original number. What was the oiginal number ?

100-(11/10)*(9/10)*100= 10
=> 1%= 10
=> 100%= 1000[Answer.]

54. A cistern is normally filled in 8 hrs, but it takes 2 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its
bottom. if the cistern is full, the leak will empty it in.

55. A sum of TK 427 is divided among A B C such that 3 time A share, 4 time B, 7 time C is
equal. The share of C is?

3A= 4B= 7C= x
=> A: B: C= x/3:x/4:x/7= 28:21:12
C share = 427*12/61= 84[Answer.]


A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3 : 2. If 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's
share is Rs. 855, the total profit is:

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5==855*5/3= 1425
95%= 1425
=> 100%= 1500[Answer.]

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35. What would be the measure of the diagonal of a square whose area is equal to 578 sq cm?

a^2= 578
=> a= 24.04
Diagonal = 1.41*24.04= 34 cm[Answer]

Area = 1/2* digaonal^2
Diagonal ^2= 2*578
=> Diagonal^2= 1156
=> Diagonal= √1156= 34[Answer.]

36. the cost price of table and chair together is 690. If the table cost 30% more than chair, then
find the cost of table and chair?

T:C= 13:10
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T= 13*690/23= 13*30= 390

C= 300

37. 6(3/4) * 13 (1/3) + 2^2*?= 30% of 520

(27/4)* (40/3)+ 4x= 3*52
=> 90+4x= 156
=> 4x= 66
=> x= 33/2= 16.5

38. I) 6x^2-11x+4= 0
ii) 50y^2-25y+3= 0

i) 6x^2-11x+4=0
=> 6x^2-8x-3x+4= 0
=> 2x(3x-4)-1(3x-4)= 0
=> x= 1/2 or 4/3

ii) 50y^2-25y+3= 0
=> 50y^2-15y-10y+3= 0
=> 5y(10y-3)-1(10y-3)= 0
=> y= 1/5 or 3/10

So, x>y
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

39. There are 3 green, 4 orange and 5 white color bulbs in a bag. If a bulb is picked at random,
what is the probability of having either a green or a white bulb

Total = 12
Either a green or white = 8
Probability = 8/12= 2/3[Answer]

40. The ratio of pens and pencil in a stationary shop is 3 : 2, respectively, The average number
of pens and pencils is 180. What is the of number of pencils in the shop ?

Ratio of pen :Pencil= 3:2
5x/2= 180
=> 5x= 360
=> x= 72
Pencil = 144

41. P q and r start a business. p invests 3 times as much as q invests and q invests 2/3 rd as
much as r invests. find the ratio of capitals of p q and r

P:Q= 3:1= 6:2
Q:R= 2/3 :1= 2:3
P:Q:R= 6:2:3
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

42. A dishonest milkman professes to sell his milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and
thereby gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is:

100:25= 4:1
%= 100/5= 20%[Answer.]

43. How many iron rods, each of length 7 meters and diameter 2cm can be made out of 0.88
cubic metre of iron?

(22/7)*7*(1/100)*(1/100) *n= 0.88
=> 22n= 8800
=> n= 400[Answer.]

44.A is three times as old as B. C was twice-as old as A four years ago. In four years' time, A
will be 31. What are the present ages of B and C ?

A= 3B
C-4= 2*(A+4)
=> C-4= 2*(A-4)

A+4= 31
=> A= 27
B= 9
So, C-4= 2*23
=> C= 4+46= 50[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

45. If 3√5+√125
= 17.88, then what will be the value of √80+6√5

3√5+5√5= 17.88
=> 8√5= 17.88
=> √5= 1788/800= 2.24

√80+6√5= 4√5+ 6√5= 10*2.24=22.4

46.What will be simple interest for 1 yr and 4 months on a sum of RS. 25800 at the rate of 14%
per annum?
I= 25,800*14*16/100*12= 4816[Answer]

47. An error 2% in excess is made while measuring the side of a square. The percentage of error
in the calculated area of the square is:

2+2+2*2/100= 4.04[Answer.]

48.A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to
pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was:

36%= 5400
=> 100%= 15000[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

49. A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 1 hour, while it comes back in 1(1/2) hours.
If the speed of the stream be 3 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

U:D= 1:3/2= 2:3
B:S= 5/2:1/2= 5:1
5==15 km/hr[Answer]

50. Tk 385 has been divided among A, B, C in such a way that A receives 2/9th of what B and
C together receive. Then A's share is ?

A:(B+C)= 2:9
A= 385*2/11= 70[Answer.]

51. Mother’s age today is thrice as her daughter’s. After 10 years it would be just double. How
old is the daughter today ?

M= 3x
D= x
(3x+10)= 2*(x+10)
=> 3x-2x= 10
=> x= 10[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

52. A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the stream is 4
km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68 km downstream.

68/(13+4)= 4 hr[Answer.]

53. In what time will the simple interest on Rs 400 at 10% per annum be the same as the simple
interest on Rs 1000 for 4 year at 4 % per annum?

400*t*10/100= 160
=> 40t= 160
=> t= 4 year [Answer]

54. A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3.What is the percentage error in the

#Solution: Let the number= 15

Error = 15*5/3 - 15*3/5= 16
%= 16*100/25= 64%[Answer]

55. A car covers four successive 7 km distances at speeds of 10 km / hour, 20 km / hour, 30 km

/ hour and 60 km / hour respectively. Its average speed over this distance is

T= 7/10+7/20+7/30+7/60
= (42+21+14+7)/60
= 84/60= 7/5
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D= 28
S= D/T= 28*5/7= 20 km/hr[Answer]

56. The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many
year younger than A?


A+B-B-C= 12
=> A-C= 12[Answer]
Math Solution:
Solved by: Md Mutaher Hussain

33. A man can row at 5 kmph in still water. If the velocity of current is 1 kmph and it takes him
1 hour to row to a place and come back, how far is the place?

Let, The Distance = D
D/6+D/4= 1
=> 5D= 12
=> D= 2.4 km[Answer]

34. Two men P and Q start from a place walking at 5 km/h and 6.5 km/h, respectively. What is
the time they will take to be 92 km apart, if they walk in opposite the direction?

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RS= (5+6.5)= 11.5

Time = 92*10/115= (4*10/5)= 8 hr [Answer]

35. Two men, A and B, run a 4 km race on a circular course of 1/4 km. If their speeds are in the
ratio of 5:4, how often does the winner pass the other?

Total Race = 4 km
Course = 1/4
Speed ratio= 5:4
Winner meet once in every five rounds which is 5/4 km
Time = 4*4/5= 16/5[3 times]

36. A sum of money amounts to Rs.6690 after 3 years and to Rs.10,035 after 6 years on
compound interest.find the sum.

P*(1+r)^3= 6690______[1]
P*(1+r)^6= 10,035_____[2]

(1+r)^3= 10,035/6690= 3/2
Put this value into [1]
P*(3/2)= 6690
=> P= 6690*2/3= 4460[Answer]
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37.One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card
drawn is a face card (Jack, Queen and King only)?

Favorable = 3*4= 12
Probability = 12/52= 3/13[Answer]

38. If two times of the daughter’s age in years is included to the mother’s age, the total is 70 and
if two times of the mother’s age is included to the daughter’s age, the total is 95. So the
Mother’s age is,

Let Daughter age = x
Mother age = y
2x+y= 70
=> y= 70-2x_______[1]

2y+x= 95
=> y= (95-x)/2_______[2]

From [1] & [2]

(95-x)= 2*(70-2x)
=> 95-x= 140-4x
=> 3x= 45
=> x= 15
So, Mother age= (95-15)/2= 40 years [Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

39. A student multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3, What is the percentage error in the
calculation ?

LCM of 5 & 3= 15
Let, the number be= 15
Wrong result = 15*3/5= 9
Right result = 15*5/3= 25
% error = 16*100/25= 4*16= 64%[Answer]

40. Ten years ago A was half of B in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3 : 4, what will be
the total of their present ages

Ten years ago A age = x
B age = 2x
(x+10)/(2x+10)= 3/4
=> 4x+40= 6x+30
=> 2x= 10
=> x= 5
Total.age = 3*5+20= 35[Answer]

41. The size of the wooden block is 5 x 10 x 20 cm .How many such blocks will be required to
construct a solid wooden cube of minimum size?

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HCF of 5,10,20= 5
Minimum size= (5*10*20)/(5*5*5)
= 2*4= 8[Answer]

42. A tank is 25m long 12m wide and 6m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and bottom at 75
paise per sq m is


Area of 4 wall and bottom = 2*(L+B)*H+L*B

= 2*(25+12)*6+25*12
= 2*37*6+ 300= 744 m^2
Cost of plastering = 744*3/4= 558[ Answer]

43. The diference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number, if the smaller number is 20,
then the larger number is :

Let, the number be = x and y
x-20= x/5
=> 4x/5= 20
=> 4x= 100
=> x= 25[Answer]

44. 12 buckets of water fill a tank when the capacity of each tank is 13.5 liters. How many
buckets will be needed to fill the same tank,if the capacity of each bucket is 9 liters?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain


9*B= 12*13.5
=> B= 12*135/90= 18[Answer]

45. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio of the first to second is 2 :3 and that of the
second to the third is 5 : 8, then the second number is:

First:2nd = 2:3= 10:15
2nd:3rd= 5:8= 15:24
First:2nd:3rd= 10:15:24
2nd Number = 98*15/49= 30[Answer]

46. If k:l= 4:3 and l:m= 5:3, then find k:l:m=?

K:l= 4:3= 20:15
l:m= 5:3= 15:9
K:l:m = 20:15:9[Answer]

48. The value of √{10+√25+√108+√154+√225}

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= √{10+√36
= √16= 4[Answer]

49. A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in
opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train?

270+x= 200*5/2
=> 540+2x= 1000
=> x= 230 [Answer]

50. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for 14
months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?

14x/8y= 5/7
=> 98x= 40y
=> x:y= 20:49
8y/7z= 7/8
=> 64y=49z
=> y:z= 49:64
x:y:z= 20:49:64[Answer]

51. An aeroplane flies along the four sides of a square at a speed of 200, 400, 600 and 800
km/h, respectively. What is the average speed of the plane in its flight around the square?

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Let Total distance = 4D

Time = D/200+D/400+D/600+D/800
= (12D+6D+4D+3D)/2400
= 25D/2400
= D/96
Avg Speed = 4D*96/D
= 4*96= 384 km/hr

52. X can do a certain work in the same time in which Y and Z together can do it. If X and Y
together could do it in 10 days and Z alone in 15 days, then Y alone could do it in :

(X+Y):Z= 3:2
Time = 30/5= 6 days
(Y+Z):X= 1:1
So, X= 12 days
So, Y= 60/(10-9)= 60 days

53. 98.98/ 11.03+7.014*15.99

= 99/11 +7*16
= 9+112= 121

54. A and B start a business with initial investment in the ratio 12 : 11 and their annual profits
were in the ratio 4 : 1. If A invested the money for 11 months . B invested the money for ?

12*11/11*x= 4/1
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=> 12/x= 4
=> x= 3

55. If m= 7-4√3 then (√m+1/√m)=?

1/m= 1/(7-4√3)
= (7+4√3)/1
= 7+4√3

So, m+1/m= 7-4√3+7+4√3

= 14
(√m+1/√m)^2= m+1/m +2= 14+2
=> √m+1/√m= 4[Answer]

56. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out
and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now
contained by the container?

#Solution::40*(9/10)^3= 29.16 L[Answer]

#ছপরকছব এমছসছকউ েছণত্ সমোধো ।

সমোধোর ঃ Md Mutaher Hussain

কোরটুসী িোেো কছপ কররব ো।ভু ত্রুটি করমরন্ট জো োরব ।

অংক কররত্ কররত্ িোন্ত হইয়ো নে োম। ো জোছ আজ পরীক্ষোথীরির নকম িখ নেরি।
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

31. A man can walk uphill at the rate of 2.5 km/hr. and downhill at the rate of 3.25 km/hr. If
the total time required to walk a certain distance up the hill and return to the starting position is
4 hours. 36 min What is the distance he walked up the hill?


D/2.5+D/3.25= 4(3/5)= 23/5

=> 10D/25+100D/325= 23/5
=> 2D/5+20D/65= 23/5
=> (26D+20D)/65= 23/5
=> 46D= 13*23
=> D= 13*23/46= 6.5 hr[Answer.]

32. A, B and C enter into a partnership with a capital in which A's contribution is Rs. 10,000. If
out of a total profit of Rs. 1000, A gets Rs. 500 and B gets Rs. 300, then C's capital is :

Profit ; A:B:C= 500:300:200= 5:3:2

33.The marked price of an article is Rs. 500. It is sold at successive discount of 20% and 10%.
The selling price of the article?

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

SP= 80% of 90% of 500

= (4/5)*(9/10)*500
= (4*9*500)/50= 36*10= 360[Answer.]

34.if (p/q)^(n-1)= (q/p)^n-3 then, n=?

(p/q)^(n-1)= (q/p)^(n-3)

=> (p/q)^(n-1)= (p/q)^(3-n)

=> n-1= 3-n

=> 2n= 4

=> n= 2[Answer]

35. A vessel is filled with liquid, which is 3 parts water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the
liquid should be drawn of and replaced by water to make it half water and half syrup?

W:S= 3:5
Let, R= x
3-3x/8+x = 5-5x/8

=> (24+5x)/8= (40-5x)/8

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=> 24+5x= 40-5x

=> 10x= 16

=> x= 8/5
So, total part replace= 8/5*8= 1/5

36.One-fourth of the boys and three-eight of the girls in a school participated in the annual
sports. What proportional part of the total student population of the school participated in the
annual sports ?
Data inadequate

37. If the rate of simple interest is 12% per annum the amount that would fetch interest of Rs
6000 per annum is ?

I= Pnr
=> 6000= P*1*12/100
=> 12P= 6000*100
=> P= 50,000[Answer.]

38.The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 10% per annum is rs. 420. The simple
interest on the same sum for double the time at half the rate percent per annum is:
Eff rate= 10+10+10*10/100= 21%
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

21%= 420
=> 100%= 2,000
SI= 2,000*4*5/100= 400 RS[Answer.]

39. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the
probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

Multiple of 3 or 5= (3,6,9,12,15,18,5,10,20)= 9
Total = 20
Probability = 9/20

40. A bag contains 2 red Roses, 4 yellow Roses and 6 pink Roses. Two roses are drawn at
random. What is the probability that they are not of same color?

= 1-(1+6+15)/66
= (66-22)/66= 44/66= 2/3[Answer.]

41. The sum of ages of father and son is 60 years. Five years ago father is four time the age of, now the son age will be?

F+S= 60
Let, Father present age = x
Son age = (60-x)
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Five years back father age= x-5

Son = 55-x
x-5= 4*(55-x)
=> x-5= 220-4x
=> 5x= 225
=> x= 45
So, son present age= (60-45)= 15 years [Answer.]

