The Comprehensive Guide To Shilajit - Lost Empire Herbs

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The Comprehensive Guide to Shilajit

May 21, 2014 by Logan Christopher — 102 Comments

Welcome to the Comprehensive Guide to Shilajit. Check the content section below to jump to a
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Keeping the body in perfect shape can be a difficult job sometimes. This is most especially true as
temptations including sinful food, cigarettes, and alcohol have always been there. Furthermore, it
is harder to manage things when you know to yourself that part of what you are dealing with is

If you are looking for a safe yet effective way to improve your health in general, then shilajit could
just be what you need. It is a complete package filled with minerals, antioxidants, and other
essential nutrients. Using this all-natural substance can benefit you in many ways as it has anti-
inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-allergic, and anti-fungal

Shilajit is a thick and sticky substance with the same characteristics as that of tar. It is usually dark
brown, but can also come in white and lighter shades of brown. Also referred to as salajeet,
moomiyo, and mumijo, shilajit is usually found in the Himalayan Mountains, including Tibet
Mountains and Caucasus Mountains.

It is said to contain a large number of minerals and nutrients which are essential for good overall
health. It is also a good source of antioxidants and known as an aphrodisiac, a substance helpful in
increasing men’s appetite for sex. In fact, it was named the “Indian viagra.”

Table of Contents

1 History of Shilajit
2 Mythology of Shilajit
3 How is Shilajit Gathered?
4 Nutrient and Mineral Components in Shilajit
5 Uses and Benefits of Shilajit
6 Shilajit in Combination with Ashwagandha
7 Availability of Shilajit
8 Shilajit Dosage
9 Who Can Use Shilajit?
10 Shilajit Side Effects
11 Beware of Fake Shilajit
12 How to Recognize Quality Shilajit
13 Final Thoughts on Shilajit

History of Shilajit
Shilajeet was first used in Ayurveda, which is the traditional system of medication in India.
According to the Charaka Samhita, an old Ayurvedic text, all curable diseases can be treated using
Shilajit provided it is taken at the right time, proper dose, and in combination with appropriate

Holding a chunk of raw, unprocessed shilajit in my


Shilajit comes in different color ranges, although normally, they come in brown to black. The color
of shilajit depends on its content. According to Ayurvedic medicine, those that come in darker
colors are the most effective. People also describe shilajit as “rock sweat” and sometimes
“mineral oil” because it comes out from cracks in large rocks as a result of the heat of the sun.
However, until today, there is no reliable evidence of the biological or even geological origin of

Mythology of Shilajit
Shilajit had a role in the old Hindu literature. Before King Chandra Varma, the ruler of northern
India, achieved stability and peace in his land, he had to spend many years of protecting and
defending it. He was already in his 60’s when he finally had time to enjoy all the natural pleasures
life has to offer, including youthfulness. He was deeply saddened by the fact that despite his
power and wealth, he could no longer bring back what was long gone.

This made King Chandra Varma go to Himalayan Mountains for penance. He solemnly prayed to
the highest of all Hindu Gods and creator of Yoga, Lord Shiva. The god was pleased, and so he gave
King Chandra Shilajit, which was said to have originated at that time from the body of the god
himself. King Chandra Varma regained his youth after taking shilajit, and he was then believed to
have had become an immortal. Emperors Xerxes and Darius of Persia, as well as Emperor Genghis
Khan of Mongol, are believed to have used shilajit and even shared it with their troops during that

How is Shilajit Gathered?

Mumijo is often found in the mountains of the Himalayas – between cracks of large rocks. It occurs
naturally after an organic matter dies and mixes with microbial metabolites and minerals from
different sources (soil, water, etc.). After fermentation period, they naturally come out of the rocks
due to the sun’s heat, and this is when they are harvested. They are manually scraped from the
rocks and then processed to remove impurities. The outcome is a homogeneous paste-like
material in dark brown to black in color. It appears glossy with a bitter taste and bitumen-like

Nutrient and Mineral Components in Shilajit

Even before the early times, Shilajit is believed to have many uses particularly in the health and
medicine field. It contains more or less 85 minerals and nutrients in ionic form, as well as
selenium, fulvic and humic acid, and phospholipids. These compounds make a good source of
antioxidant and energy-enhancing components.

There is about 60 to 80 percent of fulvic acid found in Shilajit, and according to studies, the higher
the fulvic acid content, the better anti-aging properties are. Shilajit promotes healthy digestion,
improves vitality, and detoxifies the body. It is also a known aphrodisiac.

