Lasker Search Warrant Affidavit

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS STATE OF ARKANSAS * IBQND-1D D 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 Te 2 @ fo By, pe SEARCH WARRANT. TO THE SHERIFF OF FAULKNER COUNTY OR ANY POLICE OFFICER Affidavit having been duly made before me by Detective Brittani Little that she has reasonable grounds to believe that there is now being kept on the premises known and described as: 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 a brick and beige metal siding style building. “House of Refuge and Deliverance” is posted on the building, on the East side facing Highway 365. The parking lot is gated with a sign posted to it saying “NOTICE NO TURN-AROUND NO PARKING WITHOUT PERMISSION”. Certain property described as follows: Electronic equipment used to record video and/or audio, electronic equipment containing recorded video and/or audio, controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia, travel documents, guns, and ammunition associated with the crime. Directions to the property are as follows: From the Conway Police Department (1105 Prairie Street) head south toward Deer St (272 Ft). Turn right onto Deer St. (66 F1), turn left on Front St. (367 FO, turn left on College Ave (420 Ft), tum right onto Harkrider St. (2.7 Miles), continue onto AR-365 S (8.0 Miles). Upon arrival, 748 Highway 365 will be on your right. Tam satisfied that there is a probable cause to believe that the property so described is being kept on the premises above described and that probable cause and the foregoing grounds for the issuance of a Search ‘Warrant Exists. You are hereby commanded to search forthwith the place named for the property specified, serving this Warrant on the property to be searched or upon the person in apparent control of the premises to he searched or affixed to the premises, and making this search between the hours of 6:00 am, and 8:00 p.m., and if such property be found there, to seize it, prepare a written inventory of the property seized, leave a reccipt of this inventory with the person searched or with the person in apparent control of the premises from which it was removed, and return this Warrant and bring the property and inventory within ten (10) days fiom the date of Warrant and make a verified written report to this Court of the fact and circumstances of execution, including a copy of the inventory seized. Execution of this Search Warrant will be completed within five (5) days of signed date. Dated this" day of Seateule. 2000 tn Ble OAc JUDGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS STATE OF ARKANSAS v. BRS O2D- © onsite 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 WITNESS AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT ‘The undersigned, being duly sworn, disposes and says: Detective Brittani Little that she has reasonable grounds to believe that there is now being kept on the premises known and described as: 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 brick and beige metal siding style building. “House of Refuge and Deliverance” is pésted on the building, on the East side facing Highway 365. The parking lot is gated with a sign posted to it saying “NOTICE NO TURN-AROUND NO PARKING WITHOUT PERMISSION”. Directions to the property are as follows: From the Conway Police Department (1105 Prairie Street) head south toward Deer St (272 Ft). Tur right onto Deer St, (66 Ft), tum left on Front St. (367 Ft), tun left on College Ave (420 Ft), turn right onto Harkrider St. (2.7 Miles), continue onto AR-365 $ (8.0 Miles). Upon arrival, 748 Highway 365 will be on your right, Certain property described as follows: Electronic equipment used to record video and/or audio, electronic equipment containing recorded video and/or audio, controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia, travel documents, guns, and ammunition associated with the crime. Which is sought because it is believed to be evidence of violation of Arkansas Annotated Code 5-64-419 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA/ FOR METH OR COCAINE, 5- 73-103 FELON IN POSSESSION OF A FIREARM and 5-26-30 DOMESTIC BATTERING - 1ST DEGREE - On 9/18/2020, Stacy Baldwin was located at 748 Highway 365 in Mayflower with her juvenile son (KB) who is 21 months old. A welfare check was called in for the juvenile child. AC this location Lloyd Lasker Jr was also present. KB was located with multiple bruises from head to toc and was life threateningly emaciated. Stacy advised that KB was possessed by a demon. KB is currently in the ICU with a brain bleed and extreme malnourishment, . On 9/22/2020, Lloyd Lasker Ir was arrested. Post Miranda Rights, Lasker advised that‘he has tried to exorcise the demon in KB but he would not explain how he did this. He stated the above address has cameras at the location and claims KB was up and running around on 9/18/2020. ‘When KB was transported on 9/18/2020 he was unable to sit up on his own at almost 2 years old, . On 9/22/2020, Lioyd Lasker Jr post Miranda Rights stated he has used meth in the church several times. He stated he has used meth with Stacy Baldwin and many other members in the church. 4, On 9/22/2020, Lloyd Lasker Jr was located with more than 2 grams of Methamphetamine in the truck that is registered to the above address. 5. On 9/22/2020 post Miranda Rights Lloyd Lasker Jr stated it would be likely we could find meth residue that would be able to be scraped up at the church. 6. On 9/22/2020 post Miranda Rights Lloyd Lasker Jr stated some of the attempted exoreisms occurred at 748 Highway 365, 7. When KB was admitted 9/18/2020 some of the bruises further progressed while in the ER. The doctor stated that these injuries most likely occurred the same day. Based on the above facts, I am respectfully requesting a search warrant be issued to search the residence listed above for the items listed above, 1 am Detective Brittani Little. I have been a sworn and certified Law Enforcement Officer working for the Conway Police Department since August 2016. I am currently assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. I have training and experience in the investigation of all ypes of crimes including crimes against person, homicide, sexual assault, and property erimes, Based on the above facts, I am respectfully requesting a Search Warrant be issued to search the Apartment listed above for the items listed above. WHEREFORE, Affiant states the above under oath, Sigratref ‘Affiant i day ot Sel Subscribed and sworn to before me, this. 2020. Judge i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS : STATE OF ARKANSAS D, / 8 JBN colleen 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 (HORAD CHURCH) REPORT OF RETURN OF A SEARCH WARRANT The undersigned has executed a Search Warrant issued by this Court on the 22nd day of September, 2020, for the search of the property known and described as: 748 Highway 365, Mayflower, Arkansas 72106 a brick and beige metal siding style building. “House of Refuge and Deliverance” is posted on the building, on the East side facing Highway 365. The parking lot is gated with a sign posted to it saying “NOTICE NO TURN-AROUND NO PARKING WITHOUT PERMISSION”. Search for certain property described as follows: Electronic equipment used to record video and/or audio, electronic equipment containing recorded video and/or audio, controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia, travel documents, guns, and ammunition associated with the crime, ‘The undersigned reports to this Court the following facts and circumstances surrounding the execution of this Warrant and attaches the returned Warrant and the Inventory of any and all items seized: The search warrant was executed on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at approximately 3:40 p.m. and concluded at approximately 5:15 p.m. the same day. Multiple items of evidence were located and seized, and those items are listed on the attached Search Warrant, Inventory. 1 — baggy with white crystal residue — suspected methamphetamine WHEREFORE, the undersigned prays that this report be filed with this Court and with any other Court which may have jurisdiction over the offense alleged concerning which said Warrant be issued. SI3B Signature of Affiant Official Title STATE OF ARKANSAS) ) COUNTY OF FAULKNER) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, on thie day oppor, 2020. (tu Nivea, Copa Silty SWNNA Cy XY My Commission Expires: _]O)-2,-QO3S4 soe iy Di Sei “aR COUNTY

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