42. :
A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is equal
to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:

lb+lb= 2*(l+b)*h

=> 15*12*2= 2*27*h

=> 360= 54*h
=> h= 360/54= 180/27= 60/9= 20/3

Volume= 15*12*20/3= 60*20= 1200[Answer.]

43. A cylindrical rod of iron, whose height is equal to its radius, is melted and cast into
spherical balls whose radius is half the radius of the rod. Find the number of balls.

Cylinder volume= πr^2*r= πr^3
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Sphere volume= 4/3 πr^3/8

= πr^3/6
Number of balls = πr^3/(πr^3/6)= 6 [Answer.]

44.A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one-half
of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?

Let, person present age =2x/5
So mother = x
(x+8)= 2*(2x/5+8)
=> x+8= 2*(2x+40)/5
=> 5x+40= 4x+80
=> x= 40[Answer.]

45. The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What is the percentage
change in area?

Let, L= 10; B = 10
Initial area = 100
Final area= 5*30= 150
Percentage change= 150-100= 50%

46. Fresh fruit contain 68% of water and dry fruit contain 20% of water. Then how much dry
fruits have in 100 kilograms fresh fruits?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

(100-68)% of 100= 80% of x
=> 32= 80% of x
=> x= 40 gm [Answer.]

47. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are
opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?

Half fill in = 3 hr
Now, 1/6+1/6+1/6+1/6= 4/6= 2/3 part in = 1 hr
1 part in = 3/2 hr
1/2 part in = 3/4 or 45 min
Ans. 3 hr 45 min[answer.]

48. The salaries of A, B, and C are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. The salary of B and C together is Rs.
6000. By what percent is the salary of C more than that of A?

A:B:C= 1:2:3
5= 6000
1= 1200
3= 3600
More 2400
x*(1/100)= 2400/1200
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=> x= 2400*100/1200= 200%[Answer.]

49. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 7. If 6 be added to each of them, then they are in the ratio 5
: 9. Find the numbers ?

(3x+6)/(7x+6)= 5/9
=> 27x+54= 35x+30
=> 8x= 24
=> x= 3
Numbers are 3*3= 9 & 7*3= 21[Answer.]

50. 28√?+ 1426= (3/4) of 2872

=> 28√x+1426= 2154
=> 28√x= 728
=> √x= 728/28= 26
=> x= 26*26= 676 [Answer.]


A bag contains 50 P, 25 P and 10 P coins in the ratio 5: 9: 4, amounting to Rs. 206. Find the
number of coins of each type respectively.

5*x/2+9*x/4+4*x/10= 206
=> x= 40
Number of coin
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

50P= 200
25P= 360
10P= 160

52. Painter A can paint a house in 16 days and Painter B can do it in 20 days. With help of C,
they did the job in 8 days only. Then, C alone can do the job in

1/16+1/20+1/x= 1/8
=> 1/x= 1/8-(1/16+1/20)
=> 1/x= 1/8-(5+4)/80= 1/8-9/80
=> 1/x= 1/80
=> C can do the work in 80 days[Answer.]

53. A and B start at the same time with speed of 40 km/hr. and 50 km/hr. respectively. If in
covering the journey A takes 15 miuntes longer than B, the total distance of the journey is:

40*(t+1/4)= 50*t
=> 40t+10= 50t
=> 10t= 10
=> t= 1
Distance= 50*1= 50 km[Answer.]

54. A person borrows Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to
another person at 6(1/4)%p.a for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year

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Gain = 5000*(25/4)*2/100-5000*8/100
= 625-400= 225
Per year = 225/2= 112.5 [Answer.]

55. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27
seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds.ratio of their


56. A tank has two leakages. The first leakage alone can empty the tank in 9 minutes and the
second alone would have done it in 6 minutes. If water leaks out at a constant rate, how long
does it take both the leakage together to empty the tank?


Let capacity= 18 L
Time= 18/(3+2)= 3.6 min.[Answer.]

57. The time taken a boat travel 36 miles downstream takes 90 minutes less than to travel the
same distance upstream. If the speed of the boat in still water is 10 mph, the speed of the stream

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

36/(10-x)-36/(10+x)= 3/2
=> 36*(10+x-10+x)/(10+x)(10-x)= 3/2

=> 36*2x/(100-x^2)= 3/2

=> 144= 300-3x^2
=> x^2+48x-100= 0
=> (x+50)(x-2)= 0
=> x= 2[answer.]

58. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 22 km along the downstrsam covering the
same distance upstream at 10 km/hr, . What is the ratio of speed of the boat and stream?
x+y= 22
=> 2x= 32
=> x= 16
and y= 3
x:y= 8:3

59.In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25%, but the selling
price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit

(295*100)/420= 70%

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#Solved_By: Md Mutaher Hussain


[অ ম
ু ছত্ বযছত্ত্ কছপ কররব ো। ভু ত্রুটি করমরন্ট জো োরব ]

33. Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 46 km/hr
and 36 km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is:
Let, Length of each train= x
2x= 10*5*36/18= 100
=> 2x= 100
=> x= 50
So, L of each train = 50m [Answer.]

34. A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work.
Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. B can do the work alone in

A:B= 1:2
A:C= 1:3
A:B:C= 1:2:3[eff.]
2*(1+2+3)= 2*D
=> D= 12/2= 6 days [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain


The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss
incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to
make 25% profit?

Let, CP= x
(1920-x)*100/x= (x-1280)*100/x

=> 1920-x= x-1280

=> 2x= 3200
=> x= 1600
At 25% profit= 5*1600/4= 2000[Answer.]

5/4* (1920+1120)/2= 5/4* 1600= 2000[Answer.]

36. A person travels a certain distance at 3 km/h and reaches 15 min late. If he travels at 4
km/h, he reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he has to travel is

D/3-D/4= 2/4= 1/2
=> D/12= 1/2
=> 2D= 12
=> D= 6 km[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

37. A boy traveled from the home to the college at the rate of 25 kmph and walked back at the
rate of 4 kmph. If the whole journey took 5 hours 48 minutes, find the distance of


Let, Distance = D
D/25+D/4= 5(4/5)
=> 29D/100= 29/5
=> 5D= 100
=> D= 20 km[Answer.]

38.(√1372+√959)/292 *√

39. Two men and three women can repair a bridge in 10 days while three men and two women
can do same work in 8 days. If two men and one woman are used to finish this work, in how
many days they will complete it?

(2M+3W)*10= 8*(3M+2W)
=> 20M+30W= 24M+16W
=> 4M= 14W
=> M:W= 7:2
(2*7+3*2)*10= (2*7+2)*D
=> 200= 16D
=> D= 25/2= 12.5 days[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

40. A boatman takes twice as long to row a distance against the stream as to row the same
distance with the stream. Find the ratio of speeds of the boat in still water and the stream.

U:D= 2:1[time]
U:D= 1:2[Speed]
B:S= 3/2:1/2= 3:1[Answer.]

41. Speed of a boat in standing water is 9 kmph and the speed of the stream is 1.5 kmph. A man
rows to a place at a distance of 105 km and comes back to the starting point. The total time
taken by him is:

Time= 105/10.5+105/7.5= 24 hour

42. A, B and C invested capitals in the ratio of 4 : 6 : 9. At the end of the business term, they
received the profit in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. Find the ratio of their time for which they contributed
their capitals.

A:B:C= 4:6:9
4A/6B= 2/3
=> 12A= 12 B
=> A:B= 1:1= 9:9
6B/9C= 3/5
=> 30B= 27C
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

=> B:C= 9:10

A:B:C= 9:9:10[Answer.]

43. A trader marks his goods 20% above the cost price.if he gives a discount of 5% on marked
price, then find his gain percent.

95% of 120-100= 120*19/20 -100
= 114-100= 14%

44. If a=√3/2 then √(1+a)+√(1-a)=?

Let, x= √(1+a)+√(1-a)
=> x^2= 1+a+1-a+2*√(1+a)*√(1-a)
=> x^2= 2+ 2√(1-a^2)
=> x^2=2+ 2*√(1-3/4)
=> x^2= 2+2*√1/4
=> x^2= 3
=> x=√3[Answer.]

45. Some money is divided amongst three workers A, B and C such that 5 times A's share is
equal to 12 times B's share which is equal to 6 times C's share. The ratio between the shares of
A, B and C is ?

5A= 12B
=> A:B= 12:5
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

12B= 6C
=> B: C= 1:2= 5:10

A:B:C= 12:5:10[Answer.]

46. At simple interest of 5%, 6% and 8% for three consecutive years, the interest earned is ₹
760. find the principle. ?

5P/100+6P/100+8P/100= 760
=> 19P= 760*100
=> P= 4000[Answer.]

47. If the compound interest of a certain sum of money for two successive years be Rs, 225 and
Rs. 238.50. What is the rate of interest per annum ?

(238.30-225)*100/225= 6%

48.A bag contains 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue balls. Three balls are drawn at random from the
bag. The probability that all of them are red, is:

5C3/15C3= 2/91

49. A word consists of 9 letters; 5 consonants and 4 vowels.Three letters are choosen at random.
What is the probability that more than one vowel will be selected ?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

[(4C2*5C1+ 4C3]/9C3= 17/42

50. The ages of X and Y are in the proportion of 6:5 and total of their ages is 44 years. The
proportion of their ages after 8 years will be

(44*6/11 +8):(44*5/11 +8)
= 32:28
= 8:7[Answer.]

51. The volume of a wall, 5 times as high as it is broad and 8 times as long as it is high, is 12.8
cu. meters. Find the breadth of the wall.

x*5x*40x= 12.8
=> x= 4*100/10= 40cm [Answer.]

52. A rectangular field has to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the
area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?

20*L= 680
=> L= 34
Fencing = 2*(34+20)-20= 88m [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

53. A number is decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number so obtained is 10
less than the original number. What was the oiginal number ?

100-(11/10)*(9/10)*100= 10
=> 1%= 10
=> 100%= 1000[Answer.]

54. A cistern is normally filled in 8 hrs, but it takes 2 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its
bottom. if the cistern is full, the leak will empty it in.

55. A sum of TK 427 is divided among A B C such that 3 time A share, 4 time B, 7 time C is
equal. The share of C is?

3A= 4B= 7C= x
=> A: B: C= x/3:x/4:x/7= 28:21:12
C share = 427*12/61= 84[Answer.]


A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3 : 2. If 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's
share is Rs. 855, the total profit is:

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

5==855*5/3= 1425
95%= 1425
=> 100%= 1500[Answer.]
Combined 2 bank officer
Exam taker ::AUST
Solved BY: Md Mutaher Hussain
[েত্টো সম্ভব সঠিক সমোধো ছিরত্ ট্রোই কররছি। ভু ত্রুটি করমরন্ট জো োরব ]

33. If an article sold at 18% profit on cost price then selling price of the article is 9381. what
would be its selling price when it sold at 25% profit

Let, Cost price = x
SP= x+18% of x= 118x/100
118x/100= 9381
=> 118x= 9381*100
=> x= (9381*100)/118= 7950
If it is sold at 25% profit then selling price would be= x+25% of x
= 125x/100= (5*7950)/4= 9937.5

Let, CP= 100
SP= 118% of 100= 118
Second SP= 125% of 100= 125
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118= 9381
=> 125= 7950*5/4= 9937.5[Answer.]

34. I) 39x^2-31x-28= 0
II) y^2-25y+114= 0

I) 39x^2-31x-28= 0
=> 39x^2-52x+21x-28= 0
=> 13x(3x-4)+7(3x-4)= 0
=> x= 4/3, -7/13

ii) y^2-25y+114= 0
=> y^2-19y-6y+114= 0
=> y(y-19)-6(y-19)= 0
=> y= 6,19
So, x<y[Answer.]

35. A box contains 21 balls numbered 1 to 21. A ball is drawn and then another ball is drawn
without replacement. What is the probability that both balls are even number?

Total ball= 21
Even balls = 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20= 10
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Probability of even= (10/21)*(9/20)

= 9/42 = 3/14[Answer.]

36. 12 students working for 5 hours a day can solve a certain number of problems in 8 days.
How many students are needed to solve five times the original number of problems, if they
work at 4 hours a day for 15 days

Total work= 12*5*8
12*5*5*8= 4*15*S
=> S= 40[Answer]

37. if the ratio of simple interest and principal is 8:25/2 and rate of interest is equal to the time
investment. find the time of investment
8= 25/2* t^2/100
=> 800*2= 25t^2
=> 64= t^2
=> t=√64
=> t= 8 years [Answer.]
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38. A seller marks his goods 30% above the cost price but allows a discount of 15% for cash
payment. What is the percentage of gain when sold in cash?

% of gain = (13/10)* (17/20)* 100 -100= 110.5-100= 10.5%[Answer]

39. A ladder is placed against wall such that its foot is at a distance of 2.5m from the wall and
its top reaches a window 6m above the ground . find the length of the ladder?

(5/2)^2+6^2= x^2
=> 25/4 +36= x^2
=> 4x^2= 169
=> 2x= 13
=> x= 6.5[Answer]

40. If 2^(2x-1)= 1/ 8^(x-3) ; the value of x?

2^(2x-1)= 8^(3-x)
=> 2^(2x-1)= 2^(9-3x)
=> 2x-1= 9-3x
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=> 5x= 10
=> x= 2[Answer.]

41. If x= 2, then the value of x^3+27x^2+ 243x +631

= (2)^3+27*4+243*2+631
= 8+108+486+631
= 1233[Answer.]


42. A bond gets matured in 10 years. Ram invested Rs. 42000 in this bond and received Rs.
105000 once the bond matured. If the bond was under simple interest, then what was the rate of
interest per annum ?


SI= (105000-42000)= 63,000
63,000= 42,000*10*r/100
=> r= 63,000*100/(42,000*10)
=> r= 15%[Answer.]
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43. A boy goes to school with a speed. of 5 km an hour and return to village with a speed of 4
k.m/hr If he takes 4 hours 30 min, the distance in km. between the village and the school is


Let, Distance = D
D/5+ D/4= 9/2
=> 9D= 9*20/2
=> D= 10 km[Answer.]


44. the average height of girls in class is 5 feet and that of boy is 5.7 feet. if the average height
of this class is 5.5 feet. what could be the possible strength of boys and girls in the school.


50x+57y= 55(x+y)
=> 5x= 2y
=> x:y= 2:5
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Option test : Summation of age might be multiple of 7.

Option A: 50+20= 70; multiple of 7[Answer.]


45. the value of A varies with the inversion square of B. if the value A is equal to 40 when B
equal to 12. what is the value of A when B equal to 24

A= k/B^2
=> k= AB^2= 40*144

A= (40*144)/(24*24)= 10[Answer.]

46. The average age of the 20 aspirants of a class is 19.2 years. After Some time two more
aspirants join them and then average is increased by 0.3 years. Find the difference between the
age of new aspirants.


New age total = 22*195/10= 429
Age before joining two = 20*19.2= 384
Two new comer age total = (429-384)= 45
The difference between them can not be measured.[Answer.]
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47.a cistern is normally filled with water in 10 hours but it takes 5 hour longer to fill because of
a leak in the bottom. if the system is full the leak will empty it

Inlet :(Inlet+outlet)= 15:10=3:2[eff]
Capacity = 15*2= 30 L
Outlet eff. = (3-2)= 1
30= 1*T
=> T= 30 hr[Answer.]


