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Nama : Muhammad Daniel Haq

Kelas : 7A

No. Absen : 16

Menara Kudus Mosque

Menara Kudus Mosque has a distinct gate unlike most of mosques in Indonesia. The
gate and tower were made of red rock blocks, that may look like East Java hindu temples. In
Ramadhan the fasting month, peoples visit this mosque. Not only Indonesian visitors, but also
international travelers. The mosque area is alse where the tomb of Sunan Kudus located. In
the tomb of Sunan Kudus pilgrims come to pray.

Menara Kudus Mosque is located in Kauman village, Kudus Regency, Central Java,
Indonesia. According to the history, it was constructed in 956 Hijriyah or 1549, as Masjid Al-
Aqsa, same as one of mosques in Palestina. Ja’fat Sodiq, that known as Sunan Kudus had
souvenir stone from Baitul Maqdis in Palestina, that was laid as the first stone on the mosque
construction, so the mosque was named as Al Aqsa mosque. Now, this mosque is more
popular as Menara (Tower) Kudus, for its Hindu Majapahit tower on the east side of the

When Islam entered Indonesia, the missionaries were wisely using Indonesia original
culture to intruduce holy Qur’ran, that religion and culture mix and evolved quickly. This
mosque is very unique, there are no mosques in the world has similar architecture as this. It
aims to respect Hindi followers that life in Kudus, people in Kudus did not slaught cow/bull,
as cow/bull was a holy animal in Hindu, as Sunan Kudus asked. Until now one of the most
popular food from Kudus is Soto Kebo, not Soto Sapi (Cow) as in other regions.

This building is 100 meters square, and 18 meters high, and the whole building
delineates typical Javanese-Hindu style. The foot and body of the tower is carved as in Java-
Hindu tradition, also the motive. And as temples, this construction was built  without cement,
but buffed until both blocks attached to each other. The traditional construction technique can
be seen from the tower head that shape as a teak structure with 4 soko guru or pillars that
support the roof. The roof is placed with dome as seen on the terraces roof in Hindu Java

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