Levels From The Cefrl: Level A1

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A student at this level is a beginner, so he could only make simple interactions such as
introducing himself and using basic greetings, saying where he and other people are from,
and giving a basic description of his city, talking simply about family and peers, describing
LEVEL A1 his appearance and personality. He is a person who can ask questions, talk about his
favorite food, talk about daily activities and organize meetings with friends. The student
can talk in general terms about his or her health, describe the location of his or her home
and give simple directions, can talk about hobbies and interests and plan fun activities
with friends, and can complete basic hotel information, including check-in and check-out.

A student of this level can develop skills and several characteristics such as assessing the
performance of peers in the workplace, recounting events from their past, including interesting
activities and stories, describing their past life. In the oral comprehension that is a fundamental

performance, he can comment on his holiday plans and tell his friends about them, talk about the
natural world and travelling to see animals, can talk about films he likes and choose a film to watch
with friends, engage in conversation with basic communication at work and at meetings on family
matters, can describe an accident, get medical help, can relate socially in the business environment
at a basic level, welcoming guests and attending events, can understand and make basic business
proposals in his area of expertise, and talk about and explain the rules of games.

A student of this level is already a little more able to talk about personal and professional goals
and dreams for the future, arrange a job interview and carry it out. You can describe your
education and studies, as well as your future training plans. In the field of listening

LEVEL B1 comprehension, you can talk about your favorite music, talk about living a healthy lifestyle, talk
about personal relationships. He can go to a restaurant, order food, make polite dinner
conversation and pay the bill, can explain the rules and regulations, talk about polite behavior,
and can handle most situations that often arise while traveling in an area where the language is

A student of this level is upper-intermediate, therefore, can participate in meetings related to his or
her job specialty, discuss educational issues and cultural norms. In the listening comprehension
competition, you can talk about giving advice to friends and colleagues on the subject, talk about
your personal and professional lifestyle including a description of your work life, explain your
LEVEL B2 training, experience, strengths and weaknesses, and comment on your career path. You may be able
to talk about what you like to read and recommend good reading. Other characteristics which he
may develop are that he can use appropriate language in different social situations, can handle
relatively complex and awkward situations arising in social and business contexts, and can interact
with a degree of fluency and spontaneity which makes normal interaction with native speakers
possible without causing strain to either party.

A student at this level has an effective command of the language, therefore the developmental
characteristics and skills acquired at this level are that he or she can analyse problems and possible
solutions to problems, talk about events and issues in the news, and how they affect people, talk
about life risks, understand various styles of communication, and can also deal with topics related to

LEVEL C1 his or her quality of life, such as work-life balance, and home environment. The student can
understand extensive discourse, understand complex literary texts, specialized articles and
explanations unrelated to his/her field, can express him/herself fluently and without difficulty using
language flexibly in social and professional relationships, express ideas and opinions accurately, and
can express him/herself in clear text by developing his/her point of view, writing complex subjects in
a letter, reports and essays.

A student of this level already has the level of a native speaker, therefore, is able to analyze issues
related to science and technology, use various techniques to promote creativity in speech and
writing, the student has no difficulty understanding a spoken language about conditions of life,

LEVEL C2 reads without effort any type of text whether a textbook, an article or literary work, can also
participate without difficulty in a conversation or discussion, is able to express himself/herself
fluently and accurately, knows how to handle the problems presented with skill and discretion,
writes a clear, fluent and appropriate text, writes complex letters, reports or articles that allow the
reader to grasp the important ideas, and can summarize and criticize a professional work.

The differences between the two levels are that level A1 is a beginner, his level is

LEVEL A1 sufficient for simple interactions, he can go as a tourist to a country where the language is
spoken, but he cannot interact, he can understand familiar everyday expressions, he can
present himself in a basic way, he can communicate easily if the other person speaks to

LEVEL A2 him clearly and slowly. In contrast, a level A2 is sufficient for tourism where a language is
spoken that is capable of social relations but not suitable for developing friendships,
understands frequently used phrases such as basic personal, family and local geography
information, storytelling, and can relate socially in business at a basic level.

The differences between these two levels are that level A2 can take part in informal
talks and express simple opinions, can understand letters with simpledescriptions of
LEVEL A2 people, events, ideas and opinions, can write a letter with basic objective
information, and is not able to write in the language. On the other hand, level b1 can

LEVEL B1 be part of an informal conversation for a reasonable period of time, can understand
letters with a wide variety of personal opinions, can write simple letters relating facts
and events, and can write simple letters.

The differences between B1 and B2 are that at B1 level a student can read and understand the main
points of signs, newspapers and magazines, as well as vocabulary and structure, is able to follow and

LEVEL B1 understand a wide range of oral content, including advertisements and discussions about everyday
life, can participate in a conversation by asking and answering questions, and can solve very concrete
and routine matters in his or her area of responsibility abroad. On the other hand, a B2 level is able to
demonstrate confidence in different types of text, is able to write different types of texts such as
LEVEL B2 letters, reports, reviews and essays, is able to communicate effectively in different situations; provide
personal information and express opinions on various topics, speak on his own initiative about
something whether it is comparing, describing, expressing, etc, is capable of exchanging ideas,
expressing and justifying opinions, agreements and disagreements, and understands perfectly the
writings related to his work, as well as other writings free of literary or journalistic vocabulary.

The differences between levels B2 and C1 are that at level B2 a student can take part in
LEVEL B2 conversations on a wide range of subjects, can negotiate about something only if he or she is
confident, can understand what is said in personal letters, and even if colloquial language is used,
and can write letters in which opinions are expressed and reasoned. On the other hand, a C1 level

LEVEL C1 student can be part of a conversation on many different abstract topics with great fluency and
using a variety of expressions, can write letters on any subject expressing himself correctly and
accurately, reads writings related to his work without major difficulties, and writes all kinds of
routine writing.

The differences between levels C1 and C2 are that a C1 level learner is able to understand a wide

LEVEL C1 variety of texts, both heard and written, can produce Language effortlessly, both written and
spoken, can make flexible and correct use of the language in social, economic and professional
aspects, and presents his or her ideas in a systematic way, being able to participate in events,
conferences, meetings and other events. In contrast, a C2 level student has reached the maximum
LEVEL C2 degree of understanding. He/she expresses his/her ideas accurately, fluently and in a natural tone, is
able to argue and negotiate skillfully and, on the written level, has sufficient skills to write reports,
essays and other documents of medium and long length, and can speak about him/herself
spontaneously and with complete precision.

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