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Sample 2:

Each advanced moment surpassed the retreating moment. Perpetuity covered me above and beneath
with my hands wide open, I was sheltered under aqua; the untouched nature. In the Universe that was
known by none, where no man had entered twice the same. The very moment when my soul and water
met to penetrate into each other, all the afflictions were drowned deeper down the rill. I wanted no one
to break in the silence-the silence that an ocean experiences. I felt an irresistible impulse to gaze the
surface from where water levels up to be the stream, to be the lake, to be the sea, or to be an ocean.
Somehow, within the magical rise of blue, I measured the depth, a little-a lot. It was completely
different. It was purely different. I was so beneath that the sunlight seemed to be candlelight, Soft.
glowing. enchanting light.

Fear became a quagmire. Like blue love..absorbing me wholly.

The more I drowned, the more I wanted to be drowned.

Water disheveled me every part.

The Blue mesmerized me.

Sample 2

I was mesmerized by the unrivaled peerless beauty. I was perplexed, either to gaze at her or to gaze the
way, she was staring at him, though uneasily.

Her eyes took me to the place I could not come back from. She was a sparkling wine. That night seemed
very large and still. Her grace felt like frost in an intensified night. Her eyes were deeper than any
philosopher’s line.

Do you ask about her eyes? Ah. they were majestically mystic that screened mysteries all at once and
once for all; revealing its secret nevertheless.

I was deeply immersed in her wet eyes.

Eventually, it became a moment of disclosure-that I was confronting the diary


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