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MOHD.ARIF (301402716001)





SESSION:- 20119-20





We the undersigned solemnly declare that the project work entitled “RESTAURANT FINDER” is based
on our work carried out during the course of our study under the supervision of Mr. Prageet Bajpai.

We assert that the statement made and conclusion drawn are an outcome of the project work. We
further declare that in the best of our knowledge and believe that the report does not contain any
part of any work which has been submitted for Minor Project.

Mohd Arif – (301402716001)


Signature of guide

Mr. Prageet Bajpai

Assistant Professor

CSE Department SSTC, SSGI(FET)

Junwani, Bhilai

The project as mentioned above is hereby recommended and forwarded for examination and


Signature of Head of Department with seal


This is to certify that report of the project submitted is an outcome of the project entitled
“Restaurant Finder” carried out by Prateek Singh Adhikari, Piyam Verma and Poonam Gupta under
my guidance and supervision for the completion of the laboratory work under Major Project.

To the best of my knowledge the report:

1. Embody the work of candidates themselves.

2. Has duly been completed

3. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the software engineering and .
management lab

4. Is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.


Signature of Guide

Mr. Prageet Bajpai

Assistant Professor

CSE Department


Junwani, Bhilai

The project as mentioned above is hereby recommended and forwarded for examination and


Signature of HOD CSE Department (SSGI) with seal


This is to certify that the project work entitled


Submitted by:

Mohd Arif- (301402716001)

Is hereby accepted and approved after proper evaluation as a credible work submitted in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for awarding the degree Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
and Engineering from Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University,Bhilai (C.G)

_______________ _______________

Internal examiner External examiner


Working for this project has been a great experience for us. There were moments of anxiety, when
we could not solve a problem for the several days. But we have enjoyed every bit of process and are
thankful to all people associated with us during this period.

We also gratefully take this opportunity to express our gratitude and indebtedness to our project
guide Mr. Prageet Bajpai, Mrs.Samta Gajbhiye Head of Department (CSE), SSGI(FET) for showing
keen interest, timely encouragement, invaluable suggestions, unceasing assistance and constructive
criticism at every stage of the project work. Without their help the project would have never seen
the light of the day.

We would also like to express our deep gratitude to our college management Shri I.P Mishra,
Chairman of Shri Gangajali Education Society, Bhilai, Prof.Jaya Mishra, President of Shri Gangajali
Education Society , Dr. P.B. Deshmukh , Director SSTC for providing educational ambience. It will be
our pleasure acknowledge their utmost cooperation and valuable suggestions.
We pay our sincere gratitude to the College Management for providing the necessary support as and
when required. We also thank all the respected faculties and staff members of the institute, who
directly or indirectly helped us in the completion of project.

Mohd Arif- (301402716001)


Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions (beats) of
the heart per minute (bpm). The heart rate can vary according to the body's physical needs,
including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. It is usually equal or close to
the pulse measured at any peripheral point. Activities that can provoke change include physical
exercise, sleep, anxiety, stress, illness, and ingestion of drugs.
The American Heart Association states the normal resting adult human heart rate is 60–100
bpm. Tachycardia is a fast heart rate, defined as above 100 bpm at rest.[2] Bradycardia is a slow
heart rate, defined as below 60 bpm at rest. During sleep a slow heartbeat with rates around 40–
50 bpm is common and is considered normal. When the heart is not beating in a regular pattern,
this is referred to as an arrhythmia. Abnormalities of heart rate sometimes indicate disease.

The heart rate is one of the 'vital signs,' or the

important indicators of health in the human
body. It measures the number of times per
minute that the heart contracts or beats.
The speed of the heartbeat varies as a result of physical activity, threats to
safety, and emotional responses. The resting heart rate refers to the heart
rate when a person is relaxed.

While a normal heart rate does not guarantee that a person is free of health
problems, it is a useful benchmark for identifying a range of health issues.