Uses and Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit promotes healthy metabolism because it contains 85 minerals and nutrients which help in
proper digestion. Its minerals are not like of those found in health supplements because they are
in ionic form. Minerals that are in an ionic form are easily and quickly absorbed by the cells of the
body. This helps greatly in maintaining the catabolism, as well as anabolism process in a good
equilibrium condition. It also detoxifies the body, flushing out the toxins within.

It is known even during the 21st century that fulvic acid from shilajit is a far more superior than
any other sources available. A sufficient amount of fulvic acid found in Silajeet helps fight aging.
Fulvic acid helps speed up the penetration of the cell walls, which is essential for the absorption of
minerals. This is the most significant role of Shilajit, which reverses the process of aging.

Fulvic acid structure

Although proper diet and health supplements are very important for for anti-aging purposes, they
lack the effect shilajit has because of the potency. Shilajit as an antioxidant helps neutralize free
radicals in the body. Needless to say, these are harmful components, which have the ability to
block nerves and arteries.

People who take shilajit do not only get healthier and younger-looking skin because fulvic acid
works from within, but they also benefit from cells regeneration inside the body thus improving
even the condition of the internal organs. Taking shilajit prevents kidney disorders, liver diseases,
heart problems, and other health conditions. It also helps regulate menstrual cycle in women.

Shilajit is a powerful aphrodisiac for men. While most aphrodisiacs are not really effective and are
just believed to be effective as in with “placebo effect,” Shilajit is proven effective by many of its
users. While it is a potent sexual enhancer in men, it can also be an effective aphrodisiac in women
by combining it to another substance called ashwagandha.

Shilajit is also known for its energy-enhancing properties. Free radicals that are properly
neutralized helps unleash and at the same time, increase stamina and energy. Those who take it at
proper dose may feel rejuvenated and energized.

Because Shilajit is said to have ushan virya, it could also work as pain-reliever and anti-
inflammatory medicine. Because it is dry, hot, and light, it can suppress pain deriving from
arthritis and rheumatism.

Other benefits of shilajit:

It helps prevent stress, anxiety, and depression.

It helps fight insomnia.
It improves the appearance of the skin.
It strengthens the immune system.
It improves lung functions.
It improves blood circulation
It reduces the risk of ulcers

Find more about shilajit benefits here.

Shilajit in Combination with Ashwagandha
Many people take shilajit together with a tonic herbal product, such as ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha, also called withania somnifera, is a plant which works as an adaptogen. It possess
almost the same properties as that of shilajit, including pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and
antianxiety. When taken along with shilajit, the effect is astoundingly impressive.

The ashwagandha dosage to be combined with shilajit varies widely depending on if you’re using
a raw powdered form, an extract, or something else.

Shilajit helps to bring out the best in ashwagandha. As a result, the person becomes more focused
and rejuvenated. It also increases his desire for sex, while in women, it can actually help regulate
menstrual cycle and even improve fertility.

Availability of Shilajit
Shilajeet or moomiyo is available in many online stores as well as local pharmacies. They come in
different forms, including capsules, liquid, and powder. Capsules at 500mg each are the most
common form of shilajit offered online and in local stores. They are preferred by many people
because they are easier to ingest and find. On the other hand, you can also find Shilajeet in its
purified, raw form in online stores.

Shilajit Dosage
The proper shilajit dosage depends on several factors including age and health condition of the
user, and brand and form of the shilajit. The amount may be 100 milligrams or 1 gram or more per
dose, up to several times a day, depending on these factors. You can add it to a beverage, as what
ancient people in Pakistan, Nepal and India used to do. They add it to raw or fermented milk.
How to take Shilajit Resin

How long should you be on it? The shilajit dosage duration is lifelong optimally. They say if you
take shilajit every day for 12 years, it will add 12 additional years to your life.

The ideal shilajit dosage time is first thing in the morning along with the sunrise, though can also
be taken at any other time in the day.

Who Can Use Shilajit?

Moomiyo or Shilajit is very safe to use when taken in at small doses at appropriate intervals. It
may also be used at high doses if you want to improve immunity and vitality. However, there are
no studies yet which proved that pregnant women and lactating mothers can use shilajit.
Therefore, it is better to stay away from it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Note also that it
has warming properties which may double the effect if used with other warming products.

Shilajit Side Effects

To make sure you do not get side effects, following the directions printed on the label of the
product is worth noting. In case you are going to use the purified shilajit resin, it is best to
experiment the dosing very carefully first. You might want to begin with a small dose on your first
try, then increase by a bit afterwards.

