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Corona Virus disease or COVID-19 is believed to be originated from Wuhan, China which immediately

took the entire world in it’s deadly fist. It has nearly stopped the watch for the world as it outgrew as a
global pandemic. Almost 25 million masses have been affected by the fatality of this disease. COVID-19
has just not proved itself contagious to physical health but has been devastating mental health giving
rise to anxiety and depression among people. But,

‘life is a double-edged sword'.

Where there is a harm there is healing too, that is how the nature has been designed for a human being.
Corona Virus where on one hand has proved itself to be implacable enemy for economy and human life.
On the other hand, it has proved itself to be the first curing hand on the face of brutally damaged
atmosphere which we, human beings have long been neglecting to the verge of bringing the world on
fire under the effects of climate change. The comparison between pre and post outbreak of corona virus
shows significant decrease in the emission of NO2 gases as well as carbon emissions which appears to be
the greater relief for environment.

-Syeda Samrah Shazmeen

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