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Chapter 4: Decision Making Lesson 1: Making Decisions and Setting Goals

Exercise #2 – SMART Goals

Directions: ​With your group, read each of the scenarios and create a SMART plan for how each person can achieve
his/her goals.

Scenario 1 ​Pat is a fast runner and a hard worker. He has a part-time job after school. He wants to get on the school
varsity track team.

Specific: Practice running from his part time job after school 3 times a day and join the track team.

Measurable: In about 3 weeks or a few months and keep on track with the consistency of the hard work
you can then achieve the goal.

Attainable: Spend 2 hours after work and gym period during school to practice running. Then after that
atten extra hours in the club for track to help get better.

Results: Paid off the hard work and able to get on varsity on the track team.
Time Frame:Starting from the end of high school to the near varsity track team

Scenario 2 ​Tom is an easy-going person, who doesn’t take life too seriously. He’d like to have some spending
money to go out with his friends, but he doesn’t have a job. Help Tom identify a goal and how he can achieve it.

Specific: Attend a community college to earn a good degree on something he might need or gain a high
school diploma to be able to earn a job that can help fulfill his goal of making money and spending it with
his friends.

Measurable: Take about 2 to 3 years in college and it will be on track with the plan to obtain a degree and if
doing the high school it will take 4 years to finish to obtain a diploma for jobs to enter.

Attainable:Study for 2 hours every day and spend time memorizing notes during classes. Learn to
repetitively do it so that he can remember how to finish problems.

Result: Able to qualify for a high school diploma or a college degree for 2 years.

Time Frame:4 years or 2 depending on the study rate and time he puts on his goal and sets it for his
easy-going life.

Unit 1: LET 1 – The Emerging Leader 1

Chapter 4: Decision Making Lesson 1: Making Decisions and Setting Goals

Scenario 3 ​Ann offended her history teacher, when she was caught making a joke about the teacher’s jacket. Ann
suspects the teacher doesn’t like her and calls on her to answer only the really hard questions. What should Ann’s
goal be and how can she achieve it?

Specific: To Apologize to the teacher and try to redeem herself by studying hard and answering her

Measurable: 2 to 3 hours of study time weekdays, and to apologize for her making a joke about the
teacher’s jacket by being a good student.

Attainable: Take the weekdays to study and learn how to gain the teacher’s affection again and have a
healthy teacher-student relationship again.

Results: Obtain student-teacher relationship with a hard earned knowledge of skills in the class.

Time Frame: week or a month depending on the consistency of her determination in class and relationship
with the teacher.

Scenario 4 ​Rose is a high school freshman. Her long-term goal is to become a marine biologist. List two
intermediate goals and at least three short-term goals that will help her achieve her long-term goal.

Intermediate Goals: Graduating high school and going to a good college to become a marine biologist.

Short-term Goals:Get an A rating above 93 in every class a year, study to accomplish that goal and not
conduct any misbehavior in the school year.

Scenario 5 ​Steve wants to be a movie director when he

grows up. List two intermediate goals and at least three short-term goals that will help him achieve his long-term goal.
Intermediate Goals: Finish your highschool with a good GPA and record. Apply for colleges that does
filmmaking or film.

Short-term Goals: Study hard to get passing grades over the years in high school, join a club that does film
to help enhance some learning skills for his major career, and apply for scholarships or community services
to get ready for college.

2 Unit 1: LET 1 – The Emerging Leader

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