48. P and Q start a hotel. P left after 6 months. After the year ends, P gets Rs. 6000 as profit out
of total profit of Rs. 9000. What will be amount invested by Q if P had invested Rs. 20000?

P:Q= 6000:3000= 6:3= 2:1
Let, Q invest = x
P invest = 20,000
(20,000)/2x= 2/1
=> 4x= 20,000
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=> x= 5000[Anwer.]

49.A and B go cycling in the same direction with speeds of 6 km/hr. and 12 km/hr. A car from
behind passes them in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. What is the speed of the car?

Let, Car speed = x
L= (x-6)*5*9/18
L= (x-12)*5*10/18

(x-6)*5/2= (x-12)*25/9
=> 45*(x-6)= 50*(x-12)
=> 9*(x-6)= 10*(x-12)
=> 9x-54= 10x-120
=> x= 66 km/hr[Answer.]

50. The ratio of the age of the father to that of the son, at present, is 7 : 2. After 10 years, the
ratio will become 9:4. What is the present age of the father.

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:F:S= 7:2[present ]
F:S= 9:4[After 10 year]
(9+4)-(7+2)= 20
=> 4= 20
=> 1= 5
Present age of father = 7*5= 35 year


51. driver of a auto rickshaw sees a lorry 60 meters ahead of him. After 30 seconds the lorry is
90 meters behind. If the speed of the auto rickshaw is 38 kmph, then what is the speed of the

In 30 sec Total Distance = (90+60)= 150 m
Relative speed = 150/30= 5*18/5= 18 km/hr
Speed of lorry = (38-18)= 20km/hr[Answer. ]


52. If the ratio of speed of doing work of three persons is 1 : 3 : 5, what is the ratio of time taken
by these people to do the same amount of work?

Time taken by three
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= 1:1/3:1/5
= 15:5:3


53. A right angled triangle, whose perpendicular sides measure 1.8 cm and 2.4 cm, is inscribed
in a circle. What is the circumference of the circle (in cm)?


Hypotenuse = √(18/10)^2+ (24/10)^2

= √{81/25+144/25}
= √225/25
= √9= 3

So, Diameter = 3
Circumference = Dπ= 3π[Answer.]


= √(121+81*7-169+10)
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= √529=√23*23= 23[Answer.]

55.8 years ago the ratio of A age to B age 4:5. At present the ratio of B age to C age 4:5. At
present the difference between A age to C age is 20 years. What is the sum of ages A B C

Mental Approach :
A:B= 4:5= 32:40[8 years ago]

B:C= 4:5= 48:60

A now = (32+8)= 40
A+B+C= 40+48+60= 148

56.there is a group of 5 Men 6 women and 8 children. How many way 1 men 1 women 1 child
can be selected

5*6*8= 240 way


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Source: Affairscloud


[Q_1] Two trains 200 m and 160 m long, run at the rate of 60 km/h and 100 km/h respectively
on parallel rails. How long will it take a man sitting in the second train to pass the first train if
they run in the opposite direction?
RS= [60+100] = 160 km/hr
Length= 200 m

[When question said, sitting in one train the length of that train is not added to length of other]

200= 160*5/18*T
=> 18/4 sec= T
=> T= 4.5 sec[Answer.]


[Q_2] A car traveled 80% of the distance from town A to B by traveling at T hours at an
average speed of V km/h. The car travels at an average speed of S km/h for the remaining part
of the trip. Which of the following expressions represents the average speed for the entire trip?

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Original speed= V and goes 80% of Distance.

Let, Total Distance= 10 D

80% of Distance= 80% of 10D= 8D
And, Remain Distance= 2D

So, Time needed= 8D/V+2D/S

= (8DS+2DV)/VS
= 2D(4S+V)/VS

Since, D= 10 D
Avg. Speed= 10D/[2D(4S+V)/VS]
= 5VS/(4S+V)[Answer. ]


[Q_3]Andy lives on 10th floor and Bimal lives on 45th floor. Andy goes up at a rate of 34
floors per minute and Bimal comes down at a rate of 36 floors per minute. At which floor they
will meet?

Andy Speed= 34 F/M
And, Bimal Speed= 36F/M

Distance between then=[45-10]= 35F

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Relative speed= [34+36]= 70F/M

Time needed= 35/70= 1/2 min

1/2 min Andy goes= 34/2= 17 F

So, they meet at= (10+17)= 27 F[Answer]

[Q_4]Train X starts at 7.00 a.m. from a certain station with A Km/h and train Y starts at 9.30
a.m. from the same station at B km/h. If B > A, then how many hours will train Y take to
overtake train X?


(7 am,9:30)_________________!

In 2.5 hr X goes= 2.5A

So, Distance= 2.5 A
RS= (B-A)
Time= 2.5A/(B-A)[Answer.]

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[Q_5]The average speed of a train is 20% less on the return journey than on the onward
journey. The train halts for an hour at the destination station before starting on the return
journey. If the total time taken for the to and fro journey is 46 hrs, covering a distance of 2000
km, the speed of the train on the return journey is:


Halts for an hour.

Total Time=[46-1]= 45 hour

Go+Back= 2000
So, Each= 1000

1000/(4V/5)+1000/V= 45

=> 5000/4V+1000/V= 45

=> 45V= 2250

=> V= 50 km/hr

So, Return journey speed= 4*50/5

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= 40 Km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_6] A train running at 7/11 of its own speed reached a place in 33 hrs. How much time could
be saved if the train runs at its own speed?

Time= 7:11


Save time= (33-21)= 12 hr[Answer]


[Q_7] A train traveling at 96 km/h completely crosses another train having half its length and
traveling in the opposite direction at 84 km/h in 6 s. It also passes a railway platform in 45 s.
The length of the platform is:

Let, first train Length= L
2nd train Length= L/2

L+L/2= [96+84]*5/18*6
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=> 3L/2=300
=> L = 200

200+x= 96*(5/18)*45
=> x= 1000m[Answer.]


[Q_8] The train traveling at 50 km/h overtakes a motorbike traveling at 32 km/h in 80 s. What
is the length of the train in meters?

L= [50-32]*(5/18)*80= 400[Answer.]


[ Q_9] A train started from station A and proceeded towards station B at a speed of 96 km/h. 45
minutes later, another train started from station B and proceeded towards station A at 100 km/h.
If the distance between the two stations is 464 km, at what distance from station A will the
trains meet?

96 km/hr____________100 km/hr

45 min train A travel alone.=45/60= 3/4 hr

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In that time distance cover= (3/4)*96= 72 km

Remain D= (464-72)= 392 km

Relative Speed= (100+96)= 196 km/hr

Time= 392/196= 2 hr

In that time train B travel= 2*100= 200 km

A will meet at B from A starting=[464-200]= 264 km[Answer.]

[Q_10] A runs 3 2/3 times as fast as B. If A gives B a start of 80 m. How far must the winning
post be from the starting point of A so that A and B reach it at the same time?

A speed= 3(2/3) B= 11B/3

A:B= 11B/3:B= 11:3[Speed ratio]

Speed difference =[11-3]= 8

Distance difference = 80

8= 80
1= 10
11= 110m race.
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A:B= 11:3
A cover distance= D
B cover distance= D-80

D/11= D-80/3
=> 3D= 11D-11*80
=> 8D= 880
=> D= 110 m[Answer]


Source: Affairs cloud

[Q_1] The distance of the School and house of Suresh is 80km. One day he was late by 1 hour
than the normal time to leave for the college, so he increased his speed by 4km/h and thus he
reached to college at the normal time. What is the changed speed of Suresh?


Let, original speed= x

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New speed= (x+4)

80/x-80/(x+4)= 1
=> (80x+320-80x)= x*(x+4)
=> 320= x^2+4x
=> x^2+4x-320= 0
=> x^2+20x-16x-320= 0
=> x(x+20)-16(x+20)= 0
=> x= 16

So, New speed= (16+4)= 20 km/hr

Let, new time= t
Original time= (t+1)

80/t-80/(t+1)= 4
=> (80t+80-80t)= 4t*(t+1)
=> 4t^2+4t-80= 0
=> t^2+t-20= 0
=> t^2+5t-4t-20= 0
=> t(t+5)-4(t+5)= 0
=> t= 4
New speed= 20/4= 80 km/hr[Answer.]
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[Q_2] Anita goes to College at 20 km/h and reaches college 4 minutes late. Next time she goes
at 25 km/h and reaches the college 2 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. What is the
distance of her school?


Let, Distance= D
D/20-4/60= D/25+2/60
=> D/20-D/25= 6/60
=> D/100= 1/10
=> 10D= 100
=> D= 10 km[Answer.]


[Q_3] Two places R and S are 800 km apart from each other. Two persons start from R towards
S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S before B. The speeds of A and B are 40
kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M, which is on the way from R to S. What is
the ratio of time taken by A and B to meet at M?

Speed of A= 40kmph
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Speed of B= 60 kmph

In 2 hr A goes= (40*2)= 80 km
RS= (60-40)= 20kmph
=> 80= 20*T
=> T= 4
Time taken by A= [4+2]= 6hr
And, Time taken by B= 4 hr

Ratio of time taken byA:B= 6:4= 3:2[Answer.]============================

[Q_4] Two persons start from R towards S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S
before B. The speeds of A and B are 40 kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M,
which is on the way from R to S. What is the extra time taken by A to reach at S?

A taken total time= 800/40= 20 hr
B taken total time= 800/60= 13 hr 20 min

Extra time taken by A= (20hr-13 hr 20 min)= 6 hr 40 min[Answer.]


[Q_5] Ajay covers certain distance with his own speed but when he reduces his speed by
10kmph his time duration for the journey increases by 40 hours while if he increases his speed
by 5 kmph from his original speed he takes 10 hours less than the original time taken. Find the
distance covered by him.
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Let, ajay original speed = x
New speed of ajay= x-10

D/(x-10)-D/x= 40
=> D*[1/(x-10)-1/x]= 40
=> D*[x-x+10]= 40x*(x-10)
=> D= 4x(x-10)__________[1]

According to the 2nd condition,

D/x-D/(x+5)= 10
=> D*[1/x-1/(x+5)]= 10
=> D*(x+5-x)= 10*x(x+5)
=> D= 2x(x+5)___________[2]

From [1]& [2]

2x(x+5)= 4x(x-10)
=> x+5= 2x-20
=> x= 25 km/hr
So, D= 2*25*(25+5)= 50*30= 1500km

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[Q_6] The driver of an ambulance sees a college bus 40 m ahead of him after 20 seconds, the
college bus is 60 meter behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/h, what is the speed of
the college bus?

Speed of Ambulence= 30km/hr

In 3600 sec= 30 km
In 20 sec= 600/3600= 1000/6 m= 500/3 m

In that time bus cover= [500/3-(40+60)]

= 200/3 m

20sec= 200/3
1 sec= 10/3

So, Bus speed= 10/3 m/s

= (10/3)*(18/5)km/hr= 12 km/hr[Ans.]


[Q_7] Two places R and S are 800 km apart from each other. Two persons start from R towards
S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S before B. The speeds of A and B are 40
kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M, which is on the way from R to S. What is
the distance from R, where B overtakes A?
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Speed of A= 40kmph
Speed of B= 60 kmph

In 2 hr A goes= (40*2)= 80 km
RS= (60-40)= 20kmph
=> 80= 20*T
=> T= 4

So meet at= 4*60= 240 km from R



[ Q_8] Two rabbits start running towards each other, one from A to B and another from B to A.
They cross each other after one hour and the first rabbit reaches B, 5/6 hour before the second
rabbit reaches A. If the distance between A and B is 50 km. what is the speed of the slower

Faster rabbit speed= x km/hr
Slower rabbit speed = y km/hr

In 1 hr they meet for the first time.
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When they meet first time they cover the full distance.
So, x+y= 50km
=> x= 50-y

50/y-50/x= 5/6
=> 50/y-50/(50-y)= 5/6
=> 6*[2500-100y]= 5y*(50-y)
=> 15,000-600y= 250y-5y^2
=> 5y^2-850y+15,000= 0
=> y^2-170y+3000= 0
=> y^2-150y-20y+3000= 0
=> y= 150,20

[150 is not possible, since summation of two speed= 50.

So y= 20]

Slower rabbit speed= 20 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_9]Pranav walked at 5 kmph for certain part of the journey and then he took an auto for the
remaining part of the journey travelling at 25 kmph. If he took 10 hours for the entire journey,
what part of journey did he travelled by auto if the average speed of the entire journey be 17

Let, 5 km/hr time taken= t
And 25 km/hr time taken = (10-t)
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Total distance= 17*10= 170 km

5*t+(10-t)*25= 170
=> 20t= 80
=> t= 4
So, time taken by Auto = (10-4)= 6 hr,
So, D= 25*6= 150 km



10*3/5= 6 hr
6 hr coverd distance= 6*25= 150 km[Answer.]


[Q_10] Aravind started for the station half a km from his home walking at 1 km/h to catch the
train in time. After 3 minutes he realised that he had forgotten a document at home and returned
with increased, but constant speed to get it succeded in catching the train. Find his latter speed
in kmph?

Time at hand = (30-3)= 27 min
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Distance remain= 550 m

27 min = 550 m
27*60 sec= 550m
1 sec= 550/(27*60)
= 55/(27*6)*(18/5)
= 22/18= 11/9 km/hr[Answer.]


Source: Affairscloud


[Q_1] A car started from Indore to Bhopal at a certain speed. The Car missed an accident at
40Kms away from Indore, then the driver decided to reduce Car speed to 4/5 of the original
speed. Due to this, he reached Bhopal by a late of 1hr 15min.Suppose if he missed an accident
at 80Km away from Indore and from then he maintained 4/5 of original speed then he would
reach Bhopal by a late of 1hour. Then what is the original speed of the Car?

Distance diff.= [80-40] = 40 km
Time difference = 1 hr 15 min- 1 hr
= 15 min

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Original speed= V
New speed= 3V/4

40/(4V/5)-40/V= 15/60
=> 200/4V-40/V= 1/4
=> 50/V-40/V= 1/4
=> 10/V= 1/4
=> V= 40 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_2] Two places A and B are at a certain distance. Ramu started from A towards B at a speed
of 40 kmph. After 2 hours Raju started from B towards A at a speed of 60 kmph. If they meet at
a place C then ratio of ratio of time taken by Raju to Ramu to reach Place C is 2:3. Then what is
the distance between A and B?


Ramu take = T1 hr
Raju take = T2 hr
Diff. Between time= T1-T2= 2
=> T1= T2+2

T2/T1= 2/3
=> T2/(T2+2)= 2/3
=> 3T2= 2T2+4
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=> T2= 4 hr

So, Ramu take = [4+2] = 6 hr

And Raju take= 4 hr

So, Total Distance = 6*40+4*60= 480 km[Answer.]