Fast facts on the heart rate

 The heart rate measures the number of times the heart beats per
 After the age of 10 years, the heart rate of a person should be
between 60 and 100 beats per minute while they are resting.
 The heart will speed up during exercise. There is a recommended
maximum heart rate that varies depending on the age of the
 It is not only the speed of the heart rate that is important. The rhythm
of the heartbeat is also crucial, and an irregular heartbeat can be a
sign of a serious health condition.
 One in every four deaths in the United States occurs as a result
of heart disease. Monitoring your heart rate can help prevent heart
What is the heart rate?

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The heart rate measures how many times the heart beats in 60 seconds.

The heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in the space of a

The heart is a muscular organ in the center of the chest. When it beats, the
heart pumps blood containing oxygen and nutrients around the body and
brings back waste products.

A healthy heart supplies the body with just the right amount of blood at the
right rate for whatever the body is doing at that time.

For example, being frightened or surprised automatically releases

adrenaline, a hormone, to make the heart rate faster. This prepares the
body to use more oxygen and energy to escape or confront potential

The pulse is often confused with the heart rate but refers instead to how
many times per minute the arteries expand and contract in response to the
pumping action of the heart.
The pulse rate is exactly equal to the heartbeat, as the contractions of the
heart cause the increases in blood pressure in the arteries that lead to a
noticeable pulse.

Normal resting heart rate

It is important to identify whether your heart rate sits within the normal
range. If disease or injury weakens the heart, the organs will not receive
enough blood to function normally.

The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) have published a list
of normal resting heart rates.

The heart rate gets progressively slower as a person moves through

childhood toward adolescence.

The normal resting heart rate for adults over the age of 10 years, including
older adults, is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm).

Highly trained athletes may have a resting heart rate below 60 bpm,
sometimes reaching 40 bpm.

The following is a table of normal resting heart rates at different ages

according to the NIH:

Age Normal heart rate (bpm)

Up to 1 month 70 to 190

From 1 to 11
80 to 160

From 1 to 2 years 80 to 130

From 3 to 4 years 80 to 120

From 5 to 6 years 75 to 115

From 7 to 9 years 70 to 110

Over 10 years 60 to 100

The resting heart rate can vary within this normal range. It will increase in
response to a variety of changes, including exercise, body temperature,
emotional triggers, and body position, such as for a short while after
standing up quickly.

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Target heart rates during

The heart rate increases during exercise.

When training for fitness, it is important not to put too much strain on the
heart. However, an individual needs the heart rate to increase while
exercising to provide more oxygen and energy for the rest of the body.

While the heart rate increases as a result of physical activity, an overall

decrease in target heart rate is possible over time. This means that the
heart is working less to get the necessary nutrients and oxygen to different
parts of the body, making it more efficient.

Cardiovascular training aims to reduce the target heart rate. The ideal
target heart rate reduces with age. It is also worth noting the maximum
heart rate. This demonstrates the full capability of the heart, and it is
normally reached through high-intensity exercise.
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Pinterest Exercise is a way to bring down the overall heart rate.

The American Heart Association (AHA) states that the maximum heart rate
during exercise should be roughly equal to 220 bpm minus the age of the

As the body of each individual will react to exercise differently, the target
heart rate is presented as a range known as the target heart rate zone.

The following table shows the appropriate target heart rate zone for a range
of ages. A person's heart rate should fall within this range when exercising
at 50 to 80 percent intensity, also known as exertion.

Age Target heart rate zone at 50 to 85 Average maximum heart rate at 100
(years) percent exertion (bpm) percent exertion (bpm)

20 100 to 170 200

30 95 to 162 190

35 93 to 157 185

40 90 to 153 180

45 88 to 149 175

50 85 to 145 170

55 83 to 140 165

60 80 to 136 160
65 78 to 132 155

70 75 to 128 150

It is recommended that people exercise regularly to work towards a healthy

target heart rate. The AHA recommends the following amounts and levels
of exercise per week:

Exercise Example Minutes Regularity minutes per

Moderate intensity aerobic Walking, At least 5 days per

Over 150
activity aerobics class 30 week

Running, At least 3 days per

Vigorous aerobic activity Over 75
step-aerobics 25 week

Moderate to high-intensity
Weights, 2 days per
muscle strengthening N/A N/A
body pump week

Moderate to vigorous Ball sport, Average 3 to 4 days

intensity aerobic activity cycling 40 per week

Abnormal heart rhythms

The speed of the heart is not the only factor to bear in mind when
considering its health. The rhythm of the heartbeat is important too. The
heart should beat with a steady rhythm, and there should be a regular gap
between beats.