There is no better way to find out the appropriate dose of a substance but with doctor’s advice.So,
if you are planning to take shilajit, always talk to your doctor or ayurvedic practitioner first.
Those who use shilajit often find no negative effects. However, those who have gout my want to
stay away from it since it can make the uric acid level high. Furthermore, overdosing may occur if
you take it with an iron supplement. Note that shilajit is rich in iron.

Find more about shilajit side effects here.

Though every one is different, shilajit allergies are probably not actually allergies to shilajit, but
problems with inferior quality products that claim to be shilajit when they’re not or have harmful

If you are using it together with ashwagandha, remember to discontinue right away if you are
pregnant. Studies show that ashwagandha contains substances that may cause miscarriage in
some cases.

Beware of Fake Shilajit

Shilajit is safe for everyone when used in proper dose. However, it can be dangerous if you use
raw, as it still contains plenty of impurities which can negatively affect some individuals. You don’t
necessarily need machine-processed shilajit, but manually by hand. On the other hand, it can also
do more harm than good if you take fake moomiyo. They contain heavy metals and other
substances which you don’t want in your body.

Dabur, a big company that distributes Shilajit, was found to be providing low quality shilajit.
According to the World Health Organization, Dabur products contain dangerous levels of mercury,
arsenic, and lead.

Some people who buy Shilajit think that what they are buying is good Shilajit. This may happen to
you too if you don’t know how to tell real from fake. There is a substance that have the same
physical properties as that of shilajit – and it is called ozokerite. It is another humic substance that
looks exactly the same as shilajit. However, it has no medicinal benefits. To easily determine if the
product is ozokerite, you may want to run a test. If it takes a while to melt, then it is possibly fake

There are certain ways to tell whether a shilajit is a good buy or not. For dry shilajit, it must have
1.1 up to 1.8 gram/cubic meter density level. It has the properties similar to that of plastic, which
hardens when exposed in temperature below 20 degrees Celsius and melts when heated. Shilajit,
when mixed in water or any other liquid, melts very thoroughly and does not leave any trace or
residue. It turns soft when played between the palm of the hands or fingers. And lastly, it takes
forever to expire.

How to Recognize Quality Shilajit

If you have heard about the benefits of using shilajit, then perhaps you are thinking of trying it
yourself. However, the problem these days is that it is not as easy to get as it was before. As a
result, the chances of getting fake or counterfeited shilajit products are somewhat high. To
prevent this from happening and to make sure that you are not risking your health, here are some
things to put into account.

1. As much as possible, go for solid shilajit. While not all shilajit in capsule form are fake, many
of them are. This is because capsules are definitely the easiest type to fake. Manufacturers
can simply start with a small portion of shilajit and then just add fillers that look the same as
2. Get it from a trusted provider. Dozens of providers are available online, not to mention the
choices you have at local stores. So, if you can find time to research and know where is best
to get shilajit – do it. This may take some time, but you only have to do this once, especially
if you are fortunate to find a reliable seller on your first try.
3. Take note of shilajit’s properties. When you buy, remember to check the smell – it should be
bitumen-like. It must also mix well with water leaving no trace or residue. It should melt
quickly when applied even with just little heat.

Final Thoughts on Shilajit

Shilajit is considered safe in many countries including the United States. Using it appropriately
gives you a good number of health benefits. Even stronger than health supplements, shilajit is a
good source of minerals, antioxidant, and fulvic acid. It helps fight aging, detoxify the body,
improve immunity, maintain healthy digestion, relieve stress, pain, and inflammation, and
prevents many types of diseases.

Click here to see which types of Shilajit we have for sale.

References and studies:

1. Review on shilajit used in traditional Indian medicine
2. Cardioprotective Effect of Mumie (Shilajit) on Experimentally Induced Myocardial Injury
3. Safety and efficacy of shilajit (mumie, moomiyo)
4. Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity

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Bio Latest Posts

Logan Christopher
Logan Christopher has been called the Physical Culture Renaissance Man for his
many wide-ranging feats of strength. His interest in herbalism, hormones and
health began with seeking peak performance mentally and physically.

Filed Under: Anti-Aging, Ayurveda, Quality

Tagged With: Fake Shilajit, fulvic acid, history of shilajit, how is shilajit gathered, How to Recognize Quality
Shilajit, humic acid, mythology of shilajit, pure shilajit, shialjit, shilajeet, Shilajit Side Effects, Suggested Use of


Han says
April 22, 2017 at 1:40 am

Hi. i am currently taking ayurvedic medicine for my skin issues. Will having shilajit also
cause any side effects?