[Q_3] Ramu started from A towards B at a speed of 20Km/hr and Raju started from B towards
A. They crossed each other after one hour. Raju reached his destination 5/6 hour earlier than
Ramu reached his destination.Then what is the distance between A and B?


Ramu speed= 20 km/hr

Let, Raju speed = x km/hr
After 1 hr they meet. So Raju cover = x km and Ramu covered= 20 km.

So, Total Distance= 20+x

(20+x)/20-(20+x)/x= 5/6

=> [x(20+x)-20*(20+x)]/20x= 5/6

=> (20x+x^2-400-20x)/20x= 5/6

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=> 6(x^2*400)= 100x

=> 6x^2*-2400-100x= 0

=> 3x^2-50x-1200= 0

=> 3x^2-90x+40x-1200= 0

So, x= 30
So, Raju speed = 30 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_4] Two Cars started at same time, same place and towards same direction. First Car goes at
uniform speed of 12Km/hr. Second Car goes at speed of 4 Km/hr in first hour and increases it
speed by 1 Km/hr for every hour. Then what is the distance traveled by car B when the both the
Cars meet for the first time?

Let, they meet after = t hr
So, Distance= 12 t

12 t= t/2*{2*4+(t-1)*1}

=> 24=8+t-1
=> t= 17 hr
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So, D= [17*12]= 204 km[Answer.]


[Q_5] A man traveled 100 km by Bike in 2 hours. He then traveled in Bus for 8 hrs and then
Train in 9 hrs. Ratio of Speeds of Bus to Train is 4:5. If speed of train is 4/5 of Bike speed then
the entire journey covered by him in Km is?

Bike speed= 100/2= 50 km/hr
Train speed= 50*4/5= 40 km/hr

Bus:Train= 4:5
So, Bus speed= 32 km/hr

Total Distance cover= 100+8*32+9*40= 716 km[Answer.]


[Q_ 6] Car A leaves Delhi at a certain time, after 5 hours Car B leaves Delhi in the same
direction as of A. Speed of Car A is 20Km/hr and Speed of Car B is 40Km/hr. In how much
time Car B will be 20Km ahead of Car A?

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In 5 hr Distance cover= 5*20= 100 km

And, 20 km Ahead. So, Total Distance= 100+20= 120 km

Relative Speed= [40-20]= 20 km/hr

Time needed= 120/20= 6 hr[Answer.]


[Q_7] Two places A and B are at a distance of 480Km. Sita started from A towards B at the
speed of 40Kmph. After 2 hours Gita started from B towards A at speed of 60 Kmph. They
meet at a Place C then what is the difference between the time taken by them to reach their
destinations from Place C?


In 2 hr sita goes = 2*40= 80

Remain Distance= [480-80]= 400Km
Relative Speed= (60+40)= 100
Time needed= 400/100= 4 hr

So, Geeta time= 4 hr

And, Sita time= 6 hr

Time Difference= [6-4]=2 hr[Answer.]

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[Q_8] Two Cars started at same time, same place and towards same direction. First Car goes at
a speed of 5km/hr in first and 7 Km/hr in second hour and repeats the cycle over the entire
journey. Similarly second Car goes at 4km/hr in first hour and 9km/hr in second hour and
repeats the cycle over the entire journey.Then these two Cars for the first time for after how
many hours of journey?

First Car:
5 km in 1st hr
(5+7)= 12 km in 2nd hr.
(12+5)= 17 km in 3rd hr
And, so on.........

2nd Car:
4 km in first hr.
(4+9)= 13 km in= 2nd hr
(13+4)= 17 km in= 3rd hr.

So, they both meet after 3rd hour.[Answer.]


[Q_9] A police saw a Thief at a distance of 2km. When Police started chasing him Thief also
started running. If the ratio of Speeds of Police to Thief is 5:4. Then thief was caught at a
certain distance then how many Kms did police run to catch the Thief?

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(2+x)/5= x/4
=> 8+4x= 5x
=> x= 8km

Police cover= [8+2]= 10 km[Answer.]


[Q_10] If a Car runs at 45Km/hr it reaches its destination by 10 min late. If it runs at 60Km/hr it
is late by 4min. Then what is the correct time for the journey?

Let, Total Distance= D
D/45-10/60= D/60-4/60

=> 15D/45*60= 1/10

=> D= 18 km

18/45-1/6= 2/5-1/6= 7/30*60= 14 min[Answer.]

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[Q_11] Sofi started travelling from a place A to B and Priya started travelling from a place B to
A which are 576 km apart. They meet after 12 hours. After their meeting, Sofi increased her
speed by 2 km/hr and Priya reduced her speed by 2 km/hr, they arrived at B and A respectively
at the same time. What is their initial speed?



Sofi speed (initially)= x km/hr

Priya= y km/hr

Relative speed= x+y

When they meet for first time they both cover 12x and 12y distance which is equal to total D.
So, AM= 12x
MB= 12y

12x+12y= 576
=> 12*(x+y)= 576
=> x+y= 48

Accroding to the 2nd condition,

Sofi speed= x+2
And, priya = y-2

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12y/(x+2)= 12x/(y-2)

Or, 12y^2-24y= 12x^2+24x

Or, 12y^2-12x^2= 24*(x+y)

Or, 12*(y^2-x^2)= 24*48[Since x+y= 48]

Or, y^2-x^2= 2*48

Or, y^2= x^2+96
Or, (48-x)^2= x^2+98[y= 48-x]

Or, 48*48+x^2-96x-96-x^2= 0
Or, 96x= 48*48-96
Or, x= 23 km/hr

x+y= 48
=> y= 48-23= 25 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_12] A and B set out at the same time to walk towards each other respectively from a place P
and Q 144 km apart. A walks at the constant speed of 8 km/h, while B walks 4 km in the first
hour, 5 km in the second hour, 6 km in the third hour and so on. Then the “A” will meet “B” at?

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A walks = 8 km/hr
B in first hr= 4 km/hr

So, In first hr= (8+4)= 12 km

2nd= (12+8+5)= 25
3rd= (25+14)= 39
4th= (39+15)= 54
5th= (54+16)= 70
6th= (70+17)= 87
7th= 87+18= 105
8th= 105+19= 124
9 th = 124+20= 144

So, In 9 hr they both meet.

So, Meet at= 9*8= 72 km [Answer.]


[Q_13] Two Vans start from a place with a speed of 50 kmph at an interval of 12 minutes. What
is the speed of a car coming from the opposite direction towards the place if the car meets the
vans at an interval of 10 minutes?

Van speed= 50kmph
12 min van goes= 50*12/60= 10 km
So, D= 10 km
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10= (50+x)*10/60
=> 60= 50+x
=> x= 10 kmph[Answer]


[Q_14] A car travels from a place A to B in 7 hour. It covers half the distance at 30 kmph and
the remaining distance at 40 kmph, what is the total distance between A and B


Let half distance at = t hr

& other half at = (7-t) hr

t*30= (7-t)*40

=> 70t= 280

=> t= 4

So, Total Distance= 30t+(7-t)*40

= 30*4+(7-4)*40= 240 km[Answer.]

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[Q_15] Two persons A and B start from the opposite ends of a 450 km straight track and run to
and from between the two ends. The speed of the first person is 25 m/s and the speed of other is
35 m/s. They continue their motion for 10 hours. How many times did they pass each other?


RS= (25+35)*18/5= 18*12= 216 km

In first meeting time= 450/216= 2.08 hr

2nd meeting time= 1350/216= 6.25 hr

3rd meeting= 5*450/216

> 10 hr

So, they meet for two time.

[When two are opposite direction,

Distance cover for n time= [2n-1]*D

If they meet for first time= [2*1-1]*D=D

2nd time= 3D
3rd time= 5D and so on]

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[Q_16] A truck travelled to a place Q from P, the first 50 km at 10 kmph faster than the usual
speed, but it returned the same distance at 10 kmph slower than usual speed. If the total time
taken by the truck is 12 hours, then how many hours will travel at the faster speed?


First 50 km speed= x+10

And, Return speed= x-10

50/(x+10)+50/(x-10)= 12

=> [50x-500+50x+500]= 12(x+10)(x-10)

=> 12(x^2-100)= 100x

=> 12x^2-1200-100x= 0

=> 3x^2-25x-300= 0

=> 3x^2-45x+20x-400= 0

=> x= 15

Time needed= 50/25= 2 hr[Answer]

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[Q_17] Mr.Kavin walks at 4/5 of his normal speed and takes 60 minutes more than the usual
time. What will be the new time taken by Mr. Kavin?


Speed= 5:4
Time= 4:5

Diff = (5-4)= 1
So, 1= 60
5= 300[Answer.]


[Q_18] A travel bus normally reaches its destination at 60 kmph in 20 hours. Find the speed of
that travel bus at which it travels to reduce the time by 5 hours?

Distance cover in 20 hr= 60*20= 1200 km

New time[ 20-5]= 15 hr

Speed= 1200/15= 80 km/hr[Answer.]

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[Q_19] A Lion starts chasing a Giraffe. It takes 4 hours to catch the Giraffe. If the speed of the
Lion is 40 km/h. What is the speed of Giraffe?

#Solution:Data incomplete.

[Q_20] Anu and Purvi are running on a circular track of length 500m. The Speed of Anu is 40
m/s and that of Purvi is 30 m/s. They start from the same point at the same time in the same
direction. When will they meet again for the first time?

Anu speed=40 m/s
And Purvi= 30 m/s

RS= (40-30)= 10 m/s

Time= 500/10= 50 sec[Answer]


[Q_1] A boat takes 28 hours for travelling downstream from point A to point B and coming
back to point C midway between A and B. If the velocity of the stream is 6km/hr and the speed
of the boat in still water is 9 km/hr, what is the distance between A and B?


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Let, AB= 2D
Velocity of stream, y= 6 km/hr
Speed of boat, x= 9km/hr

Downstream= 9+6= 15 km/hr

Upstream= 9-6= 3 km/hr

2D/15+D/3= 28

=> 7D/15= 28
=> D= 60
So, 2D= 120 km[Answer.]


[Q_2] Speed of a man in still water is 5 km/hr and the river is running at 3km/hr. The total time
taken to go to a place and come back is 10 hours. What is the distance travelled?

Boat speed= 5km/hr
Stream speed= 3 km/hr

Downstream= 8 km/hr
Upstream= 2 km/hr
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D/8+D/2= 10
=> 5D= 80
=> D= 16

Total Distance= 2*16= 32 km[Answer.]


[Q_3] A boat running upstream takes 9 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain distance, while it
takes 7 hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is the ratio between the
speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively?

Upstream time= 9 hr 48 min= 9(4/5)hr

= 49/5 hr

Let, Upstream speed= (x-y)

Downstream speed= (x+y)

49/5*(x-y)= 7(x+y)
=> 35*(x+y)= 49(x-y)

=> 14x= 84 y
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=> x:y= 6:1[ Answer.]


[Q_4] A boat can travel 20 km downstream in 24 min. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still
water to the speed of the stream is 4 : 1. How much time will the boat take to cover 15 km

Distance = 20 km

Downstream time= 20 min

Speed= 20*60/24= 50 km/hr

Let, Boat speed= 4x
Stream speed= x

4x+x= 50
=> x= 10

So, upstream speed= 4*10-10= 30

Now, Distance= 15 km

So, Time= 15*60/30= 30 min[Ans.]

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[Q_5] A boat whose speed in 20 km/hr in still water goes 40 km downstream and comes back in
a total of 5 hours. The approx. speed of the stream (in km/hr) is:

Still water speed= 20 km/hr

Let, stream speed= x

40/(20+x)+40/(20-x)= 5

=> (800-40x+800+40x)= 5(400-x^2)

=> 1600= 2000-5x^2

=> x^2= 80
=> x= 9 km/hr(Approximately)


[Q_6] A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 2 hour, while it comes back in 2 1/2
hours. If the speed of the stream be 5 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

Let, speed of boat = x
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Let, Distance = D
D/(x+5)= 2
=> D= 2*(x+5)_____________[1]

D/(x-5)= 5/2
=> D= 5*(x-5)/2____________[2]

From [1]& [2]

2*(x+5)= 5*(x-5)/2
=> 4x+20= 5x-25
=> x= 45 km/hr[Answer.]

[Q_7] A boat running downstream covers a distance of 40 km in 5 hrs and for covering the
same distance upstream it takes 10 hrs. What is the speed of the stream?

Distance= 40 km
Time = 5 hr
Downstream speed= 40/5= 8 km/hr
Upstream speed= 40/10= 4 km/hr

Speed of stream= 1/2*(8-4)= 2 km/hr

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[Q_8] A boat goes 4 km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the
current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 15 km in stationary water?

In Downstream 10 min= 1 km
So, 60 min= 6 km
So, Downstream speed= 6km/hr
Upstream speed= 4 km/hr
Boat speed= 1/2*(6+4)= 5 km/hr

Stationary water take time= 15/5= 3 hr


[Q_9] A man rows to a place 40 km distant and come back in 9 hours. He finds that he can row
5 km with the stream in the same time as 4 km against the stream. The rate of the stream is:

Let, Boat speed= x
Stream speed= y

5/(x+y)= 4/(x-y)
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=> 5*(x-y)= 4*(x+y)

=> x= 9y

40/(9y+y)+ 40/(9y-y)= 9

=> 4/y+5/y= 9
=> 9y= 9
=> y= 1 km/hr[Answer.]

[Q_10] A man can row 8 km/hr in still water. When the river is running at 4 km/hr, it takes him
2 1/3hr to row to a place and come back. How far is the place?

Still water speed= 8 km/hr.
Stream speed= 4 km/hr

D/12+D/4= 7/3
=> 4D/12= 7/3
=> 12D= 12*7
=> D= 7 km
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Topic_Time & Distance


In a 3600 m race around a circular track of length 400m, the faster runner and the slowest
runner meet at the end of the fourth minute, for the first time after the start of the race. All the
runners maintain uniform speed throughout the race. If the faster runner runs at thrice the speed
of the slowest runner. Find the time taken by the faster runner to finish the race.

Fast runner and slow runner meet in 4 min after they started their race.

So,Circular Track length= 400m

Faster:Slower= 3:1[Speed]
So, when faster cover the first round slower cover= 1/3 of the round.
So, distance between them= 1/3
Speed difference =(3-1)= 2
Time= 1/3*2= 1/6
So, slower goes in 1/6 time= 1/6*1= 1/6
And total= (1/3+1/6)= 1/2
And faster= (1+1/2)= 3/2
So, In 4 min faster goes= 3/2*400= 600 m

600 m in =4 min
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3600 m in= 4*6= 24 min[Answer.]



The XYZ river flows at 12 km/hr. A boy who can row at 25/18 m/s in still water had to cross it
in the least possible time. The distance covered by the boy is how many times the width of the
river XYZ?