An occasional extra beat should not be a cause for concern. Speak to a

re on Pin terest

doctor if you are concerned about a consistently irregular heartbeat.

The muscle has an electrical system that tells it when to beat and push
blood around the body. A faulty electrical system can lead to an abnormal
heart rhythm.

It is normal for the heart rate to vary throughout the day in response to
exercise, anxiety, excitement, and fear. However, a person should not
normally be aware of their resting heartbeat.

If you feel that your heart is beating out of rhythm, too fast, or too
slow, speak to a doctor about your symptoms.

A person may also feel the sensation of having missed or "skipped" a beat,
or it may feel like there has been an extra beat. An extra beat is called an
ectopic beat. Ectopic beats are very common, usually harmless, and do not
often need treatment.

People concerned about palpitations or ectopic beats should speak to your

doctor who will be able to carry out an electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess
the heart rate and the rhythm.
There are many different types of abnormal heart rhythm. The type
depends on where in the heart the abnormal rhythm starts, and whether it
causes the heart to beat too fast or too slow. The most common abnormal
rhythm is atrial fibrillation. This replaces the normal heartbeat with an
erratic pattern.

A fast heart rhythm is also known as a tachycardia, and can include:

 supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)

 inappropriate sinus tachycardia
 atrial flutter
 atrial fibrillation (AF)
 ventricular tachycardia (VT)
 ventricular fibrillation (VF)

Slow heart rhythms such as atrioventricular (AV) heart block, bundle

branch block, and tachy-brady syndrome are called bradycardias.

Maintaining a normal heart rate

A healthy heartbeat is crucial for protecting cardiac health.

While exercise is important for promoting a low and healthy heart rate,
there are several other steps a person can take to protect their heart
health, including:

 Reducing stress: Stress can contribute to an increased heart rate

and blood pressure. Ways to keep stress at bay include deep
breathing, yoga, mindfulness training, and meditation.
 Avoiding tobacco: Smoking leads to a higher heart rate, and
quitting can reduce it to a normal level.
 Losing weight: More body weight means that the heart has to work
harder to provide all areas of the body with oxygen and nutrients.
MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical
computing environment and proprietary programming language developed
by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting
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MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates
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Heart rate measurement and electrical
pulse signal analysis for subjects span of
20–80 years

We provide heartbeat prototype for supporting the preliminary medical

We study the heartbeat and pulse signal that are used with hardware and

Heartbeat data can be recorded into memory card.

The optical finger sensor is detected with real time measuring.

Prototype can be used in clinical lab, with 95% accuracy, and cheaper price.

The preliminary research constructs the heart beat or pulse measurement for
medical science. The electrical pulse signal analysis that supports one significant
clinical study. The research prototype focuses the pulse rate and analysis system
which consist of hardware and software parts. The hardware uses the ATMEGA
2560 ADK R3 for processing the input optical sensors, output result to LCD, and
record data into SD memory card. The software as embedded algorithm is designed
for controlling the input/output parts. Research techniques are applied in term
of analog to digital converter, I2C, and data grouping.
The 40 subjects are informed consent and measured with ethical research.
Experimental result explains the subject behaviors with maximum/minimum pulse
values, patterns, and similarity three groups. The distinctive point of medical and
health science prototype is accuracy, durability, low power consumption, and
cheaper price.
 Previous article in issue
 Next article in issue