Zane Christopher says

April 25, 2017 at 10:23 pm

It should not though shilajit is a detoxing agent as well so it may momentarily increase
some skin issues. Taking shiliajit with your other ayurvedic medicine will potentiate them
more as well so in the end, they should work far better then without it.


Harichand says
March 27, 2017 at 5:59 am

Does shilajit work for premature ejaculation? i am really worried about myself i couldn’t
satisfy my wife and i don’t want to use viagra, delay spray and creams etc..


Zane Christopher says

March 27, 2017 at 1:24 pm

Certainly might help though I have not seen that that is something it is know for helping
with. Thor’s Hammer might be better for that actually.


James says
January 11, 2017 at 3:05 pm

Hello Mr. Christopher! I was wondering if shilajit would interfere with prescription
medications (Valium & Prozac). I’d ask my doctor, but none of them know anything here
(Iowa). If I take it 4 hours after my final dosage, I think I should be okay (this is what
someone else told me). I would love to hear your input, though. Thank you, sir!

Logan Christopher says
January 11, 2017 at 8:51 pm

I don’t know specifically how shilajit would interract with those prescriptions. Yes, I
would take them apart and also start with a real small dosage and work your way up
noting anything that might be happening. And if you can perhaps a doctor of Ayurveda
would have some more info on it.


vijay Kumar says

January 2, 2017 at 12:46 pm

from where can i buy non capsule form of Shilajeet in new delhi. I need to buy solid shilajet


Zane Christopher says

January 3, 2017 at 12:21 am

Hi Vijay, no idea on that one! Never been there.


Amardeep says
January 22, 2017 at 9:39 am

You can buy them online or from any medical or Ayurvedic shop

Dinesh says
December 23, 2016 at 10:47 pm

Is Dabur really that bad? I saw this only after I bought it. I seem to have a slight increase in
heart rate.


Zane Christopher says

January 12, 2017 at 9:09 pm

Do not know the company well enough to say either way Dinesh.


Giancarlo says
August 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm

I managed to get my hands on some resin but I don’t have a scale. I’m not so good at
estimation so bear with me: How does a gram of shilajit resin look like? Is it pea-sized or rice
grain-sized or what?

Today I ate two pieces, one in the morning and the other at noon, both pieces about half a
pea in size.

I want to build to to a high dose. My workouts and my lifestyle are, uh, grueling.


Zane Christopher says

August 25, 2016 at 3:41 pm

Hello Giancario. I am looking into it. Not sure if we ever actually managed to measure
that as it isn’t the easiest stuff to work with. I do know that when you are working your
butt off shilajit is probably the best herb (in my opinion) for recovery. Climbed Mt. Shasta
one year with some buddies in a very quick amount of time with less then appropriate
training (again, in my opinion) before hand. None of us were sore afterward as I had been
making us all eat the stuff every few hours. It was astonishing to all of us since we’ve
climbed easier stuff and gotten plenty stiff following those.


suharsh says
August 25, 2016 at 12:48 pm

Hi – I got some Shilajit from Gilgit. It passed a few tests – did not melt in alcohol. In 10
minutes dissolved in water too! That was left on finger also melted. So far so good! However
the taste is not bitter and it doesn’t smell like bitumen either! Either the Shilajit I got is
extremely pure or is a complete fake!

I have used Shilajit from several sources before – Amazon, Gilgit, Ramdev’s Divya Shilajit,
that from Nepal and even Russia … the one from Russia added some color to alcohol … but
other than that all passed the alcohol, water and smell test. From Amazon once I got Shilajit
which was supposed to have been hand made and pure … it had slight bitter taste but
didn’t have the smell of Shilajit. The recent one is just about same but even less bitter –
almost to not being bitter.

Is there any other test or checks that can be done to ensure I have pure Shilajit?


Zane Christopher says

August 25, 2016 at 12:52 pm

Thank you for the heads up on Gilgit! I am sure there might be some other tests for
testing quality. I will have to inquire with our biochemist Ayurvedic doctor friend who is
extremely knowledgable on this stuff though.


Azhar says
February 6, 2017 at 12:04 pm

It is believed that the best salajit is from Karakuram mountains. It has a strong tangy
smell, colour blakish brown in glass of water (200mg) . I get the shilajit rocks from
Karakuram mountains & process it myself. I can prounce it the Gold Standard. If any one
is interested I can provide sample on payment.


