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Manufacturing process at Haleeb Foods

Haleeb milk is not actually made but it is processed
milk. We collect raw milk from approved dairy farms and
process it ensuring the highest standards. Some people think that
perhaps Haleeb milk is made from chemicals or synthetically but
this is not true.Following steps are including in the process of
Haleeb Milk.
1. Collection of raw milk 
2.Testing milk at the plant reception
7.Ultra Heat Treatment (UHT)
P O L I T I C A L C O N D I T I O N S  
The political conditions are not very stable in the
country,but this does not directly influence the trends and
spending patterns of the customers. There areno
restrictions or barriers on the growth of this industry. So the
political conditions arefavorable fir this market because
food and dairy chain products are consumer goods and
they have to purchase it in any condition.

The economical conditions are not very favorable and the economy is
facing problems, but itis nit directly influencing buying power of
consumers. If the country is out of its currentproblems, it will
further boost up growth of this industry, as people will feel more
secureeconomically and it will further increase the attractiveness
of the market.

The social patterns are changing in the country, as the world is becoming
a global village, and mutually share and accept patterns. People are
becoming more attractive towards the brandedproducts. It is becoming
fashion and young generations as well as the children are getting
moreattracted towards this industry. People are moving towards branded
food / dairy products due tohygienic reason.

High technology is the basic requirement of dairy and food industry. The
companies thatare using latest technology have some cost benefits
over the companies, which are notusing high technology. The key
to survival for companies in this industry is using hightechnology
for quality and cost purposes.

Haleeb Foods is well establish company which is
competing withmultinational companies and has 70%
market share in dairy industries which makes it market
leader. The Haleeb Foods are trying their best toproperly
perform  their  operations.  They  are  following
internationalstandards like ISO standerds and are using different
tools to continuously improve their operations. They are
introduced new technology in
their p r o d u c t i o n   p r o c e s s   f i r s t   t i m e   i n   P a k i s t a n .   T h e
y   a r e   p r o v i d i n g   q u a l i t y   products. There human recourse
policies are also good. The locations whichthey have selected
for their operations are beneficial for the collection of milk
and distribution. There layout helps to facilitate their employees,
flow of information and operations. But there are some short
falls which they must overcome

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