Heart beat
Electrical pulse analysis
ADK R3 micro-controller
Optical sensor

1. Introduction
This research is a fundamental principle of the tools and programs to contribute to
the development of health science. The initial focus on the pulse, which is one of
the four vital signs (Puongthong Kraipiboon, 2014) with a significant indicator of
the performance of the heart. Pulse caused by the compression of the heart (Lalita
Achanuphab, 2014) to send blood around the body, causing pressure on the walls
of the arteries as a result, blood vessel contraction and expansion of the cardiac
rhythm. We can feel exactly where the artery running through or easy to
understand. Pulse is the rhythm of the heart. Fig. 1 shows the location of a palpable
pulse, the body will find that often are at the bone joints such as knees, wrists,
arms, groin, head and neck. Pulse (Wannachart Kataichan, 2014) can be explained
other words, the shock waves of blood flow caused by the compression of the left
ventricular wall of the artery is expanded into a rhythm. The Pulse rate, heart rate
or heart beat (Puongthong Kraipiboon, 2014) is called to convey the same meaning
and reflect the pacing of the heart (beats per minute), by counting the beats of the
artery within 1 min. We can take the pulse while measuring heart rate anytime
factors influencing the pulse (Wannachart Kataichan, 2014), there are many factors
which are important to the cardiovascular system and the issues which led to the
creation of measurement parameters. The key questions such as age, the age of
increased pulse rate will drop, sex after puberty, the average pulse rates of male to
female is slightly lower. Exercise, the pulse rate increases with exercise, fever,
increased pulse rate. To adjust to lower blood pressure, reduce the dose of certain
medications, such as pulse, heart disease.
 Atrium begins to depolarize.
 Atrium depolarizes.
 Ventricles begin to depolarize at apex.
 Ventricles depolarize.
 Ventricles begin to re polarize at apex.
 Ventricles re polarize.

2. Background
To explore the issue, and the importance of the issue of the rate of heartbeat is
normal or abnormal, and it is an important issue that needs to be researched. The
heart rate measurement error may lead to subsequent damage. This research is
creating a measurement system to values that are more accurate, the rate of
heartbeat or pulse, the number of times the feeling of the waves on the arteries of
an inch at a time, 1 min (bpm: beat. per minute) (Table 1).
Table 1. Pulse rate by age span.

Age span Heart rate (bpm)

Less than 1 month 120–160
1–12 months 80–140
12 months – 2 years 80–130
2–6 years 75–120
6–12 years 75–110
More than 12 years 60–100

Abnormal pulse rate environment (Lalita Achanuphab, 2014) by Tachycardia: a

condition in which the heart rate in adults than 100 bpm, Bradycardia: a condition
in which the heart rate in adults less than 60 bpm. The information shown is the
importance of the issue, the researchers make weight and focus on creating a
quality and precision in order to show or tell the heart rate is normal or abnormal.
The importance of the research may be divided by topic below.

o Reading the rate of the heartbeat, irregular pulse, causing a crash and
o Commercial tool can measure your heart rate, but without analysis.
o •
o Acquisition of the pulse and could not be estimated.
o •
o Measurement of heart rate is generally expensive.

4. Research methodology
This methodology explains the practical solutions which compose as follows:

Principle research methodology; To explain as follows

o Physical pulse
o Input parameters
o •
o Central processing units
o •
o Output parameters
 •
o Storage units

 shows how the research study describes the first research, First step; Physical
pulse is defined pulse (Lalita Achanuphab, 2014) that represents the heartbeat
rhythm is defined as the number of beats per minute. Second step; Input derived
parameters are parameters which are then used to make physical linearity filter
by buffer circuit to forward it to the central processing unit. Third step; Central
processing unit serves as calculation algorithm to analyze the results transmitted to
the output. Fourth step; Output parameters such as the amount of pulse rate,
dynamic number of pulse signal, and stored into memory.