Boy speed= (25/18)*(18/5)= 5km/hr
Let, Boy take T min to cross the river.
So, width of the river= 5T
And, stream = 12*T
R^2= P^2+Q^2= √[(12T)^2+(5T)^2]
= √(169T^2)= 13T

Time= 13T/5T= 2.6 times



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Two motorists Anil and Sunil are practicing with two different sports car; Ferrari and Maclarun,
on the circular racing track, for the car racing tournament to be held next month. Both Anil and
Sunil start from the same point on the circular track. Anil completes one round of the track in 1
min and Sunil takes 2 min to complete a round. While Anil maintains speed for all the rounds,
Sunil halves his speed after the completion of each round. How many times Anil and Sunil will
meet between 6th round and 9th round of Sunil (6th and 9th round is excluded)? Assume that
the speed of Sunil remains steady throughout each round and changes only after the completion
of that round.


Anil complete each round in= 1 min

Sunil complete first round in = 2 min

Second round= 2*2= 4min

3rd round= 2^3= 8 min
4th round = 2^4= 16 min
5th = 2^5= 32 min
6th= 2^6= 64
7th= 2^7= 128
8th= 2^9= 256

Total meeting between 6th and 9th= 255+127= 382[Answer.]


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Twenty six men - 1,2,3,....25 and 26 participate in 10km running race on a circular track of
length 100m. All of them start at the same time, from the same point and run in the same
direction. Their speeds, taken in the order, are in increasing AP. The time taken by 26 to meet 1,
for the first time after they start is 20 sec and the time taken by 13 to complete the race is 52
minutes and 5 seconds. Find the time taken (in seconds), for all the twenty six men to meet for
the first time at the starting point.

The speed are increasing in Arithmetic progression.
First one speed= a
2nd one speed= a+d
3rd one speed= a+2d
And, so on.....

So, speed of 26= a+(26-1)*d= a+25d

Distance= 100m
D/V= T

=> 100/25d= 20

=> d= 1/5= 0.2m/sec

13 to complete the race in = [52*60+5] = 3125 sec

Speed of 13= a+12d= a+12*0.2= a+2.4

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10*100)/(a+2.4)= 3125
=> (a+2.4)*3125=10000

=>3125a= 2500

=> a= 0.8

For all 26,


0.8,1,1.2,1.4_______HCF= 0.2

So, time taken= 100/0.2= 500sec



Two friends A and B run around a circular track of length 510 metres, starting from the same
point, simultaneously and in the same direction. A who runs faster laps B in the middle of the
5th round. If A and B were to run a 3 km race long race, how much start, in terms of distance,
should A give B so that they finish the race in a dead heat?

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1 round= 1 laps = 510

B= 3.5

Diff= 1 lap = 510

Head A give to B= 510*3000/4.5*500= 2/3 km

Answer sheet:
01. 24
02. 2.6
03. 382
04. 500
05. 2/3 km


Topic:Time & Distance


01.A man jogging inside a railway tunnel at a constant speed hears a train approaching the
tunnel from behind at a speed of 30 km/h, when he is one third of the way inside the tunnel.
Whether he keeps running forward or turns back, he will reach the end of the tunnel at the same
time the train reaches that end. The speed at which the man is running is:
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Let, man jogging speed = y km/hr

Train speed= 30 km/hr

x/30= (T/3)/y
=> x/40= T/3y______[1]

(x+T)/30= (2T/3)/y
=> x/30+T/30= 2T/3y
=> T/30= T/3y
=> 3y= 30
=> y= 10 km/hr
Man jogging speed= 10 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_2] A ball is projected vertically up-wards reaches, at the end of 't' seconds, an elevation of 's'
feet where s=160t−16t2. The highest elevation is

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We get max. elevation when ds/dt= 0

[ Law,
For higest elevation,ds/dt= 0

d/dt(160t-16t^2)= 0
=> 160= 32t
=> t= 5

So, Max. Elevation= [160*5-16*25] = 400ft.[Answer.]


[Q_3] Two cities, A and B, at a distance of 50 km, are connected by two separate roads. The
speed of any vehicle traveling between the two cities on road 1 is 50 km/hr, while the speed on
road 2 is (80/n) km/hr, where n is the number of vehicles (including the concerned vehicle). If
you travel in a vehicle from A to B on road 1 and come back from B to A on road 2 (where
there are already three vehicles plying), your approximate average speed is


AC+CB= 50Km= D
First road speed= 50km/hr
While back speed= 80/4= 20 km/hr
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n= three vehicle +concern vehicle= 4

Avg. Speed= 2xy/(x+y)

= 2*50*20/70= 2000/70= 200/7= 29km/hr(Approximately)


[Q_4] Two horses start trotting towards each other, one from A to B and another from B to A.
They cross each other after one hour and the first horse reaches B, 5/6 hour before the second
horse reaches A. If the distance between A and B is 50 km. what is the spisd of the slower


Slower speed = x
Faster speed = y
x+y = 50 ----(1)
50/x - 50/y = 5/6-----(2)
On solving (1) & (2)
We get, x = 20 & y = 30.
So, Slower speed = 20 kmph

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[Q_5] A, B and C start simultaneously from X to Y. A reaches Y, turns back and meet B at a
distance of 11 km from Y. B reached Y, turns back and meet C at a distance of 9 km from Y. If
the ratio of the speeds of A and C is 3:2, what is the distance between X and Y?
A= x+11
B= x-11
A/B= (x+11)/(x-11)

And, B= x+9
C= x-9
B/C= (x+9)/(x-9)

A/C= (A/B)*(B/C)= (x+11)/(x-11)*(x+9)/(x-9)= 3/2

=> (x+11)(x+9)/(x-11)*(x-9)= 3/2

=> 2*[x^2+9x+11x+99]= 3*[x^2-9x-11x+99]
=> 2x^2+40x+198= 3x^2-60x+3*99
=> x^2-100x+99=0
=> x^2-99x-x+99= 0
=> x= 99,1

So,Distance between X and Y= 99km[Ans.]


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In a kilometer race, If Abhishek gives Bharti a 40 m start, Abhishek wins by 19 sec. But if
Abhishek gives Bharti a 30 sec start, Bharti wins by 40 m. Find the time taken by Bharti to run
5,000 m?


Abhishek speed = x m/s

Bharti = y m/s
1st case,
A 1 km = 1000 m
B = 960 m

Considering Time :
1000/x = 960/y + 19----(1)

But 2nd case

A = 960, B = 1000 m
Considering time
1000/y - 30 = 960/x -----(2)
(1000-30y)/y = 960/x
x = 960y/(1000-30y)
= 96y/(100-3y)
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From (1)
= 960/y + 19

100000-3000y = 96*960 + 19*96y

1176y = 7840
y = 6.67

Time = 5000/6.67 = 750 sec

[Q_2]Rajesh walks to and fro to a shopping mall. He spends 30 minutes shopping. If he walks
at speed of 10 km an hour, he returns to home at 19.00 hours. If he walks at 15 km an hour, he
returns to home at 18.30 hours. How fast must he walk in order to return at 18.15 hours?

Let, Total Distance= D

D/10-D/15= 30/60= 1/2

=> [3D-2D]/30= 1/2

=> 2D= 30
=> D= 15 km

So, Total Distance= 15 km[Answer.]

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In order to reach 18.15. He had time 45 min.

Speed= 15*60/45= 20 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_3] The speed of a bus during the second hour of its journey is twice that in the first hour.
Also, its speed during the third hour is two-third the sum of its speeds in the first two hours.
Had the bus travelled for three hours at the speed of the first hour, it would have travelled 120
km less. Find the average speed of the bus for the first three hours.

Let, First hour speed= x km/hr
2nd hour speed= 2x
3 rd hour speed= 2/3*3x= 2x

So, Total Distance cover = x+2x+2x

= 5x

In 3 hr goes by first speed = 3x

Difference between two distance= 5x-3x= 2x

2x= 120
=> x= 60

Total Distance covered= [5*60]= 300 km

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Avg. Speed for 3 hr= 300/3= 100 kmph[Answer.]


[Q-4] The Ghaziabad-Hapur-Meerut EMU and the Meerut-Hapur-Ghaziabad EMU start at the
same time from Ghaziabad and Meerut and proceed towards each other at 16 km/hr and 21
km/hr respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has travelled 60 km more than the
other. The distance between two stations is:

When they meet they each take same time t(Assume)

21t-16t= 60
=> 5t= 60
=> t= 12

Total Distance covered = [21t+16t]

= 37*t= 37*12= 444 km[Answer.]


[Q_5] Dexter and Prexter are competing with each other in a friendly community competition in
a pool of 50 m length and the race is for 1000 m. Dexter crosses 50 m in 2 min and Prexter in 3
min 15 sec.
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Each time they meet/cross each other, they do handshake's. How many such handshake's will
happen if they start from the same end at the same time?


1000/50-1= 19[Since, they would not meet in there first round cover]




[Q_1] Akhil after travelling 50 km meets Raju who suggests him to go slower. He then
proceeds at ¾ of his former speed and arrives at his destination 35 minutes late. Had the
meeting occurred 24 km further Akhil would have reached its destination 25 minutes late. What
is the initial speed of Akhil?

24/(3V/4)-24/V= 10/60

=> (32-24)/V= 1/6

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=> V= 48 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_2] Buses start from a bus terminal with a speed of 20 km/hr at intervals of 10 minutes. What
is the speed of a man coming from the opposite direction towards the bus terminal if he meets
the buses at intervals of 8 minutes?

In 10 min bus goes= 20*10/60= 10/3

Distance= (10/3) km

10/3= (20+x)*8/60
=> 10= (20+x)*8/20
=> 200= 160+8x
=> x= 5 km/hr[Answer.]


[Q_3] Karthik could cover a distance of 200 km in 22 days while resting for 2 hrs. per day. In
how many days (approx) he will cover a distance of 250 km while resting for 2 hrs. per day and
moving with 2/3rd of the previous speed ?

Resting 2 hr, Everyday = 22 hours
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So, Speed= 200/22= 100/11

New speed= 200/33

Time= 250/(200/33)= 250*33/200

= 5*33/4= 41.25 days[Answer]


[Q_4] In a daily morning walk three persons step off together. their steps measure 75 cm, 80 cm
and 85 cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk so that thay can cover
the distance in complete steps ?

LCM of 75cm, 80cm, 85 cm=20400/100= 204 m[Answer]


[Q_5]A cow was standing on a bridge, 5m away from the middle of the bridge. A train was
coming towards the bridge from the ends nearest to the cow. Seeing this cow ran towards the
the train and managed to escape when the train was 2m away from bridge. If it had run in the
opposite direction, it would hit by the train 2m before the end of the bridge. What is the lenght
of the bridge in meters assuming the speed of the train is 4 times that of cow ?


(x-2)/4y= (B/2-5)/y
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=> 2*(x-2)= 4*(B-10)

=> 2x= 4B-36________[1]

(B/2+5-2)/y= (x+B-2)/4t

=> 2B+28= 2x____________[2]

From (1) & (2)

2B+28= 4B-36

=> 2B= 64

=> B= 32

So, Length of Bridge= 32 m


Topic:Time & Distance

Source: Gmat Club
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[Q_1] Two buses are travelling on the highway from X to Y . The speed of the first bus is
60KMPH and the second bus travels at the speed of 40KMPH. The first bus leaves at 11 AM
and the second leaves 15 mins later. The first bus starts back for X, 15 mins after it reaches Y .
How far from Y will the first Bus meet the second ?Also, after how much time will they meet
each other after the departure of the first bus from X , if the distance between X and Y is 180


One start at 11AM and other 15 min later. So, 11:15 AM. And they are in Same direction.

First car take time= 180/60= 3 hr

And wait 15 min there.

Since Second car started 15 min late. So he also take 3 hr.

In that time 2nd car goes= 40*3= 120 km

Remaining D= 180-120= 60 km
Now, they are in opposite direction.

RS= [60+40]= 100 km/hr

So, time taken= 60/100= 3/5*60= 36 min

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

And distance from Y= (3/5)*60= 60 km



[Q_2]James started from his home and drove eastwards at a constant speed. Exactly 90 minutes
after James stated from his home, his brother Patrick started from the same point and drove in
the same direction as James did at a different constant speed. Patrick overtook James exactly 90
minutes after Patrick started his journey and then continued driving at the same speed for
another 2 hours. By what percentage should Patrick reduce his speed so that James could catch
up with Patrick in exactly 8 hours after Patrick overtook James?

Let, james 180 min covers= 180 km

So, James speed= 180/1.5= 60 km/hr

And patrick goes this distance in = 3/2 hr

So, Patrick speed= 180*2/3= 120 km/hr

And, now patrick continues his running with 120 km/hr for 2 hr.

In 2 hr patrick goes= 240 km

Now, Distance cover by james in 8 hr= 8*60= 480

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

So, Remaing distance= (480-240)= 240

Patrick has to cover this distance in 6 hr. In that time his speed assume V km/hr

6V= 240
=> V= 40

Speed reduce by patric= (120-40)= 80 km/hr

% reduce= 80*100/120= 400/6= 200/3= 66.67% [Answer]


[Q_3]On his morning jog, Charles runs through a park in the shape of a semicircle, entering at
point A and exiting at point B. If he runs the diameter from A to B, it takes him 4 minutes less
than it takes him to run along the circumference of the semicircle from A to B. Assuming
Charles runs at a constant rate regardless of which path, how long does it take him to run along
the diameter? (Assume that π=22/7)


Distance ratio= πr:2r= π:2= 22/7:2= 22:14= 11:7

Diff= (11-7)= 4

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain



[Q_4] Reggie was hiking on a 6-mile loop trail at a rate of 2 miles per hour. One hour into
Reggie’s hike, Cassie started hiking from the same starting point on the loop trail at 3 miles per
hour. What is the shortest time that Cassie could hike on the trail in order to meet up with

In 1 hr D= 2 mile
Remain D= (6-2) mile
RS= (3+2)= 5 mile/hr
Time= 4/5= 0.8hr[Answer]
[Q_5]A woman is planning a trip that involves 3 connecting trains that depart from Stations X,
Y, and Z, respectively. The first train leaves Station X every hour, beginning at 6 a.m., and
arrives at Station Y 1(3/4) hours later. The second train leaves Station Y every half hour,
beginning at 9 a.m., and arrives at Station Z 2(1/3) hours later. The third train leaves Station Z
every 45 minutes, beginning at 8 a.m. What is the least total amount of time the woman must
spend waiting between trains if all trains depart and arrive on schedule, and if she arrives at
Station Z no later than 3:30 p.m.?


Trains depart from X at 6/7/8/9

and reach Y at 7:45/8:45/9:45 etc

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Trains depart from Y at 9/9:30/10/10:30 etc.

[ This means a minimum wait of 15 mins is required at Y.

They arrive at Z at 11:20/11:50/12:20/12:50. They depart from Z at
8/8:45/9:30/10:15/11/11:45/12:30 and so on]

. Note that if she arrives at Z at 20 mins past the hour, she will need to wait for at least 10 mins
for 12:30/3:30 etc train. If she arrives at 50 mins past the hour, again she needs to wait for at
least 10 mins to take the 2 o clock train. So anyway 10 mins at Z is a given.

