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08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

Bank Exam Preparation - 2 Total points 63/80

Time 1 Hour, Marks 100

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1) িনে র কান ট তৎসম শ ? 1/1

A) মুিড়

B) আম

C) দিধ

D) কলম

2) অপলাপ শে র অথ িক? 1/1

A) অ ীকার

B) িমথ া

C) লাপ

D) অসদালাপ… 1/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

3) জ ম এর িবপরীত শ ? 1/1

A) অরন

B) াবর

C) সমু

D) পবত

4) ঔ ত এর িবপরীত শ ? 1/1


B) হীনবল

C) মাথা নত করা

D) িবনয়

5) আফতাব শে র সমাথক শ কান ট? 1/1

A) অনব

B) রাতল

C) জলিধ

D) অক… 2/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

6) বৃ এর সি িবে দ িক হেব? 1/1

A) বৃষ + িত

B) বৃষ + ট

C) বৃশ + ট

D) বৃ + ট

7) দালনা শে র স ঠক কৃিত ত য় কান ট? 1/1

A) দাল + অনা

B) দাল + না

C) দুল্ + অনা

D) দালন + আ

8) ু িধত-পাষান কান সমাস? 0/1

A) বহ ীিহ

B) কমধারয়

C) তৎপু ষ


Correct answer

B) কমধারয়… 3/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

9) িপশাচ > িপচাশ 1/1

A) সমীভবন

B) িন িবপযয়

C) অ হিত

D) রেলাপ

10) জ >জ 0/1

A) সমীভবন

B) রেলাপ

C) িবষমীভবন

D) অ হিত

Correct answer

A) সমীভবন

11) সকাল > স াল 1/1

A) িন িবপযয়

B) সমীভবন

C) ি ব ন

D) রেলাপ… 4/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

12) আলািহদা > আলাদা 0/1

A) সমীভবন

B) অ হিত

C) রেলাপ

D) িবষমীভবন

Correct answer

B) অ হিত

13) িনেচর কান ট যুগরীিত ি শ ? 0/1

A) বই - টই

B) আয় - ব য়

C) ঝমঝম

D) ঠা - ঠা

Correct answer

A) বই - টই… 5/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

14) সে শ কান িণর শ ? 1/1

A ) যাগ ঢ়

B ) যৗিগক

C) িঢ়

D ) তৎসম

15) সমাস িন পদ টেক িক বেল ? 1/1

A ) সমস ামান পদ

B ) সম পদ

C ) ব াসবাক

D ) উ র পদ

16) িনবাচক ি শ কান ট ? 0/1

A ) কড়কড়

B ) মরমর

C ) নরনর

D ) দরদর

Correct answer

A ) কড়কড়… 6/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

17) Modern public sector managers have become quite .... in shifting their1/1

a) learned

b) inept

e) ignorant

d) adept

18) The conference was successful, your style of presentation 1/1

was.....everyone liked it.

