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PEANUT MARKETING NEWS – September 30, 2020 – Tyron Spearman, Editor (135)

SE PEANUT CROP THREATENED BY WEATHER – Buying Points are reporting they are experiencing poor drying
conditions including intermittent rain and drizzle plus continuous overcast skies that have the Southeast and VC peanut crop
under siege. Acres have been dug for 10 days or more and must wait for a couple of sunshine days before harvesting.
Unknown acres were flooded in Alabama and Florida and some may never be harvested. The situation is becoming critical
and most peanuts remain in the ground having passed maturity date by two weeks or more and digging losses will mount. A
cool May and now a cold September will slow maturity for some varieties.
Finally, clear skies are predicted for the next few days, but much cooler. All buying points are behind schedule (One
buying point reported grading 756 tons, last year on this date – 30,000 tons) and the industry infrastructure will be tested on
harvest equipment, drying equipment, hauling capacity and personnel, plus inspections until this crop is harvested.
from USDA each Tuesday at 3 PM, USDA - 9 - Mo. loan ( Average prices USDA)
Good til Next day at 12:01 am EST. insp. = Inspected Marketing by type
Week- Sept 29, 2020 Date – Sept. 29, 2020 Farmer stock tons Date – 9-19-2020
$424.55 per ton/Runners Shelled Runners/ 2018 Crop 2019 Crop Runners - $.214- $428 t
$415.57 per ton/Spanish Current Crop getting close to Date 9-30-2019 9-29-2020 Spanish - none
New Crop - $.50- $.55 lb.
$428.74 per ton/Valencia Harvest underway!!! Loans 2,339,947 2,341,062 Virginia - None
$428.74 per ton/Virginia 9-24-19Jum $.45,Med 45, $.44 Redeemed 2,138,879 2,243,771 Average - $214- $428 t
Same as last week 9-25-18 Jum $.48 Med, $.47 In Loan 201,068 97,291 Runners – 83,592,000 #
Splits $.46 Estimate 2,730,800(F) 2,748,043 Virginia – none
2,744,494 t 2,752,280 t Spanish – None
2019 Crop USDA Estimate- 1,391,700 acres harvested X 3,949 lbs. ac = 2,748,043 tons TOTAL – 83,592,000 #
2020 Crop USDA Estimate – 1,646,283 acres harvested X 4,185 lbs. ac = 3,396,610tons UP $1.5 cts/lb
2020 Farmer Stock Contracts – Runners(SE) - $400 and $425 per ton, High Oleic + $25 per ton (+$25 to Seed Growers)
Prices Nov 2019 Dec 2019 Jan 2020 Feb 2020 Mar 2020 Apr 2020 May 2020 Jun 2020 Jul 2020 12 months
Received by $.192 $.196 $.209 $.205 $.206 $.206 $.211 $.207 $.207 PLC-.0625
Farmers $384 ton $392 ton $418 ton $410 ton $412 ton $412 ton $422 ton $414 ton $414 ton $125 ton
2019 Loan September October November December January February TOTAL LOAN
MATURITY 20 119 2,525 35,228 58,835 561 97,291
PEANUT STOCKS AND PROCESSING REPORT– USDA’s Peanut Stocks and Processing Report was released September 28,
2020 for the month of August 2020, the 1st month of the new marketing year. Usage ended last year UP 3.3%.
Peanut stocks in commercial storage as of August 31, 2020 totaled 1.59 billion pounds equivalent farmer stock, compared to
2.05 billion pounds last year, DOWN 22.4%. This total includes 867 billion pounds of actual farmer stock.
Shelled peanuts on hand farmer stock equivalent totaled 684 million pounds, down 2.0%. Roasted stocks were 34.8
million pounds, down 2.35 from last year.
Total shelled peanut stocks showed 514 million pounds, DOWN 2.1% with edible grades reaching 485 million pounds,
down .4%. Oil stocks totaled 28.9 million pounds, UP 17% from one year ago.
Edible stocks of shelled peanuts by type, Virginia & Valencia stocks are at 62.8 million pounds, 29.3% less than last year.
runners were 376 million pounds, UP 3.9% and Spanish totaled 5.42 million lbs, DOWN 6.5% from last year.
In August, shellers milled 315 million pounds, 15.1% LESS from August of last year.
Commercial processors used 223 million pounds of shelled edible peanuts, 7.7% MORE than last August.
Government purchases for Nutrition Programs in August 1.11 million lbs of peanut butter, DOWN 78.5%.
Month (1000 #) Peanut candy Snack peanuts Peanut butter Total edibles In-shell P'nuts
Aug 2020 39,782 40,413 134,045 223,455 11,153
Aug 2019 31,567 40,780 124,593 207,035 11,883
UP + 26.0% UP + 0.9% UP + 7.6% UP + 7.9 % DOWN – 6.1%
RECORD INCREASE – Use of raw shelled peanuts is setting new records; August shows peanut usage UP 7.9%. Peanut butter keeps
growing, up 7.6% and a surprise for candy, UP 26%. Supplies are getting tight as the 2020 harvest is being delayed due to weather.

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