Process research methodology; Fig. 4 shows the algorithm consisted of hardware

and software. The hardware used to control the input and output, which will
receive an analog signal by using the voltage level that changes according to the
light intensity. Buffer circuit is used to adjust the input signal level to be
appropriate after a filtering signal from noise occurs. The balance of the control
hardware we use electronic mechanisms to reduce the noise to the input that has
the slightest mistake. The software uses algorithms to Al Gore, the control features
such as adaptive pulse rate, calculated by the method of decision-making and
information flow processes. The software receives the digital signal in order to
meet the conditions and logical interfaces such as I2C, SPI, USB. The storage unit
is used for recording data in real time. The gait data will show in term of
continuous signal as gait pattern.
5. Design and implementation
System design; the system consists (Fig. 5) of four sections: an overview. The first
unit, input sensor value is the pulse rate by detecting the intensity of the light and
into the calculation and processing. The second unit calculation and processing
serve as a hub to receive and send information, including the calculation of the
The third unit, display unit is used to represent data obtained from measurement
through LCD display. The fourth unit, analysis is analyzing or classification of
information to group the symptoms of subjects. The fifth unit, storage unit stores
the information into the SD card to store data records of subjects (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Research prototype.

Algorithm implementation; the system implementation in term of software control
consists of functions such as pin_Mode, lcd.begin, analog_Value, and
interrupt_Setup, etc. This preliminary study composes optical sensor input and
then process unit for calculation and monitor to display unit. The algorithm shown
in below:
The practical prototype; ankle motion measurement is constructed with hardware
design and software algorithms. The prototype is implemented via various
interfaces such as SPI, I2C, and bus system. Practical prototype can be used
measured the heartbeat, pulse, and recording into SD card. The master prototype as
shown in Fig. 7.
6. Experimental results and analysis
The ethical research in term of experiment is benefit for right process. This
research is supported with ethical research. The results are displayed with research
prototype as shown in Fig. 1 for evaluation in term of pulse signals or patterns. The
pulse sensor gives good result when wire connection occurs low noise signal. The
40 subjects given the different patterns however, we can data analysis of heartbeat
value (BPM) and maximum or minimum value of the electrical signal level. We
choose eighteen subjects for testing with similar environment. Otherwise, the
different environments still unstable for measuring parameter. Alter experimental
result, we can classify the data signal as 3 groups.
The first group (Fig. 8) which shown in term of heartbeat (BPM unit) is
(0 < BPM < 50) by Y axis represents the voltage (mV) and X axis represents time
(×10−1 s). The average voltage level is 75 mV. Three subjects are tested under
similar environment. The subject results are irregular pattern because they are
elderly subjects.
The second group that shown in term of heartbeat (BPM unit) is
(50 ≤ BPM ≤ 100) by Y axis represents the voltage (mV) and X axis represents
time (×10−1 s). The average voltage level is 70 mV. Twelve subjects are
experimented under similar environment. The subject results are regular pattern
because they are normal subjects.

The third group (Fig. 10) which shown in term of heartbeat (BPM unit) is
(110 ≤ BPM ≤ 130) by Y axis represents the voltage (mV) and X axis represents
time (×10−1 s). The average voltage level is 60 mV. Three subjects are tested under
similar environment. The subject results are irregular pattern because they are
sporting subjects.
ECG being a valuable technique invented by Willem Einthoven has been
used for over a century for clinical applications and is the main tool used in
clinical practice to record the electrical activities of the heart [27, 35].The
ECG measurement is nowadays a part of the internal investigation carried
out by doctors that is executed using a special device called the
electrocardiograph, which consists of electrodes being placed on the
surface of the body. The 12-lead ECG configuration is one of most
commonly used, out of which, we in this paper are specifically dealing with
the Lead-II ECG Configuration [1]. It is the most useful lead for detecting
cardiac arrhythmias as it lies close to the cardiac axis (the overall direction
of electrical movement) and allows the best view of P and R wav