Tina Giese says

March 8, 2017 at 3:05 pm

Hi Azhar!
That sounds like the resinous rock I saw/got from my Russian friend,who I am still
trying to find.. He’s back there. He told me how hard it was to get. You do mean,
Karakoram range, right?
He called it like “rock blood”. Please contact me.
Sounds fascinating. Thanks! Tina ,


BK says
August 25, 2016 at 12:46 pm

Friends at Superman herbs, what dosage of resin should I take for therapeutic use towards
treating illness related to autoimmune/gut/hormonal issues?

Zane Christopher says

August 25, 2016 at 12:54 pm

Unfortunately we are not officially trained herbalists as of yet so can’t make any legal
recommendations on that. It depends a lot on whats going on with you and your lifestyle
though which is why seeing a herbalist would probably make for a more individualized
treatment plan. Besides that, just start with a low dose and slowly increase over the days.
Stop when you feel like its working right for you but remember that its a powerful
detoxifier of the body so excessive usage could cause some discomfort for a time.


Eva Belvoir says

July 13, 2016 at 7:13 pm

Any UK suppliers? Email please


Zane Christopher says

July 14, 2016 at 8:45 pm

No, currently we do not have a distributor in Europe of any kind though we have
potential to get one set up in the UK in the foreseeable future. I also am not aware of the
brands that may be sold in the UK so can’t make any recommendations in that regard
either. Sorry about that!

Dr.Habib says
October 18, 2016 at 8:25 pm

I am a homoeopathic doctor i have 100% pure salajeet in high quantity it realy works,
contact if you need 03214243390


Nitin Shah says

June 2, 2016 at 8:20 am

Shilajit indeed works. My angina pains have stopped and I am able to walk 4 kms a day and
also can do gym workout,immediately after walking. It has helped me to reduce my
shoulder apin, associated with diabetes. I feel more rejuvenated and active.


Colin says
May 2, 2016 at 10:18 pm

Great article, can I use with Almond milk?


Mikayla Gibson says

May 3, 2016 at 4:20 am

Thanks! We will be excited to hear how it works for you.

john rochford says
April 28, 2016 at 8:59 am

how many different herbs is it safe to take without getting sick


admin says
May 2, 2016 at 9:58 am

I am sure there is a limit at some point, just like there is with food or water. Also, some
people may be allergic to Pine Pollen or other herbs which could make them sick easier
than someone who is not prone to allergies.

It’s best to start with one herb or formula and gradually increase the number to avoid
taking too much or getting sick. As long as you’re following recommended dosage, there
shouldn’t be any problems.


Paul Cohen says

April 24, 2016 at 5:44 am

if Shilajit is bad for people with gout, since it raises uric acid, will it give people gout?


admin says
April 27, 2016 at 11:57 am

Shilajit shouldn’t raise uric acid to such extent to cause gout unless ridiculously high
amounts are taken over a long period of time.

admin says
April 21, 2016 at 7:30 pm

We don’t recommend taking alcohol with any of the herbs and that goes for the Shilajit, too.
If it’s one drink and you take Shilajit 3-4 hours later, I guess it would be OK, but you’ll have to
test and see for yourself.


maan rana says

April 17, 2016 at 7:13 am

If i take shilajit and alcohol regularly i mean first i take alcohol then dinner and going to bed i
take shilajit with hot milk tell me so it right or wrong


Lalit says
March 5, 2016 at 3:21 am


I just want to know whether it is beneficial while taken by high blood sugar patient.
What doses should be taken in capsule form & what content should be required.

admin says
March 5, 2016 at 5:05 pm

It can be. Best to measure your blood sugar as you go. As for dose if you’re taking
capsules, and not our product, I can’t say because every shilajit is different.


rohit says
February 24, 2016 at 5:22 pm

My uric acid level recently went down from 8.2 to 5.7.can I take this?will it increase my levels


admin says
February 25, 2016 at 1:48 pm

It’s best to avoid it as it may increase uric acid levels.


puneet says
February 23, 2016 at 7:55 pm

Can I take shilajeet at night after meal with cold water

admin says
February 24, 2016 at 12:57 pm

Sure you can, although we recommend taking it first thing in the morning too.


kahlid mahmood says

February 13, 2016 at 2:51 pm

Thank u 4 that loved reading all commands vary halpfull.


