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Latter Weiting = Applying. for. «deb r eae patloncel {titing te mnark— le Brack Lane Thine 20H Dear Ma Rose __ = — fessor. af they, 5- Lam 4a. the. post af accounts. a En acral toe iy Mal at 25 May, Please Find ; Reena ecel Amy 8 f= atSince goaduating. fram Gah. Universi ra working. os asaistant.atcoumant for ——— 1 hewe become. oe ” a ed - budkgat i a a tion. BeeoUnts. | = — see cee cr pit of a. small team. where 1 could make a significant ccentributian. while developing my ehitls yan further 1 ——__would be happy. to. shor, ou. portfelio of my srk. @ _—_ Aald eetimstiontytam available foc intervien next week and lack forward te_hearing from. you. yA hove been —— dl Welle your own adress Ce kh ——— a ate Gan iver he felt er tha cts Explain. sahich, Jobe yeu ore Carporate Lid. appiying far and ‘now /where. tg heared about it, Rorngeaph @ Briefly describe yest moat _telavant qualifications. snd le: ‘experiences Faengraph @ Explain why aga vant the job arek vilny ype Mh voted oe gpod at ite frengeagh © Sry how yss can be contacted wher ace owailable for a ae oe Writing a CV or résume __ eee 2 eo [RY Cates ta) British style ,___comments__ Be Nowe Pe Bowe Some_people omit | Address _ lo Brock Lane, Slough SLX 1EL___|| these_labels. L. Telephone ___ oli 64a _______}} | ES ee a Email _ __}f_—____ — Nationality — Peitisn: Se = | _Date of birth lo April i990 _ his a Ee [Profile A highly. motivated, well- __g_ Some. people. omtt ——__travelled_and creative qraduete! the Profile section __with_practical accounts ak | 4 eberiénce. ——— — — Z Elen . ane , __ _2o06-2009 Oak University: mena eee | 1999-2006 __Denver School, 3.A levels: Art(a),| __ see Lo __ Accounts Management (A); ea Mathematics (5 SGcses) 9 i ee Rolo-present_ PMS Corporate Ltd. ___ Denver House, Pat St, Slough. Skills __Computer_literate ; familiae with Excel _________Clean_driving licence __| Interests Travel, Tennis and Reading | ___Reference available _on_request Woo eS Ee EE EASY Enquisy aaa ésume = American style ___commenta _ ae ee tou mn chen. Q rails janclee | |whether or not to _ o Alto ,CASH201 clap. (650) 421-72! | Finclude your birth | date marital stats, children etc. eon- 200 aster of Arts in Translation, |Gegin with your Stanford_University —__ _| mast recent =i99a____Bachelor of Acts _____—_| qualification and __ Major : Chinese ; Minor: French, [work beckwerds. —Hedgetown. University, — _2eod = 7 = © of, fegin with your hin Q most recent Seo ee ee a Piece em. fan the ofan ao the. Tvecanciy_aciectised ines Ameen TB eek adaectacment an —— = fll see fiom amy Cv, Paragraph 2 2 froma.y De. Wi gaan Save ge, > Having gained a clegree, 2... ee ee > While~ I” was working ats 1 am_currentlyemployed_as..._ Sire ee _» This post. interests_me_because.. Lae —>1_would welcome the chance to_gain_more_experience... ee ee Myon See cea fi... Paragraph 4 >If yeu_consider that my experience and qualifications ore sible eee ee ee _—> I am_available for interview any afternoon anc __ A Letter of. Complaint ___ - _15_ABC Lane _ ee Riese: —_Jcomptaint rise formal Surrey ALI 3PH Hlanguageand_ are - ____F June 2019 | standard way’ Customer Services =| Pasrcagnaph, de Maino -explain_whiyy_ yom Slough SLX 4RT __ a Dear Sir_or Madam expan eva the i am_weiting to complain about peat Service_provided by. your train company.) — vibe_any_action Yesterday trav the 820 from __|you have alreachy Oxfard -to_Londen. Not onlly_was. the_trein fen__|+token minutes_late_leaving Oxford but we were a further delayed at Reading and no. explanation | Paragraph 3 __ or apslegy_ noe offered Furthermore, the —— Say what ___ heating broke down and the tnain got cocler |meonvemience ik and cooler. Icomplained to a.member of staff, has caused you who was most_unhelpful anc _unsympathetic@) | > As a cesult of delays I missed an. important} Paragraph 4 __ meeting witha client, which caused financial} state what_yeu loss and embarrassment.