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Combustion and Flume 83

Detonation Limits of Unconfined

Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures*
Various techniqu~es may be used to intitiate ga~- fication and was particularly important for the
phase detonatio~l~; these include reflected shock higher molecular fuel examined. D'etonation
initiation in a shock tube, direct initiation by a was initiated by placing the high exrqosives in
high-energy spark, and initiation from accel- contacl with the bag wall.
erating flames [1]. In these cases a relatively T h e primary instrumentatiov was photo-
strong shock is observed to chemically precon- graphic and consisted o f a Fastax camera loaded
dition the gas in the region where the detonation with colored ASA 200 film and operated at
first appears. In an analogous manner, we have 6000-8000 frames per second. Varinus types
used high explosives to precondition and initiate and amounts of explosives were employed:
detonations in atmospheric-pressure hydrocar- however, limited iiata were obtained Ibr nearly
bon-air mixtures which are confined only by a initiated using 860 g o f Dupont El. 506-A.5
thin plastic membrane. We report here the sheet cxplosive.'~' Detonability limits for several
range of compositions which will sustain deto- fnel-air mixtures irlitiated by an explosive charge
nation waves in such atmospheric-pressure of 800 g are compared with flammability linaits
"'unconfined" gases.* in Fig. 1. The limits in wl~ieh det,~!nation can
Experimentally, detonations were p r o d u c e d be initiated may be extended sl~gP,tly by use ol'
inside long plastic bags of rectangular cross stronger shock waves. Facts studied were bu-
section (6 x 6 x 25 feet or 4 x 4 × 20 feet) i n tane, propane, propylene, and M ~ P P . ~ In
which constituent gases were first mixed. Mix- general, the detonation limits arc sli!~htly nar-
tures were controlled by weighing the fuel in its rower for unconfined mixtures than fi:~rthe cot-
liquid state and either accurately measuring the ............................................
bag dimensions oi" metering air into ~he bag .•• The minimum quantity of explosive to :~u.~eessfully
through a flow meter. To ensure a homogen- initiate stable detonations varied with [he type ol fuel: Ibr
eous mixture of the fnel and air, an electric example, only 150 g of explo~iw: was nt:edcd 'or a 4.3
volume '!~, pl~pane-air mixtnre, while lid ~, su~:cesslblly
fan which continuoasly stirred the gases was detonated 4.6-7.5 volume ~, MAPP-air ~lliXlalre~.
suspended inside tht~ bag. This avoided strati- MAPP. a Dow Chemical welding fuel. eonr;ists of a
mixture of saturated and highly ur mltur~ted b ydr~tcarbons.
Our samples were analyzed to be 18% ptopa le. 7,4',~,
* Well-lbrmed, stabl~ detonation waves were obtained propylene. 10~)~o-butan 26,1% propadiene, alld 37.8'~,.',
using a propane gas cloud on extremely calm days without methyhlcetylene plus I '~',J~r less of ethane, cyclopropane.
the thin plastic membralie. The heavier molecular weight and unsaturated butanes.';~utane ICP Grade) was supplied
of propane, as ec*mpared with alr, prevents rapid di[fnston by the Matheson Compan.~. while propane b:ornnlerciall)
and dilution of the fuel and may be responsible Ibr our locally available) analyzett ~q5'~; propane with butane
success. and ethane as impuritles,

Comhu.~tion & Flame. I~. 83 -84(1970)

Copyright ~ In7ObyThe Co~bu:~tlOllInstitute
Publishedby AmerlcanElsevierPublishingCompany. Inc.
84 W. B. Benediek, J. D. Kennedy, B. Morosin