So minimum she will need to wait for 15+10 = 25 mins.

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

1.A manufacturer printed the price of his goods as ৳ 120 per article. He allowed a
discount of 30% to the wholesaler who in his turn allowed a discount of 20% on the
printed price to the retailer. If the prescribed rate of sales tax on the goods is 10% and the
retailer sells it to the consumer at the printed price then find the value added tax paid by
the wholesaler and the retailer?
Printed Price = 120
Wholesaler SP = 120×
= 96
Wholesaler CP = 120×
= 84
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Thus Vat paid by wholesalers= (96-84)×10%= 1.2

Retailer CP = 96
Retailer SP = 120
Vat paid by Retailer = (120-96)×
= 2.4
So Vat paid by wholesalers = 1.2
Vat paid by Retailer= 2.4
2.If two times of the daughter’s age in years is included to the mother’s age, the total is 60
and if two times of the mother’s age is included to the daughter’s age, the total is 82. So
the Mother’s age is
Let, Daughter Age = D
Mother Age = M
2D+M= 60____[1]
And, 2M+D= 82_____[2]
3D= 38
 D=
So, Mother Age = (60 − )
= 34 year 8 Month
03. In a college, the average age of students of a class is 15.8 years. The average age of boys in
the class is 16.4 years and that of the girls is 15.4 years. The ratio of number of boys to the
number of girls in the class is
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Let Number of boys=x
Applying ROA
Number of Girls = y
164 154
16.4x+15.4y= 15.8(x+y)
=> 16.4x-15.8 x= 15.8y-15.4y 4 6
=>0.6x = 0.4y Boy:Girls= 4:6=2:3
=> 6x= 4y
=> x:y= 2:3
So, Boy:Girls= 2:3
04. When Rajesh was born, his father age was 29 years older than his Brother and his
Mother was 25 years older than his Sister. If his Brother is 2 years elder than his Sister.
After 6 years the average age of the family is 20. Then
what is the age of Mother when Rajesh was born? Solved by:Mutaher Hussain
Let Rajesh Sister Age = S
So Brother age= (S+2)
So, After 6 years,
Mother Age = (S+25+6)= (S+31)
Father Age = (S+2+6+29)= (S+37)
Rajesh Age = 6
Brother Age = S+2+6= S+8
Sister Age = S+6
ATQ, = 20
 (4S+88)=100
 S= 3
So, Mother Age when Rajesh born = 25+3= 28 year [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

05. The average score of a cricket player after 48 innings is 49 and in the 49th innings the
player scores 98 runs. In the 50th innings the minimum number of runs required to
increase his average score by 2 than it was before the 50th innings?
Average Score After 49 innings =
= 50
50×49+x= 52×50
 x= 50×3= 150[Answer]
06.The ratio of Present age of Madhu and Divya is 6:7. Madhu is 7 years younger than
Laxmi. Laxmi’s age after 8 years will be 51 years. Then what is the difference between the
present ages of Madhu and Divya?
Laxmi present age = 51-8= 43
So Madhu Age = (43-7)= 36
So, Diviya Present Age = 36 ×

= 42
So Difference = (42-36)= 6 years [Ans
07.Sum of the twice the age of Surya and his Father age is 79. Sum of the twice the age of
Father and Surya’s age is 104. The average of Surya, his Father and his Mother is 32.
Then what is the age of his Mother?
Let Surya Age = S
Father Age = F
Mother Age = M
2S+F= 79______[1]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

S+F+M= 96_____[3]
4F+2S-2S-F= 208-79
 3F= 129
 F= 43
So Suraya Age =
So, Mother Age = 96-(43+18)= 35 year [Answer.]
[Q-08] Present age of Husband and Wife is 28 and 24 Years respectively. At that age twin
babies were born to them. After how many years the average of the family will be same as
before babies were born?
Total Age = 28+24= 52
Average Age =
Let,After T years their age will be the same in average as before.
24+T+28+T+T+T= 26×4= 104
 4T=52
 T=
 T= 13 years
So after 13 years their age will be in same average as before.[Answer.]
09. Six years ago Manisha age was equal to sum of present ages of her Son and Daughter.
Four years hence , the ratio of ages of her Son and Daughter at that time will be 7:6.
Manisha is 6 years younger than his Husband. Manisha’s present age is 2.5 times the
present age of her Daughter. Then what is the age of Manisha’s Husband?
Let Present Age of Son = 7x-4
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Present age of Daughter = 6x-4

Manisha present Age = (7x-4+6x-4+6)= (13x-2)
 13x-2= 15x-10
 2x= 8
 x= 4
Manisha Husband age = 13×4-2+6= 56 years [Answer.]
10.Ratio of the ages of Mani and Naveen is 5 : A. Mani is 18 years younger to Ravi. After
nine years Ravi will be 47 years old. If the difference between the ages of Mani and
Naveen is same as the age of Ravi, what is the value of A?
Ration of Moni:Naveen = 5:A
After Nine Ravi will be = 47 years old.
Ravi present Age= (47-9)= 38 years old.
So, Mani present Age = 38-18= 20 years
Difference of Mani & Naveen = Ravi Age
 20-4A= 38
 -4A= 18
Age can not be negative.
Question Error.
11. If two times of the Ria’s age in years is included to her mother’s age, the total is 70 and
if two times of the mother’s age is included to the Ria’s age, the total is 95. So what is the
age of Ria’s Mother?
Let, Ria Age = R
Mother Age = M
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

2R+M = 70_______[1]
2M+R= 95_______[2]
4R+2M-2M-R= 140-95
 3R= 45
 R=
 R= 15 years
Substitute the value of R into [1]
30+M= 70
 M= 70-30= 40
So Ages of mother =40 years [Answer.]
12. The average runs scored by a cricketer is 42 innings, is 40. The difference between his
maximum and minimum scores in an inning is 100. If these two innings are not taken into
consideration, then the average score of remaining 40 inning is 37. Calculate the
maximum runs scored by him in an innings
Total Score by the batsman = 42×40= 1680
If two innings are not included, Total score= 40×37= 1480
So, Two innings Run = (1680-1480)= 200
Let, One innings score =y
So, others score = y+100
y+y+100= 200
 2y= 100
 y= 50
Maximum Runs he scored= 100+50= 150[Answer]
13. The respective ratio between the present age of Mary and Deepa is x : 42. Mary is 8
years younger than Prema. Prema’s age after 8 years will be 33 years. The difference
between Deepa’s and Mary’s age is same as the present age of Prema. What is the value of
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Prema Present Age = 33-8= 25
Mary Present Age = 25-8= 17
Present Age of Mary:Deepa= x:42
Let, Present age of Mary = xA
Present Age of Deepa = 42A
xA= 17
 A= 17/x
So, Deepa Present age = 42×
42× -17= 25
 = 25
 25x= 42×17-17x
 42x = 42×17
 x = 17
So, The value of x= 17[Answer.]
14. At present Vivek age is twice Dina’s age and half of Kanan’s age. After 4 years Vivek
will be 1.5 times Dina’s age and Kanan will be 2.5 times Dina’s age, then find the Kanan’s
Let Kanan Present age= 20K
Vivek Age= 10 K
Dina Age = 5K
After 4 years Vivek Age = (10K+4)
(10K+4)= 1.5×(5K+4)
 10K+4= 7.5 K+6
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 2.5 K= 2
2×2 4
 K= =
5 5
So, Kanan Present age = 20× =16 years[Answer]
15. The ratio of the present ages of A to B is 5 : 3. The ratio of A’s age 4 years ago to B’s
age 4 years hence is 1 : 1. What is the ratio of A’s age 4 years hence to B’s age 4 years ago?
Present Age ration of A:B= 5:3
Let A present age= 5x
B present age = 3x
4 years Ago A age= (5x-4)
4 years hence B age = (3x+4)
5x−4 1
ATQ, =
3x+4 1
 5x-4=3x+4
 2x= 8
 x= 4
A age 4 years hence = (5×4+4)= 24
B age 4 years Ago = 3×4-4= 8
A:B= 24:8= 3:1[Answer]
16. The sum of the present ages of A and B is 50. After 2 years B’s age will be 2 more than
C’s age then. If A is younger than C by 4 years, find the age of B 8 years ago
Present age of A+B= 50
A+4= C
So,A= C-4
B= C+2
Now, C+2+C-4=50
 2C=52
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 C= 26
So, B= 26+2= 28
Eight years Ago B age = (28-8)= 20 years [Answer]
17. Veena’s present age is three times her son’s present age and two fifth of her father’s
present age. The average of present age of all of them is 46 yrs.What is the difference
between the Veena’s son’s present age and Veena’s father’s present age?
Let, Vena's Father present Age= 60x
So vena's present age = 60x× Veena's Father:Veena's:Veena’s
= 24x Son

24x = 60:24:8
So, Veena's Son present Age =
3 = 15:6:2
Total Age = 46×3= 138
Difference = (15-2)= 13
24x+8x+60x= 46×3 13
 92x= 46×3 So, Difference = 138×
 x= =78 years
So, veena's Father present age= 60×
= 90 years
Veena's Son present Age = 8×
= 12
So, Difference = (90-12)= 78 years[Answer]
18. The average age of a family of five members is 24. If the present age of the youngest
member is 8 year, what was the average age of the family at the time of birth of youngest
Average age of five family members = 5×24=120
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So, Remained Five members total Age = 5×24-8= 112 years

So, Eight years ago sum of their age= 112-8×4= 80
So, average Age=

=20 years [Answer ]

19. B is twice older than C and A is 2 years older than B. If the total of all of their ages is
27, what will be total of the ages of A and C 6 years hence
B:C= 2:1
Let, B= 2x
C= x
So A= (2x+2)
2x+x+2x+2= 27
 5x= 25
 x= 5
So, A age = 5×2+2= 12
C Age = 5
6 years hence A+C total Age= 12+5+6+6= 29 years[Answer]
20. If P age is twice the average age of P, Q and R age’s. Q’s age is one half the average of
P, Q and R’s age. If the age of R is 5 years, then find the sum of ages of P, Q and R.
P,Q,R average Age= 6x
Total Age of P Q R = 18x
P age = 12x
Q age = 3x
18x-15x= 5
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=> x =
So, Total age of P Q R = 18×
= 30 years [Answer.]
21. Eight years ago, Pavi’s age was equal to the sum of the present ages of her one son and
one daughter. Five years hence, the respective ratio between the ages of her daughter and
her son that time will be 7:6. If Pavi’s husband is 7 years elder to her and his present age
is three times the present age of their son, what is the present age of the daughter?
Let, 5 years hence Daughter Age= 7D
So, 5 years hence Son Age= 6D
So Daughter present Age= (7D-5)
Son present Age= (6D-5)
Eight years Ago Mother Age= 13D-10
So, Present Age of Mother= 13D-10+8= 13D-2
So, Present Age of of husband = 13D-2+7= 13D+5
13D+5= 3×(6D-5)
 13D+5= 18D-15
 5D=20
 D= 4
So, Daughter Present Age= 7×4-5= 23 years [Answer]
22.The average age of board of directors of a company having 15 directors was 48 years.
When a director aged 56 resigned from the board of directors another director died on the
same day. A new director joined board of directors aged 36. Next year the average age of
all 14 directors was found to be 48 years. The age of late director at the time of his death
Total Age = 48×15= 720
Now total age = 720-56-x= 664-x
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

664-x+36+14= 14×48
 x= 42
So, Age of director at the time of his death = 42 years [Answer]
23. The average marks of Sumit decreased by one, when he replaced the subject in which
he has scored 40 marks by the other two subjects in which he has just scored 23 and 25
marks respectively. Later he has also included 57 marks of Computer Science, then the
average marks increased by two. How many subjects were there initially?
Let, Average Mark initially = T
Number of Subject = N
Total Marks initially = NT
ATQ, (N+1)(T-1)= NT-40+23+25

 NT-N+T-1= NT+8
 T-N= 9_____[1]
And, (N+2)(T+1)= NT-40+23+25+57
 NT+N+2T+2=NT+65
 N+2T= 63
 N= 63-2T
Put this value into [1]
T-(63-2T)= 9
 T-63+2T= 9
 3T= 72
 T= 24
Put this value into [1]
24-N= 9
 N= 15
So, Number of students Initially = 15[Answer.]
24. The average weight of 4 persons, Amit, Bala, Catherine and David is 65 kg. The 5th
person Elina is included and the average weight decreses by 2 kg. Amit is replaced by
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Francis. The weight of Francis is 4 kg more than Elina. Average weight decreases because
of the replacement of Amit and now the average weight is 64 kg. Find the weight of Amit.
Total weight (Amit+Bala+Catherine+David)= 4×65= 260
When Elina Weight is added the sum of weight = 5×63= 315 kg
So, Elina Weight = (315-260)kg= 55 kg
So, Francis Weight = 55+4= 59 kg
Now amit weight is Replaced due to entry of Francis.
So. Total weight of five = 5×64= 320
Sum of weight of Bala+Catherine+David = 320-55-59= 204
So, Weight of Amit = 260-204= 56 kg [Answer.]
25. The average weight of the students in four sections Red, Black, Green and Yellow is 60
kg. The average weight of the students of Red, Black, Green and Yellow individually are
45 kg, 50 kg, 72 kg and 80 kg, respectively. If the average weight of the students of section
Red and Black together is 48 kg and that of Black and Green together is 60 kg. What is
the ratio of the number of the students in sections Red and Yellow?
Let, Red, Black, Green, Yellow Respectively R,B,G,Y
ATQ, 45R+50B= 48×(R+B)
 45R+50B= 48R+48B
 3R= 2B
And, 50B+72G= 60(B+G)
 10B= 12G
And, 45R+50B+72G+80Y= 60×(R+B+G+Y)
 12G+20Y-15R-10B= 0
 12G+20Y-15R-12G= 0
 15R= 20Y
 R:Y= 20:15= 4:3[Answer ]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

26. The average age of women and child workers in a factory was 20 year. The average
age of all the 12 children was 8 year and
average age of women workers was 26
year. If 9 women workers were married, Applying ROA
then the number of unmarried women
26 8
workers was.
12 6
Total age of Children = 12×8= 96
Let, Number of women workers = w
So, 1==12
ATQ, 96+26w= 20(12+w)
 96+26w= 240+20w
 6w= 144 So, Unmarried Women= (24-9)= 15
 w = 24
So, Married women workers = (24-9)= 15 [Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Chapter: Partnership
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