@_ Lwant done about — Jn the circumstances I believe Iam ____| the problem entitled to compensation. leok forward to | hearing from_you_very spon = 2 Yours fat Hof Kim_Le _| telephone —__‘T. dune. og} —_________ East Sports Holiday: Lee ee 12 Bridge Road SS eee Court alte Sats 5 Dear Sir ar Madame—————___}_TIn American English T_am_interested in language and ___|To wham it-may concem Sports holidays as advertised in your |i used —____. brochure_and. I would appreciate it iff you could send me fucther information | Other useful pheases. about prices and facilities. —|for_astsing for ___ Could you tell_me how many houts.a_| information; week_ -of language tuitian_are_offeced |x Tt would elso be _ and hon lange the groups. are? L would _ | helpful to Know what! _also_like tm know whether special diets | when. ett. ___ __are catered for, a5 one of my friends isa ja I woule be interested Pea 2 ee a __ Thankyou eee Report Writing* ——A report is an informative formal piece of writing: ———It_concerns_a_particular_person., place , situation ——_fllan, ete. Tt_is_addressed tn one's superior | —— —_Colleagues, members of a committee, ete. It is_wiritten. —_in_fespense too _fequest_or_instruction,—___ "Types of reports repo . Assessment reports — present and evaluate ies ______pasitive -andlor negative features of _a person, Place, | }—_—fian: etc. They. a\so_include your opinion candor Tinimes. __» Informative reports present information concerning — =| meeting that _has _taken_place,.progress made on __ t a project, etc. = ~ Survey teparis present _and analyse information __ from door-to-door surveus! questionnaires, — ieee ysl _____includiing_conclusions_drawin fram and _suggestions_or_recemmendations _____ A “eae report (ens % an _introductor: paca’ graph hich ee states the puss and ee of the feport ; 4) @_main body in_which the relevant information is presented in. detail under suitoble subheadings; and SS SSS 4 _a_conclusion_which summarises the information given, and may_include_an_opinion_and lor = aaa Suggestion |recommendation, Note. that before you start_yititingyoue_ceport you_should give information indicating who the feport_j is_written_to Cnamel position/company, etc), Who _the_report_is_written by (name! position) she lial ______-Subject of the _report,..and_—the Gabe ¢__ Report writing Know the aim of writing Collect infor mation. Analyse and evaluate the éollected data Or janising infor mation collected Logical orderin Include only relevant data Review Give final_form Check_spelling and grammar ___ = ae not forge: _« “Rea te in.a formal style. (Ceamples ___ sentences, nen- colloquial English, frequent use of passive, inking, words! phrases). ___e Before you _write._yout_feport you sailed think ok who ___the_report_is_beingwritten_by_and_who the report is Pee ee __| jive_your _re.port_an_appropriate subject title, ee —4 carefully plan the vaformation 1you_vill_ present. Think ___of suitable subheadings, then decide onthe __ jou will include under each subheading 1 infer mation_y | Use_linkking —werds to jain your. ideas, _ m2 ———————— — =e Useful Language for Assessment Reports —> To begin reports: The purpose laim /intention of this report is to examine! assess/ evaluate the Suitability of... for.../the advisability af C+ing)/ the performance of... e As fequested, this is.a_teport a “ = regarding the matter | subject cf... o This report contains the assessment of... which you fequested | asked for... « This report outlines. the advantages and disadvan - ——tnges_of .., —_ — oe = —> To end _ceports > Summarising: To_conclude] To sum up! _ t __in_conclusion...— = 2 On the basis _of the _points_mentioned. eee the whole , it would seem that... _s The only] obvious. conclusion to be drawn from pre fe facts is that. ea E Recommending: It is (therefore) | felt | believed | apparent) — |W tivieun choice would be ideal for... — —___| a a ea aeetaten lp a «I (strongly) recommend | would_suggest Cthat).-____ [ioe fecanmenction ttn an —— 2 1 “recommend that. the_lbest_course of action. waula __ L be: To Fim Lee, managing Drecrer ) whe asked) requested /instfucted for Fram: Pana Rose, Camp Supervisor | the ceport, who jared +he epert, vino pre! ‘Subject: Asses of Jett Lee cepor leicht Date: 2D Jane 2219 Introduction (Purpose <> clearly defined purpose and centent of the report Te PAS requested, tis report ts an assessinent of the suitability af Jott Lee for promotion ea (S group coordiater. The report summanses his personal qualities, leadership abilttios anid work-related achievements, on the basis of which Wer ____ Useful Language —___ To. begin pte pee - _e The. purpose laimlintention of_this_repert is to outline/ Present | discuss_the_meeting held_on../ the progress of... the_decision_of the committee... 2 As requested, this ceport conceens the matteclsubject

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