a) valuable

b) wonderful

c) difficult

d) conducive… 7/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

19) A large Crowd used to..... to listen to his speech. 0/1

A) Follow

B) Gather

C) Collect

D) Attract

Correct answer

C) Collect

The peasant's produce was..... in lieu of his previous year's rent. 1/1

A) Confiscated

B) Mobbed

C) Capture

D) Quelled

21) Choose the correctly Spelt word 1/1

A) Restaurant

B) Restaurent

C) Rastaurant

D) Rastaurent… 8/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

22) Choose the correctly Spelt word. 1/1

A) Efflorscence

B) Efflorescence

C) Efflorsence

D) Effloresence

23) Choose the correctly Spelt word. 0/1

A) Guarantee

B) Gaurantee

C) Garuntee

D) Guaruntee

Correct answer

A) Guarantee

24) Choose the correctly Spelt word. 1/1

A) Millonaire

B) Millionare

C) Millionaire

D) Millonare… 9/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2


A) related : halt

B) block : obstruct

C) detain : dispatch

D) drag : procrastinate


A) comply: conform

B) heed : acquiesce

C) obey : hearken to

D) observe : defy


A) penury : wealth

B) chaos : disorder

C) monarchy : republic

D) verbosity : words… 10/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

28) EXCITE : CALM 1/1

A) retrain : compose

B ) agitate : trouble

C) stimulate : cool down

D) upset : perturb

29) ENTHUSIASM Opposite Word 1/1

A) Eagerness

B) Weakness

C) Softness

D) Indifference

30) PROTRACT Opposite Word 1/1

A) Retrace

B) Curtail

C) Distract

D) Expose… 11/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

31) DECADENT Opposite Word 1/1

A) Ethical

B) Impetuous

C) Information

D) Lewd

32) ORTHODOXY Opposite Word 1/1

A) renown

B) trepidation

C) unconventionality

D) remoteness

33) When was the E- passport introduced in Bangladesh? 1/1

A) 18 jan 2020

B) 20 jan 2020

C) 22 jan 2020

D) 24 jan 2020… 12/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

34) Who is the designer of the Mujib centenary logo? 1/1

A) Mostofa Monowar

B) Hashem Khan

C) Shahbuddin Ahmed

D) SabboSachi Hazira

35) How many current member countries of ICC? 1/1

A) 123

B) 124

C) 121

D) 122

36) Which is the top corrupt country? 1/1

A) Yeomen

B) South Sudan

C) Bangladesh

D) Somalya… 13/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

37) 2019 BPL Champion Team 1/1

A) Rajshahi Royals

B) Khulna Tigers

C) Chittagong Challengers

D) Comilla Warriars

38) Which is the top SAARC country in terms of life expectancy? 0/1

A) Sri Lanka

B) Nepal

C) Maldives

D) India

Correct answer

C) Maldives

39) Which country launched the first agent banking service as the first 1/1
country in the world?

A) China

B) Japan

C) Peru

D) Brazil… 14/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

40) What is the current literacy rate in the country? 1/1

A) 73.9%

B) 74.3%

C) 71.2%

D) 70.4%

41) First Medicine park of Bangladesh has been established in 1/1

A) Gendaria

B) Sunaimuri

C) Gajaria

D) Savar

42) Anti-money Laundering Act was enacted in Bangladesh in 1/1

A) 2012

B) 2013

C) 2014

D) 2015… 15/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

43) During the Liberation war of 1971, Dhaka district was placed under 1/1

A) sector 2

B) sector 5

C) sector 7

D) sector 4

44) The Name of the border line Between India and Pakistan is 0/1

A) Durand line

B) Line of Control

C) Radcliffe line

D) Geographic line

Correct answer

B) Line of Control

45) Bangladesh Square is situated in 1/1

A) Liberia

B) London

C) Kalkata

D) Japan… 16/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

46) The energy of food is measured In 1/1

A ) Kelvin

B ) calories

C ) bushel

D ) None of these

47) The first NAM ( Non - Aligned Movement ) conference was held at 0/1

A ) Algeria ( Algeria )

B ) Lusaka ( Zambia )

C ) Belgrade ( Yugoslavia )

D ) Caire ( Egypt )

Correct answer

B ) Lusaka ( Zambia )

48) The headquarter of European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) is situated at 1/1

A ) Luxembourg

B ) Parls

C ) Strasbourg ( France )

D ) San Jose , Costa Rica… 17/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

49) What does HTTP stands for ? 1/1

A . Hypertext Transfer Protocol

B . Hypertext Transfer Plotter

C . Head Tail Transfer Plot

D . Head Tail Transfer Protocol

50) In computers , what is the smallest and basic lunit of information 0/1
storage ?

A . Bit

B . Byte

C . Newton

D . Mega Byte

Correct answer

A . Bit

51) Which company is nicknamed " Big Blue " ? 1/1



C . Microsoft

D . Apple… 18/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

52) What is Windows XP ? 1/1

A . Operating System

B . Storage Device

C . Processor

D . Output Device

53) What does BCC mean in Email? 1/1

A. Black Carbon Copy

B. Blind Carbon Copy

C. Business Computer Center

D. Business Computer Card

54) What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having 1/1

A. Ctrl + P

B. Shift + P

C. Alt + P

D. Ctrl + Alt + P… 19/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

55) In computers, .TMP extension refers usually to what kind of file? 1/1

A. Temporary file

B. Image file

C. Video file

D. Text file

56) Help Menu is available at which button ? 1/1

A ) Start

B ) End

C ) Turnoff

D ) Restart

57) At simple Interest of 5%, 6% and 8% for three consecutive years, the 1/1
Interest earned is Tk. 760. Find the principle?

A) Tk. 4000

B) Tk. 4600

C) Tk. 3200

D) Tk. 3600… 20/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

58) If the compound interest of a certain sum of money for two 1/1
successive years be Tk. 225 and Tk. 238.50. What Is the rate of Interest
per annum?

A) 3%

B) 4%

C) 5%

D) 6%

59) A bag contalns 4 white, 5 red and 6 blue balls. Three balls are drawn 1/1
at random from the bag. The probability that all of them are red, Is

A) 1/22

B) 2/91

C) 3/77

D) 1/23… 21/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

60) A person travels a certain distance at 3 km/hr and reaches 15 min 1/1
late. If he travels at 4 km/hr, he reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he
has to travel is

A) 4km/hr

B) 5km/hr

C) 6km/hr

D) 7km/hr

61) A boy travelled from the home to the college at the SemecaRcs rate 1/1
of 25 km/hr and walked back at the rate of 4 km/hr. If the whole Journey
took 5 hours 48 minutes. Find the distance of the college from the home.