01.A, B, C subscribe Rs. 60,000 for a business, A subscribes Rs.8000 more than B and B
Rs. 5000 more thanC. Out of a total profit of Rs. 40,000, A receives :
Let C subscribe = C
B Subscribe = C+5000
A Subscriber = C+5000+8000= C+13000
ATQ, C+C+5000+C+13000= 60,000
 3C= 42,000
 C= 14,000
So, A:B:C= 27,000:19,000:14,000= 27:19:14
So, A received = 40,000×
= 18,000[Answer]
02.A, B, C started a business with their investments in the ratio 2:4:5. After 8 months, A
invested the same amount as before and both B and C withdrew half of their investments.
The ratio of their profits at the end of the year is:
Profit will be distributed as their investment.
Investment of A:B:C= (2×8+4×4):(4×8+2×4):(5×8+2.5×4)
= 30:40:50
= 3:4:5[Answer.]
03. In a business, A in invests 1/4th of the total capital for 1/4th of the time. B invests 1/5th
of the total capital for half of the time and C invests the remaining capital for the whole
time. What is the share of C in the total profit of Rs 7410?
Let, Total Time = T
Total Investment = 1
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1 1 9 11
C Investment Initial = 1 − ( + ) = 1 − =
4 5 20 20
1 T 1 T 11T T T 11T
A:B:C= ( × ) : ( × ) : ( )= : :
4 4 5 2 20 16 10 20
= 5:8:44
Share of C = 7410×
= 5720[Answer]
4.A and B started a business by investing Rs 8,000 and Rs 9,000 respectively. After 4
months A withdrew Rs 400 and B added Rs 400 more. What is the share of B from the
profit of Rs 10,200?
Investment of A:B= (8000×4+7600×8):(9000×4+9400×8)
= 92,800:111200
= 928:1112
Share of B = 10,200× ( )
= 5560[Answer]
05.A, B and C enter into a partnership in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5 . After 2 months, A increases
his share 20% and B by 10%. If the total profit at the end of one year is Rs 1,90,500, what
is the share of C at the end of year?
Investment Ratio of A:B:C= (2×2+120% of 2×10):(3×2+110% of 3×10):5×12
= 28: 39: 60
Share of C = 1,90,500×
= 90,000[Answer]
06. 3 partners started a business. The capital invested by B was two-third that of A and
also it was thrice the investment of C. Find the share of B out of a total profit of Rs
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Let A investment = 12 x
So, B investment = 12x ×
= 8x
So C investment =
So, A:B:C= 12x:8x:
= 36x:24x:8x
= 36:24:8
So, Share of B = 3,33,200×
= 117,600[Answer]
07.In a business A and C invested amounts in the ratio 3:2, whereas A and B invested
amounts in the ratio 4:1. If the total profit at the end of a year is Rs 35,650, find the share
of A.
A:C= 3:2= 12:8
A:B= 4:1=12:3
A:B:C= 12:3:8
So, Share of A= 35650×
= 18,600[Answer]
08.A and B starts a business and invests Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectively. B is an
active partner and he gets 25% of the profit separately. If their business yields them a
total of Rs. 30,000 as profit, what is the share of B at the end of a year?
Ratio of A:B = 20,000:30,000= 2:3
Share of B = 25% of 30,000+ 75% of 30,000×
= 21,000[Answer]
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09. In a business Ishu invested 4 times that of Kathir and the period of investment of Ishu
is 1/2 times that of Kathir.Then their profit ratio is:
Let Period = 2T
Investment of Ishu:Kathir= 4×T:2T= 2:1
Since, There is nothing mentioned, so profit will be distributed as per capital.
10.Sahir started a software business by investing Rs. 30,000 . After six months , Nikil
Joined him with a capital of Rs. 50,000 . After 2 years , they earned a profit of Rs . 22,500 .
What was Sahir’s share in the profit ?
Investment of Sahir:Nikil= 30,000×24:50,000×18
= 4×3:5×3= 4:5
Sahir Share in profit = 22,500×
11. A Company makes a profit of Rs.7,60,000, 20% of which is paid as taxes. If the rest is
divided among the partners X, Y and Z in the ratio 5:3:4 then the share of X is
Total Profit = 80% of 7,60,000= 608000
Share of X= 608000×
= 253333.33 [Answer]
12. A, B, C start a business. A contributes 1/5 of total capital invested in business. B
contributes as much as A and C together. Total profit at the end of the year was
Rs.7200.What was B’s Share in the profit ?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let, A+C together = X Alternative

So, B = X (A+C):B= 1:1

So, Total Capital = 2X So, B Profit = 7200×
So, A investment = = 3600
So, C investment = X –
So, A:B:C = 2:5:3
Share of B = 7200×
= 3600
13. P, Q and R invested some amount to start a business. P invest 500 for 12 months, Q
invest 600 for some months and R invested 540 more than 2 months invested by Q.At the
end of the year total profit earned is Rs.2200 while Q received Rs.480 then Q invested foe
how many months ?
Let, Q invest for = T month
R invest for = (T+2) Month
Investment Ration of P:Q:R= 500×12:600×T:540×(T+2)
= 50×12:60×T:54(T+2)
= 25×12:30T:27(T+2)
= 300:30T:27(T+2)
= 100:10T:9(T+2)
So Total Investment = 100+10T+9T+18= 118+19T
ATQ, = 480

 480(118+19T)= 22000T
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 12,880 T= 56640
 T= 4.39 Month
So, Q invest for = 4.39 Month [Answer]
14. A, B and C invested Rs 1000 for 8 months, Rs 1200 for 6 months and Rs 1500 for some
months. Out of a total profit of Rs 5,675 as profit, A received Rs 2000. For how much
months did C invested?
Investment Ratio of A:B:C= 1000×8:1200×6:1500×T= 10×8:12×6:15T= 80;72:15T
Total Investment = 80+72+15T= 152+15T
ATQ, = 2000

 2000×(152+15T)= 80×5675
 T= 5
So, C invests for = 5 Months [Answer.]
15.A, B and C received their profit shares in the raio 4 : 6 : 9 respectively. A and B
received a total of Rs 60,000. What is the amount that C and A got together?
A:B:C= 4:6:9
Let, A, B, C respectively 4x,6x,9x
ATQ, 4x+6x= 60,000
 x= 10,000
So, (C+A) got = 9x+4x= 13x= 13×10,000= 130000[Answer]
16. Out of a total profit of Rs 19,600, B received Rs 10,000 as his share. If A invested Rs
8,000 for 6 months while B invested his amount for 5 months, then what is the amount
invested by B?
Investment of A:B= 8000×6:B×5= 1600×6:B
Sum of Investment of A+B= 9600+B
ATQ, = 10,000
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

 10,000(9600+B)= B×19600
 100×(9600+B)= B×196
 960000+100B= 196B
 96B= 960000
 B= 10,000
So, B invested = 10,000 initially [Answer]
17.Out of the total investment, A invested 1/4th , B invested 1/3rd of the remaining and C
the remaining. B earned Rs 10,000 after a year. Find the yearly profit of all.
Let Total Investment = 72 x
A investment = =18x
B investment = =18x
So, C investment = 72x-36x= 36x
So, 18 x= 10,000
 72x= =40,000
So, Total Profit = 40,000[Answer]
18. Rahul got 5000 as his share out of the total profit of 9000. Ramesh had invested 3000
rupees for 6 months while rahul invested for the whole year. Find the amount invested by
Ramesh:Rahul = 3,000×6:R×12= 3000:2R= 1500:R[Rahul Invest= R(Assume)]
Total Investment = (1500+R)
ATQ, 9000× = 5,000

 5×(1500+R)= 9R
 4R= 7500
 R= 1875
So, Rahul Investment Initially = 1875[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

19.Three partners P, Q and R invest a total sum of 240000. At the end of the year A get
15000 rupee, B get 20000 and C get 25000 rupees as profit. How much amount is invested
by A and C together.
Profit Ration of A:B:C= 15,000:20,000:25,000= 15:20:25= 3:4:5
(A+C) Invested Together = 24,0000×
= 16,000[Answer ]
20.A and B invested in a business in which A invest 250 rupee more than B. B invested for
6 months while A invested for 4 months. If A get 200 more than B out of a total profit of
1000. Then the total amount invested in the business.
Let B investment = B Rupees
So, A investment = (B+250)
Ration of Investment of A:B= (B+250)×4:B×6= (B+250)×2:3B
Total Investment of (A+B)= 2B+500+3B= 5B+500
So, A get Profit Out of 1000= 1000×
And B get profit Out of 1000= 1000×
2000B+500,000 3000B
ATQ, − =200
5B+500 5B+500

 (2000B+500,000-3000B)= 1000B+100000
 2000B = 400,000
 B = 200
So, (A+B) investment = 200×2+250= 650[Answer ]
21.A and B invested rupees 4000 and 5000 respectively in a business. A being an active
partner will get rupee 50 every month extra for running the business. In a year if A
receive a total of 800 rupee, then what will B get from the business.
Investment of A:B= 4000:5000= 4:5
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

ATQ, 4x= 800

 5x= 1000
So, B will get from the business = 50×12+1000= 1600[Answer.]
22.Three friends A, B, C invested in a business in the ratio of 4:5:6. After 6 months C
withdraw half of his capital. If the sum invested by A is 36000, then the profit earned by C
out of the total profit of 60000.
Ration of Investment of A:B:C = 4×12:5×12:(6×6+3×6)= 48:60:54= 8:10:9
Profit earned by C = 60,000×
= 20000[Answer]

23.Two persons A and B invested in a business with 115000 and 75000 rupees respectively.
They agree that 40% of the profit should be divided equally among them and rest is
divided between them according to their investment. If A got 500 rupee more than B, then
the total profit is.
Investment Ration of A:B = 1,15,000:75,000= 115:75= 23:15
Let Total Profit = 380
Equally Divided = 380×
= 152
Rest = 380-152= 228
So, A get = 228×

= 138
B get = (228-138)= 90
So, A get Total = 138+76= 214
B get = 380-214= 166
So, Difference of A & B = (214-166)= 48
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

ATQ, 48= 500

 380=
 380= 3958.34
So, Total Profit = 3958.34[Answer]
24.P, Q, R invested in the ratio of 6:5:7. After the end of business term they receive the
profit in the ratio 3:1:5. Find the ratio of time in which they invested in the business.
Let, P, Q, R invest for p,q,r month
So. Investment of P:Q:R= 6p:5q:7r
6p 3
ATQ, =
5q 1

 6p= 15 q.
 p:q= 15:6= 5:2= 35:14
5q 1
And, =
7r 5
 25q= 7r
 q:r= 7:25= 14:50
So, Ration of Time P:Q:R= 35:14:50[Answer]
25. Three persons enter into a partnership by investing in the ratio of 4:5:8. After one year
A invest more 4300 and B withdraws 3200. Now, the ratio of investment changes to 5:4:7.
Approximately how much A invested initially.
26. A, B, C start a business investing TK 120,000, 1,35,000 and 1,50,000 respectively. Find
the share of each out of annual profit 56,700? [Pubali bank written, 2016]
A:B:C= 1,20,000:1,35,000:1,50,000= 120:135:150= 8:9:10
So, A Share = 56700×
= 16,800
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B Share = 56,700×
= 18,900
C share = 56700×
= 21,000[Answer]
27. X, Y, Z invested TK 9000, TK 7000, TK 6000 respectively in a business where profit
will be distributed according to their share of investment. The business made a profit of
TK 880. If Y uses portion of his share of the profit to repay a personal loan of TK 230 then
calculate Y remain profit balance? [BB(DECO)_2012 Written ]
X:Y:Z= 9,000:7,000:6,000= 9:7:6
So, Y received = 880×
= 280
After repaying loan 230 Y had = (280-230)= 50[Answer]
28. A B start a business with the capital of 3000 and 4000. After 8 month A invested 2500
Tk more in the business and later 7 month from A investing the total profit achieved 980.
Find the share of each. [BKB(cash,18)-Written]
Investment Ration of A:B= (3000×8+7×5500):15×4,000= (24000+37,500):60,000= 625:600
= 25:24
Share of A = 980×

= 500
So, Share of B = (980-500)= 480[Answer.].
29. Abu started a business investing tk 70,000. Rabu joined him after 6 month with an
investment of TK 1,05,000 and sabu joined again after 6 month with an investment of TK
1,40,000. In what ratio the amount of profit earned should be distributed among Abu,
Rabu and Sabu respectively, 3 yeara after abu joined? [DBBL, PO(12) Written]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Abu:Rabu:Sabu= 70,000×36:105000×30:1,40,000×24
= 70×6:105×5:140×4
= 14×6:105:28×4
= 84:105:112
= 12:15:16[Answer]
30. In a business piku invested 6500 for 6 month, Qazi invested TK 8400 for five month
and Raj invested TK 10,000 for 3 month. Piku wants to be working partner for which he
will be received 5% of the profit. If the total profit will be 7400 what is the share of profit
of Qazi? [Bangladesh Samabay bank written -2012]
Investment of Piku:Qazi:Raj = 6500×6:8400×5:10,000×3
= 65×6:84×5:100×3
= 13×6:84:20×3
= 26:28:20
Total profit = 7400
Since Piku is a working partner thus he receive 5% out of Total Profit.
So, Total Profit remain after paying piku = 95% of 7400= 7030
Thus Qazi Share of Profit = 7030×
= 2660 TK [Answer]
31. A,B,C start a business each investing TK 20,000. After 5 months A withdraw TK 5000,
B withdraw 4000 and C invests 6000 more. At the end of year a total 69,900 TK profit was
recorded. Find the share of each? [Janata Bank(AEO,Written,12]
Investment of A:B:C= (20,000×5+15,000×7):(20000×5+16000×7):(20000×5+26000×7)
= 2,05,000:2,12,000:2,82,000
= 205:212:282
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

So, A share = 69900×

= 25,500.
B Share = 69900×
= 21,200
C Share = 69900-(21,200+25,500)= 28,200[Answer]
32. Four milkmen rented a pasture. A grazed 24 cows for 3 months, B grazed 10 cows for 5
months, C grazed 35 cows for 4 months and D grazed 21 cows for 3 months. If A's share of the
rent is Rs. 720, find the total rent of the field. . [Pubali Bank SO(12-Written]

A:B:C:D= 24×3:10×5:35×4:21×3=72:50:140:63
Let A share of Rent = 72 T
So, Total Rent = (72T+50T+203T)= 325 T
ATQ, 72T=720
 325T= 3250
So, Total Rent = 3250[Answer]

33. A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing in the ratio of 3: 2: 4. After one year, B
invests another Rs. 2,70,000 and C at the end of 2 years, also invests Rs. 2,70,000.
At the end of three years, profits are shared in the ratio of 3 : 4: 5. Find the initial investment of
C. [PKB(Cash-14, Written ]
Investment Ration of A, B & C respectively 3x,2x,4x.
Investment Ration of A:B:C= {3x×3}:{2x+(2x+2,70,000)×2}:{4x×2+(4x+2,70,000)}
= 9x:(4x+5,40,000):(12x+2,70,000)
9x 3
ATQ, =
(6x+5,40,000 5

=> 45x= 18x+3×540,000

=> 27x=
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

34. Dawood Invested certain amount in three different scheme A, B, C with the rate of
10% pa, 12% pa and 15% pa respectively. If the total interest accrued in one year was TK
3200 and the amount invested in scheme C was 150% of the amount invested in scheme A
and 240% of the amount invested in scheme B, what was the amount invested
in Scheme B? [BB Cash(17,Written)]
35. Shakil started a business investing TK 25,000 in 2009.In 2010 he invested an additional
amount of TK 10,000 and Raihan joined him with an amount of TK 35,000. In 2011 Shakil
invested another additional amount of TK 10,000 and Jafor Joined with an amount of TK
35,000. What will be the Raihan's share in the profit of TK 1,50,000 earned at the end of 3
years from the start of the business in 2009? [BB Cash(17,written)]

Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

01. The average price of 10 books is Rs.12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs.
11.75. Of the remaining two books, if the price of one book is 60% more than the price of
the other, what is the price of each of these two books?
#Solution: [Examveda;Section-1]
The Total Price of 10 books =10×12= 120
Remain Price of two books
Eight Price Total = 8×11.75=8×11(3/4)
= (120-94)= 26
= 8×47/4= 94
Price Ration= 160;100= 8:5
Rest Price = (120-94)= 26
Price of two = 26×(8/13)= 16
Now, Let, One price = P.
& 26×(5/13)= 10
So, Other Price = P×8/5
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

P+8P/5= 26
 13P= 26×5
 P= 10
So, Price of two books 10 & 16[Answer.]

