Case Digest (Duties of The Lawyer To The Legal Profession)

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Case/ Facts Issue Ruling/ principles/ doctrine

(violation of canon 7)
IN THE MATTER OF THE The merit of the cases against Meling is not material
DISQUALIFICATION OF BAR EXAMINEE in this case. What matters is his act of concealing
HARON S. MELING IN THE 2002 BAR them which constitutes dishonesty.

Atty. Froilan R. Melendrez (Melendrez) The non-disclosure of Meling of the criminal cases
filed with the Office of the Bar Confidant filed against him makes him also answerable under
(OBC) a Petition to (Meling) from taking Rule 7.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
the 2002 Bar Examinations and to which states that "a lawyer shall be answerable for
impose on him the appropriate knowingly making a false statement or suppressing a
disciplinary penalty as a member of the material fact in connection with his application for
Philippine Shari’a Bar. It alleges that admission to the bar."
Meling did not disclose in his Petition to
take the 2002 Bar Examinations that he The nature of whatever cases are pending against
has three (3) pending criminal cases the applicant would aid the Court in determining
before (MTCC), It also alleges that whether he is endowed with the moral fitness
Meling has been using the title demanded of a lawyer. By concealing the existence
"Attorney" in his communications, as of such cases, the applicant then flunks the test of
Secretary to the Mayor of Cotabato City, fitness even if the cases are ultimately proven to be
despite the fact that he is not a member unwarranted or insufficient to impugn or affect the
of the Bar. good moral character of the applicant.

Meling, however, did not pass the 2003 Bar

Meling’s concealment of the fact that there are
three (3) pending criminal cases against him speaks
of his lack of the requisite good moral character and
results in the forfeiture of the privilege bestowed
upon him as a member of the Shari’a Bar.
Republic of the Philippines vs Ma.
Lourdes sereno Whether or not The SALN laws were passed in aid of the
filing of SALNs enforcement of the Constitutional duty to submit a
Respondent adjudged GUILTY of bears no relation declaration under oath of one's assets, liabilities,
UNLAWFULLY HOLDING and EXERCISING to the and net worth. This positive Constitutional duty of
the OFFICE OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE. Constitutional filing one's SALN is so sensitive and important that it
Accordingly, Respondent Maria Lourdes qualification of even shares the same category as the Constitutional
P.A. Sereno is OUSTED and EXCLUDED integrity duty imposed upon public officers and employees to
therefrom. owe allegiance to the State and the Constitution. As
such offenses against the SALN laws are not ordinary
Sereno is ordered to SHOW CAUSE offenses but violations of a duty which every public
within ten (10) days from receipt hereof officer and employee owes to the State and the
why she should not be sanctioned for Constitution. In other words, the violation of SALN
violating the Code of Professional laws, by itself, defeats any claim of integrity as it is
Responsibility and the Code of Judicial inherently immoral to violate the will of the
Conduct for transgressing the subjudice legislature and to violate the Constitution.
rule and for casting aspersions and ill
motives to the Members of the Supreme
Maximino Noble vs Atty. Orlando O.
Ailes The petition is partly meritorious.
The issue for the The practice of law is a privilege bestowed on
Maximino alleged that Orlando, a Court's resolution lawyers who meet high standards of legal
lawyer, filed a Complaint for damages is whether or not proficiency and morality.
against his own brother, Marcelo 0. the IBP correctly
Ailes, Jr. (Marcelo), whom Maximino dismissed the a lawyer must at all times, whether in public or
represented, together with other complaint against private life, act in a manner beyond reproach
defendants, therein. Orlando especially when dealing with fellow lawyers
Maxinimino discovered that Orlando had
been maligning him and dissuading Though a lawyer's language may be forceful and
Marcelo from retaining his services as emphatic, it should always be dignified and
counsel, claiming that he was respectful, befitting the dignity of the legal
incompetent and that he charged profession. The use of intemperate language and
exorbitant fees unkind ascriptions has no place in the dignity of the
Maximino filed the instant complaint judicial forum.
charging Orlando with violation of Rule In this case, the IBP found the text messages that
7.03 of Canon 7, the entire Canon 8 of Orlando sent to his brother Marcelo as casual
the Code of Professional Responsibility communications considering that they were
(CPR). conveyed privately. To the Court's mind, however,
IBP recommended the dismissal of the the tenor of the messages cannot be treated lightly.
case against Orlando, which was adopted The text messages were clearly intended to malign
by IBP board of Governors. and annoy Maximino, as evident from the use of the
Maximino not satisfied filed petition for word ''polpol" (stupid). Likewise, Orlando's
certiorari. insistence that Marcelo immediately terminate the
services of Maximino indicates Orlando's offensive
conduct against his colleague, in violation of the
above-quoted rules. (WARNING)
Oliver Fabugais vs Atty. Berardo Faundo
(violation of canon 7 and 7.3)
Oliver Fabugais (complainant) against Did respondent
Atty. Berardo C. Faundo, Jr. (respondent lawyer in fact Disciplinary proceedings against lawyers are sui
lawyer), for gross misconduct and commit acts that generis in nature; they are intended and undertaken
conduct unbecoming of a lawyer for are grossly primarily to look into the conduct or behavior of
having allegedly engaged in illicit and immoral, or acts lawyers, to determine whether they are still fit to
immoral relations with his wife, Annaliza that amount to exercise the privileges of the legal profession, and to
Lizel B. Fabugais (Annaliza). serious moral hold them accountable for any misconduct or
depravity, that misbehavior which deviates from the mandated
IBP commissioner found respondent would warrant or norms and standards of the Code of Professional
lawyer guilty of violating Rule 1.01 of the call for his Responsibility, all of which are needful and
Code of Professional Responsibility and disbarment or necessary to the preservation of the integrity of the
recommended his suspension from the suspension from legal profession.
practice of law for one (1) month the practice of
law? "Immoral conduct" has been defined as that conduct
Complainant here passed away which is so willful, flagrant, or shameless as to show
indifference to the opinion of good and respectable
members of the community.21 This Court has held
that for such conduct to warrant disciplinary action,
the same must be "grossly immoral, that is, it must
be so corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act
or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a high
this Court believes that a one-month suspension
from the practice of law, as recommended by the
IBP, would suffice.