Harinderjit Singh Walia says

February 11, 2016 at 8:04 am

Hey sorry to bother you.I bought Shilajit from eBay .It is in solid form.No instruction about
taking this black rock.Is it to be grounded then mixed with milk? Please help me

Harinderjit Singh Walia


admin says
February 11, 2016 at 11:43 am

It’s best to refer to the video in the article where you’ll find instructions on several ways
to take shilajit in solid form.

February 9, 2016 at 5:32 am



admin says
February 9, 2016 at 11:39 am

It’s best to avoid it if you have gout. There are other herbs that might help with fatigue
like Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Rhodiola and Eleuthero.


Nabeel says
January 31, 2016 at 9:40 am

would taking shilajit capsule twice a day with hot milk for only one month enough for
eliminating physical weakness and gaining some muscle mass? please reply ASAP with
proper details! i just wanna use it for a month actually!


admin says
February 5, 2016 at 9:08 pm

It could help, but the results would be much better if you Shilajit it for a longer period of
time. We do not offer shilajit capsules and cannot speak for other suppliers or quality of
their products.


Sean Callan says

January 25, 2016 at 1:34 am

The video with the shake recipe is great–thank you. What temperature water is needed to
melt the shilajit?


admin says
January 25, 2016 at 2:17 pm

It depends, but 98.6 (F) or 37 (C) usually does the job.


james says
December 31, 2015 at 11:03 pm

Hey sorry I didn’t realize you actually sell product. I clicked on this through a link and posted
a question. Not trying to post other product on your site so I apologize. I was looking at your
product and see you have alot. I already ordered the shilajit I mentioned above but yet to
order the pollen. Was orignally looking to see if it was ok to take together and not overdose
ect. Thanks again and I’m also looking into the lost empire products as well

admin says
January 5, 2016 at 1:48 am

Yes you can definitely take them together. Anything taken with shilajit is suppose to be
delivered better to your cells. You’ll notice we have those two, along with two others, in
our Phoenix formula.


Jim says
November 2, 2016 at 3:25 pm

If you take pine pollen (I take both powder and tincture) with shilajit; is it a good idea
to decrease the pine intake? I take just under the recommended dose on powder, as I
also take the recommended dose of tincture (though I only do so about every other
day on the tincture) and don’t want to take TOO much. I know you aren’t able to give
advice on actual dosage amounts, but I hope this is general enough for you to answer.


Zane Christopher says

December 23, 2016 at 9:51 pm

Really sorry about the late reply, I guess I missed this one Jim. You definitely can. It
depends on the person though. Some people need both in decent dosage to
restore their bodies. Others are fine and just need a little for support. If its working
for you doing it your way I would stick with it.

tej says
December 16, 2015 at 11:12 pm

i am 60 years old please tell me how much dose it good for me and can be taken rest of my
life sum one told me up to two gram is good if can be afford is that true


admin says
December 21, 2015 at 3:11 pm

The dosage depends on a type and purity of shilajit, but generally speaking for powder
shilajit the recommended minimum daily dosage is 1 gram per day (which is a little more
than 1/2 teaspoon), so 2g per day should be fine too.

It can be taken on a daily basis forever, no need to cycle it.


Jayendra says
December 5, 2015 at 12:20 pm

Its work in asthma


bipin says
November 25, 2015 at 11:13 am

The resin is very sticky. What is the best way to store shilajit resin

admin says
November 30, 2015 at 7:50 pm

With our resin, the jar that it comes in. If a different resin, any glass jar should be fine. If
you put it in the freezer it may help with the stickiness.


J V Rao says
November 4, 2015 at 7:39 am

Does shilajit has expiry date like any other medicines?

Can diabetics use this?


admin says
November 7, 2015 at 8:43 am

Its expiry date depends on how well you store it, but generally speaking you’d want to
use our shilajit in next 12 months. It can be used by diabetics and you may also want to
check out this article –


Yunus says
October 15, 2015 at 8:40 am

For a more ‘orthodox’ administration of shilajit, with an empty stomach in the morning, take
a glass of warm (not boiling!) goat’s milk or the omnipresent cow’s milk and mix shilajit in it
before drinking. You can also mix it with ghee. Further, you can always mix some shilajit in
your fresh ghee batch if you will not use it as cooking fat. Before consuming shilajit, recite
your favourite shabar mantra in your preferred language. Good luck.