A Cardiac Conduction System

Lead-II ECG Configuration

The track of each heartbeat would consist of several waves/ peaks, segments, intervals and joints as
shown in the figure below
The table 1 shows the ECG features and descriptions.
We all know that heart diseases constitute and are recognized as one of the major
causes of death in the world and the best diagnostic tool to determine any
abnormality in the cardiac function or tissue damage would be through ECG. ECG
varies from person to person due to the anatomy of the heart, the difference in
position, age, size, relatively body weight, chest configuration and several various
other factors [15, 61]. In the morphology of ECG signal where the normal rhythm
of the heart represents no disease or disorder is called Normal sinus rhythm
(NSR). Cardiac Arrhythmia could be defined as a disorder or disturbance or any
abnormality resulting in the normal activation sequence of the myocardium giving
rise to irregular heartbeat or abnormal rhythm of the heart that may cause ISSN (ONLINE


Arrhythmia could be of many types and can be classified with respect to three factors:

It is a step of analyzing an ECG rhythm.

A rhythm would be termed as Regularly, Irregular, if it has some form or regularity to

the pattern of the irregular complex.
 An Irregularly, Irregular rhythm could be defined as a rhythm that has no pattern at
all and whose all intervals are haphazard and do not repeat with an occasional
accidental exception

The heart rate of NSR is generally defined by 60 to 100 beats per minute in a normal resting

 If a resting heart beats at a rate of 100 or more beats per minute in an average adult, this
would represent abnormal rapid beating of the heart defined as Tachycardia resulting in a drop
of pumping efficiency, adversely affecting perfusion.

 Bradycardia is defined as a resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute and can adversely
affect vital organs.
ORIGIN Basically
it tells us from where the impulse has been originated from in the heart.

a) Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Supraventricular arrhythmias are the ones that start in the atria or atrioventricular (AV)
node (a group of cells located between the atria and the ventricles). Several types to be
mentioned would be atrial fibrillation (AF), atrial flutter, paroxysmal supraventricular
tachycardia (PSVT), Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome and AVNRT [32].
b) Ventricular Arrhythmias
These arrhythmias start in the heart's lower chambers, the ventricles and can be very
dangerous and usually require medical care right away. They include ventricular tachycardia
and ventricular fibrillation (vfib)and PVC [32].


Step 1: Database Collection

Initially ECG signals were collected from variety of databases like the MIT-BIH (The
Massachusetts Institute of Technology– Beth Israel Hospital Arrhythmia
Database), AHA (The American Heart Association ECG Database), ESC (The
European Society of Cardiology STT Database) and UCI (Machine Learning
Repository). The database consisted of several different ECG format waveforms
like .mat, .csv, .xml, .dat or .txt. The collections of databases were done from the
database banks, ECG Simulators, ECG Machines along with an ECG Amplifier in
practical laboratories and Electrocardiographsfrom the hospitals.

Step 2: Reading and Plotting of ECG Signal

In order to process an ECG signal, we first need to read and plot the signal. Our
Project has been implemented using the multipurpose tool i.e. the MATLAB
Environment. If the signal is raw, which usually is unless it’s taken from a filtered
database, we need to perform initialization and remove the base and gain by
using the following formula:

𝒀𝒊 = (𝒀𝒊−𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒆)/ 𝑮𝒂𝒊𝒏


Yi= ECG Sample

Base= Baseline Value

Gain= Gain Factor


% program to determine the BPM of an ECG signal

% count the dominant peaks in the signal (these correspond to heart beats)
% - peaks are defined to be sampels greater than their two nearest neighbours and
greater than 1
beat_count = 0;
for k = 2 : length(sig)-1
    if(sig(k) &gt; sig(k-1) &amp; sig(k) &gt; sig(k+1) &amp; sig(k) &gt; 1)
        %disp('Prominant peak found');
        beat_count = beat_count + 1;
% Divide the beats counted by the signal duration (in minutes)
fs = 100;
N = length(sig);
duration_in_seconds = N/fs;
duration_in_minutes = duration_in_seconds/60;
BPM_avg = beat_count/duration_in_minutes;

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