Atty Herminio Harry Roque vs Atty. Rizal CANON 8 - A lawyer shall conduct himself with
Balbin The essential issue courtesy, fairness and candor towards his
in this case is professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing
complainant Atty. Herminio Harry L. whether or not tactics against opposing counsel.
Roque, Jr. (complainant) against respondent should
respondent Atty. Rizal P. Balbin be administratively In this case, respondent's underhanded tactics
(respondent). herein respondent-as sanctioned for the against complainant were in violation of Canon 8 of
counsel for the defendant, and on acts complained the CPR. As aptly pointed out by the Investigating
appeal-started intimidating, harassing, of. Commissioner, instead of availing of remedies to
blackmailing, and maliciously contest the ruling adverse to his client, respondent
threatening complainant into resorted to personal attacks against the opposing
withdrawing the case filed by his client. litigant's counsel, herein complainant. Thus, it
According to complainant, respondent appears that respondent's acts of repeatedly
would make various telephone calls and intimidating, harassing, and blackmailing
send text messages and e-mails not just complainant with purported administrative and
to him, but also to his friends and other criminal cases and prejudicial media exposures were
clients, threatening to file disbarment performed as a tool to return the inconvenience
and/or criminal suits against him. IBP suffered by his client. His actions demonstrated a
found respondent administratively liable, misuse of the legal processes available to him and
and accordingly, recommended that he his client, specially considering that the aim of every
be suspended from the practice of law lawsuit should be to render justice to the parties
for a period of one (1) year, It also found according to law, not to harass them.[16] More
that instead of availing of the procedural significantly, the foregoing showed respondent's
remedies to assail the adverse MeTC lack of respect and despicable behavior towards a
ruling in order to further his client's colleague in the legal profession, and constituted
cause, respondent resorted to crudely conduct unbecoming of a member thereof.
underhanded tactics directed at the
opposing litigant's counsel, gross Suspended – 2 years
violation of Canon 8 of the Code of Atty. Rizal P. Balbin is found guilty of violating Canon
Professional Responsibility (CPR) 8, Canon 11, Canon 12, Rule 12.03, Rule 12.04,
Canon 19, and Rule 19.01 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility.


Complainant, vs. ATTY. OSCAR Respondent’s cavalier attitude in repeatedly ignoring
PAGUINTO, Respondent. the orders of the Supreme Court constitutes utter
disrespect to the judicial institution. Respondent’s
Information for Estafa was filed against conduct indicates a high degree of irresponsibility. A
Atty. Iluminada M. Vaflor-Fabroa Court’s Resolution is "not to be construed as a mere
(complainant) along with others based request, nor should it be complied with partially,
on a joint affidavit-complaint which Atty. inadequately, or selectively". Respondent’s
Oscar Paguinto (respondent) prepared obstinate refusal to comply with the Court’s orders
and notarized. As the joint affidavit- "not only betrays a recalcitrant flaw in her character;
complaint did not indicate the it also underscores her disrespect of the Court’s
involvement of complainant, lawful orders which is only too deserving of reproof.
complainant filed a Motion to Quash the
Information which the trial court
granted. Respondent’s Motion for respondent, Atty. Oscar P. Paguinto, is SUSPENDED
Reconsideration of the quashal of the for two years from the practice of law for violation
Information was denied. of Canons 1, 8, 10, and Rule 12.03 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility and the Lawyer’s Oath,
Respondent also filed six other criminal effective immediately.
complaints against complainant which he
eventually withdrawn

On October 15, 2001, respondent and his

group took over the GEMASCO office and
its premises, the pumphouses, water
facilities, and operations.

Complainant filed against respondent

disbarment in violation of CPR and
lawyer’s oath.

After the conclusion of the conference,

both parties were ordered to submit
position papers. Complainant filed hers,
but respondent, despite grant, on his
motion, of extension of time, did not file
any position paper.

IBP found respondent guilty of violating

the Lawyer’s Oath as well as Canons 1, 8,
10, and Rule 12.03 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility.

Louisito N. Chua vs Atty. Oscar A. Pascua

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