Denis says
September 22, 2015 at 7:30 am

My family gathered this stuff from the mountains over 25 years ago and brought it to
America. I still have about 10 lbs of it left in a pot. My moomiyo is still medium soft and not
crystallized like the shilajit I bought online and like the one in your video. The crystallized
form also has junks of dirt or something and doesn’t dissolve some of the resin in it (I saw
some resin on that little jar in your video that looks just like the shilajit that I bought). My
moomiyo doesn’t have any of that. So it seems like the crap I bought and the crap you have
is just dirt mixed with poop for flavor. Just wanted to point that out. I have a question
though. The grandmother character that brought it to America says that taking too much is
bad for the liver. Is that true?


admin says
September 25, 2015 at 6:06 pm

So you insult us by calling our shilajit poop, even though you have never tried it, based
on looks alone but then you ask for help with your question. Guess your grandmother
didn’t teach you manners.


keith says
August 31, 2015 at 12:16 am
Cutting of a piece of Shilajit Pitch and putting it in water. Do I have to put in the refrigerator
or just leave it out and much do I drink in the morning.


admin says
September 3, 2015 at 10:36 am

You don’t have to refrigerate it. There is no precise rule for dosage, but it’s best to start
with a couple of sips and gradually increase the dosage until you don’t feel like having
more of it.


Christopher says
August 16, 2015 at 8:34 pm

Out of these three, the pitch has the most kick to me. I know the resin was marketed to be
the best of all of them, but that just hasn’t been my experience. To me, the powder I barely


admin says
August 17, 2015 at 8:59 am

You’re not the only one, many of our customers feel the same. That’s why we re-
introduced the pitch. Thanks for sharing!

Navdeep Singh says
August 10, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Witch thing is best for desolving silajit water or milk ???


admin says
August 11, 2015 at 3:39 pm

Traditionally milk was often used in combination with shilajit, and in Ayurveda milk is
almost always warmed up. That being said both milk and water work. Experiment and
find what works best for you.


Fikile Mabila says

August 5, 2015 at 7:23 pm

I have a heartburn problem can shilajit help


admin says
August 5, 2015 at 7:48 pm

Possibly, but there’s better things for that. You’d want to look at what is causing it, like an
H. pylori infection, too much stomach acid or something else. One option is baking soda
is a natural alkalizers which can neutralize too much acid, though it won’t necessarily fix
the problem. Really it’s going to be a matter of fixing gut health which involves getting
beneficial bacteria in there, your stomach making the right amount of acid, and other

Adel says
June 21, 2015 at 4:32 pm

I have Hemochromatosis (iron overload). My blood test always shows that my iron serum is
around 36 umol/L. Is it safe to have Shilajit? What is the recommended dosage in this case?


admin says
June 23, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Depends on the type of shilajit. We should have full mineral breakdown analyses for both
of ours soon. That being said I would think, even if it is a high iron load, the resin would
be fine because you only need a little bit.


Sunil says
June 21, 2015 at 8:15 am

recently my urologist prescribed me tamsulosin 0.2 daily for swollen prostate.some where i
have read that shilajit may also work to shrink it true?if then, pls guide me how to
take and what are the dosages?


admin says
June 23, 2015 at 5:37 pm
Sorry, I’m not familiar with that effect for the prostate. I’d take a look at nettle root for
prostate issues more specifically.

As for dosages, it depends on the kind you take. See our shilajit product pages for more


Michael says
May 25, 2015 at 4:01 am

I was wondering when is the best time to take shilajit. Should it be once I wake up in the
morning before I have breakfast or should I take it after a meal? I have heard that shilajit
doesnt work well in acidic conditions therefore it is advised to be taken after a meal.
However, in this article, it is mentioned that it should be taken first thing in the morning.
Which one should I do? Thank you


admin says
May 25, 2015 at 5:26 pm

I have never heard that it shouldn’t be taken in acidic conditions. Where did you see that?

First thing in the morning before eating is still our best recommendation.


Keith says
September 25, 2015 at 3:27 pm

It’s something that you can take at night as well, as you get better sleep. It’s good
anytime, but most importantly what works for you in terms of times. I find that the resin
is best taken sublingually under the tongue until it dissolves, however many ppl would
not enjoy the taste. But my chi feels it most considerable under the tongue.


admin says
September 26, 2015 at 9:31 am

Thanks for sharing Keith, I also like to let the pitch or the resin dissolve in my mouth. If
you take shilajit to help you sleep, it’s best to take it before bed as you mentioned.


Dave Puckett says

May 23, 2015 at 6:34 pm

I just recently discovered your site, bought Pine Pollen and Wow! it works great doing
exactly what you and others said it would – thank you. Now I am educated about Shilajit
thanks to your article and plan to get some soon because I have experienced quality before I
will trust again.
Keep doing a great job. Your site is like finding GOLD.