A) 5

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

62) If the rate of slimple Interest is 12% per annum the amount that would 1/1
fetch Interest of Tk 6000 per annum Is?

A) 50000

B) 60000

C) 70000

D) 80000… 22/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

63) The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Flve 0/1
years ago, father's age was four times the age of the son. So now the
son's age wll be ?

A) 5 years

B) 10 years

C) 15 years

D) 20 years

Correct answer

C) 15 years

64) The salarles of A, B, and C are In the ratlo of 1: 2: 3, The salary of B 1/1
and C together Is Tk. 6000. By what percent Is the salary of C more than
that of A?

A) 100%

B) 200%

C) 300%

D) 400%… 23/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

65) Painter A can paint a house in 16 days, and painter B can do the same 0/1
work In 20 days. With the help of palnter C, they palnt the house In 8
days only. Then, Palnter C alone can do this task In

A) 80 days

B) 85 days

C) 75 days

D) 70 days

Correct answer

A) 80 days

66) A mlkman bought 15 kg of mlk and mixed 3 kg of water In It. If the 1/1
price per kg of the mixture becomes Tk. 22, what Is cost price of the mlk
per kg?

A) 22.60

B) 24.30

C) 26.40

D) 28.50… 24/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

67) If the rate of Interest Is 10% per annum and Is compounded half 0/1
yearly, the principal of Tk. 400 In 3/2 years wll amount to

A) 463

B) 463.05

C) 463.10

D) 463.15

Correct answer

B) 463.05

68) A dealer offers a discount of 10% on the marked price of an article 1/1
and stll makes a profit of 20%. If Its marked price Is Tk. 800, then the
cost price of the article Is

A) 800

B) 700

C) 600

D) 500… 25/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

69) Pipe A alone can fil a tank In 8 hours. Pipe B can fill It in 6 hours. If 1/1
both the plpes are opened and after 2 hours plpe A Is closed, then the
other pipe wll fll the tank In

A) 2.5

B) 3.5

C) 4.5

D) 5.5

70) A, B and C subscribe together Tk. 50,000 for a business. A 0/1

subscribes Tk. 4,000 more than B and B subscribes Tk. 5,000 more than
C. Out of a total profit of Tk. 35,000. A receives

A) 13500

B) 14700

C) 15300

D) 16400

Correct answer

B) 14700… 26/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

71) If the average of 10% of a number, 25% of that Bcs-88ank number, 0/1
50% of that number and 75% of that Is 24. then the number will be

A) 60

B) 70

C) 80

D) 90

Correct answer

A) 60

72) A trader sells two cycles at Tk. 1,188 each and galns 10% on the first 1/1
and loses 10% on the second. What is the profit or loss percent on the

A) 1%

B) 2%

C) 3%

D) 4%… 27/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

73) A trader marks his goods at 20% above the cost price. If he allows a 0/1
discount of 5% for cash down payment, his profit percent for such a
transactlon Is

A) 11%

B) 12%

C) 13%

D) 14%

74) If a =√3/2, then √(1+ a) + √(1-a) =? 1/1

A) √3

B) √4

C) √5

D) √2

75) If 3 men or 6 women can do a plece of work In 16 days, In how many 1/1
days can 12 men and 8 women do the same plece of work?

A) 2 days

B) 3 days

C) 4 days

D) 5 days… 28/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

76) If 5 spiders can catch five flies in five minutes, how many flies can 100 1/1
spiders catch in 100 minutes?

A) 500

B) 1000

C) 2000

D) 3000

77) 2 persons working 2 hours a day assemble 2 machines in 2 days. The 1/1
number of machines assembled by 6 persons working 6 hours a day in 6
days is?

A) 6

B) 18

C) 27

D) 54

78) If 8 men can reap 80 hectares in 24 days, then how many hectares 1/1
can 36 men reap in 30 days?

A) 375

B) 400

C) 425

D) 450… 29/30
08/05/2020 Bank Exam Preparation - 2

79) 21 binders can bind 1400 books in 15 days. How many binders will be 1/1
required to bind 800 books in 20 days?

A) 7

B) 9

C) 12

D) 14

80) If 18 pumps can raise 2170 tonnes of water in 10 days, working 7 1/1
hours a day; in how many days will 16 pumps raise 1736 tonnes of water,
working 9 hours a day?

A) 6

B) 7

C) 8

D) 9

এই টা করেত ৫ ঘ া সময় ন কেরিছ। আপনারা মা ২ িমিনট সময় ন কের

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