02. Average of ten positive numbers is x. If each number is increased by 10%, then x?
Solution [Examveda; Section-01]
Let x= 10
Summation of 10 number = 10×10= 100
Each number = (11/10)×10= 11
Increased By= (11-10)×100/10= 10%[Answer]

03. Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is Rs. 36. The average cost of 7 apples and 8
mangoes is Rs. 48. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.
Solution [Examveda,Section-1]
5A+4M= 36×9= 324_______[1]
7A+8M= 48×15= 720______[2]
12A+12M = 324+720= 1044
 24A+24M= 1044×2= 2088[Answer.]

4. The average wages of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15 consecutive working

days was Rs.90 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wages was Rs.87/day and the
average wages during the last 7 days was Rs.92 /day. What was his wage on the 8th day?
[Examveda;Section 1]
Total Weight of students= 15×90= 1350
Total Sum of first 7 days= 7×87= 609 Average= Summation of
Total/Total Number
Total Sum of last 7 days= 7×92= 644
 Summation of Total
Wage on 8th day= 1350-(644+609)
= Total Number×Average.
= 1350-1253= 97[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

05. When a student weighing 45 kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining 59
students increased by 200g. What is the average weight of the remaining 59 students?
Solution [Examveda,Section1]
Let, Average weight of the class= T year
60 students average weight = 60 T Alternative

Due to one students left avg. Wt =(T+2) Average weight of new

59 students avg. wt. = 59×(T+.2) = 45+60×.2

ATQ = 45+12= 57 kg

60T- 59×(T+.2)= 45 [Answer]

 60 T-59T-11.8= 45
 T= 56.8
So, New Avg. Weight = (56.8+.2)= 57 kg

06. The difference between two angles of a triangle is 24°. The average of the same two
angles is 54°. Which one of the following is the value of the greatest angle of the triangle?
Solution [Examveda Section-1]
Let, Two angles are A & B
A+B= 54×2= 108°
Greater Angle= (108+24)/2= 132/2= 66°
Since, Summation of three= 180°
So, Largest angle Can be= 180-108= 72°[Answer.]

7. The average age of a family of 5 members is 20 years. If the age of the youngest member
be 10 years then what was the average age of the family at the time of the birth of the
youngest member?
Solution [Examveda;Section1]
Sum of Total Age = 5×20= 100
When Younger Member born the sum is= 100-10-40= 50
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So, Average = 50/4= 12.5 [Answer.]

8. Distance between two stations A and B is 778km. A train covers the journey from A to
B at 84km per hour and returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56km per hour. Find
the average speed of train during the whole journey.
Solution [Examveda; Section-01]
Distance Between A & B = 778 km
Ongoing Average Time = 778/84= 9.26
hr Avg. Speed Formula = 2AB/(A+B)

Returned average Time = 778/56= 13.89 Here, A, B= Avg. Speed of two

hr Avg. Speed = 2×84×56/(56+84)= 67.2 km/hr
Total Distance = 778×2= 1556 km [Answer.]
Total Time = 9.26+13.89= 23.15 hr
Average Speed = 1556/23.15= 67.2 km/hr

09. The average of 50 numbers is 35. If two numbers, 35 and 40 are discarded, then the
average of the remaining numbers is nearly:
Sum of Total Numbers = 50×35= 1750
Two Discarded Number Sum = 35+40= 75
(50-2)=48 Numbers Sum = (1750-75)
= 1675
Average = 1675/48= 34.89 [Answer.]

10. The average score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the
first six matches is 42, then find the average for the last four matches.
Total Score in 10 Matches = 10×38.9= 389
First 6 Match total Score= 6×42= 252
So last Four Matches Total Run = 389-252= 137
Average of last four Match= 137/4= 34.25[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

11. 3 years ago the average of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been
born, the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is:
3 years Ago Five members Total Age = 5×17= 85
Average Age Today = 17
So, Total Age of Today = 6×17= 102
Without baby Total Age = 5×(17+3)= 100
Baby Age = (102-100)= 2 year [Answer.]

12. A man spends his three months income in four month time. If his monthly income is
Rs. 1000 then his annual savings is ?
Four Month Income Total = 4×1000= 4000
Spend Total = 3×1000= 3000
Savings = (4000-3000)= 1000
So, 4 month Savings = 1000
12 Month Savings = 3×1000= 3000[Answer]

13. Ajit has a certain average for 9 innings. In the tenth innings, he scores 100 runs
thereby increasing his average by 8 runs. His new average is:
Let Initial Average = T
Final Average = (T+8)
ATQ, Alternative
10(T+8)-9T= 100 Average score Increase By= 10×8= 80
 10T+80-9T= 100
 T= 100-80 So, Average Original = (100+80)/9= 20
 T= 20 New Average = 20+8= 28 year [Answer.]
New Average = (20+8)= 28
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

14. The average weight of 39 Students in a class is 23. Among them Sita is the heaviest
while Tina is the lightest. If both of them are excluded from the class still the average
remains same. The ratio of weight of Sita to Tina is 15:8.Then what is the weight of the
Tina? [Affairscloud]
When Sita and Tina excluded the average age will be the same.
So, Average age of two = 2×23= 46
Let, Sita = 15x Alternative
Tina = 8x Total Age Excluded = 23×2= 46
ATQ, Sita Age= 46×(15/23)= 30
15x+8x= 46 Tina Age = 46×(8/23)= 16
 23x= 46 [Answer.]
 x= 2
So, Sita Age= 15×2= 30
Tina Age = 8×2= 16[Answer.]
15. The ages of Four members of a family are in the year 2010 are ‘X’,’X+12’,’X+24’ and
‘X+36’. After some years Oldest among them was dead then average reduced by 3. After
how many years from his death, the average age will same as in 2010? [Affairscloud]
Total Age of Famly Members = X+X+12+X+24+X+36
= 4X+72
Average of 4 = 4(X+18)/4= (X+18)
New Average = (X+18)-3= X+15
Let After T years the average age will be the same.
3(X+15)+3T= 3×(X+18)
 3T= 3X+54-3X-45
 3T= 9
 T= 3
So, 3 years from his death the average age will be the same[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

16. The average of Four numbers is 24.5. of the four numbers, the first is 1.5 times the
second, the second is 1/3 rd of the third, and the third is 2 times the fourth number. Then
what is smallest of all those numbers? [Affairs-Cloud]
Total Sum of Four Number = 4×24.5= 98 Alternative
Let, Fourth Number = x By taking LCM
Third Number = 2x Let, Fourth= 12

2𝑥 3rd = 24
2 Number =
2nd = 8
2𝑥 3
First Number= ( ) × (2 ) First = 12
=x Smallest = 98×8/56
2𝑥 = 14
Now, 𝑥 + 2𝑥 + + 𝑥=98

 (3x+6x+2x+3x)= 98×3
 x=21
Smallest Number = 2×

= 14 [Answer.]
17. There are 459 students in a hostel. If the number of students increased by 36, the
expenses of the mess increased by Rs .81 Per day while the average expenditure per head
reduced by 1. Find the original expenditure of the mess?
Solution [AffairsCloud]
Here Total Students = 459
Newly Added = 36
Total Students = (459+36)= 495
Let Average expense per head = H
495(H-1)-459×H= 81
 36H = 576
 H= 16
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Original Expenditure = 459×16= 7344[Answer.]

18. The average cost 32 different Mobiles is Rs. 9000. Among them, Oppo which is the
costliest is 70% higher price than the cheapest Mobile Lava. Excluding those both
mobiles, the average of the Mobiles is Rs.8880. Then what is the cost of Oppo Mobile?
Cost of Oppo and Lava = (32×9000-30×8880) Alternative
= 21,600 Cost of Oppo+Lava= (32×90,00-
Let Lava's Price = x 30×8880)= 21,600

Oppo Price = 170% of x= 17x/10 Oppo:Lava= 17:10

ATQ, Oppo Price = 21600×17/27

x+17x/10= 21,600 = 13600

 27x= 21,600×10 [Answer.]
 x= 800
So, Oppo price = (21,600-8000)=
19. The average age of a family of 9 members is 22 years. Surya is the youngest and his
age is 6 years, then what was the average age of the family just before Surya was born
The Total Age = 22×9= 198
Suraya Age = 6 year
When he was born the total Age of his family
= 198-6-8×6
= 198-54= 144
So, Average Age = 144/8= 18 year [Answer.]

20. Dhoni scored 8000 runs in a certain number of innings. In the next five innings, he was
out of form and hence, could make only 85 runs, as a result his average reduced by 1 run.
How many innings did he play in total?
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Let, Number of innings = N Question Asked:

Average = 8000/N[Orginal] Number of Innings =?

New Average = 8085/(N+5) In order To solve this question you

have to draw an equation.
Total Run/No. of innings =
8000/N -8085/(N+5)= 1 Average
 8000(N+5)-8085N=N(N+5) So,
 8000N+40000-8085N= (𝑁)2 + 5𝑁
 N 2 + 90N − 40000=0 Difference of two average = 1
 N 2 + 250N − 160N − 40,000=0
 N= 160
Total Innigs he play = 160+5= 165[Answer.]

21. The weights of 19 people are in Arithmetic progression. The average weight of them is
19. If the heaviest is 37 Kgs. Then what is the weight of the Lightest? [Affairscloud]
Let, First term = a
2nd term = a+d
37th Term = a+18d Alternative

a+18d= 37________[1] Here Total Term = 19

Series Looks like= a+d+a+2d+….+a+36d= Since Largest Term = 37

19×19=361 So,
Sum =19/2×(2a+18d)= 19×(a+9d) Series Can be
So19×(a+9d)= 361 1+2+3+4+…..+37
 a+9d= 19_________[2] So lightest = 1[Answer.]
a= 38-37= 1[Answer]
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22. The average weight of 40 Students is 32. If the Heaviest and Lightest are excluded the
average weight reduces by 1. If only the Heaviest is excluded then the average is 31. Then
what is the weight of the Lightest? [Affairscloud]
Average Weight Total = 40×32= 1280
When heaviest excluded ;Total Age = 39×31= 1209
So, Heaviest weight = (1280-1209)= 71 year
Heaviest and Lightest Weight = (1280-38×31)= 102
So Lightest weight = (102-71)= 31 year [Answer]
23. The average price of 80 mobile phones is Rs.30,000. If the highest and lowest price
mobile phones are sold out then the average price of remaining 78 mobile phones is Rs.
29,500. The cost of the highest mobile is Rs.80,000. The cost of lowest price mobile is?
Price of two Mobile phone = (30,000×80-78×29,500)= 99000
Cost of highest Mobile Phone = 80,000
Cost of lowest Mobile phone = (99000-80,000)= 19,000[Answer.]
24. Pranav went to the bank at the speed of 60 kmph while returning for his home he
covered the half of the distance at the speed of 10 kmph, but suddenly he realized that he
was getting late so he increased the speed and reached the home by covering rest half of
the distance at the speed of 30 kmph.The average speed of the Pranav in the whole length
of journey is?
Solution [AffairsCloud]
Let Total Distance = D km.
Time while going = D/60
Let Distance = 60 km
While Returning Half distance
Ongoing Time = 60/60= 1 hr
Time = D/20
Returning Time = 30/10+30/30= 4 hr
Remain Time = D/60
Total Distance = 120 Km
So Total Time = D/60
Average Speed = 120/5= 24 km/hr[Answer.]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

= 5D/60= D/12
Average Speed = 2D×12/D= 24 [Answer.]
25. The average expenditure of Sharma for the January to June is Rs. 4200 and he spent
Rs. 1200 in January and Rs.1500 in July. The average expenditure for the months of
February to July is:
January To June expenditure = 4200×6= 25,200
Expenditure from February to july = 25,200-1200+1500= 25,500
Average Expenditure = 25,500/6= 4250[Answer.]
26. the average of 6 men 8 women and 1 boy is 35. if the average of men is 40 years and the
women average age is 34 years what is the average age of boy [IFIC Bank, TSO,18]
Total Age = (6+8+1)×35= 15×35= 525
Women Total Age = 8×34= 272
Men Total Age= 6×40= 240
So, Boy Age = 525-(272+240)= 13 years [Answer.]
27. Average Mark obtained by 300 students in a class is 80. When 10% of the students
marks are excluded from the group the average mark of the remaining students will be
85.Find the average mark of 10% excluded students [Bank Asia,16_Written]
Total Mark of 300 students = 300×80= 240,00
Total Mark of 90% of 300= 270 students = 270×85= 22,950
10% Excluded or 30 students total Marks = (24000-22950)= 1050
Average Mark = =35[Answer.]
28. The Average weight of three men A, B, C is 84 kg. A new comer D joins the group
thus average age will become 80 kg. If another man E. whose weight is 3 kg more than D
replace A. Then The average age of B, C,D,E will becomes 79.The Age of A
Solution JanataBank AEO,17
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

Total Age of A,B,C= 84×3= 252

Total Age of A,B,C,D = 80×4= 320
So, D age = (320-252)= 68
So, E age = 68+3= 71
So, B, C,D,E age Total = 4×79= 316
So, B, C age = 316-(71+68)= 316-139= 177
So, A age = 252-177= 75 years [Answer.]
29. A worker is paid x dollars per hour for the first 5 hours he works each day. He is paid
y dollars per hour for each hour he works in excess of, 5 hours. During one week he works
8 hours on Saturday , 11 hours on Sunday, 12 hours on Monday, 10 hours on Tuesday,
and 9 hours on Wednesday. What is his average daily wage in dollars for the 5-day week?
In Saturday he earned = 5x +3y
In Sunday he earned = 5x+6y
In Monday he earned = 5x+7y
In Tuesday he earned = 5x+5y
In Wednesday he earned =5 x+4y
Total Earned = 5x+3y+5x+6y+5x+7y+x+5y+5x+4y
= 25x+25y
= 25(x+y)
So, Average = 25(x+y)/5= 5(x+y)[Answer]
Mutaher Math File (1000 Math) Solved by:Md Mutaher Hussain

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