Rudy Baylor says

May 14, 2015 at 8:46 pm

Can this product be used for male infertility, low testosterone and premature ejaculation?

admin says
May 18, 2015 at 6:21 pm

Yes it may help with those. Also take a look at pine pollen and tongkat ali.


admin says
May 24, 2015 at 12:33 am

Yes it can help with those things.


AK says
April 14, 2015 at 11:29 am

Does it work for sex problems like premature ejaculation(PE) etc? How much dose should
take to cure PE? Plz also reply me by email.


admin says
April 14, 2015 at 4:35 pm

I’ve heard it can work for that, but unfortunately don’t have specific details. My best
advice would be to try it out, at a normal dose, and see what it does for you.

Justin Nkinda says
April 6, 2015 at 11:34 pm

What about Shilajit paste? Is it the same as the shilajit solid? does it have same quality as
other shilajit’s? Do I still have to take 1gm a day?


admin says
April 7, 2015 at 8:24 pm

The shilajit powder is a more refined version of shilajit than the pitch or resin. Soon we’ll
have our new resin which you only need 100 mg per day of.


Jay says
April 24, 2015 at 4:14 am

Do you know when the new resin is coming out?


admin says
April 24, 2015 at 8:55 pm

We don’t have an exact date but perhaps late next month.

hitesh abrol says
May 10, 2015 at 6:34 pm

i have pure form of shilajit in liquid form from himachal pradesh. my team produce
in front my eyes becoz im belong to that pace which is 4000 mtr higher from sea.


Amar says
April 2, 2015 at 5:08 pm

When to take shilajit tablets—–empty stomach or after meal. Pl. Guide


Logan Christopher says

April 3, 2015 at 4:07 am

Both ways work. Check out the interview on this page for more info.


sadeq says
January 15, 2015 at 9:16 am

how much should I take it for one day dose

sadeq says
January 15, 2015 at 9:26 am

the pure shilajit pitch dose


Logan Christopher says

January 15, 2015 at 10:44 pm

About a gram a day is recommended.


Kwame says
April 6, 2015 at 2:00 am

Thank you for the video, very informative but I have one question. How can we
calculate a gram?


admin says
April 6, 2015 at 9:44 pm

With a scale is the only way to get it accurate. Roughly with our powder its a
little bit more than half a teaspoon.
James says
January 6, 2016 at 7:02 pm

Can I just swallow it like a pill?Will it be as effective? If I take it twice a day will I see
benefits more quickly?


admin says
January 7, 2016 at 1:18 am

Yes and yes. Generally we recommend with many herbs to take twice a day. It kind of
depends on the benefits you’ll looking for.


venkat says
June 28, 2016 at 8:31 am

hi iam venkat , from India i am lost 16 years working in herbal R&D

that y i told if u have any anser for my side pl z give me a mail my mail id:

u take 3 gms shilajit raw material 10 ml water settled for over night and cloth filter and
take that’s it .

Brian from Toronto says
May 23, 2014 at 2:19 pm

Logan, your “All about” articles, like this one on Shilajit, are really first rate, and I think I can
speak for many others when I say thanks for the time and effort you put in. Every once in a
while, you say something in your blog postings that makes me think you follow a “fat fuel
adapted” diet and, if I’m right, I wonder if you would consider doing one of your “All about”
articles on that subject. I expect it would help more than a few of us figure out if it’s
something we could/should do. Thanks again!


Logan Christopher says

May 23, 2014 at 3:00 pm

Thank you, and yes, Fat Fuel Adaptation is a plan for a future article.


Deepak Kaku says

April 27, 2016 at 4:51 am

Dear Admin,

If we but Shilajit from a Ayurvedic pharma store in Manali then does it mean that it is
I have started using it from past 2-3 days and it easily dissolves in Water and also when
kept between fingers it becomes sticky substance.
My Questions:
1) How soon I will be able to realise its effects?
2) What should be cost?
3) If I want to buy from Mumbai, where should I take it from?

admin says
April 27, 2016 at 12:42 pm

Unfortunately, I cannot comment or know the price, quality of availability of

Shilajit in other stores.

Regarding your other question, What are you looking to achieve with Shilajit?
Shilajit can hardly be “felt”, its power mostly lies in a long term usage.


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Lost Empire Herbs offers a wide range of high-quality super herbs and tinctures, including pine pollen powder and pine pollen tincture,

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