? ÷ .~ .~ ~ ~. 6, T 8 ? ÷o .u. within the larger sized bags; in addition, con-

strictions on the outside w a l l s of the smallvr
sized bags reduced the diameter to which they
would inflate. Such constrictions, as well as
PreP¥~.e~ i I~N X g),~XXXXXXXXXXXXI i detonations observed in stratified mixtures in
which the planar detonation front progressed
MAr~* ,,i ~XXX:~XeXXXXX
XXXXXXXl~XXXXX~ only in the detonable, mixture situated as a
layer n e a r the top o f the bag, suggest that
critical failure diameters for unconfined det-
onating mixtures are between 8 and 10 in.
Figure 1. Detonability limits in air ( ~ by volume) of some This work was supported by the U. S. Atomic
hydrocarbons. Energy Commission.

responding fuels confined within a shock tube. Reference

In addition dctonatiom could not be initiated 1. LEwis. B., and Vow ELUE,G., Combu.~tlon. Flames and
from accelerating defiagrations. E.~:plosions of Gases. 2nd Ed. Aeadvm:lc: New York
Critical failure diameter criteria were not
investigateu for all o f the various fuel mixtures; W. ~. BENI2DICK,J, D. KENNEDY,~lnd [~. MOROSIN
however, limited data were obtained for nearly Sandia Laboratories
Albuquerque. New Mexico. U.S.A.
5 % propane-air mixtures. Plastic membranes
with holes o f varying diameter were placed
(Received M a y , 1970,)

= H . G. C o w a r d and G, W. Joner), *'Limits o f F l a m m a -

bility o f Gases and Vapors," U, S. Bur. Mines Bull. 503
(1952): flammability limits rot MAPE-air miztures taken
from G. A. Carlson (unpublished).
Combustionand Flame 85

Electric Field Control of

Oscillatory Flames

Recently Babcock et al. [1] reported a series of obtained from an audio-oscillator, w~re applied
experiments in which a natural gas flame was across the flame via the two electrodcs as showrt
modulated both mechanically and electrically with the switch in positr,on 2. This configura-
by an external source. As a result of these ex- tion is very similar to the one used by Abrukov
periments, they suggested the possibility of ct al. [2] in a previous study of electric field
using electric or acoustic energy to control os- and flame interactions, but qualitatively the re..
eillatory combustion~ which occurs, for exam- suits are slightly different. Ia the present ex-
ple, in a chemical rocket engine. In order to periments, the applied" electric fields were not
further investigate this possibility, the interac- capable of supressing the oscillatory combus-
tion of an electric field with an acetylene flame tion : however, the interaction between the flame
was studied, using the apparatus shown in Fig. and the ae field was manifested by an intense
1. The phenomenon observed was an interac- beating phenomenon, which apparently was
tion between direct and alternating electric fields also observed by Abrukov et al. The beat fre-
applied across a premixed hydrocarbon llame quency was changed by varyiug the audio-
and the oscillatory combustion produced in- oscillator frequency: in fact, the beat frequency
dependently by a flame and resonator tube could be used to measure the I~'equency pro-
arrangement. With the switch in position 1, the duced by the ,.'lame-resonator system. An in-
glass resonator tube, having a length of 61 cm crease in the applied electric lield ultimately
and a diameter of 3.8 cm, produced an extremely resulted in a breakdown, where the beat phe-
loud tone of approximately 800 Hz. After the nom¢.:laon disappeared and the resulting ~ound
oscillations had been initiated, an annular alu- was ,J simple superposition of the tones pro-
minum electrode was inserted into the tube in duee.i by the audio-oscillator and ['y the flame-
such a way that it did not touch "~hecone of resonator. This breakdown el'feet ibrn~ed the
the flame or alter the oseil!ations in any notice- ba-;is of the experiments reported by Babcock
able way. A lower electrode was formed by the et al. []'1 and is quite diffeleu'i from the inter-
metal barrel of the burner. action phenomenon described 'here.
In several experiments, de voltages and ac The appearence of a bealt frequency in the
voltages, varying between 2 kV and 5 kV p.p and first experiment suggests t~mt an alternating

Combttstlon & Flame, 15, 85-88 (1970)

Copyright@ 1970 by The Combustion Institute
Published by AmericanEb,evierP~.,blishingCompany.In¢,

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